No Jewish-Arab dating please, we’re Israeli racists

The Nuremberg Laws classified people with four German grandparents as "German or kindred blood", while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents. A person with one or two Jewish grandparents was a Mischling, a crossbreed, of "mixed blood".[1] These laws deprived Jews of German citizenship and prohibited racially mixed marriages between Jews and other Germans.[2]

The Nuremberg Laws also included a ban on sexual relations between people defined as "Aryan" and "non-Aryan" and prevented Jews from participating in German civic life. These laws were both an attempt to return the Jews of 20th-century Germany to the position that Jews had held before their emancipation in the 19th century; although in the 19th century Jews could have evaded restrictions by converting, this was no longer possible.

Nazi Germany was declared a "Jewish, sorry, Aryan state and made marriage or sex between Aryans and non Aryans, a crime.

That was clearly a stupidity of the highest order and totally wrong.
Perhaps the pro ''non mixing'' posters can explain why the Israeli version of nazis are right.

I find it fascinating that sherri endorsed this islamo nazi post in which the poster
struggles to compare a private organization seeking to discourage jewish girls
from marrying arabs-------with the filth of both endofreds's and her own actual
creeds-----that is the ORIGINAL SOCIAL EXCLUSION LAWS which were placed
adopted into JUSTINIAN LAW---and CANON LAW and SHARIAH LAW------

for practical reasons I refer to these as the LAWS OF ISA RESPECTERS-----The
laws of the INQUISITION which both directly and indirectly took the lives of tens
of millions ----and the laws of Shariah which took the lives of hundreds of millions

for sherri-----a german national had to be rescued at great expense (money
extorted by Islamic Iran) for marrying an Iranian muslim women----with in
the past ten years)

The original filth ------of the FIRST REICH----very comprehensivly affected the
jews of the NEWLY DUBBED "palestina" approximately 300 AD-----it was
a very comprehensive code of racist oppression ---against-----non isa repecters
of all kinds--------in "palestina" in general-----that came to mean JOOOOOS, '

In fact -----almost more than 1600 years before ADOLF ABU ALI-----enacted
the nuremburg laws -----the emperor of the first reich enacted laws marking jews
with YELLOW INSIGNIA and several centuries before the birth of the
islamo nazi hero----- ADOLF ABU ALI------shariah law includes similar provisions---
and A DEATH SENTENCE for marriage between a muslim woman and a jew.
To be fair----I should mention that the same death sentence would be awarded
an ISA REPECTOR who happened to be a non muslim. Based on adulation of
Adolf abu ali-----I am not sure if that rule would put adolf at risk if he comiited
the same "crime"--------probably not

Good of sherri to lets us know just who she is
The Nuremberg Laws classified people with four German grandparents as "German or kindred blood", while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three or four Jewish grandparents. A person with one or two Jewish grandparents was a Mischling, a crossbreed, of "mixed blood".[1] These laws deprived Jews of German citizenship and prohibited racially mixed marriages between Jews and other Germans.[2]

The Nuremberg Laws also included a ban on sexual relations between people defined as "Aryan" and "non-Aryan" and prevented Jews from participating in German civic life. These laws were both an attempt to return the Jews of 20th-century Germany to the position that Jews had held before their emancipation in the 19th century; although in the 19th century Jews could have evaded restrictions by converting, this was no longer possible.

Nazi Germany was declared a "Jewish, sorry, Aryan state and made marriage or sex between Aryans and non Aryans, a crime.

That was clearly a stupidity of the highest order and totally wrong.
Perhaps the pro ''non mixing'' posters can explain why the Israeli version of nazis are right.

