No-Kill Christmas: A Non-Partisan Idea

Ok everyone...Just relax.....
Here....[ame=]Slidesong: Bob Rivers Comedy Corp - The Twelve Pains of Christmas - YouTube[/ame]
Better not kill a bird for Christmas or the whiners will bitch about it this year.
Jake's right. For some people there is no universal bliss that's beyond dragging into the political muck.

Seems to be getting worse lately too.
First of all Flake is never right he's a complete moron and if you follow in his foot steps you have nowhere to go but down. Second, as proof, I have your post above that you are neck and neck with his race to the bottom. Did you completely forget the OP? Here it is.

Well I don't need to quote the statistics on the millions of trees that unnecessarily meet their end this time of year. I highly doubt everyone makes it out on Arbor Day to plant a new one.

This problem had bothered me for years. I'm one of those evergreen addicts that has to have the smell of fresh fir or pine boughs that comes with a real, actual murdered sapling.
A murdered sapling, for f*ck sakes. A tree planted and grown on a tree farm to become a Christmas tree (for profit of course! The horror!) is considered MURDERED. Yep, murdered a f*cking tree. Yet you get all butt hurt over someone calling her an idiot and making it political on their part but not on the OP. It's a f*cking tree you simple minded little fool and it's destiny from planting the seed was for it to be cut down and placed in someones home as a joyous symbol of the holiday season.

You liberals are f*cking nuts.
first of all flake is never right he's a complete moron and if you follow in his foot steps you have nowhere to go but down. Second, as proof, i have your post above that you are neck and neck with his race to the bottom. Did you completely forget the op? Here it is.

well i don't need to quote the statistics on the millions of trees that unnecessarily meet their end this time of year. I highly doubt everyone makes it out on arbor day to plant a new one.

This problem had bothered me for years. I'm one of those evergreen addicts that has to have the smell of fresh fir or pine boughs that comes with a real, actual murdered sapling.
a murdered sapling, for f*ck sakes. A tree planted and grown on a tree farm to become a christmas tree (for profit of course! The horror!) is considered murdered. Yep, murdered a f*cking tree. Yet you get all butt hurt over someone calling her an idiot and making it political on their part but not on the op. It's a f*cking tree you simple minded little fool and it's destiny from planting the seed was for it to be cut down and placed in someones home as a joyous symbol of the holiday season.

You liberals are f*cking nuts.

jake's right. For some people there is no universal bliss that's beyond dragging into the political muck.

Seems to be getting worse lately too.

q. E. D. ^^

Yet you get all butt hurt

Irony alert.

over someone calling her an idiot

"Idiot" --- not found in thread.

Erleichda, dickbag.
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But killing tree's is murder and shit. We're harming the earths children just like we're harming the poor birds with our civilization.

We must be gentle and hug trees.
But killing tree's is murder and shit. We're harming the earths children just like we're harming the poor birds with our civilization.

We must be gentle and hug trees.

Wanna diaper for christmas?

OK........this thread most definitely gets the calendar year award for :eusa_dance: STOOPIDEST THREAD!!! :eusa_dance:

Get some real responsibilities in life and then come on back in sweets!!!
We just have a little 4 ft. tree but it's very cute. I bought a real wreath and decorated it myself, that's on the door then there is some real garland around the house. No fireplace but it still looks good.

The most important thing, get into the spirit and stay happy. :)
This has got to be a joke. You can't take this seriously at all.

Christmas trees are grown on tree farms. They aren't captured in the wild.
This has got to be a joke. You can't take this seriously at all.

Christmas trees are grown on tree farms. They aren't captured in the wild.

Uh -- I think everybody knows that. Welcome to our planet, Jor-El.

Jake's right. For some people there is no universal bliss that's beyond dragging into the political muck.

Seems to be getting worse lately too.
First of all Flake is never right he's a complete moron and if you follow in his foot steps you have nowhere to go but down. Second, as proof, I have your post above that you are neck and neck with his race to the bottom. Did you completely forget the OP? Here it is.

Well I don't need to quote the statistics on the millions of trees that unnecessarily meet their end this time of year. I highly doubt everyone makes it out on Arbor Day to plant a new one.

