No kidding Trump was on the defensive. The whole system is fixed against him.

Just being smart doesn't make you smug. Smug is when Trump boasted about stiffing the country and even more smug was when he boasted about stiffing his workers. I wonder how many of them were Republican. Don't you?
She was/is smug. You don't see it because you suffer from the same anomaly. Looks perfectly normal from where you are sitting. When did Trump say he stiffed the country? I heard the whole thing, you're a liar. And he said he didn't pay some people, not "his workers". If the job was done wrong you have to pay someone to do it right.

You hear what you want to hear, which is a sign of someone willfully ignorant (in your case it may not be willful). In response to his not paying income tax, Trump did not deny it, instead he said that he didn't pay income tax because he was smart.

As for stiffing his workers, when you sign a contract, you must comply,

(A mechanic's lien is a security interest in the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The lien exists for both real property and personal property)​

of course Trump's resources and the attorney's on his payroll could drive a small business out of business if they chose to enforce the lien. In short, Trump is a scofflaw.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
I doubt you graduated high school. You don't know the details of the cases and you obviously don't care to or you would have at least tried to support it. You want us to believe he got great work done and decided for shits and giggles to not pay the companies. Don't blame me if it looks stupid.

I've never blamed you for being stupid, in fact were you not a jerk, I would pity you.
Just being smart doesn't make you smug. Smug is when Trump boasted about stiffing the country and even more smug was when he boasted about stiffing his workers. I wonder how many of them were Republican. Don't you?
She was/is smug. You don't see it because you suffer from the same anomaly. Looks perfectly normal from where you are sitting. When did Trump say he stiffed the country? I heard the whole thing, you're a liar. And he said he didn't pay some people, not "his workers". If the job was done wrong you have to pay someone to do it right.

You hear what you want to hear, which is a sign of someone willfully ignorant (in your case it may not be willful). In response to his not paying income tax, Trump did not deny it, instead he said that he didn't pay income tax because he was smart.

As for stiffing his workers, when you sign a contract, you must comply,

(A mechanic's lien is a security interest in the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The lien exists for both real property and personal property)​

of course Trump's resources and the attorney's on his payroll could drive a small business out of business if they chose to enforce the lien. In short, Trump is a scofflaw.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
California is a fucked up place

I'm glad you think so, that way you will never come here. I notice you are too embarrassed to post your location, why is that?
Everyone is against poor Donald. It is tough to get an even break if you are a megalomaniac multibillionaire....
She was/is smug. You don't see it because you suffer from the same anomaly. Looks perfectly normal from where you are sitting. When did Trump say he stiffed the country? I heard the whole thing, you're a liar. And he said he didn't pay some people, not "his workers". If the job was done wrong you have to pay someone to do it right.

You hear what you want to hear, which is a sign of someone willfully ignorant (in your case it may not be willful). In response to his not paying income tax, Trump did not deny it, instead he said that he didn't pay income tax because he was smart.

As for stiffing his workers, when you sign a contract, you must comply,

(A mechanic's lien is a security interest in the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The lien exists for both real property and personal property)​

of course Trump's resources and the attorney's on his payroll could drive a small business out of business if they chose to enforce the lien. In short, Trump is a scofflaw.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
California is a fucked up place

I'm glad you think so, that way you will never come here. I notice you are too embarrassed to post your location, why is that?
North western South Dakota
Then Hillary brings up his personal comments towards women, what options does he have but to defend or explain that?

Trump could have brought up countless quotes from insiders how cruel and nasty Hillary was to her secret service men or body guards or hired help, but he did not.

well, Trump could have NOT MADE THOSE COMMENTS to start with. But the thing about these "insider' quotes is that most of them have been debunked. so there's that.

Hillary is a democrat and liberal. Whether she is a criminal or a liar or witch does matter nearly as much as how badly liberal policies have ruined this nation and put us at risk to terrorists and the unimaginable trade deficit with China and other countries.

Hillary is a witch? Naw, that isn't misogynistic of you, BibleBoy.

As for which party has caused trade deficits and debts and terrorists, you could make a far better argument that Reagan and the Bush Crime Family caused those things than Democrats.
She's really worse than a witch. Many of us are trying to be nice about naming what she truly is.
It was much so, America could clearly see the 2 on 1 attack on Trump....

I don't think that will go over well with the people....

Polls showing Trump won. The media is doing their best to praise Hillary but I don't think most people are buying it.

The ones who think Hillary won probably didn't even watch, like the people in this video who commented on the debate BEFORE it happened. LOL Idiots on both sides, no doubt, but more behind Hillary.

No kidding Trump was on the defensive. The whole system is fixed against him.
So not only would we be getting a bloated egomaniac but also a paranoid for a president if Trump wins?
I cannot help but ask do the republicans want to lose these elections? Why do they allow these biased NBC moderators like Holt and Crowley to be in charge with ridiculous personal attacks on Trump that are hardly the most critical matters of the day, and of course not do the same towards Hillary? Plus his facts on the economy were so slanted and selective, plus his comment about cops shooting blacks was heavy propaganda. Why did he not ask about how scared black people are to go out in the streets or send their kids to school? Why is that not the issuE?