I find it fascinating that sherri endorsed this islamo nazi post in which the poster
struggles to compare a private organization seeking to discourage jewish girls
from marrying arabs-------with the filth of both endofreds's and her own actual
creeds-----that is the ORIGINAL SOCIAL EXCLUSION LAWS which were placed
adopted into JUSTINIAN LAW---and CANON LAW and SHARIAH LAW------

for practical reasons I refer to these as the LAWS OF ISA RESPECTERS-----The
laws of the INQUISITION which both directly and indirectly took the lives of tens
of millions ----and the laws of Shariah which took the lives of hundreds of millions

for sherri-----a german national had to be rescued at great expense (money
extorted by Islamic Iran) for marrying an Iranian muslim women----with in
the past ten years)

The original filth ------of the FIRST REICH----very comprehensivly affected the
jews of the NEWLY DUBBED "palestina" approximately 300 AD-----it was
a very comprehensive code of racist oppression ---against-----non isa repecters
of all kinds--------in "palestina" in general-----that came to mean JOOOOOS, '

In fact -----almost more than 1600 years before ADOLF ABU ALI-----enacted
the nuremburg laws -----the emperor of the first reich enacted laws marking jews
with YELLOW INSIGNIA and several centuries before the birth of the
islamo nazi hero----- ADOLF ABU ALI------shariah law includes similar provisions---
and A DEATH SENTENCE for marriage between a muslim woman and a jew.
To be fair----I should mention that the same death sentence would be awarded
an ISA REPECTOR who happened to be a non muslim. Based on adulation of
Adolf abu ali-----I am not sure if that rule would put adolf at risk if he comiited
the same "crime"--------probably not

Good of sherri to lets us know just who she is
Irosie, can you explain to the Great Unwashed what Joshua was told about Jewish-Arab dating (and marriage)? That might clear up a lot of the mis-understanding here.
Jews should date Arabs.

Its good for peace.

"Dating" is haram and not allowed in Islamic Arabic culture, and god forbid if a Muslim woman is caught dating a Non Muslim man, all hell will break loose.

Gravity, gravity-----hoffstra did not mention muslim women-----he is focused on
jewish women ....however---now might be a good time to ask ENDOFRED---the
orginator of this thread--------how would dating and marriage pan out if
done by a christian man and a muslim woman in Aceh, Indonesia?------

like under the BEAUTY OF PANCASILA??? maybe coyote knows---
she expressed a special admiration of the beauty of pancasila----several months
Jews should date Arabs.

Its good for peace.

"Dating" is haram and not allowed in Islamic Arabic culture, and god forbid if a Muslim woman is caught dating a Non Muslim man, all hell will break loose.

Gravity, gravity-----hoffstra did not mention muslim women-----he is focused on
jewish women ....however---now might be a good time to ask ENDOFRED---the
orginator of this thread--------how would dating and marriage pan out if
done by a christian man and a muslim woman in Aceh, Indonesia?------

like under the BEAUTY OF PANCASILA??? maybe coyote knows---
she expressed a special admiration of the beauty of pancasila----several months

Indeed. It's a truly awesome pasta dish with wild mushrooms, funny shaped pasta things, steamed mussels and garlic. I highly recommend it :)
"Dating" is haram and not allowed in Islamic Arabic culture, and god forbid if a Muslim woman is caught dating a Non Muslim man, all hell will break loose.

Gravity, gravity-----hoffstra did not mention muslim women-----he is focused on
jewish women ....however---now might be a good time to ask ENDOFRED---the
orginator of this thread--------how would dating and marriage pan out if
done by a christian man and a muslim woman in Aceh, Indonesia?------

like under the BEAUTY OF PANCASILA??? maybe coyote knows---
she expressed a special admiration of the beauty of pancasila----several months

Indeed. It's a truly awesome pasta dish with wild mushrooms, funny shaped pasta things, steamed mussels and garlic. I highly recommend it :)

