No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Very possibly. However, the choke hold used on him was NOT the one outlawed a number of years ago and no hold would have been necessary if the individual had simply complied with the officer's demands and not resisted.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

As they should. Law and Order are the core of a decent society. Without them you end up with what we have today. Disobeying a cop SHOULD be a very painful and potentially fatal choice.

The police state rolls on.............

Better than the other options, so far as I'm concerned.

The problem is what should happen is when officers exceed their authority they are punished. That doesn't happen anymore. A cop exceeding their authority should be FIRED. If we owe them cooperation then we are owed a police force that only uses it when it needs to, and follows proper procedure.
What you simpletons never grasp is that cops in the US must deal with thousands of encounters with suspects a day.
Many of these are potentially life threatening to the cops.
It's ONLY when a fucking negro thug get's what's coming to him does the radical LIB media scream RACIST!!!!
When was the last time MSNBC sent a film crew to 'cover' the death of a White person at the hand of a negro? NEVER!

Fuck off you racist asshat. If cops can't handle pressure situations or unwilling to take a certain risk to do their job, they should find another profession.
A couple of them were old and fat. They've been there awhile. I know a place like NYC can be hard on a cop but the victim was standing with his hands up, he gave in, fell to the ground and they kept choking him and one had his knee on the guys face, pushing it into the ground.

Can you imagine?
Wearing a badge is an excuse to beat the shit out of people for some cops. Bullies with a badge. Not all cops, but some.
He didn't die of suffocation so he wasn't choked to death. He died hours later from a heart attack. Homicide doesn't imply guilt. If you justifiably shoot someone and he dies it's justifiable homicide.
Do you think they were dancing with the guy?
Cuffing is not arresting.

Then we'll go with detained.
One could say it was un-necessary detainment, with fatality.

I wouldnt call it un-necessary. Sounds like this guy had run ins with the police over this in the past.
Ok what did he do to deserve to be choked & cuffed?

He was obviously a repeat offender. He said so himself.
How many times does he get to break that law (no matter how bone headed it may be) before enough is enough?
He didn't die of suffocation so he wasn't choked to death. He died hours later from a heart attack. Homicide doesn't imply guilt. If you justifiably shoot someone and he dies it's justifiable homicide.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News

What's so difficult for you to understand about this?
Cuffing is not arresting.

Then we'll go with detained.
One could say it was un-necessary detainment, with fatality.

I wouldnt call it un-necessary. Sounds like this guy had run ins with the police over this in the past.
Ok what did he do to deserve to be choked & cuffed?

He was obviously a repeat offender. He said so himself.
How many times does he get to break that law (no matter how bone headed it may be) before enough is enough?
wow... just wow...

How about as many times as it takes before the marxists & nazis end their occupation of our country and let us live as free men.
Cuffing is not arresting.

Then we'll go with detained.
One could say it was un-necessary detainment, with fatality.

I wouldnt call it un-necessary. Sounds like this guy had run ins with the police over this in the past.
Ok what did he do to deserve to be choked & cuffed?

He was obviously a repeat offender. He said so himself.
How many times does he get to break that law (no matter how bone headed it may be) before enough is enough?
That's right, how many more ciggies does he get to sell for 50 cents before the cops get to choke him to death? :cuckoo:
Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.

Absolutely. If they SAY they can't breathe it means they are having a hard time breathing, yet, they MUST be able to breathe or they couldn't talk at all.

If you have ever seen someone choking on food, they cannot speak. THAT is choking.
Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
Another idiot that believes if the guy had just been more literal the cops would have believed him.

"Kind officer, I am having some difficulty in taking in oxygen. Please lessen the pressure you are applying so that I may breathe more freely."

Not at all what I'm saying but you liberals continually live in a world of your own construction so have fun with that.
I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.

Absolutely. If they SAY they can't breathe it means they are having a hard time breathing, yet, they MUST be able to breathe or they couldn't talk at all.

If you have ever seen someone choking on food, they cannot speak. THAT is choking.
Also, when someone ultimately dies from not being able to breathe, that is also a signal that he is choking.
Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
We already proved you can speak underwater. Are you claiming that you are breathing when you do that?

Release ALL the air in your lungs and try it.
Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
We already proved you can speak underwater. Are you claiming that you are breathing when you do that?
I'm tempted to let you continue to display your stupidity, but let me challenge you with this:

When you are underwater, are you choking? Can you say "I can't breathe" 8 times?

Don't strain you brain there Einstein.
Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Just because Garner is not respirating does not mean there is not stale air running over his vocal chords. His inner space does not become outer space.

Speaking of outer space, what planet are you currently in orbit around?
OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.

Absolutely. If they SAY they can't breathe it means they are having a hard time breathing, yet, they MUST be able to breathe or they couldn't talk at all.

If you have ever seen someone choking on food, they cannot speak. THAT is choking.
Also, when someone ultimately dies from not being able to breathe, that is also a signal that he is choking.

So you are trying to tell me that if I choked you right now it would take you 4 hours to die?
OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.

Absolutely. If they SAY they can't breathe it means they are having a hard time breathing, yet, they MUST be able to breathe or they couldn't talk at all.

If you have ever seen someone choking on food, they cannot speak. THAT is choking.
Also, when someone ultimately dies from not being able to breathe, that is also a signal that he is choking.
I bet the guy held his breath and died just to make the cops look bad!
Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.

Absolutely. If they SAY they can't breathe it means they are having a hard time breathing, yet, they MUST be able to breathe or they couldn't talk at all.

If you have ever seen someone choking on food, they cannot speak. THAT is choking.
Also, when someone ultimately dies from not being able to breathe, that is also a signal that he is choking.

So you are trying to tell me that if I choked you right now it would take you 4 hours to die?
It didn't take him four hours to die. His body shut down while the cop was cutting off his air supply. He went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance. He was pronounced dead an hour after the cop cut off his air supply.
Then we'll go with detained.
One could say it was un-necessary detainment, with fatality.

I wouldnt call it un-necessary. Sounds like this guy had run ins with the police over this in the past.
Ok what did he do to deserve to be choked & cuffed?

He was obviously a repeat offender. He said so himself.
How many times does he get to break that law (no matter how bone headed it may be) before enough is enough?
wow... just wow...

How about as many times as it takes before the marxists & nazis end their occupation of our country and let us live as free men.

Than put the blame where it belongs. On the shit heads that made such a law possible.
He didn't die of suffocation so he wasn't choked to death. He died hours later from a heart attack. Homicide doesn't imply guilt. If you justifiably shoot someone and he dies it's justifiable homicide.

HOMICIDE: Medical examiner says NYPD chokehold killed Staten Island dad Eric Garner

It was a homicide — and the chokehold killed him.

Eric Garner, the Staten Island dad who complained that he couldn’t breathe as he was subdued by cops, died from compression of the neck, the medical examiner said Friday.

The autopsy also found that compressions to the chest and “prone positioning during physical restraint by police” killed Garner. The manner of death, according to the medical examiner, was homicide.

Garner’s widow told the Daily News she was relieved that the coroner finally confirmed what she suspected since her husband died on July 17.

Eric Garner s death ruled a homicide NYC medical examiner - NY Daily News

What's so difficult for you to understand about this?
That's an OP ed piece, el retardo. The medical examiner didn't say he died of suffocation or use the word chokehold. Get your head out of your ass!
I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
We already proved you can speak underwater. Are you claiming that you are breathing when you do that?

Release ALL the air in your lungs and try it.
Why would I do that? Is that what you are claiming Garner did? If so who told you he released all the air from his lungs at the exact moment the guy put him in a choke hold?

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