No Iraq War?


Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Jul 8, 2009
What would the world look like if we did not invade Iraq in 2003?


I propose that we would be currently watching the 2nd Iran-Iraq War, instead. Why?

*Saddam invaded Iran to destroy the Iranian Revolutionaries in 1980, fearing a similar revolt among his Shia

*Iran and Iraq would remain the two largest powers in the Middle-East

*Saddam Hussein would not allow Iran, his 2nd-most-feared enemy, to develop nuclear weapons

*Both Saddam and Khameini have absolutely zero regard for the lives of their respective peoples, as demonstrated both recently and historically.

*Both Iran and Iraq have the oil wealth to fund massive modern militaries


What would a 2nd Iran-Iraq war look like? We can look to the first Iran-Iraq war for an idea:


*500,000 Iranian casualties

* > 100,000 victims of WMDs

*300,000 Iraqi casualties



[ame=]YouTube - Iranians engage Iraqi T-72[/ame]
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In my honest opinion...

Iraq would have been a 2nd Iran.

With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if there would have been another Iraq-Iran Conflict, except this time both countries would be Nuke Ready..
Over 4,000 young Americans would still be alive; thousands more wouldn't be living with lifelong injuries, blind or without limbs and brain injuries. Amerian families wouldn't be torn apart, children raised with a mom or dad absent for years at a time - some gone for three and even four tours; the federal bank would not be broke, we wouldn't be paying China $$$ in interest payments; and, Sunnis and Shittes would be killing each other and not Americans.
Over 4,000 young Americans would still be alive; thousands more wouldn't be living with lifelong injuries, blind or without limbs and brain injuries. Amerian families wouldn't be torn apart, children raised with a mom or dad absent for years at a time - some gone for three and even four tours; the federal bank would not be broke, we wouldn't be paying China $$$ in interest payments; and, Sunnis and Shittes would be killing each other and not Americans.
Of course.
Over 4,000 young Americans would still be alive; thousands more wouldn't be living with lifelong injuries, blind or without limbs and brain injuries. Amerian families wouldn't be torn apart, children raised with a mom or dad absent for years at a time - some gone for three and even four tours; the federal bank would not be broke, we wouldn't be paying China $$$ in interest payments; and, Sunnis and Shittes would be killing each other and not Americans.

Boo hoo hoo. The war was needed. Iraq had paid off France, China and the Russians to lift the embargos and the UN sanctions. We KNOW now because of captured documents that just as soon as he accomplished that ( end of 2003) Saddam was prepared to return to mass production and development of Chemical and Biological weapons using the dual use facilities he built in his Country and the materials he hid from the inspectors.

We also know thanks to those same documents that he maintained his team of scientists to return to a search for Nuclear weapons and he would have resumes that research as well. Estimates were that he was just a few years away from being able to create his own nuclear weapons.

You cowardly lying shit stains need to grow a pair and realize your beloved liberal talking points are retarded and will result in MORE not less American deaths.
Over 4,000 young Americans would still be alive; thousands more wouldn't be living with lifelong injuries, blind or without limbs and brain injuries. Amerian families wouldn't be torn apart, children raised with a mom or dad absent for years at a time - some gone for three and even four tours; the federal bank would not be broke, we wouldn't be paying China $$$ in interest payments; and, Sunnis and Shittes would be killing each other and not Americans.

Boo hoo hoo. The war was needed. Iraq had paid off France, China and the Russians to lift the embargos and the UN sanctions. We KNOW now because of captured documents that just as soon as he accomplished that ( end of 2003) Saddam was prepared to return to mass production and development of Chemical and Biological weapons using the dual use facilities he built in his Country and the materials he hid from the inspectors.

We also know thanks to those same documents that he maintained his team of scientists to return to a search for Nuclear weapons and he would have resumes that research as well. Estimates were that he was just a few years away from being able to create his own nuclear weapons.

You cowardly lying shit stains need to grow a pair and realize your beloved liberal talking points are retarded and will result in MORE not less American deaths.

Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.

The Iraq fiasco was nothing more than a war of convenience by the Cheney administration with 9/11 as it's pretext.
Over 4,000 young Americans would still be alive; thousands more wouldn't be living with lifelong injuries, blind or without limbs and brain injuries. Amerian families wouldn't be torn apart, children raised with a mom or dad absent for years at a time - some gone for three and even four tours; the federal bank would not be broke, we wouldn't be paying China $$$ in interest payments; and, Sunnis and Shittes would be killing each other and not Americans.

Boo hoo hoo. The war was needed. Iraq had paid off France, China and the Russians to lift the embargos and the UN sanctions. We KNOW now because of captured documents that just as soon as he accomplished that ( end of 2003) Saddam was prepared to return to mass production and development of Chemical and Biological weapons using the dual use facilities he built in his Country and the materials he hid from the inspectors.

We also know thanks to those same documents that he maintained his team of scientists to return to a search for Nuclear weapons and he would have resumes that research as well. Estimates were that he was just a few years away from being able to create his own nuclear weapons.

You cowardly lying shit stains need to grow a pair and realize your beloved liberal talking points are retarded and will result in MORE not less American deaths.

Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.

The Iraq fiasco was nothing more than a war of convenience by the Cheney administration with 9/11 as it's pretext.

Ya cause you can not prove the documents which are PUBLIC record do not say what I just posted. Grow up little boy, we know what Saddam was planning and we know who was gonna help him. All your whining and lying won't change it.
By the way RETARD? Bush was so stupid he beat the best the Liberals could throw at him not once, BUT TWICE.
Boo hoo hoo. The war was needed. Iraq had paid off France, China and the Russians to lift the embargos and the UN sanctions. We KNOW now because of captured documents that just as soon as he accomplished that ( end of 2003) Saddam was prepared to return to mass production and development of Chemical and Biological weapons using the dual use facilities he built in his Country and the materials he hid from the inspectors.

We also know thanks to those same documents that he maintained his team of scientists to return to a search for Nuclear weapons and he would have resumes that research as well. Estimates were that he was just a few years away from being able to create his own nuclear weapons.

You cowardly lying shit stains need to grow a pair and realize your beloved liberal talking points are retarded and will result in MORE not less American deaths.

Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.

The Iraq fiasco was nothing more than a war of convenience by the Cheney administration with 9/11 as it's pretext.

Ya cause you can not prove the documents which are PUBLIC record do not say what I just posted. Grow up little boy, we know what Saddam was planning and we know who was gonna help him. All your whining and lying won't change it.

We spend more on defense than every other country in the world combined. If we have to concern ourselves with the likes of Iraq or Iran then (a) somebody doesn't know what the fuck they're doing or (b) us taxpayers are getting a royal screw job.

And you warmongering assholes are just too fucking stupid to know the difference.
Boo hoo hoo. The war was needed. Iraq had paid off France, China and the Russians to lift the embargos and the UN sanctions. We KNOW now because of captured documents that just as soon as he accomplished that ( end of 2003) Saddam was prepared to return to mass production and development of Chemical and Biological weapons using the dual use facilities he built in his Country and the materials he hid from the inspectors.

We also know thanks to those same documents that he maintained his team of scientists to return to a search for Nuclear weapons and he would have resumes that research as well. Estimates were that he was just a few years away from being able to create his own nuclear weapons.

You cowardly lying shit stains need to grow a pair and realize your beloved liberal talking points are retarded and will result in MORE not less American deaths.

Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.

The Iraq fiasco was nothing more than a war of convenience by the Cheney administration with 9/11 as it's pretext.

Ya cause you can not prove the documents which are PUBLIC record do not say what I just posted. Grow up little boy, we know what Saddam was planning and we know who was gonna help him. All your whining and lying won't change it.

If these documents are public record I expected you to post them, with of course a certificate of authenticity from Price Waterhouse.
You must realize how stupid you appear when you post bullshit to the third power. I have a document proving just that, and I'll post it:
Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.

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