No Labels -- Cease Fire

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
DEMAND A CEASEFIRE! | Tell Washington to Put America First

Let’s tell our leaders in Washington to stop fighting each other and start fixing for us! They’ve spent years weakening our economy with political games. Now they’re gambling with our jobs, our social security checks, and our families’ futures. Too much is at stake. It’s time for Washington to start putting our interests first. That’s why we’re calling on Congress to declare a ceasefire and put jobs first.

[ame=]CEASEFIRE! - YouTube[/ame]
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.
No negotiation. No discussion. No conversation.


No cease fire.

Not until D's are willing to come to the table.
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Congress is finally flexing its muscle.

There is a reason why the Founding Fathers put control of the nation's purse strings in The Commons - the US House of Representatives.

Sometimes, in order to avoid a huge disaster, you end-up having to create another.

If the killing of ObamaCare is more important to the Pubs than defaulting, then, that, too, is in accordance with the vision of the Founding Fathers, who entrusted the House with such decision-making capability...

This is one of those rare occasions wherein one element of the Government is attempting to use The Law to reverse a hastily cobbled-together bill, rammed down the throats of the American People, as a last resort, before it can do incalculable damage...

All the while staring down yet another huge problem, The Shutdown, and beginning to peer over the edge to a bona fide abyss... Defaulting.

Although I fully support the House in its attempt to overturn or delay or modify ObamaCare, I am beginning to grow doubtful and skeptical of the looming Default as an acceptable outcome for this struggle.
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If we DO default, the Chinese are gonna shit plaid, with all the Bad Paper they suddenly find themselves holding.
Nixon refused to spend money that congress alloted via a concurrent resolution they passed ( 'budget'), congress, then passed the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, he had to knuckle under and he signed it.

Also, we have had scraps ala the line item veto, ( SC ruled against it 6-3) etc...and every pres. since nixon, obama too( jefferson used impoundment btw ) has wanted the impoundment power back.

There appears to be a clear thread here; the president has to, if he wants to spend, use congress and sign the/a budget/cr he wishes to use as that spending mechanism, and too, he has to spend what has been allocated via a passed concurrent or continuing resolution, if he doesn't sign a budget ( Conc res.) for the year, and conversely, it is clear the bill/budget CR does not have to allot monies they don't want to..............

The pres. submits his template in feb. and if no conc. res ( budget bill voted and passed by both houses ) is passed, they get to where we are now- a continuing res., but the same applies, the president must ask for, then if he must, compromise to get the funding he wants in the bill .....this is the way it works and has.
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.


You wish but surely you know better than that. Boehner doesn't have ay control on what happens. None at all.

Besides, them shutting down the government has nothing at all to do with ObamaCare or the debt.

there will be no default, period

Probably not but the Rs' screwing around is doing us great harm and they don't give a damn.

With the R's, follow the money.
They haven't been talking about/mentioning the ACA the past few days. Defunding, delaying, etc. What up with that? I mean, wasn't that the whole point of all of this?

Boehner had said there were "no boundaries" in potential talks, and made no mention of recent Republican demands to delay parts of Obama's healthcare law in return for approving funds to end the government shutdown.

Government shutdown: Obama says he will negotiate when Republicans end 'threats' -

Define the problem. Analyze the problem. Negotiate a solution. Analyze the result. Adjust the solution.


Wouldn't it be a nice tidy little world if that were possible.

Only a very naive and ignorant child would believe it is.

Grow up. Live in the real world.

Or not.

Your choice.
They haven't been talking about/mentioning the ACA the past few days. Defunding, delaying, etc. What up with that? I mean, wasn't that the whole point of all of this?

Boehner had said there were "no boundaries" in potential talks, and made no mention of recent Republican demands to delay parts of Obama's healthcare law in return for approving funds to end the government shutdown.

Government shutdown: Obama says he will negotiate when Republicans end 'threats' -


That was smoke screen.

ObamaCare is here to stay and the Rs know it.

They also know that they can use it to mix and stir and keep rw's all pissed while they quietly screws us over.

It has nothing at all to do with the debt. If it did, they would not raise the debt limit. But, they will because its suicidal to go into debt and refuse to pay up.

Define the problem. Analyze the problem. Negotiate a solution. Analyze the result. Adjust the solution.


Wouldn't it be a nice tidy little world if that were possible.

Only a very naive and ignorant child would believe it is.

Grow up. Live in the real world.

Or not.

Your choice.

Thats the way the big boys do it Gertrude...the manual does not come with your EBT card?
Failure to raise the debt ceiling will only result in a default on our debt obligations, if the President decides not to pay the interest on the debt. The federal government receives, in the neighborhood of, $250 billion in revenues every month. Interest on the debt is around $25 billion per month. Once again, the President is attempting to panic the ignorant by feeding them lies.

Raising the debt ceiling is not paying for past spending, it is a licence to borrow more money, and therefore spend more.

Lets knock off the smoke, mirrors and bullshit, and start talking about the real issues.