My husband will not eat mussels--------in fact---now that I think about it-----I have
never eaten a mussel. Not the worst offender amongst the crustaceans----but they
can carry infectious hepatitis --------------and now for the philosophy named after the
succulent delightful recipe you describe so eloquently ----PANCASILA-----that which
renders Indonesia so charming a deight------regarding the issue of "interdating" and
marriage-------how does the dating and marriage between a muslim woman and a christian
man in ACEH, INDONESIA under charming Pancasila pan out? We are talking peace
and love--------pancasila and its beauty is a very much related topic
Gravity, gravity-----hoffstra did not mention muslim women-----he is focused on
jewish women ....however---now might be a good time to ask ENDOFRED---the
orginator of this thread--------how would dating and marriage pan out if
done by a christian man and a muslim woman in Aceh, Indonesia?------

like under the BEAUTY OF PANCASILA??? maybe coyote knows---
she expressed a special admiration of the beauty of pancasila----several months

Indeed. It's a truly awesome pasta dish with wild mushrooms, funny shaped pasta things, steamed mussels and garlic. I highly recommend it :)

My husband will not eat mussels--------in fact---now that I think about it-----I have
never eaten a mussel. Not the worst offender amongst the crustaceans----but they
can carry infectious hepatitis --------------and now for the philosophy named after the
succulent delightful recipe you describe so eloquently ----PANCASILA-----that which
renders Indonesia so charming a deight------regarding the issue of "interdating" and
marriage-------how does the dating and marriage between a muslim woman and a christian
man in ACEH, INDONESIA under charming Pancasila pan out? We are talking peace
and love--------pancasila and its beauty is a very much related topic

If you want to talk about "peace and love" - by all means do so. I find few religions tolerant of interfaith dating so I avoid them. I'll enjoy my mussels and let you wax eloquently on the topic (not that I could stop you anyway) :)
Indeed. It's a truly awesome pasta dish with wild mushrooms, funny shaped pasta things, steamed mussels and garlic. I highly recommend it :)

My husband will not eat mussels--------in fact---now that I think about it-----I have
never eaten a mussel. Not the worst offender amongst the crustaceans----but they
can carry infectious hepatitis --------------and now for the philosophy named after the
succulent delightful recipe you describe so eloquently ----PANCASILA-----that which
renders Indonesia so charming a deight------regarding the issue of "interdating" and
marriage-------how does the dating and marriage between a muslim woman and a christian
man in ACEH, INDONESIA under charming Pancasila pan out? We are talking peace
and love--------pancasila and its beauty is a very much related topic

If you want to talk about "peace and love" - by all means do so. I find few religions tolerant of interfaith dating so I avoid them. I'll enjoy my mussels and let you wax eloquently on the topic (not that I could stop you anyway) :)

Good point----you cannot stop me. I have introduced my question ----HOW
WORK OUT (that is 'legally') in Aceh, Indonesia I was hoping that someone
who knows-----like ENDOFRED would answer the question
Just in case you’re thinking the apartheid state of Israel can’t get any more racist, think again.

Take a look at this, for example, reported by the Times of Israel. It’s a hotline that has just been launched in Israel enabling members of the public to inform on Jewish women who are dating Arab men “so that they can be persuaded to end the relationship”.

When called, a recording on the Lehava [anti-assimilation organization] hotline says the service is meant to “save the daughters of Israel”. In addition to offering support for women, the line also provides the names and telephone numbers of Arab men that the organization suspects of dating Jewish women.

Callers to the hotline are given a number of choices from a menu in which a recorded voice refers to a non-Jewish man as a “goy”, a derogatory term for a non-Jew.

“If you are in contact with a goy and need assistance, press 1,” is the first option offered by the service, which continues by asking callers if they wish to inform on others.

“If you know a girl who is involved with a goy and you want to help her, press 2,” the voice recording says.

The service then asks for information about non-Jewish men who are in relationships with Jews.

