No irs/obama connection.

You extremists endanger the national Republican opportunities: you cost us the presidency, the Senate, and lost seats in the House in a year we should have cleaned up.

Jake fake Republicans can't win nationally

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We can't win nationally if we continue coming from the far right: that is a sure demographic loser.

Much ado about people doing their jobs effectively and efficiently. Liberal organizations were targeted also. Resignations not a sign of guilt. No smoking gun so bring on the next “get Obama” smear. More “pie in the face” of the GOP witch hunters. IRS, Behghazi? What next? Make my day and keep digging. Head of IRS, “man of the year.” Want to "play politics” IRS chief declines to identify employees involved in scandal.

Believe it or not, the universe does not revolve around Obama. It is entirely possible to investigate a major problem without even trying to link it to Obama.
Keep in mind these are the same folks who (no pun intended) swallowed "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky..." hook, line, and sinker. And then defended that asshole once the world found out that woman had a penchant for keepsakes containing presidential "residue". So it's nothing this go-round for the low info folks to circle the wagons around their community agitator's worthless ass.

Let me see if I can point out using this post why we don't believe anything the right has to say because it always has a twinge of racism. You see the part bolded in black, nothing wrong with it. Actually you have an argument......but then the Conservative came out in you (see bolded in red) and you had to go and lose any credibility. I know you wont get it but you cant say I didn't try.
Either we reach out to women and minorities and immigrants constructively in order to become relevant as a Republican Party or we faux rage and hate and continue to lose national elections.

Jake, pay attention.

We won BIG in 2010 running as Conservatives

We're going to win big again in 2014 and it's NOT by being Moderates or Dem-lite

All you are counting on is voter apathy. The plan is to use all those connections made for the Presidential election to cut that advantage right away. We are quiet for now. Our generations attention span is short so we don't need to start to early but rest assured, plans are being made to shock the right once again. Its sad when you can only win if the rest of America doesn't show up:eusa_whistle:

Much ado about people doing their jobs effectively and efficiently. Liberal organizations were targeted also. Resignations not a sign of guilt. No smoking gun so bring on the next “get Obama” smear. More “pie in the face” of the GOP witch hunters. IRS, Behghazi? What next? Make my day and keep digging. Head of IRS, “man of the year.” Want to "play politics” IRS chief declines to identify employees involved in scandal.

would you mind posting the investgation into and the report that confirms that? I will be so happy to see this confirmation.
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Either we reach out to women and minorities and immigrants constructively in order to become relevant as a Republican Party or we faux rage and hate and continue to lose national elections.

Jake, pay attention.

We won BIG in 2010 running as Conservatives

We're going to win big again in 2014 and it's NOT by being Moderates or Dem-lite

All you are counting on is voter apathy. The plan is to use all those connections made for the Presidential election to cut that advantage right away. We are quiet for now. Our generations attention span is short so we don't need to start to early but rest assured, plans are being made to shock the right once again. Its sad when you can only win if the rest of America doesn't show up:eusa_whistle:

The GOP mainstream leadership and rank and file are waking up, is the point, and realizing we cannot win the way of CrusaderFrank, or other libertarians, or reactionaries or haters or racists.

We can win if (1) work solidly to support a good immigration bill this year and (2) reach out to women and (3) come out and say the social traditionalists have had their day but now it is time to move on.
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