Our children and grandchildren are not only facing a huge public debt, somewhat North of $20 trillion, but an unfunded liability in the $60 to $70 trillion range. Unfunded liabilities are future debt created by current law, and will come due and payable, unless changes are made in promised benefits. No funds have been set aside to pay these future obligations, and consequently the unfunded liabilities label.

If we continue to allow our federal politicians to continue to kick this huge snowball down the slope, as it grows bigger and bigger, it will begin to consume our national economy just like we see happening in many Europeon socialist economies. Even with a robust economy, we will have difficulty controlling this huge snowball. Economic disaster will be the ultimate result.
Raising the debt ceiling is not paying for past spending, it is a licence to borrow more money, and therefore spend more.

What is wrong with people that they just keep on believing this lie?

We live in the information era and yet, people still believe shit they get from fox/beck/limbaugh. People still can't think for themselves.

Definition of 'Debt Ceiling'
The maximum amount of monies the United States can borrow. The debt ceiling was created under the Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917, putting a "ceiling" on the amount of bonds the United States can issue. As of the end of July, 2011 the debt ceiling was set at $14.3 trillion.

Also known as the "debt limit" or "statutory debt limit."

Investopedia Says
Investopedia explains 'Debt Ceiling'

Before the debt ceiling was created, the President had free reign on the country's finances. In 1917, the debt ceiling was created during World War I to hold the President fiscally responsible. Over time, the debt ceiling has been raised whenever the United States comes close to hitting the limit. By hitting the limit and missing an interest payment to bondholders, the United States would be in default, lowering its credit rating and increasing the cost of its debt.

There has been controversy over whether the debt ceiling is constitutional. According to the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned." The majority of democratic countries do not have a debt ceiling, with the United States being one of the exceptions.
Video at the link -
Debt Ceiling Definition | Investopedia

The system needs to be changed, overhauled. But until it is, the US cannot agree to pay back monies it has borrow and then decide to default.
For a minute I thought the left was demanding that the administration pull out of Afghanistan and I was tempted to agree but sadly the left thinks war is OK as long as a democrat is in office but the Constitutional system of checks and balances needs a cease fire ....whatever that means.
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.

Even if we default, the ACA remains the law. And it damned obvious whose political ideology is pushing us into that situation.

All you people have proven is how little you care about your fellow citizens, and how truly stupid you all are.
Raising the debt ceiling is not paying for past spending, it is a licence to borrow more money, and therefore spend more.

What is wrong with people that they just keep on believing this lie?

We live in the information era and yet, people still believe shit they get from fox/beck/limbaugh. People still can't think for themselves.

Definition of 'Debt Ceiling'
The maximum amount of monies the United States can borrow. The debt ceiling was created under the Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917, putting a "ceiling" on the amount of bonds the United States can issue. As of the end of July, 2011 the debt ceiling was set at $14.3 trillion.

Also known as the "debt limit" or "statutory debt limit."

Investopedia Says
Investopedia explains 'Debt Ceiling'

Before the debt ceiling was created, the President had free reign on the country's finances. In 1917, the debt ceiling was created during World War I to hold the President fiscally responsible. Over time, the debt ceiling has been raised whenever the United States comes close to hitting the limit. By hitting the limit and missing an interest payment to bondholders, the United States would be in default, lowering its credit rating and increasing the cost of its debt.

There has been controversy over whether the debt ceiling is constitutional. According to the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned." The majority of democratic countries do not have a debt ceiling, with the United States being one of the exceptions.
Video at the link -
Debt Ceiling Definition | Investopedia

The system needs to be changed, overhauled. But until it is, the US cannot agree to pay back monies it has borrow and then decide to default.
How bad were your math scores in school? Did you even have math beyond the third grade?

We can pay our current debt by taking away the frivilous spending. We can pay the debt down as is and not add more to it if the dems will actually agree to not keep adding to it.

We can pay our bills without adding to the debt, we can't keep up the dem freebies without debt.

We're currently paying 30 billion a month in interest. No help to anyone in paying that is there? But if we pay off the debt we will then have 30 billion per month to spend on taking care of ourselves.

The more we add to the debt the more interest we pay and therefore the less we can do for the country without putting ourselves deeper in debt.

It's a pretty simple concept for those that can add and subtract at a grade school level.
No negotiation. No discussion. No conversation.


No cease fire.

Not until D's are willing to come to the table.

We were at the table for over six months. You people never showed up. Now you want to legislate by extortion. The hell with you. Hold the open vote, or shut up.
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.

Even if we default, the ACA remains the law. And it damned obvious whose political ideology is pushing us into that situation.

All you people have proven is how little you care about your fellow citizens, and how truly stupid you all are.

I'm sorry. You seem to think I give a f*ck about you and if you get healthcare or a welfare check. I don't really give a sh*t. If you would do the minimum of at least taking care of yourself and paying your own way I may consider helping but you seem to think I need to cover those minimum standards of survival. I'm better off if you die. I don't give a sh*t if you die from starvation or lack of healthcare when your entire existence is reliant upon me working to pay for you.

I'm better off without you. What do you have to offer here other than taking from me to survive? You're a parasite, we're all best when we can rid of ourselves of those.

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