Then Hillary brings up his personal comments towards women, what options does he have but to defend or explain that?

Trump could have brought up countless quotes from insiders how cruel and nasty Hillary was to her secret service men or body guards or hired help, but he did not.

Trump could have spoken of her wild eyed videos, her incapacity to even stand up on her own, her B.S. explanation for a 9 month coughing jag being pneumonia but he did not.

The media is totally in bed with the democrats and consequently this nation is way too focused on how Trump is being defensive than they are on what exactly was said last night about the most important national issues. They keep saying Trump does not deal in specifics ---- but Hillary does??? She is going to heal relations between blacks and cops and instill trust just by saying it? She is going to give free college education by saying it? She did not dare speak of the 20 trillion dollar debt as though that has no bearing.

Hillary is a democrat and liberal. Whether she is a criminal or a liar or witch does matter nearly as much as how badly liberal policies have ruined this nation and put us at risk to terrorists and the unimaginable trade deficit with China and other countries. Plus, morally and spiritually, this nation is in bed with the evil one. I do not care who wins, this nation will still end up the loser.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PS – the media is corrupt and the democrats profit from it greatly. If people were honest, educated and truly interested they would surely understand why Obama’s birth was questioned all along. They would surely see all the conflicting stories and facts that do not point to a Hawaiian birth, all the articles from his college days and run for senate days that refer to him as Kenyan that his handlers now call merely typos. They might even question why it took him 2 ½ years to settle this, not very presidential to hold a nation hostage that long if it was all B.S.

But even far more incriminating than all that is his total joke of the origins of his Connecticut social security card. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could.

So that’s it. If you have the mainstream media and the lawyers and the culture media and the university echelon on your side, you can do as you please and the people will laugh right along with you at Trump and anyone else who dares criticize King Barack and Queen Hillary. Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn. God is waiting to judge us all and it won’t be on who we voted for --- and it won’t be pretty either. (imo)

how dare they fix the debate against someone unprepared, ignorant and dishonest.

His GOP base admires him for not paying his taxes, he's stiffing veterans, schools and the country.
Republicans are fine with that.
He calls stiffing the country "good business". Like he stiffs his workers.

I don't want to be stiffed. Not by Putin's orange dildo.

If you can prove he doesn't pay what he is legally required to pay, then your claim would have merit. Otherwise, it's a big steaming pile of horseshit.
It was much so, America could clearly see the 2 on 1 attack on Trump....

I don't think that will go over well with the people....

Polls showing Trump won. The media is doing their best to praise Hillary but I don't think most people are buying it.

The ones who think Hillary won probably didn't even watch, like the people in this video who commented on the debate BEFORE it happened. LOL Idiots on both sides, no doubt, but more behind Hillary.

polls do not show that dumb donald won. the only polls dumb donald won were the ones trolled by trumpsters hitting the button over and over again.

whiny twits.

your orange bigoted fascist was a major fail
Polls showing Trump won. The media is doing their best to praise Hillary but I don't think most people are buying it.

The ones who think Hillary won probably didn't even watch, like the people in this video who commented on the debate BEFORE it happened. LOL Idiots on both sides, no doubt, but more behind Hillary.

It matters less who won the debate than who wins the election. The real question is which candidate won some of the undecideds.

I only watched the first half of the debate. I'll watch the second half when I get a chance, but I heard it kind of went downhill from there.

What I seen was Trump missing a lot of opportunities and taking it pretty easy on Hillary. She might not be that lucky in the next debate if she can make it.
I cannot help but ask do the republicans want to lose these elections? Why do they allow these biased NBC moderators like Holt and Crowley to be in charge with ridiculous personal attacks on Trump that are hardly the most critical matters of the day, and of course not do the same towards Hillary? Plus his facts on the economy were so slanted and selective, plus his comment about cops shooting blacks was heavy propaganda. Why did he not ask about how scared black people are to go out in the streets or send their kids to school? Why is that not the issuE?

Then Hillary brings up his personal comments towards women, what options does he have but to defend or explain that?

Trump could have brought up countless quotes from insiders how cruel and nasty Hillary was to her secret service men or body guards or hired help, but he did not.

Trump could have spoken of her wild eyed videos, her incapacity to even stand up on her own, her B.S. explanation for a 9 month coughing jag being pneumonia but he did not.

The media is totally in bed with the democrats and consequently this nation is way too focused on how Trump is being defensive than they are on what exactly was said last night about the most important national issues. They keep saying Trump does not deal in specifics ---- but Hillary does??? She is going to heal relations between blacks and cops and instill trust just by saying it? She is going to give free college education by saying it? She did not dare speak of the 20 trillion dollar debt as though that has no bearing.

