No kidding Trump was on the defensive. The whole system is fixed against him.

Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).
Hey, yesterday Kelly Ann wishes she had smashed Trumps cell phone... heh, heh, heh...
Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).

Yep, no evidence that OJ killed his wife and friend either. But I bet if he was running for the presidency, libs all over would vote for him too.

I think it's about time to take criminal activity out of Washington. You would rather support it based on the criminals ability to cover their tracks. This whole cabal of people from the President, to his parties candidate right down to this Comey character is something you might expect in a Nazi empire. In America where crime is exposed (even if not proven) it's time to clean house. The very idea that the suspects husband would meet with the AG on her own plane for a private meeting is criminal in itself.

The problem with Democrat voters is they have no integrity.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

No, he did not say that. He said he didn't recommend bringing charges against her. Lying to Congress under oath is illegal and he admitted to her doing that. It's just that he never looked into this widely known event in his supposed thorough investigation. Hmmmm, now why do you suppose that is?
What a bunch of whiny bitches huh? The media has already asked enough questions about Benghazi and the Clinton foundation.

Trumps the wild card new comer. Doesn't he realize every sleezy deal he's ever done needs to go under the microscope?

And it's not the questions that hurt trump it was his answers
You're whining and trying to pin it on someone else. No, the media hasn't covered Hillary's corruption very well at all. The continuously paint it as no harm no foul. That's a lie and a coverup and proves just how corrupt media is too. They work hand in hand to disseminate propaganda to the masses so they can both prosper. Like any leftist regime.
Yep, no evidence that OJ killed his wife and friend either. But I bet if he was running for the presidency, libs all over would vote for him too.

Well, there was plenty of evidence, the problem was the people presenting it had no credibility with the jury. It doesn't help when you build your whole case around a racist cop who screams racial slurs like a drunk at a Klan Rally.

Just like after 25 years of listening to you guys accuse the Clintons of everything up to and including murder and treason, you guys have no credibility. And no evidence, either.

I think it's about time to take criminal activity out of Washington. You would rather support it based on the criminals ability to cover their tracks. This whole cabal of people from the President, to his parties candidate right down to this Comey character is something you might expect in a Nazi empire. In America where crime is exposed (even if not proven) it's time to clean house. The very idea that the suspects husband would meet with the AG on her own plane for a private meeting is criminal in itself.

Guy, the thing is, you guys huff and puff about this sort of thing, but normal people shrug.

It was only an e-mail server.

You guys all thought Comey (a Republican) was wonderful when you thought he might indict her. When he didn't, because this is yet another bullshit scandal.

No, he did not say that. He said he didn't recommend bringing charges against her. Lying to Congress under oath is illegal and he admitted to her doing that. It's just that he never looked into this widely known event in his supposed thorough investigation. Hmmmm, now why do you suppose that is?

Because it's a bullshit claim. If he had real evidence, he should have indicted. He didn't. This was a "but, but, but..." after he came up with nothing.
Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).

Yep, no evidence that OJ killed his wife and friend either. But I bet if he was running for the presidency, libs all over would vote for him too.

I think it's about time to take criminal activity out of Washington. You would rather support it based on the criminals ability to cover their tracks. This whole cabal of people from the President, to his parties candidate right down to this Comey character is something you might expect in a Nazi empire. In America where crime is exposed (even if not proven) it's time to clean house. The very idea that the suspects husband would meet with the AG on her own plane for a private meeting is criminal in itself.

The problem with Democrat voters is they have no integrity.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

No, he did not say that. He said he didn't recommend bringing charges against her. Lying to Congress under oath is illegal and he admitted to her doing that. It's just that he never looked into this widely known event in his supposed thorough investigation. Hmmmm, now why do you suppose that is?

Comey was clear: Hillary did not lie. If Hillary had lied to Congress, they would have charged her with perjury. Because the Republican Congress wants to nail Hillary real bad. But they can't because she didn't lie. Deal with it.
Comey was clear: Hillary did not lie. If Hillary had lied to Congress, they would have charged her with perjury. Because the Republican Congress wants to nail Hillary real bad. But they can't because she didn't lie. Deal with it.

No, what Comey said is she didn't lie to the FBI. Big difference. And apparently, the FBI didn't ask any of the same questions Congress did. Gee, imagine that wink-wink!

So one more time for the uninformed voter.

Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).
There is no evidence because there were no court orders. There were no subpoenas. There were no search warrants.
That whole investigation was rigged from day one.
Dirty tricks on a whole new level.
No, what Comey said is she didn't lie to the FBI. Big difference. And apparently, the FBI didn't ask any of the same questions Congress did. Gee, imagine that wink-wink!

So one more time for the uninformed voter.

Yeah, I've watched the tape from start to finish. Trey Gowdy weasel worded the questions. Comey did not say that Hillary lied. In fact, he was very careful not to say she lied. Because she didn't.

