No Indictment in Eric Garner Case

1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Garner's death was caused by compression of neck and chest, and his prone positioning during physical restraint by police, the New York City Medical Examiner's office announced Friday. Asthma, heart disease and obesity were listed as contributing factors.

Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:
Not lying, just dumb.
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Garner's death was caused by compression of neck and chest, and his prone positioning during physical restraint by police, the New York City Medical Examiner's office announced Friday. Asthma, heart disease and obesity were listed as contributing factors.

Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Very possibly. However, the choke hold used on him was NOT the one outlawed a number of years ago and no hold would have been necessary if the individual had simply complied with the officer's demands and not resisted.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

As they should. Law and Order are the core of a decent society. Without them you end up with what we have today. Disobeying a cop SHOULD be a very painful and potentially fatal choice.

The police state rolls on.............

Better than the other options, so far as I'm concerned.

The problem is what should happen is when officers exceed their authority they are punished. That doesn't happen anymore. A cop exceeding their authority should be FIRED. If we owe them cooperation then we are owed a police force that only uses it when it needs to, and follows proper procedure.
What you simpletons never grasp is that cops in the US must deal with thousands of encounters with suspects a day.
Many of these are potentially life threatening to the cops.
It's ONLY when a fucking negro thug get's what's coming to him does the radical LIB media scream RACIST!!!!
When was the last time MSNBC sent a film crew to 'cover' the death of a White person at the hand of a negro? NEVER!
1. The chokehold is not illegal.
2. The man died 4 hours later, likely caused by his poor health and not from choking.

It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Garner's death was caused by compression of neck and chest, and his prone positioning during physical restraint by police, the New York City Medical Examiner's office announced Friday. Asthma, heart disease and obesity were listed as contributing factors.

Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.
Thats incorrect. You can talk under water. I guarantee you that you are not breathing.

Thanks for confirming that you are an idiot. I mean, not that any of us needed that confirmation.
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Sorry, but I haven't been following this case and there is always a lot of bullshit reported so who knows what to believe anymore?

The guy was talking during the chokehold, so wasn't actually being strangled. Not everyone's heart gives out that easily and the man's health had to play a part.

After the Ferguson bullshit, I am skeptical and take bias witness testimony with a grain of salt. I haven't read much on the official investigation.
So you are saying that his health killed him even though he was clearly alive when they attempted to detain him?
Epic fail huh? Cop's like I got this!! Jumps on king kong to show off his mma choke hold technique... king kong doesn't fight.. just falls to the ground and dies two hrs later. Whooops.
And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Very possibly. However, the choke hold used on him was NOT the one outlawed a number of years ago and no hold would have been necessary if the individual had simply complied with the officer's demands and not resisted.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

As they should. Law and Order are the core of a decent society. Without them you end up with what we have today. Disobeying a cop SHOULD be a very painful and potentially fatal choice.

The police state rolls on.............

Better than the other options, so far as I'm concerned.

The problem is what should happen is when officers exceed their authority they are punished. That doesn't happen anymore. A cop exceeding their authority should be FIRED. If we owe them cooperation then we are owed a police force that only uses it when it needs to, and follows proper procedure.
What you simpletons never grasp is that cops in the US must deal with thousands of encounters with suspects a day.
Many of these are potentially life threatening to the cops.
It's ONLY when a fucking negro thug get's what's coming to him does the radical LIB media scream RACIST!!!!
When was the last time MSNBC sent a film crew to 'cover' the death of a White person at the hand of a negro? NEVER!

Fuck off you racist asshat. If cops can't handle pressure situations or unwilling to take a certain risk to do their job, they should find another profession.
And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Very possibly. However, the choke hold used on him was NOT the one outlawed a number of years ago and no hold would have been necessary if the individual had simply complied with the officer's demands and not resisted.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

As they should. Law and Order are the core of a decent society. Without them you end up with what we have today. Disobeying a cop SHOULD be a very painful and potentially fatal choice.

The police state rolls on.............

Better than the other options, so far as I'm concerned.

The problem is what should happen is when officers exceed their authority they are punished. That doesn't happen anymore. A cop exceeding their authority should be FIRED. If we owe them cooperation then we are owed a police force that only uses it when it needs to, and follows proper procedure.
What you simpletons never grasp is that cops in the US must deal with thousands of encounters with suspects a day.
Many of these are potentially life threatening to the cops.
It's ONLY when a fucking negro thug get's what's coming to him does the radical LIB media scream RACIST!!!!
When was the last time MSNBC sent a film crew to 'cover' the death of a White person at the hand of a negro? NEVER!

Fuck off you racist asshat. If cops can't handle pressure situations or unwilling to take a certain risk to do their job, they should find another profession.
Why don't you give it a try jerk-off?
You'd last about a minute.
It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Usually when someone says they can't breathe what they really mean is they can barely breathe. Asthma sucks. You feel like you are dying.

