No Global Climate change in 100 years

Or you are too dumb to wonder why the GOP have removed that testimony from the web! The problem for you and the GOP is it is pretty hard to remove something from the web. Had you googled the quote you would have found it quoted even on denier websites trying to salvage Christy and Spencer's reputations as well as cached by google.

So why were the GOP trying to hide it?????

1 House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations 27 July 2006 John R. Christy, Ph.D. Univer

Are you to dumb to link to Science?
Are you to dumb to use Google Cached Pages?

I need not google and post graphs of other peoples doodles and pretend they make a point.

Its much better just to show that edtheclynic/old crock knew not a thing of which you commented on, you keep going on about Roy Spencer when there was no discussion or debate.

You used Roy Spencer's Data to make the point that there was global warming, than you stated Roy Spencer was a fraud. You can not have it both ways without discrediting your position showing you are the fraud.

Hypocrite, Roy Spencer is good, Roy Spencer is bad? Get a clue and think for yourself. You proved you do not.

Fellow, you are so fucking dumb you don't even know it when you are getting your ass handed to you on a platter.

Scientists survive on their credibility. Lose it, and unless you are 60+ and tenured, the best you can do for a job is a podunk community college, or bottle washing in a third rate lab. Spencer and Christy damned near lost theirs with that + - error. Worse yet, they were bad mouthing other peoples data before the mistake was pointed out to them. So thay absolutely cannot afford another debacle like that.

Yet, Old Crock, you said zero Nuclear Power plants are being built and pointed out Vogtle 3&4 are being built, now, crickets in that thread.

Hear you lambast me for referring to Rush Limbaugh and Old Crock uses Rush's friend and advisor on No-Global-Warming, Dr. Roy Spencer.

Old Crock, my job is so over your head and everyone else's that argues with me, why do you think most my posts are in Energy/Environment.

Here is a bone Old Crock, I have been flown to South Carolina. Florence, H.B. Robinson was shutdown last week for a leak. Look that up and see, you were posting in Nuclear Power, why did you not use this fact to make your point?

H. B. Robinson depends on my Analysis, without me, this Nuclear plant will never operate again.

My expertise is here, environment/energy. My education is impeccable. Being morons, you folks simply do not wonder how I destroy your posts with ease. Validate me more by calling me names, I will be here and there at my leisure to flag the fools.

When you understand the following image we may be able to actually have a discussion. This is the basis of the Analysis Consulting I do. I guess I am a Scientist.

No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."

we are speaking of Dr. Roy Spencer, you keep getting further and further away with more broken links.

ed, can you not even think, anyone can parrot google, except for you, your links are broke.
If a fool parrots google, then what is the person who can not even do that right.
Again, ask yourself, Why are the GOP trying to hide this info?????

Googling the quote again finds the government report the GOP are trying to hide.

Well, this is not a Scientific Study, its an abstract at best, another press release within "educational" circles.

I challenged you to support your position with some fact and analysis with a link to the material you utilized. You failed to do that, and even weaker is this paper is so complicated that Edtheclynic/Old Crock (you are one and the same user, two accounts) failed to provide a response or analysis of their own.

Pretty weak, Old Crock/Edtheclynic think we are playing cards and that a simple Google search of the deck gives them the Ace of Spades. Weak.

At that, your own link states you are wrong about Dr. Roy Spencer, the "Card" you pulled from the "Deck", was not a "Trump Card". You drew a "Joker".

From the press release/abstract.

Given that the importance of
structural uncertainty, particularly for trends
aloft, has only recently been recognized, it is
perhaps not surprising that we are unable to
quantify this at present

So in ending, thank you for this from your link, read before you post, idiot.
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Again.....the alarmist contingent doesn't get it.......they think people are home researching this shit for themselves......comparing temperatures etc.......

Really s0ns?

The only thing that matters IS everybody and their brother thinks this winter was pretty fucked up and that's whats sticking in their heads. They aren't sitting home worried about global warming........
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."


I still find it hillarious that these warmers continue to put up graphs that point to a cool down since 1999. Simply funny. then continue to try debate, badly, that it isn't. Just look at that ole graph you just posted.