I know you think this tape is proof she lied. It isn't. Gowdy didn't ask if she lied. He asked if what she believed to be true, was true. And it wasn't. I know you don't see the difference but it UUUUGGGGE, I tell, you UGE.
No, what Comey said is she didn't lie to the FBI. Big difference. And apparently, the FBI didn't ask any of the same questions Congress did. Gee, imagine that wink-wink!

So one more time for the uninformed voter.

Congress isn't a court. You lose again.

Hey, guy, this would all be a fascinating conversation if your side hadn't nominated a crazy Nazi. I mean, you could make a good case for not voting for Hillary based on this.
There is no evidence because there were no court orders. There were no subpoenas. There were no search warrants.
That whole investigation was rigged from day one.
Dirty tricks on a whole new level.

It depends on what the goal was.

Was the goal to get dirt on Hillary for violating an obscure regulation?

Or was it to evaluate if there really had been a breach in information security.

You see, this is the problem. You guys didn't really care about "leaked" information. Congress leaks information every day. YOu just wanted to get some little minor technical violation.

Kind of like spending 70 million dollars and ruining dozens of lives to prove, yes, yes, Bill really did lie about getting a blow job... or maybe he just doesn't consider a blow job to be "sex" like 13% of the population.

Does A Blow Job Count As Sex? 13% Of Men Don't Think So When It Comes To Cheating | Huffington Post
There is no evidence because there were no court orders. There were no subpoenas. There were no search warrants.
That whole investigation was rigged from day one.
Dirty tricks on a whole new level.

It depends on what the goal was.

Was the goal to get dirt on Hillary for violating an obscure regulation?

Or was it to evaluate if there really had been a breach in information security.

You see, this is the problem. You guys didn't really care about "leaked" information. Congress leaks information every day. YOu just wanted to get some little minor technical violation.

Kind of like spending 70 million dollars and ruining dozens of lives to prove, yes, yes, Bill really did lie about getting a blow job... or maybe he just doesn't consider a blow job to be "sex" like 13% of the population.

Does A Blow Job Count As Sex? 13% Of Men Don't Think So When It Comes To Cheating | Huffington Post

Which is fine if that's what Bill was in trouble for. It had little to do with a blow job and everything to do with proving that yes, he indeed took liberties with his underlings. The BJ thing is yet another lie in the list of liberal lies.

All that money which could have been better spent if Clinton just told the truth about Paula Jones in the first place and made a public apology as she demanded. But no, not Bill Clinton. He thought he was so slick that he could get away with lying about it and even sending his minions out in the MSM to insult the poor woman. You know..........drag a dollar bill through any trailer park????
Congress isn't a court. You lose again.

Hey, guy, this would all be a fascinating conversation if your side hadn't nominated a crazy Nazi. I mean, you could make a good case for not voting for Hillary based on this.

Oh, and I hope Trump plans exactly that. Yes, lying to Congress under oath is against the law and certainly something one would not expect from a person running for President. She has looked the American people in the eyes and lied to us repeatedly, and she did the same with Congress, and you want to elect her as President. Geez.
Which is fine if that's what Bill was in trouble for. It had little to do with a blow job and everything to do with proving that yes, he indeed took liberties with his underlings. The BJ thing is yet another lie in the list of liberal lies.

He was asked if he ever had sex with Lewinsky. He said no. If he doesn't consider a blow job to be sex, like 13% of men don't, then he wasn't actually lying.

That might be a fine distinction, but the thing was, Ken Starr spent a lot of time trying to prove Clinton put it in another hole and couldn't.

Paula Jones wasn't an underling. She didn't work for Clinton directly. Therefore, she had no standing to sue him for sexual harrassment. This is why the case was thrown out.

Technically, Lewinsky wasn't an underling, either. She was at the time, an unpaid intern.

All that money which could have been better spent if Clinton just told the truth about Paula Jones in the first place and made a public apology as she demanded. But no, not Bill Clinton. He thought he was so slick that he could get away with lying about it and even sending his minions out in the MSM to insult the poor woman. You know..........drag a dollar bill through any trailer park????

Why should he make an apology for something that probably didn't happen, and wasn't a big deal if it did.

So the whole argument is that a woman who posed for Penthouse was HORRIFICALLY TRAUMATIZED because she saw Clinton's pecker. Now unless Clinton's dick is some kind of Lovecraftian Horror, I'm just not seeing what her damages were, exactly.

Neither did Judge Susan Weber Wright, who dismissed her case without merit.

What this case demonstrated is how bad and confusing the Sexual Harassment laws are. IN the real world, they usually fire the poor schlub without a hearing. I've seen it happen. In the few cases where it doesn't, they usually fire the complainant and she doesn't usually have the resources to fight it,either.

This was a case where both sides had nearly unlimited resources to fight something that wasn't that big of a deal.
Congress isn't a court. You lose again.

Hey, guy, this would all be a fascinating conversation if your side hadn't nominated a crazy Nazi. I mean, you could make a good case for not voting for Hillary based on this.