Hillary is a democrat and liberal. Whether she is a criminal or a liar or witch does matter nearly as much as how badly liberal policies have ruined this nation and put us at risk to terrorists and the unimaginable trade deficit with China and other countries. Plus, morally and spiritually, this nation is in bed with the evil one. I do not care who wins, this nation will still end up the loser.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PS – the media is corrupt and the democrats profit from it greatly. If people were honest, educated and truly interested they would surely understand why Obama’s birth was questioned all along. They would surely see all the conflicting stories and facts that do not point to a Hawaiian birth, all the articles from his college days and run for senate days that refer to him as Kenyan that his handlers now call merely typos. They might even question why it took him 2 ½ years to settle this, not very presidential to hold a nation hostage that long if it was all B.S.

But even far more incriminating than all that is his total joke of the origins of his Connecticut social security card. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could. No one brings that up in the media. Why? Because it exposes him for the total FRAUD he always was. Oh, Snopes tried to settle that and that is where the defenders of Obama will point to. But then, experts have totally discredited the whole Snopes defense and, once again, the media ran away from this as fast as they could.

So that’s it. If you have the mainstream media and the lawyers and the culture media and the university echelon on your side, you can do as you please and the people will laugh right along with you at Trump and anyone else who dares criticize King Barack and Queen Hillary. Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn. God is waiting to judge us all and it won’t be on who we voted for --- and it won’t be pretty either. (imo)

how dare they fix the debate against someone unprepared, ignorant and dishonest.

It's hilarious the way all you douche bags are gloating about the way Holt cheated. That says all we need to know about you.
No kidding Trump was on the defensive. The whole system is fixed against him.
So not only would we be getting a bloated egomaniac but also a paranoid for a president if Trump wins?

RIght, because "paranoia" is what all of American saw with their own two eyes.
You hear what you want to hear, which is a sign of someone willfully ignorant (in your case it may not be willful). In response to his not paying income tax, Trump did not deny it, instead he said that he didn't pay income tax because he was smart.

As for stiffing his workers, when you sign a contract, you must comply,

(A mechanic's lien is a security interest in the title to property for the benefit of those who have supplied labor or materials that improve the property. The lien exists for both real property and personal property)​

of course Trump's resources and the attorney's on his payroll could drive a small business out of business if they chose to enforce the lien. In short, Trump is a scofflaw.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
California is a fucked up place

I'm glad you think so, that way you will never come here. I notice you are too embarrassed to post your location, why is that?
North western South Dakota

Wow, no wonder you're embarrassed. The eastern view must be up your ass.
Last edited:
Funny how the dumbest right wing extremists all echo each other, and all believe Trump's pitiful appearance was all the fault of the Mr. Lester Holt. Some even post that HRC was informed by Mr. Holt of the questions weeks before, thus rigging Trump's piss poor performance and HRC's stellar one.

Is it any wonder that the numbers are high of those who never attended a 4-year college/U. support Trump; and the numbers are high of those with college degrees who support HRC.

What is telling is the goal of the Republikan Party to dumb down Americans is working. Something many of us have known for years by reading posts by the crazy right wingers on political message boards.
Dumbfuck, I'm a contractor. A contract is a two way street. If the work was subpar it was a do over. He appears to be very particular. Now go find evidence that the work was up to the scope of the contracts.

Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
California is a fucked up place

I'm glad you think so, that way you will never come here. I notice you are too embarrassed to post your location, why is that?
North western South Dakota

Wow, no wonder you're embarrassed. The eastern view must be up your ass.

Gods country... my back yard
Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
California is a fucked up place

I'm glad you think so, that way you will never come here. I notice you are too embarrassed to post your location, why is that?
North western South Dakota

Wow, no wonder you're embarrassed. The eastern view must be up your ass.

Gods country... my back yard
My front yard...
Trumps hair said to him after the debate "you do that type shit again and I'll choke you in your sleep, capische?"
Dumbfuck is the name of a member of the crazy right wing, it appears you have not addressed your foolishness correctly.

Nothing you've ever posted, or you will ever post, can be trusted as true.

A contract written with sufficient detail describes the job, labor and material; in CA, the law requires a limited first payment to seal the deal, and a schedule for payments as the work progresses with a final payment at the conclusion of he work. At anytime the work can be examined & if the customer feels the job, material or labor is not what was promised in the contract, and if the work requires a permit and does not pass, the payment due can be withheld and work stopped within the terms of the contract.

I doubt you are a licensed contractor.
California is a fucked up place

I'm glad you think so, that way you will never come here. I notice you are too embarrassed to post your location, why is that?
North western South Dakota

Wow, no wonder you're embarrassed. The eastern view must be up your ass.

Gods country... my back yard
South Dakota?
California is a fucked up place

I'm glad you think so, that way you will never come here. I notice you are too embarrassed to post your location, why is that?
North western South Dakota

Wow, no wonder you're embarrassed. The eastern view must be up your ass.

Gods country... my back yard
South Dakota?
Yeah, view is literally out my backdoor

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