No kidding Trump was on the defensive. The whole system is fixed against him.

Funny how the dumbest right wing extremists all echo each other, and all believe Trump's pitiful appearance was all the fault of the Mr. Lester Holt. Some even post that HRC was informed by Mr. Holt of the questions weeks before, thus rigging Trump's piss poor performance and HRC's stellar one.

Is it any wonder that the numbers are high of those who never attended a 4-year college/U. support Trump; and the numbers are high of those with college degrees who support HRC.

What is telling is the goal of the Republikan Party to dumb down Americans is working. Something many of us have known for years by reading posts by the crazy right wingers on political message boards.
Holt didn't ask Hillary any follow up questions, no challenges and all pretty much softball. You criticize others' intellect but that detail is beyond your grasp. And your enemies are not monochromatic, idiots like you broad brush people because a broad brush is all you have to work with.
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She was/is smug. You don't see it because you suffer from the same anomaly. Looks perfectly normal from where you are sitting. When did Trump say he stiffed the country? I heard the whole thing, you're a liar. And he said he didn't pay some people, not "his workers". If the job was done wrong you have to pay someone to do it right.

You hear what you want to hear, which is a sign of someone willfully ignorant (in your case it may not be willful). In response to his not paying income tax, Trump did not deny it, instead he said that he didn't pay income tax because he was smart.

As for stiffing his workers, when you sign a contract, you must comply,

(A mechanic's lien is a security interest in the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The lien exists for both real property and personal property)​

of course Trump's resources and the attorney's on his payroll could drive a small business out of business if they chose to enforce the lien. In short, Trump is a scofflaw.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
I doubt you graduated high school. You don't know the details of the cases and you obviously don't care to or you would have at least tried to support it. You want us to believe he got great work done and decided for shits and giggles to not pay the companies. Don't blame me if it looks stupid.

I've never blamed you for being stupid, in fact were you not a jerk, I would pity you.
You keep offering up your opinion to someone that repeated points out your folly. That's a special kind of stupid. You claimed for as long as I've been here you were in law enforcement in order to try to give legitimacy to some of your idiotic comments but you were never a cop. You were hoping people wouldn't figure it out ...because you're a moron.
I cannot help but ask do the republicans want to lose these elections? Why do they allow these biased NBC moderators like Holt and Crowley to be in charge with ridiculous personal attacks on Trump that are hardly the most critical matters of the day, and of course not do the same towards Hillary? Plus his facts on the economy were so slanted and selective, plus his comment about cops shooting blacks was heavy propaganda. Why did he not ask about how scared black people are to go out in the streets or send their kids to school? Why is that not the issuE?

Then Hillary brings up his personal comments towards women, what options does he have but to defend or explain that?

Trump could have brought up countless quotes from insiders how cruel and nasty Hillary was to her secret service men or body guards or hired help, but he did not.

Trump could have spoken of her wild eyed videos, her incapacity to even stand up on her own, her B.S. explanation for a 9 month coughing jag being pneumonia but he did not.

The media is totally in bed with the democrats and consequently this nation is way too focused on how Trump is being defensive than they are on what exactly was said last night about the most important national issues. They keep saying Trump does not deal in specifics ---- but Hillary does??? She is going to heal relations between blacks and cops and instill trust just by saying it? She is going to give free college education by saying it? She did not dare speak of the 20 trillion dollar debt as though that has no bearing.

Hillary is a democrat and liberal. Whether she is a criminal or a liar or witch does matter nearly as much as how badly liberal policies have ruined this nation and put us at risk to terrorists and the unimaginable trade deficit with China and other countries. Plus, morally and spiritually, this nation is in bed with the evil one. I do not care who wins, this nation will still end up the loser.

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PS – the media is corrupt and the democrats profit from it greatly. If people were honest, educated and truly interested they would surely understand why Obama’s birth was questioned all along. They would surely see all the conflicting stories and facts that do not point to a Hawaiian birth, all the articles from his college days and run for senate days that refer to him as Kenyan that his handlers now call merely typos. They might even question why it took him 2 ½ years to settle this, not very presidential to hold a nation hostage that long if it was all B.S.

But even far more incriminating than all that is his total joke of the origins of his Connecticut social security card. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could.