This problem had bothered me for years. I'm one of those evergreen addicts that has to have the smell of fresh fir or pine boughs that comes with a real, actual murdered sapling.
A murdered sapling, for f*ck sakes. A tree planted and grown on a tree farm to become a Christmas tree (for profit of course! The horror!) is considered MURDERED. Yep, murdered a f*cking tree. Yet you get all butt hurt over someone calling her an idiot and making it political on their part but not on the OP. It's a f*cking tree you simple minded little fool and it's destiny from planting the seed was for it to be cut down and placed in someones home as a joyous symbol of the holiday season.

You liberals are f*cking nuts. me, a liberal? Have you seen my other threads?

Simmer down kiddies. I'm not advocating no kill everything. I butcher or help butcher my own chickens, pigs, sheep and rabbits for food. It's not really the killing part but rather the deforestation part and the climate problem. Taking out some methane producing livestock for the holiday meal isn't the type of killing that is taking out our natural air conditioners [forests].

And for the PETA crowd out there, our meat while it is alive has all the care and shelter it would want. We treat our critters with respect and gentle hands until their final hour. And heck, it's either we eat them or the racoons, foxes, bear and mountain lion do. We've lost them to all these predators.

Just try not to kill so many trees. That's all I was saying with the OP. Try out a branch-tree for just one year and see if it isn't kind of a treat....something different. Even trees grown on farms contribute to climate stability. Put those farms to wheat or corn if you have to farm. Acre for acre there's always a substitute crop. And the poorer people get, the less likely they're going to fork out $50-$100 per farmed tree and the more temptation to pull off a highway and cut down a sapling from the wild.
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We just have a little 4 ft. tree but it's very cute. I bought a real wreath and decorated it myself, that's on the door then there is some real garland around the house. No fireplace but it still looks good.

The most important thing, get into the spirit and stay happy. :)

Good for you. And I agree. These various holidays in the dead of Winter were originally kicked off ages ago IMHO to keep people joyful and festive when the bitter cold and long nights were tempting people to depression.
We just have a little 4 ft. tree but it's very cute. I bought a real wreath and decorated it myself, that's on the door then there is some real garland around the house. No fireplace but it still looks good.

The most important thing, get into the spirit and stay happy. :)

Good for you. And I agree. These various holidays in the dead of Winter were originally kicked off ages ago IMHO to keep people joyful and festive when the bitter cold and long nights were tempting people to depression.

Exactly right. That's why we hang lights - sympathetic magic to bring the sunlight back.
I just think if you don't have to kill a whole tree for the 6 or 7 years it needs to regrow from a sapling, even on a tree farm, then don't. Just carve a lower branch that's shaped like a tree and prop it up against a wall and hang ornaments. Same green smell, same look, lower profile and better atmosphere for the earth.

Our planet is in pretty rough shape, no matter what the republicans are chanting in a drone to the opposite. Over that drone I can hear the earth gasping. Well, she'll survive. We won't though..
Well I don't need to quote the statistics on the millions of trees that unnecessarily meet their end this time of year. I highly doubt everyone makes it out on Arbor Day to plant a new one.

This problem had bothered me for years. I'm one of those evergreen addicts that has to have the smell of fresh fir or pine boughs that comes with a real, actual murdered sapling. Then one year in poverty, we decided instead just to trim a lower branch of a fir. Lo and behold it was beautiful. They still grow in the classic cone shape of a tree, but are pretty much 2-dimensional. This does well for cramped spaces because you can set this upright branch right up next to a wall and you don't have to trip over it or have it take up space where a chair or couch once was.

So, you can have your christmas tree and not kill. I hope this can become a new trend because we need all the trees we can get right about now. So if you haven't bought a tree, don't. Just trim one up in a forest near you. The benefit to a future logger would be clearer grain since when you delimb a tree down low on its skirt, this makes less knots. Win-win. :beer:

You're serious?
I just think if you don't have to kill a whole tree for the 6 or 7 years it needs to regrow from a sapling, even on a tree farm, then don't. Just carve a lower branch that's shaped like a tree and prop it up against a wall and hang ornaments. Same green smell, same look, lower profile and better atmosphere for the earth.

Our planet is in pretty rough shape, no matter what the republicans are chanting in a drone to the opposite. Over that drone I can hear the earth gasping. Well, she'll survive. We won't though..

Many people grow Christmas trees like a crop. That's how they make their living, or at least part of it.

Do you also propose to stop lumber companies from harvesting trees?

If trees are replanted after they are harvested there is little impact on the total tree biomass that grows every year.

Your plan is stupid. It will only put a lot of people out of work and it won't help the environment one bit.

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