No Jewish-Arab dating please, we’re Israeli racists

A right-wing, anti-assimilation organization that campaigns to prevent Arab men from dating Jewish women has opened a hotline enabling members of the public to inform on women so that they can be persuaded to end the relationship.

When called, a recording on the Lehava hotline says the service is meant to “save the daughters of Israel.” In addition to offering support for women, the line also provides the names and telephone numbers of Arab men that the organization suspects of dating Jewish women.

Callers to the hotline are given a number of choices from a menu in which a recorded voice refers to a non-Jewish man as a “goy,” a derogatory term for a non-Jew.

Hotline lets callers inform on Jewish-Arab couples | The Times of Israel
A right-wing, anti-assimilation organization that campaigns to prevent Arab men from dating Jewish women has opened a hotline enabling members of the public to inform on women so that they can be persuaded to end the relationship.

When called, a recording on the Lehava hotline says the service is meant to “save the daughters of Israel.” In addition to offering support for women, the line also provides the names and telephone numbers of Arab men that the organization suspects of dating Jewish women.

Callers to the hotline are given a number of choices from a menu in which a recorded voice refers to a non-Jewish man as a “goy,” a derogatory term for a non-Jew.

Hotline lets callers inform on Jewish-Arab couples | The Times of Israel
I called that hot-line and they're selling Time Shares in Mongolia. So much for datting!
So many antis in that phrase "anti-non-Jew racism" that I have no idea what you are speaking of. The OP documents definite racist practices. And using God to justify racism is detestable.

And THAT of course, explains your use of the LYING epithet 'Christ-rejecter' to demonize all Jews-practicing-Judaism : ))

Yes indeed: it is a most detestable way for you to have continued to behave. No doubt you make some excuses for your filthy disgusting ethnocentric abuses....

Can you address the thread or something I actually said in this thread? The issue is racist Israelis.

Just ignore the " Christian" Anti Semetic Bigot. Notice how she nothing to say when the thread is about Muslim Hate and bigotry towards Christians and Jews? Consider the source. :eusa_boohoo:
The Israeli mayor of upper Nazareth who called himself 'racist scum’

The incendiary messages seemed to herald the declaration of ethnic warfare. "Shimon Gafsou is racist scum and a neighbourhood bully who boorishly tramples the basic rights of Arab citizens to live wherever they want and to buy lands which, in any case, were theirs and were stolen from them by force," read one.

Without warning and with no apparent pretext, one of Israel's most outspoken politicians was being subjected to no-holds-barred accusations of racism by his opponents in prominently displayed posters.

But when police called Mr Gafsou, the mayor of Upper Nazareth [Nazareth Illit in Hebrew] to tell him he was the target of racial incitement, he had a confession to make; the "attacks" were his own work.
The Israeli mayor of upper Nazareth who called himself 'racist scum? - Telegraph

"I'm not a racist. [But] if to say the country of Israel is a Jewish country is racist, I'm proud to be a racist," he said. "If I thought that Israel was a country for everybody, I don't think I could stay here. Why should I send my sons to the best units [in the army] to risk themselves if this is a country for everybody? This is a Jewish country.

"Ninety per cent, at least, of the Jewish mayors [in Israel] think like me but only two or three per cent have enough courage to say so."
love always beats hate.

However, it doesn't beat domestic abuse

It does not, so I propose an alternative.
Any man convicted of beating his wife or children should face public flogging.
His tears and screams, in full public view, may well remind him what his actions cause.

Islam promotes and approves of wife beating and honor killing! They would never public flogging a wife beater, they would praise him as a great and ideal muslim husband!
The Israeli mayor of upper Nazareth who called himself 'racist scum’

The incendiary messages seemed to herald the declaration of ethnic warfare. "Shimon Gafsou is racist scum and a neighbourhood bully who boorishly tramples the basic rights of Arab citizens to live wherever they want and to buy lands which, in any case, were theirs and were stolen from them by force," read one.

Without warning and with no apparent pretext, one of Israel's most outspoken politicians was being subjected to no-holds-barred accusations of racism by his opponents in prominently displayed posters.

But when police called Mr Gafsou, the mayor of Upper Nazareth [Nazareth Illit in Hebrew] to tell him he was the target of racial incitement, he had a confession to make; the "attacks" were his own work.
The Israeli mayor of upper Nazareth who called himself 'racist scum? - Telegraph

"I'm not a racist. [But] if to say the country of Israel is a Jewish country is racist, I'm proud to be a racist," he said. "If I thought that Israel was a country for everybody, I don't think I could stay here. Why should I send my sons to the best units [in the army] to risk themselves if this is a country for everybody? This is a Jewish country.

"Ninety per cent, at least, of the Jewish mayors [in Israel] think like me but only two or three per cent have enough courage to say so."
Any articles, Yusef Mohammed, about the Iranian scum imprisoning all those Christians? Don't you have enough pull there to tell the scum that this is not right. Srange how you never are interested in what the Iranian scum are doing to others, but you are obsessed with the Israeli Jews. I guess Yusef Mohammed will never admit that the Iranian scum think of Iran as a Muslim country, as well as the Saudi, Pakistan, Yemen, Tunisia, etc. scum think of their countries as Muslim countries , but the Jews can never think of Israel as a Jewish country.
It seems certain corrupt jewish immigrants think of Israel as “’The Jewish State,’ not ‘The State of All Its Citizens.’”
But Israel’s insistence that it must be given the role of the downtrodden and persecuted, a role easily assumed in the context of Jewish history, belies its position as the regional hegemon with an overwhelming advantage in every way over the dispossessed, stateless and currently rudderless Palestinians. Shimon Gafsou’s view is not at all uncommon in Israel and, especially, among so-called “pro-Israel” forces in the United States. It is fundamental to the ongoing oppression of Palestinians, in Israel and in the territories it occupies.
Racism As a Virtue | Souciant
That is because it was formally set up as a Jewish State. The Muslims were offered other countries and the Jews were offered Israel in 1922 specifically called a Jewish State.
That is because it was formally set up as a Jewish State. The Muslims were offered other countries and the Jews were offered Israel in 1922 specifically called a Jewish State.