So that’s it. If you have the mainstream media and the lawyers and the culture media and the university echelon on your side, you can do as you please and the people will laugh right along with you at Trump and anyone else who dares criticize King Barack and Queen Hillary. Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn. God is waiting to judge us all and it won’t be on who we voted for --- and it won’t be pretty either. (imo)
More whining from the right.

Trump has only himself to blame, he clearly has no business being president.
More whining from the Left.

Hitlery has only herself to blame, she clearly has no business being president.
and yet she will be ... sucks to be you
The sad thing is or funny, if there was the least bit of a decent person running as a Democrat for president they would be walking away with this. Hildabeast is damaged goods... rancid to the core. Lol
And what would you have done differently for the passed seven and one half years if (perish the thought) you were CIC?
ISIS wouldn't have developed if a Republican had been CiC. They happened because of obama/Hillary's eagerness to appease their dimwit base and left leaving Iraq without support.

Wow, Obama and HRC must be all powerful to have accomplished such a feat. Of course they had help:
  • The collapse of the Ottoman Empire
  • The Mandates imposed and the map redrawn of the ME post WW I
  • The CYA's installation of the Shah in Iran
  • The Creation of the State of Israel
  • The exploitation of the oil by American and British Corporation
  • The bombing attack on Libya by Reagan
  • Declaring a war on Terror (a noun) and not denouncing 911 as a criminal act
  • The invasion and especially the occupation of Iraq by Bush II
All played a role in creating the mess inherited by President Elect Obama's administration, along with the Great Recession. Trump and his supporters blame Obama and HRC for Benghazi, showing how foolish they are and how ignorant of history they are.
Huh? We are discussing ISIS, so now you want to obfuscate it with world history? What next, dinosaurs?

Another foolish comment. Had you invested four years in a liberal arts education you would (possibly) avoid making such foolish remarks. It is mindful (to me) of a blue book question in a lower division history class:
"Does history make the man, or does man make history?

They may be too abstract for you, but others will find such a question both relevant and topical.
I think most Americans would rather vote for a candidate who has the support of the military and law enforcement as well as immigration officers and border patrol officers than a candidate that has been endorsed by the LGBT, Planned Parenthood, and BLM. Just my own opinion concerning the majority of the American people.
You hear what you want to hear, which is a sign of someone willfully ignorant (in your case it may not be willful). In response to his not paying income tax, Trump did not deny it, instead he said that he didn't pay income tax because he was smart.

As for stiffing his workers, when you sign a contract, you must comply,

(A mechanic's lien is a security interest in the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The lien exists for both real property and personal property)​

of course Trump's resources and the attorney's on his payroll could drive a small business out of business if they chose to enforce the lien. In short, Trump is a scofflaw.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
I doubt you graduated high school. You don't know the details of the cases and you obviously don't care to or you would have at least tried to support it. You want us to believe he got great work done and decided for shits and giggles to not pay the companies. Don't blame me if it looks stupid.

I've never blamed you for being stupid, in fact were you not a jerk, I would pity you.
You keep offering up your opinion to someone that repeated points out your folly. That's a special kind of stupid. You claimed for as long as I've been here you were in law enforcement in order to try to give legitimacy to some of your idiotic comments but you were never a cop. You were hoping people wouldn't figure it out ...because you're a moron.

You've assumed I was a cop, I have stated time and again I had a career in LE (law enforcement). For personal security and privacy I have used that generic term to describe my 32-year career in a LE career, a job which required an advanced degree (MA or MS) as part of the MQ's.

That you refuse to accept the technical knowledge I have imparted in many many of my posts as evidence of the my career is symptomatic of you head up your ass character flaw.
news flash 11 hours talking to hearings about benghazi nothing their then dragged her in 8 times ... 8 different hearings so what could they ask thats not already been askled ... her email how many times do you have to ask about her emails ??// there wasn't a crime ... how many times do you have to be told there wasn't a crime there too ... the clinton foundation is a charitable organization ... they never took a pay check from the clinton foundation .. the foundation tax returns has shown everybody in the country that the clintons never received any money from them ... how many times do you have to be told that ???