I see. 12 of the warmest years on record since 1999, but that is a cool down? Whee.........., what lovely logic.

Would you agree that the past 16 years has seen a serious slow down in the rate of warming? You do know that you can avg a decade to be warmer without a warming trend right? 1990's started cooler and ended warmer = more cooler data points then a decade like the last one that stayed the same.
Another thing to point out is that graph has the slope of the 1990's but doesn't show that we're clearly within a pause the past 15 years. Time to admit it!

Mathew, we should not be in a pause, we should be in a deceleration. Like many of those we have seen in the past. A lower TSI. China and India putting out aerosols at a greater rate than the US and Europe ever did. A period with several strong La Ninas, and no strong El Ninos. Yet the tempature is still going up, just more slowly.

I truly wish it were showing a deceleration. Because if we see a moderate to strong El Nino this summer, I think we are going to see some very interesting effects.
Are you to dumb to link to Science?
Are you to dumb to use Google Cached Pages?

I need not google and post graphs of other peoples doodles and pretend they make a point.

Its much better just to show that edtheclynic/old crock knew not a thing of which you commented on, you keep going on about Roy Spencer when there was no discussion or debate.

You used Roy Spencer's Data to make the point that there was global warming, than you stated Roy Spencer was a fraud. You can not have it both ways without discrediting your position showing you are the fraud.

Hypocrite, Roy Spencer is good, Roy Spencer is bad? Get a clue and think for yourself. You proved you do not.

Fellow, you are so fucking dumb you don't even know it when you are getting your ass handed to you on a platter.

Scientists survive on their credibility. Lose it, and unless you are 60+ and tenured, the best you can do for a job is a podunk community college, or bottle washing in a third rate lab. Spencer and Christy damned near lost theirs with that + - error. Worse yet, they were bad mouthing other peoples data before the mistake was pointed out to them. So thay absolutely cannot afford another debacle like that.

Yet, Old Crock, you said zero Nuclear Power plants are being built and pointed out Vogtle 3&4 are being built, now, crickets in that thread.

Hear you lambast me for referring to Rush Limbaugh and Old Crock uses Rush's friend and advisor on No-Global-Warming, Dr. Roy Spencer.

Old Crock, my job is so over your head and everyone else's that argues with me, why do you think most my posts are in Energy/Environment.

Here is a bone Old Crock, I have been flown to South Carolina. Florence, H.B. Robinson was shutdown last week for a leak. Look that up and see, you were posting in Nuclear Power, why did you not use this fact to make your point?

H. B. Robinson depends on my Analysis, without me, this Nuclear plant will never operate again.

My expertise is here, environment/energy. My education is impeccable. Being morons, you folks simply do not wonder how I destroy your posts with ease. Validate me more by calling me names, I will be here and there at my leisure to flag the fools.

When you understand the following image we may be able to actually have a discussion. This is the basis of the Analysis Consulting I do. I guess I am a Scientist.


Another thing to point out is that graph has the slope of the 1990's but doesn't show that we're clearly within a pause the past 15 years. Time to admit it!

Mathew, we should not be in a pause, we should be in a deceleration. Like many of those we have seen in the past. A lower TSI. China and India putting out aerosols at a greater rate than the US and Europe ever did. A period with several strong La Ninas, and no strong El Ninos. Yet the tempature is still going up, just more slowly.

I truly wish it were showing a deceleration. Because if we see a moderate to strong El Nino this summer, I think we are going to see some very interesting effects.

I hear Crickets.
Hysteresis and a resonance diagram (ie, Q). Sounds like you're nuke plumber. I'd guess you were an ex-Navy nuke machinist's mate.

I still have seen neither an explanation as to why you think US data proves there's been no warming globally for the last century- or the presentation of any OTHER evidence to support the headline you put on this thread.

Elektra said:
My expertise is here, environment/energy. My education is impeccable. Being morons, you folks simply do not wonder how I destroy your posts with ease. Validate me more by calling me names, I will be here and there at my leisure to flag the fools.

Call you names? How about "Comedienne"? You haven't "destroyed" ANYONE's posts here. You have, however, repeatedly destroyed your own credibility. Bragging about your qualifications is one of the quickest ways to do so.
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