No Jewish-Arab dating please, we’re Israeli racists

Jews are hardly alone in having deeply religious people object to their daughters marrying outside of their faith.

Then too, there is plenty of anti-non-Jew racism (really its more ethnocentrism, because this prejudice really isn't about RACE, it's about culture) in much of the Jewish community.

So many antis in that phrase "anti-non-Jew racism" that I have no idea what you are speaking of. The OP documents definite racist practices. And using God to justify racism is detestable.
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love always beats hate.

However, it doesn't beat domestic abuse

I disagree, I believe love always wins.

When you love your husband, but he beats, curses, and rapes you, what does your love worth in that case?

Love is largely a state of mind and we can keep it alive despite our circumstances. We choose to love or hate. And since God is love and I know God wins I say love always wins. This does not mean anyone should stay in a relationship where they are regularly being hurt. To tie this back to the OP, in personal relationships one cannot simply assume an Arab man would hurt a Jewish woman and there could be no true and lasting love between them. Such thinking is racist.
I disagree, I believe love always wins.

When you love your husband, but he beats, curses, and rapes you, what does your love worth in that case?

Love is largely a state of mind and we can keep it alive despite our circumstances. We choose to love or hate. And since God is love and I know God wins I say love always wins. This does not mean anyone should stay in a relationship where they are regularly being hurt. To tie this back to the OP, in personal relationships one cannot simply assume an Arab man would hurt a Jewish woman and there could be no true and lasting love between them. Such thinking is racist.

Never said that is the case.

But I don't find it strange that Arabs and Jews BOTH (unlike people want to paint it like that racism is only on the Israeli side, those are decievers) would like Jews to be with Jews and Arabs with Arabs.

Not only out of racism or hate, but sometimes it is more convenient in that way.

Not wanting to marry someone SIMPLY because of religion is not at all acceptable, and if the love is healthy, it DOES win.

Not when the relationship is abusive or when there are other reasons.
It does not, so I propose an alternative.
Any man convicted of beating his wife or children should face public flogging.
His tears and screams, in full public view, may well remind him what his actions cause.

Glad we agree.

Well, I cannot agree. That illustration takes me straight to the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. She was taken before Jesus to be stoned. He said let the one guilty of no sin throw the first stone. When noone did, he said to the woman go and sin no more.
And as we know death penalty and stoning is still being sanctioned in many Muslim countries, as well as the Palestinians who practice Shariah law. :rofl:
I disagree, I believe love always wins.

When you love your husband, but he beats, curses, and rapes you, what does your love worth in that case?

Love is largely a state of mind and we can keep it alive despite our circumstances. We choose to love or hate. And since God is love and I know God wins I say love always wins. This does not mean anyone should stay in a relationship where they are regularly being hurt. To tie this back to the OP, in personal relationships one cannot simply assume an Arab man would hurt a Jewish woman and there could be no true and lasting love between them. Such thinking is racist.
If that's the case why do you spend all your living breathing hours hating Jews and Israel?

I disagree, I believe love always wins.

When you love your husband, but he beats, curses, and rapes you, what does your love worth in that case?

Love is largely a state of mind and we can keep it alive despite our circumstances. We choose to love or hate. And since God is love and I know God wins I say love always wins. This does not mean anyone should stay in a relationship where they are regularly being hurt. To tie this back to the OP, in personal relationships one cannot simply assume an Arab man would hurt a Jewish woman and there could be no true and lasting love between them. Such thinking is racist.
Love can also be described as an abcess. One that forms in your mind and bursts in your loins. Ever imagine that?
It does not, so I propose an alternative.
Any man convicted of beating his wife or children should face public flogging.
His tears and screams, in full public view, may well remind him what his actions cause.

Glad we agree.

Well, I cannot agree. That illustration takes me straight to the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. She was taken before Jesus to be stoned. He said let the one guilty of no sin throw the first stone. When noone did, he said to the woman go and sin no more.

I've never hit my wife; give me a stone.

(If breaking 9 out of 10 Christian commandments doesn't count)
I worshipped false dogs, had dyslexia, stolen, and most of the other sins, especially adultery (By far the most broken commandment and absolutely the most fun) but I've never hit my wife.
Of course, since entering Islam, I've stopped doing all of those things and, a lesser known advantage of conversion, you're forgiven previous sins.
That means I have a clean slate so where's that fucking stone?
Jews are hardly alone in having deeply religious people object to their daughters marrying outside of their faith.

Then too, there is plenty of anti-non-Jew racism (really its more ethnocentrism, because this prejudice really isn't about RACE, it's about culture) in much of the Jewish community.

So many antis in that phrase "anti-non-Jew racism" that I have no idea what you are speaking of. The OP documents definite racist practices. And using God to justify racism is detestable.

And THAT of course, explains your use of the LYING epithet 'Christ-rejecter' to demonize all Jews-practicing-Judaism : ))

Yes indeed: it is a most detestable way for you to have continued to behave. No doubt you make some excuses for your filthy disgusting ethnocentric abuses....
When you love your husband, but he beats, curses, and rapes you, what does your love worth in that case?