It's less of a concern as to who gave the Clintons money in the country than it is who gave Clintons money outside of our country.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
I doubt you graduated high school. You don't know the details of the cases and you obviously don't care to or you would have at least tried to support it. You want us to believe he got great work done and decided for shits and giggles to not pay the companies. Don't blame me if it looks stupid.

I've never blamed you for being stupid, in fact were you not a jerk, I would pity you.
You keep offering up your opinion to someone that repeated points out your folly. That's a special kind of stupid. You claimed for as long as I've been here you were in law enforcement in order to try to give legitimacy to some of your idiotic comments but you were never a cop. You were hoping people wouldn't figure it out ...because you're a moron.

You've assumed I was a cop, I have stated time and again I had a career in LE (law enforcement). For personal security and privacy I have used that generic term to describe my 32-year career in a LE career, a job which required an advanced degree (MA or MS) as part of the MQ's.

That you refuse to accept the technical knowledge I have imparted in many many of my posts as evidence of the my career is symptomatic of you head up your ass character flaw.
When people say they have a career in LE 100 out of 100 people are going to think they mean a cop. And that's what you wanted people to think.

As to your pearls of wisdom imparted on the huddled masses, yes, I plead guilty to missing them.
Better question, who is the business person who wants to hold the most important PUBLIC office in this country, an office supported by taxpayer monies and which uses billions of dollars in taxpayer monies to function and run the country?

Who is the business person who wants to do this but pays ABSOLUTELY NO TAXES, thinking BTW, that it is a good thing to do---not pay taxes. Where would the money come from to pay a president to do his job, as well as all other public officials? Where would the money come to support a military (the best in the world), as well as other essential infrastructures, if people didn't pay taxes?

How on earth can you support a man for president who doesn't pay taxes? It makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. He followed the tax code to a tee and doesn't owe the federal government anything. What did you want him to do, give the feds money he didn't have to give? Nobody does that including your Democrat politicians and business people. You act like him not paying taxes is something he invented. And to be honest, if he was giving money to the federal government he didn't owe, that would worry me more because it would be a completely stupid move.

Do you think HilBilly didn't take every deduction they were allowed? They don't run a business so they don't have nearly as many deductions as Trump, and that's the only reason they pay federal income tax.
I think most Americans would rather vote for a candidate who has the support of the military and law enforcement as well as immigration officers and border patrol officers than a candidate that has been endorsed by the LGBT, Planned Parenthood, and BLM. Just my own opinion concerning the majority of the American people.

Bush nominated and Republican Senate confirmed W. Ralph Basham, former commissioner for US Customs and Border Protection states, 'We made some mistakes. We found out later that we did, in fact, hire cartel members.' So why wouldn't cartel members (and you) support a Republican?
Better question, who is the business person who wants to hold the most important PUBLIC office in this country, an office supported by taxpayer monies and which uses billions of dollars in taxpayer monies to function and run the country?

Who is the business person who wants to do this but pays ABSOLUTELY NO TAXES, thinking BTW, that it is a good thing to do---not pay taxes. Where would the money come from to pay a president to do his job, as well as all other public officials? Where would the money come to support a military (the best in the world), as well as other essential infrastructures, if people didn't pay taxes?

How on earth can you support a man for president who doesn't pay taxes? It makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. He followed the tax code to a tee and doesn't owe the federal government anything. What did you want him to do, give the feds money he didn't have to give? Nobody does that including your Democrat politicians and business people. You act like him not paying taxes is something he invented. And to be honest, if he was giving money to the federal government he didn't owe, that would worry me more because it would be a completely stupid move.

Do you think HilBilly didn't take every deduction they were allowed? They don't run a business so they don't have nearly as many deductions as Trump, and that's the only reason they pay federal income tax.

You do know that 100% of the tax code which benefits the rich and wealthy was written and voted by Republicans?

It's a fallacy to believe one needs to own a business to receive tax deductions, or the number of tax deductions is less.

Mortgage interest: If you are rich it's 100%. Middle class gets a percentage.
Capital Gains: Seventy percent of the tax benefits go to persons making $1M or more.
Step-up rule: Which allows the rich to pass along assets to heirs without ever paying taxes on it.
Retirement savings: The wealthy have more to save.
Charitable-giving deduction: A GREAT ONE! The more you make, the more you get back!