“If you know of a goy who masquerades as a Jew or is harassing Jewish women, or of locations where there is an assimilation problem, press 3”…

The fourth option is for those wanting to donate or help out, while the fifth provides the Hebrew names of several women who, according to the service, are in need of prayers to save them from their relationships with non-Jews…

The recommended prayer… beseeches the Almighty “to put proper understanding in the heart of the woman” and that she should go “from darkness to light, from slavery to redemption”…

According to the chairman of the apartheid Lehava organization, Bentzi Gupstein,Gupstein, since the launch of the hotline 10 Jewish women have been “saved”.
No Jewish-Arab dating please, we?re Israeli racists | Redress Information & Analysis

well we have ten names of israeli girls who put out, Maggy is not one of them
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Well let me know when Maggie gives out to this Goyum.!
Last edited:
My husband will not eat mussels--------in fact---now that I think about it-----I have
never eaten a mussel. Not the worst offender amongst the crustaceans----but they
can carry infectious hepatitis --------------and now for the philosophy named after the
succulent delightful recipe you describe so eloquently ----PANCASILA-----that which
renders Indonesia so charming a deight------regarding the issue of "interdating" and
marriage-------how does the dating and marriage between a muslim woman and a christian
man in ACEH, INDONESIA under charming Pancasila pan out? We are talking peace
and love--------pancasila and its beauty is a very much related topic

If you want to talk about "peace and love" - by all means do so. I find few religions tolerant of interfaith dating so I avoid them. I'll enjoy my mussels and let you wax eloquently on the topic (not that I could stop you anyway) :)

Good point----you cannot stop me. I have introduced my question ----HOW
WORK OUT (that is 'legally') in Aceh, Indonesia I was hoping that someone
who knows-----like ENDOFRED would answer the question
We have learned about Hindu men being murdered for seeing or marrying a Muslim girl. I would imagine a Christian man marrying a Muslim girl in Indonesia wouldn't go over too good. Look how the Sunnis in Indonesia look upon the Shiites and Ahmadis. They would no doubt have a fit if a Sunni girl married a Shiite or Ahmadi.
Just in case you’re thinking the apartheid state of Israel can’t get any more racist, think again.

Take a look at this, for example, reported by the Times of Israel. It’s a hotline that has just been launched in Israel enabling members of the public to inform on Jewish women who are dating Arab men “so that they can be persuaded to end the relationship”.

When called, a recording on the Lehava [anti-assimilation organization] hotline says the service is meant to “save the daughters of Israel”. In addition to offering support for women, the line also provides the names and telephone numbers of Arab men that the organization suspects of dating Jewish women.

Callers to the hotline are given a number of choices from a menu in which a recorded voice refers to a non-Jewish man as a “goy”, a derogatory term for a non-Jew.

“If you are in contact with a goy and need assistance, press 1,” is the first option offered by the service, which continues by asking callers if they wish to inform on others.

“If you know a girl who is involved with a goy and you want to help her, press 2,” the voice recording says.

The service then asks for information about non-Jewish men who are in relationships with Jews.

“If you know of a goy who masquerades as a Jew or is harassing Jewish women, or of locations where there is an assimilation problem, press 3”…

The fourth option is for those wanting to donate or help out, while the fifth provides the Hebrew names of several women who, according to the service, are in need of prayers to save them from their relationships with non-Jews…

The recommended prayer… beseeches the Almighty “to put proper understanding in the heart of the woman” and that she should go “from darkness to light, from slavery to redemption”…

According to the chairman of the apartheid Lehava organization, Bentzi Gupstein,Gupstein, since the launch of the hotline 10 Jewish women have been “saved”.
No Jewish-Arab dating please, we?re Israeli racists | Redress Information & Analysis

well we have ten names of israeli girls who put out, Maggy is not one of them
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Well let me know when Maggie gives out to this Goyum.!
If you are looking for a little action on the side for the weekend, why not ask Yousef Mohammed to introduce you to an acquaintance who does muta. After all, this legalized prostitution is prevalent among the Shiites who view it as temporary marriages. Hmm, on the other hand, I wonder if it is Halal for a Shiite woman to do muta with a non Muslim man. I guess you can always tell her you are thinking of converting so she should think of you as being Halal.

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