Love is largely a state of mind and we can keep it alive despite our circumstances. We choose to love or hate. And since God is love and I know God wins I say love always wins. This does not mean anyone should stay in a relationship where they are regularly being hurt. To tie this back to the OP, in personal relationships one cannot simply assume an Arab man would hurt a Jewish woman and there could be no true and lasting love between them. Such thinking is racist.
Love can also be described as an abcess. One that forms in your mind and bursts in your loins. Ever imagine that?


I didn't need that imagery :doubt:
Jews are hardly alone in having deeply religious people object to their daughters marrying outside of their faith.

Then too, there is plenty of anti-non-Jew racism (really its more ethnocentrism, because this prejudice really isn't about RACE, it's about culture) in much of the Jewish community.

So many antis in that phrase "anti-non-Jew racism" that I have no idea what you are speaking of. The OP documents definite racist practices. And using God to justify racism is detestable.

And THAT of course, explains your use of the LYING epithet 'Christ-rejecter' to demonize all Jews-practicing-Judaism : ))

Yes indeed: it is a most detestable way for you to have continued to behave. No doubt you make some excuses for your filthy disgusting ethnocentric abuses....

Can you address the thread or something I actually said in this thread? The issue is racist Israelis.
Love is largely a state of mind and we can keep it alive despite our circumstances. We choose to love or hate. And since God is love and I know God wins I say love always wins. This does not mean anyone should stay in a relationship where they are regularly being hurt. To tie this back to the OP, in personal relationships one cannot simply assume an Arab man would hurt a Jewish woman and there could be no true and lasting love between them. Such thinking is racist.
Love can also be described as an abcess. One that forms in your mind and bursts in your loins. Ever imagine that?


I didn't need that imagery :doubt:
A sailor hitting the beach in Honolulu after a six month sea voyage described love to me. I could feel his pain.
So many antis in that phrase "anti-non-Jew racism" that I have no idea what you are speaking of. The OP documents definite racist practices. And using God to justify racism is detestable.

And THAT of course, explains your use of the LYING epithet 'Christ-rejecter' to demonize all Jews-practicing-Judaism : ))

Yes indeed: it is a most detestable way for you to have continued to behave. No doubt you make some excuses for your filthy disgusting ethnocentric abuses....

Can you address the thread or something I actually said in this thread? The issue is racist Israelis.

Of course there are racist Israelis; the real question is, how many?
So many antis in that phrase "anti-non-Jew racism" that I have no idea what you are speaking of. The OP documents definite racist practices. And using God to justify racism is detestable.

And THAT of course, explains your use of the LYING epithet 'Christ-rejecter' to demonize all Jews-practicing-Judaism : ))

Yes indeed: it is a most detestable way for you to have continued to behave. No doubt you make some excuses for your filthy disgusting ethnocentric abuses....

Can you address the thread or something I actually said in this thread? The issue is racist Israelis.

No, this issue is both Palestinians and Israelis not enthisiastic about their people coupling hostile community.

"Israeli racist" is Jos' interpretation.
And THAT of course, explains your use of the LYING epithet 'Christ-rejecter' to demonize all Jews-practicing-Judaism : ))

Yes indeed: it is a most detestable way for you to have continued to behave. No doubt you make some excuses for your filthy disgusting ethnocentric abuses....

Can you address the thread or something I actually said in this thread? The issue is racist Israelis.

No, this issue is both Palestinians and Israelis not enthisiastic about their people coupling hostile community.

"Israeli racist" is Jos' interpretation.

The thread title is the title of the article discussed in the OP. Are you claiming Jos wrote that article? Unbelievable is what describes any person who does not call what is addressed in the OP Israeli racism. But I am not surprised about how racist regimes create racist inhabitants in nations, that is only to be expected.
Can you address the thread or something I actually said in this thread? The issue is racist Israelis.

No, this issue is both Palestinians and Israelis not enthisiastic about their people coupling hostile community.

"Israeli racist" is Jos' interpretation.

The thread title is the title of the article discussed in the OP. Are you claiming Jos wrote that article? Unbelievable is what describes any person who does not call what is addressed in the OP Israeli racism. But I am not surprised about how racist regimes create racist inhabitants in nations, that is only to be expected.
I don't like your stupid, faggot dog. Does that mean I'm racist?
And THAT of course, explains your use of the LYING epithet 'Christ-rejecter' to demonize all Jews-practicing-Judaism : ))

Yes indeed: it is a most detestable way for you to have continued to behave. No doubt you make some excuses for your filthy disgusting ethnocentric abuses....

Can you address the thread or something I actually said in this thread? The issue is racist Israelis.

Of course there are racist Israelis; the real question is, how many?

I do not see that as the issue. What I think is important is recognizing racism for what it is and embracing and supporting steps to lessen it. I use the word lessen and not eliminate because even myself and the eternal optomist I see myself as, I do not believe we can permanently eliminate it. We are born into places where we are all exposed to racism. We can try to see it in ourselves and around us and resist and oppose it. That is what we can contribute positively to lessen racism.

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