Trump personally makes very little. His entire existence (like mine) is corporate financed.
news flash 11 hours talking to hearings about benghazi nothing their then dragged her in 8 times ... 8 different hearings so what could they ask thats not already been askled ... her email how many times do you have to ask about her emails ??// there wasn't a crime ... how many times do you have to be told there wasn't a crime there too ... the clinton foundation is a charitable organization ... they never took a pay check from the clinton foundation .. the foundation tax returns has shown everybody in the country that the clintons never received any money from them ... how many times do you have to be told that ???

It's less of a concern as to who gave the Clintons money in the country than it is who gave Clintons money outside of our country.
heres what you don't seem to get ... any money that is given to the clintons, whether its in the US or outside the US from other countries, it would be considered as a income or a gift ... all income or giffs are taxable income ... no matter how you try to spine it, its still taxable income ... they would have to put it on their taxes ... there are no listings or records on any of their taxes as them receiviing any money from any country... all of their income has been listed on their taxes ... this consprericy crap that they are getting money from countries for the countries benefit is unfounded there isn't a trail ... you can't point out a trail y... ou just make these phony accusations to make you feel good ...
heres what you don't seem to get ... any money that is given to the clintons, whether its in the US or outside the US from other countries, it would be considered as a income or a gift ... all income or giffs are taxable income ... no matter how you try to spine it, its still taxable income ... they would have to put it on their taxes ... there are no listings or records on any of their taxes as them receiviing any money from any country... all of their income has been listed on their taxes ... this consprericy crap that they are getting money from countries for the countries benefit is unfounded there isn't a trail ... you can't point out a trail y... ou just make these phony accusations to make you feel good ...

The money went into their laundry machine called the Clinton Foundation. Not taxable, from foreign entities, little spent on charity, much spent on transportation.
heres what you don't seem to get ... any money that is given to the clintons, whether its in the US or outside the US from other countries, it would be considered as a income or a gift ... all income or giffs are taxable income ... no matter how you try to spine it, its still taxable income ... they would have to put it on their taxes ... there are no listings or records on any of their taxes as them receiviing any money from any country... all of their income has been listed on their taxes ... this consprericy crap that they are getting money from countries for the countries benefit is unfounded there isn't a trail ... you can't point out a trail y... ou just make these phony accusations to make you feel good ...

The money went into their laundry machine called the Clinton Foundation. Not taxable, from foreign entities, little spent on charity, much spent on transportation.
the clinton foundation has nothing Illigal so far ... they are spending 90 % of the money they receive to charity ... source: the IRS ... seems you failed that one too ... now lets look at the trump foundations they have violated the law 9 times with the Irs the IRS is going to close down the Trump for violating tax laws and the AG is going after trump for illegal activities ... now Mr. Blah blah blah, tell us one illegal thing the clinton foundations has ever done ??? OH you can't !!!!!! you can't tell us one illegal thing it has done ??? what a suprise ... you lie about how much money goes to charity and yet you can't come up with one illegal thing they have done....
the clinton foundation has nothing Illigal so far ... they are spending 90 % of the money they receive to charity ... source: the IRS ... seems you failed that one too ... now lets look at the trump foundations they have violated the law 9 times with the Irs the IRS is going to close down the Trump for violating tax laws and the AG is going after trump for illegal activities ... now Mr. Blah blah blah, tell us one illegal thing the clinton foundations has ever done ??? OH you can't !!!!!! you can't tell us one illegal thing it has done ??? what a suprise ... you lie about how much money goes to charity and yet you can't come up with one illegal thing they have done....

Oh please. How can anybody find anything when the AG is part of the protection racket that's going on in this administration? That's like having a mafia Mayor of your city and asking him to close down the illegal gambling going on at the barber shop.

What Hil-Liar has done with her emails would have anybody else behind bars. Exposing our top secret information to our foreign enemies and then erasing them after Congress demanded to see them would have been enough. Then she lied to Congress repeatedly under oath as per testimony of James Comey who "recommended" that she not be indicted. It's all a criminal racket with Democrats and always was. Or let me put it another way:

Let's say you got a job that gave you cell phones for work purposes. It was highly suspected that you used those phones to do damage to your company, so you smashed them with a hammer--company property. Instead of getting fired, you were allowed to apply for the President of the company. Does that sound like any legitimate business to you?
Let's say you got a job that gave you cell phones for work purposes. It was highly suspected that you used those phones to do damage to your company, so you smashed them with a hammer--company property. Instead of getting fired, you were allowed to apply for the President of the company. Does that sound like any legitimate business to you?