This one time I knocked a birds nest down it hit my head... dust everywhere.. Turns out I'm allergic to this stuff. Chest tightens up immediately. Look at my wife and tell her I love her... that's all I remember. She got to an inhaler we had for one of the kids... gave it to me while I was passed out. Not fun.
And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Very possibly. However, the choke hold used on him was NOT the one outlawed a number of years ago and no hold would have been necessary if the individual had simply complied with the officer's demands and not resisted.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

As they should. Law and Order are the core of a decent society. Without them you end up with what we have today. Disobeying a cop SHOULD be a very painful and potentially fatal choice.

The police state rolls on.............

Better than the other options, so far as I'm concerned.

The problem is what should happen is when officers exceed their authority they are punished. That doesn't happen anymore. A cop exceeding their authority should be FIRED. If we owe them cooperation then we are owed a police force that only uses it when it needs to, and follows proper procedure.
What you simpletons never grasp is that cops in the US must deal with thousands of encounters with suspects a day.
Many of these are potentially life threatening to the cops.
It's ONLY when a fucking negro thug get's what's coming to him does the radical LIB media scream RACIST!!!!
When was the last time MSNBC sent a film crew to 'cover' the death of a White person at the hand of a negro? NEVER!

Fuck off you racist asshat. If cops can't handle pressure situations or unwilling to take a certain risk to do their job, they should find another profession.
Why don't you give it a try jerk-off?
You'd last about a minute.

No one honestly knows that, and guess what? I don't have to, that's what we pay THEM for. We pay firefighters to fight fires, soldiers to fight wars, doctors to practice medicine, and some pimple nosed kid to fork over french fries. I don't have to put myself on the line to expect these people to do their jobs.

With great power comes great responsibility, if someone can't handle it, they shouldn't have the job.
I still do not see this question answered:

Are cops supposed to just let people go once they resist arrest?

A simple citation for a simple infraction would have seemed the proper solution to me. And that's a bit ridiculous when you consider the supposed infraction.

Our jail & prison system is already overwhelmed so arresting a man for selling individual cigarettes makes total sense right? Probably a good thing he didn't have a 32oz Big Gulp on him or he might have been shot on sight.

This is a great example of too much government. Also a great example of how the government in NY has lost its mind.
The 'Government' in NYC is the most LIBERAL in the US!
Go fucking whine to the fucking LIB governments in every fucking failed city in the country.
Ironic you would be now whining about 'Big Government'.
Most cops are cons. Now what?
It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
Another idiot that believes if the guy had just been more literal the cops would have believed him.

"Kind officer, I am having some difficulty in taking in oxygen. Please lessen the pressure you are applying so that I may breathe more freely."
And it is very likely he would not have died, if not for the choke hold.

Very possibly. However, the choke hold used on him was NOT the one outlawed a number of years ago and no hold would have been necessary if the individual had simply complied with the officer's demands and not resisted.

Many cops today are little tyrants. If you disobey them, they just might murder you and get away with it.

As they should. Law and Order are the core of a decent society. Without them you end up with what we have today. Disobeying a cop SHOULD be a very painful and potentially fatal choice.

The police state rolls on.............

Better than the other options, so far as I'm concerned.

The problem is what should happen is when officers exceed their authority they are punished. That doesn't happen anymore. A cop exceeding their authority should be FIRED. If we owe them cooperation then we are owed a police force that only uses it when it needs to, and follows proper procedure.
What you simpletons never grasp is that cops in the US must deal with thousands of encounters with suspects a day.
Many of these are potentially life threatening to the cops.
It's ONLY when a fucking negro thug get's what's coming to him does the radical LIB media scream RACIST!!!!
When was the last time MSNBC sent a film crew to 'cover' the death of a White person at the hand of a negro? NEVER!

Fuck off you racist asshat. If cops can't handle pressure situations or unwilling to take a certain risk to do their job, they should find another profession.
A couple of them were old and fat. They've been there awhile. I know a place like NYC can be hard on a cop but the victim was standing with his hands up, he gave in, fell to the ground and they kept choking him and one had his knee on the guys face, pushing it into the ground.

Can you imagine?
I am interested to hear, for the first time, that the Garner got up and walked off and then died of a heart an hour or so later.

Crooner's Reports said, I believe very clearly, that he died of a lack of air during an arrest while being restrained by police. If he got up an walked off, the Coroner would have to be a knave or a fool. (Not that a knave or a fool is hard to find in New York.)

There's some bullshit afloat........a common peril on the internet

Where did you read he walked away after being choked?
People with heart conditions can have a heart attack just from getting really upset. The typical chokehold doesn't kill anyone. I've seen people crying and yelling for police to let go of their spouses and not because they are being hurt, but because they don't want them arrested.

It's sad that the guy died, but the cop was merely subduing a suspect that fought. How was he supposed to know the guy's heart was a ticking time bomb? When you resist, cops will do what they need to take you down.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but you have to put yourself in the cop's place at the time. Taking down a suspect who is fighting you isn't something that is done gently. Little hard when you are literally fighting with the person to get them to stop and sit still. Had the guy cooperated, it might have been different, but then maybe not. If he had not encountered police and gone home, there is a good chance he was on the verge of a heart attack already.