Oh, and I hope Trump plans exactly that. Yes, lying to Congress under oath is against the law and certainly something one would not expect from a person running for President. She has looked the American people in the eyes and lied to us repeatedly, and she did the same with Congress, and you want to elect her as President. Geez.

You hope Trump plans to be a Nazi, Racist from Cleveland?
What a bunch of whiny bitches huh? The media has already asked enough questions about Benghazi and the Clinton foundation.

Trumps the wild card new comer. Doesn't he realize every sleezy deal he's ever done needs to go under the microscope?

And it's not the questions that hurt trump it was his answers
You're whining and trying to pin it on someone else. No, the media hasn't covered Hillary's corruption very well at all. The continuously paint it as no harm no foul. That's a lie and a coverup and proves just how corrupt media is too. They work hand in hand to disseminate propaganda to the masses so they can both prosper. Like any leftist regime.
Sorry the media hasn't bit on any of the 100 Clinton witch hunts. You guys have cried wolf 50 times too many. You make mountains out of mole hills
Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).
There is no evidence because there were no court orders. There were no subpoenas. There were no search warrants.
That whole investigation was rigged from day one.
Dirty tricks on a whole new level.'s why:
When FBI Director James Comey said that the organization would not be seeking to bring charges against Hillary Clinton over her illegal email server, anyone paying attention knew there was a deep level of corruption. Now, it’s been made clear. James Comey received millions of dollars from the corrupt Clinton Foundation, and his brother’s law firm also does the Clinton’s taxes.

...Comey is noted as receiving $6 million in one year along from Lockheed Martin, who is a Clinton Foundation donor, and became a donor in the same year Comey received those funds.

Additionally, Mr. Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings in 2013. HSBC has also partnered with The Clinton Foundation, where records indicate that the bank projected $1 billion in financing through the Clinton Foundation for “retrofitting” 1,500 to 2,000 housing units to conserve energy.

Additionally, Peter Comey, James’ brother, serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper, according to the report."
FBI Director Comey Took Millions from Clinton Foundation Defense Contractor - The Washington Standard
What a bunch of whiny bitches huh? The media has already asked enough questions about Benghazi and the Clinton foundation.

Trumps the wild card new comer. Doesn't he realize every sleezy deal he's ever done needs to go under the microscope?

And it's not the questions that hurt trump it was his answers
You're whining and trying to pin it on someone else. No, the media hasn't covered Hillary's corruption very well at all. The continuously paint it as no harm no foul. That's a lie and a coverup and proves just how corrupt media is too. They work hand in hand to disseminate propaganda to the masses so they can both prosper. Like any leftist regime.
Sorry the media hasn't bit on any of the 100 Clinton witch hunts. You guys have cried wolf 50 times too many. You make mountains out of mole hills
So now you admit they ignored it. Thanks!
Well then you better inform our agencies about that, because apparently they have no knowledge of your claims.

Yawn.... Comey investigated, and said she did nothing illegal. Deal with it.

Of course there is no evidence of how much damage she's done to this country. She destroyed all that evidence. Outside of the beltway, if you destroy evidence in an investigation, you go to jail, and that's exactly where Hillary should be.

That exactly right. There is NO EVIDENCE. All you have is speculation that she might have been hacked (no evidence) and that the information her server was really sensitive and not just overclassification by agencies after the fact (again, no evidence).
There is no evidence because there were no court orders. There were no subpoenas. There were no search warrants.
That whole investigation was rigged from day one.
Dirty tricks on a whole new level.'s why:
When FBI Director James Comey said that the organization would not be seeking to bring charges against Hillary Clinton over her illegal email server, anyone paying attention knew there was a deep level of corruption. Now, it’s been made clear. James Comey received millions of dollars from the corrupt Clinton Foundation, and his brother’s law firm also does the Clinton’s taxes.

...Comey is noted as receiving $6 million in one year along from Lockheed Martin, who is a Clinton Foundation donor, and became a donor in the same year Comey received those funds.

Additionally, Mr. Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings in 2013. HSBC has also partnered with The Clinton Foundation, where records indicate that the bank projected $1 billion in financing through the Clinton Foundation for “retrofitting” 1,500 to 2,000 housing units to conserve energy.

Additionally, Peter Comey, James’ brother, serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper, according to the report."
FBI Director Comey Took Millions from Clinton Foundation Defense Contractor - The Washington Standard
Off the charts corruption. Just the way leftists want it.
Congress isn't a court. You lose again.

Hey, guy, this would all be a fascinating conversation if your side hadn't nominated a crazy Nazi. I mean, you could make a good case for not voting for Hillary based on this.

Oh, and I hope Trump plans exactly that. Yes, lying to Congress under oath is against the law and certainly something one would not expect from a person running for President. She has looked the American people in the eyes and lied to us repeatedly, and she did the same with Congress, and you want to elect her as President. Geez.

Don't you find it amusing when the other side tries to use terms like 'Nazi' to smear the Right....when the Nazis were socialists just as the party they are supporting is.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

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