The problem with your analogy is there is no evidence that she did any damage with that private e-mail server, and smashing devices is how you recommend disposing of them.

Now, if we want to talk unethical business behavior, let's talk about how Trump uses his charity to pay bribes and fines levied against his companies.
I cannot help but ask do the republicans want to lose these elections? Why do they allow these biased NBC moderators like Holt and Crowley to be in charge with ridiculous personal attacks on Trump that are hardly the most critical matters of the day, and of course not do the same towards Hillary? Plus his facts on the economy were so slanted and selective, plus his comment about cops shooting blacks was heavy propaganda. Why did he not ask about how scared black people are to go out in the streets or send their kids to school? Why is that not the issuE?

Then Hillary brings up his personal comments towards women, what options does he have but to defend or explain that?

Trump could have brought up countless quotes from insiders how cruel and nasty Hillary was to her secret service men or body guards or hired help, but he did not.

Trump could have spoken of her wild eyed videos, her incapacity to even stand up on her own, her B.S. explanation for a 9 month coughing jag being pneumonia but he did not.

The media is totally in bed with the democrats and consequently this nation is way too focused on how Trump is being defensive than they are on what exactly was said last night about the most important national issues. They keep saying Trump does not deal in specifics ---- but Hillary does??? She is going to heal relations between blacks and cops and instill trust just by saying it? She is going to give free college education by saying it? She did not dare speak of the 20 trillion dollar debt as though that has no bearing.

Hillary is a democrat and liberal. Whether she is a criminal or a liar or witch does matter nearly as much as how badly liberal policies have ruined this nation and put us at risk to terrorists and the unimaginable trade deficit with China and other countries. Plus, morally and spiritually, this nation is in bed with the evil one. I do not care who wins, this nation will still end up the loser.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PS – the media is corrupt and the democrats profit from it greatly. If people were honest, educated and truly interested they would surely understand why Obama’s birth was questioned all along. They would surely see all the conflicting stories and facts that do not point to a Hawaiian birth, all the articles from his college days and run for senate days that refer to him as Kenyan that his handlers now call merely typos. They might even question why it took him 2 ½ years to settle this, not very presidential to hold a nation hostage that long if it was all B.S.

But even far more incriminating than all that is his total joke of the origins of his Connecticut social security card. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could.

So that’s it. If you have the mainstream media and the lawyers and the culture media and the university echelon on your side, you can do as you please and the people will laugh right along with you at Trump and anyone else who dares criticize King Barack and Queen Hillary. Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn. God is waiting to judge us all and it won’t be on who we voted for --- and it won’t be pretty either. (imo)
More whining from the right.

Trump has only himself to blame, he clearly has no business being president.
What a bunch of whiny bitches huh? The media has already asked enough questions about Benghazi and the Clinton foundation.

Trumps the wild card new comer. Doesn't he realize every sleezy deal he's ever done needs to go under the microscope?

And it's not the questions that hurt trump it was his answers
The problem with your analogy is there is no evidence that she did any damage with that private e-mail server, and smashing devices is how you recommend disposing of them.

Now, if we want to talk unethical business behavior, let's talk about how Trump uses his charity to pay bribes and fines levied against his companies.

Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

No, you don't smash your cell phone with a hammer unless you are trying to destroy evidence that may incriminate you. The state department has a systematic way of cleansing all cell phones their employees use, and no, they don't smash them with hammers.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.
The problem with your analogy is there is no evidence that she did any damage with that private e-mail server, and smashing devices is how you recommend disposing of them.

Now, if we want to talk unethical business behavior, let's talk about how Trump uses his charity to pay bribes and fines levied against his companies.

Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

No, you don't smash your cell phone with a hammer unless you are trying to destroy evidence that may incriminate you. The state department has a systematic way of cleansing all cell phones their employees use, and no, they don't smash them with hammers.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.

You should listen to your Dog!

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