His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

The phrase "national home" was intentionally used instead of "state" because of opposition to the Zionist program within the British Cabinet. Following discussion of the initial draft the Cabinet Secretary, Mark Sykes, met with the Zionist negotiators to clarify their aims. His official report back to the Cabinet categorically stated that the Zionists did not want "to set up a Jewish Republic or any other form of state in Palestine or in any part of Palestine"
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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That is because it was formally set up as a Jewish State. The Muslims were offered other countries and the Jews were offered Israel in 1922 specifically called a Jewish State.

His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yet again, like clockwork, you haters of Israel bring up that bit in bold, forgetting that Israel does the best it can under the circumstances where not only surrounding countries, but the enemy within is trying to attack Jews constantly.
And yet again, like clockwork, you haters of Israel bring up that bit in bold, called the Truth

Israel’s insistence that it must be given the role of the downtrodden and persecuted, a role easily assumed in the context of Jewish history, belies its position as the regional hegemon with an overwhelming advantage in every way over the dispossessed, stateless and currently rudderless Palestinians. Shimon Gafsou’s view is not at all uncommon in Israel and, especially, among so-called “pro-Israel” forces in the United States. It is fundamental to the ongoing oppression of Palestinians, in Israel and in the territories it occupies.
Racism As a Virtue | Souciant
the purpose of the law is clear. "It's a demographic law," she explains. "They don't want more Palestinian people in Jerusalem."

While the law was first issued as a temporary order in 2003, its enforcement has been extended several times, despite the Israeli High Court of Justice describing it as "a disproportionate violation" of the rights of Arab citizens and residents of Israel. In April this year, the Knesset approved an extension of the citizenship law bringing the prohibition on family reunification into its 11th year.
Israeli law tears Palestinian families apart - Features - Al Jazeera English
It seems certain corrupt jewish immigrants think of Israel as “’The Jewish State,’ not ‘The State of All Its Citizens.’”
But Israel’s insistence that it must be given the role of the downtrodden and persecuted, a role easily assumed in the context of Jewish history, belies its position as the regional hegemon with an overwhelming advantage in every way over the dispossessed, stateless and currently rudderless Palestinians. Shimon Gafsou’s view is not at all uncommon in Israel and, especially, among so-called “pro-Israel” forces in the United States. It is fundamental to the ongoing oppression of Palestinians, in Israel and in the territories it occupies.
Racism As a Virtue | Souciant
But, of course, Yusef Mohammed, you have no problems with the Muslim countries calling themselves Muslim even though people of different religions might be living there. And, naturally, you have no problems with the way that people who are non Muslims and even Muslim of different sects are treated in these Muslim countries. If the Jews are not involved, what is happening doesn't bother you at all. Meanwhile, so many people have died this weekend in Iraq of car bombings because the Sunnis and Shiites can't seem to get along, but these dead people are of no concern to Yusef here.
the purpose of the law is clear. "It's a demographic law," she explains. "They don't want more Palestinian people in Jerusalem."

While the law was first issued as a temporary order in 2003, its enforcement has been extended several times, despite the Israeli High Court of Justice describing it as "a disproportionate violation" of the rights of Arab citizens and residents of Israel. In April this year, the Knesset approved an extension of the citizenship law bringing the prohibition on family reunification into its 11th year.
Israeli law tears Palestinian families apart - Features - Al Jazeera English
Since there are so many Hindus working in the Gulf States who are separated from their families, could you possibly get these Hindus citizenship there and their families as well. Surely you must have a little compassion for those working so hard and would like to see them at least reunited with their families. I think it is quite obvious to most of the viewers that Yusef Mohammed would like to see the Arabs flooding into Israel so that they eventually overwhelm the Jews living there and then the area will become another Muslim country in the Middle East. Has anyone compared on a map the postage stamp size of Israel and the huge territory the Arabs already govern?
the purpose of the law is clear. "It's a demographic law," she explains. "They don't want more Palestinian people in Jerusalem."

While the law was first issued as a temporary order in 2003, its enforcement has been extended several times, despite the Israeli High Court of Justice describing it as "a disproportionate violation" of the rights of Arab citizens and residents of Israel. In April this year, the Knesset approved an extension of the citizenship law bringing the prohibition on family reunification into its 11th year.
Israeli law tears Palestinian families apart - Features - Al Jazeera English
Since there are so many Hindus working in the Gulf States who are separated from their families, could you possibly get these Hindus citizenship there and their families as well. Surely you must have a little compassion for those working so hard and would like to see them at least reunited with their families. I think it is quite obvious to most of the viewers that Yusef Mohammed would like to see the Arabs flooding into Israel so that they eventually overwhelm the Jews living there and then the area will become another Muslim country in the Middle East. Has anyone compared on a map the postage stamp size of Israel and the huge territory the Arabs already govern?

Here is the said map.

The blue area marks what the European/American zionists stole by force of arms from the Palestinians
The blue area on glickys map also includes the west bank and Gaza
The blue area marks what the European/American zionists stole by force of arms from the Palestinians
Aren't you forgetting, Yusef Moahhed, that the Arabs gained their land by use of force? My, my, why are you greedy? Does it really kill you to see Jews govern a tiny piece of land in the Middle East? Should all the land in the Middle East belong to only one group of people?

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640)

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