We weren't privy to all the evidence presented to the grand jury, but they would have had to see proof that the cop knowingly and willfully harmed the guy. I don't see how the cop could have known about the guy's condition. It's possible the guy didn't know how bad off his heart was.

If a person is choked to death, they die on the spot. An autopsy would have shown the cause of death. Without knowing all the details, it's too hard to judge. I would guess the grand jury had information not released to the public yet.

I know police use the chokehold all the time and this is rare, so there must have been other things at play here, like the guy's general health. I just can't buy that a cop murdered someone in front of witnesses. I really can't believe that.
Chokeholds are against NYPD policy. So at the very least this asshole cop should be fired and stripped of his pension.

Sorry, but I haven't been following this case and there is always a lot of bullshit reported so who knows what to believe anymore?

The guy was talking during the chokehold, so wasn't actually being strangled. Not everyone's heart gives out that easily and the man's health had to play a part.

After the Ferguson bullshit, I am skeptical and take bias witness testimony with a grain of salt. I haven't read much on the official investigation.
So you are saying that his health killed him even though he was clearly alive when they attempted to detain him?
Epic fail huh? Cop's like I got this!! Jumps on king kong to show off his mma choke hold technique... king kong doesn't fight.. just falls to the ground and dies two hrs later. Whooops.
I think it was just one hour later he was pronounced dead. He appeared to have shut down while on the sidewalk.
It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
We already proved you can speak underwater. Are you claiming that you are breathing when you do that?
It was pretty obvious when he said that he couldn't breathe repeatedly.

NYPD chokehold arrest of Eric Garner ruled homicide by Medical Examiner - CBS News

Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.

Just because Garner is not respirating does not mean there is not stale air running over his vocal chords. His inner space does not become outer space.
My issue with all this is that the left is only interested in cases that involve black suspects. I'm not jumping on that bandwagon and ignoring other cases. Too many are trying to keep race wars going by claiming that cops are racist and only point out black suspects who may or may not have been a victim of police brutality.

If the subject is simply police misconduct or criminal behavior, then point out all potential cases and stop pretending that only one race is affected. There are, unfortunately, more black criminals who encounter police and those statistics are a whole other matter.

After watching the hype and complete bullshit with the Zimmerman and Brown case, I refuse to take reports or friends/relatives testimony at face value. It's sad that so much misinformation makes it difficult to form an opinion since you know we are being spoon fed opinions.

We should be able to have faith in our system. I've spent much time rallying against unfair prosecution and support the Innocence Project. I am well aware that innocent people are behind bars and without DNA evidence, they will rot there for no good reason.

When it comes to encounters with police, it seems to get more dangerous every day for both the cops and the public. Too many cops are killed during minor traffic stops, not to mention during physical take downs. Ideally, no one should be harmed, but criminals generally don't give a shit since they'll do anything not to go back to jail and cops are increasingly more paranoid because of so much violence against them. The root problem is violent criminals who make the jobs dangerous. And since cops are human, they might overreact when they feel threatened. It sucks.

Slanted reporting hasn't helped anything.

The law the guy was breaking was something passed by congress no doubt. They make things federal offenses. And we've seen more militarization of police in recent years, which doesn't make most feel good. It would be nice if police could know positively who the dangerous people are and who isn't, but they must assume the worst. Their lives depend on it. Only way they won't feel threatened is when a person fully and calmly cooperates. That should be the message here. Don't fuck with cops in any way and just be polite. Of course, a person who is already doing something wrong and fears another jail sentence is likely to get desperate. Just the fact that some immediately start fighting is usually a sign that you've got a violent person on your hands.

When I see the same people protesting over Brown carry signs for the unarmed white guy shot by a black cop, I'll know you seriously want justice for all. Otherwise, it's just a race baiting agenda and I won't play along.
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Lol, if you are talking, you are breathing.

I just held my breath for more than half a minute and was still able to talk.

Plus he also had the added incentive to try and get them to stop choking him because he was really suffocating.

OMG!!! That's hilarious! Do you have two heads? Two sets of lungs? Two vocal cord sets or two tracheae?

That's some epic stupidity right there, way to go moron.

Ok, I put my hand over my mouth and held my nose for more than half a minute and could still make muffled words. Are you saying I am lying? :lol:

Since you cannot make vocal sounds without air because it is a physical impossibility, I can only assume one or more of the following:

1. You are lying.
2. You are in fact passing air over your vocal cords.
3. You are belching your words out (I have seen people talk with burps).
4. There is a ventriloquist behind you.

If you can speak, you can breathe, that is a cold hard fact that cannot be refuted.
We already proved you can speak underwater. Are you claiming that you are breathing when you do that?

Your throat isn't being pressed shut underwater. And you can only speak because you allow air to move from your lungs. If you are actually being choked to death, no air would be moving and you'd quickly die of suffocation. Sounds like the cop was putting pressure on the guy's throat that caused a lot of discomfort. The grand jury would have heard the coroner's report and likely decided based on that.

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