No Labels -- Cease Fire

Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.
Boehner is refusing to put the clean CR to a vote thereby prolonging the government shutdown and you are happy about it. Then you will scream like an ignorant baby about Obama being the cause of all the trouble. You and people like you are the reason 70% of the American people are blaming the shut down on republicans.
Cheer Boehner on all you wish. Never mind that he is cutting the throat of the republican party.
Raising the debt ceiling is not paying for past spending, it is a licence to borrow more money, and therefore spend more.

What is wrong with people that they just keep on believing this lie?

We live in the information era and yet, people still believe shit they get from fox/beck/limbaugh. People still can't think for themselves.


/Ah Luddly, you live in a dream world where you actually believe you know what you are talking about. Stick to the talking points, you don't have the mental ability to go beyond them.

All past spending has already been paid for through governmental revenue receipts, or by adding to the national public debt. Consequently, the only bills we have to pay are future bills, and the interest on the public debt. We need an increase in the debt limit to provide the ability to pay future bills by borrowing more money.

Anyone who tells you that we need an increase to pay for past expenditures, is either a liar, or is just as ignorant as you are.

You don't ask for an increase in your credit card balance to pay bills you have already paid for with your credit card, you want to pay future debts with that increase.
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.
Boehner is refusing to put the clean CR to a vote thereby prolonging the government shutdown and you are happy about it. Then you will scream like an ignorant baby about Obama being the cause of all the trouble. You and people like you are the reason 70% of the American people are blaming the shut down on republicans.
Cheer Boehner on all you wish. Never mind that he is cutting the throat of the republican party.

Boehner said they had come to a deal in January but the tee potty made him pull out at the last minute.

I agree that we should do away with frivolous spending but the Rs think taking food away from children, vets, the elderly is a good idea while they give huge subsidies to big oil.

Will the GObP/pubs ever work for the US again? I doubt it.
Raising the debt ceiling is not paying for past spending, it is a licence to borrow more money, and therefore spend more.

What is wrong with people that they just keep on believing this lie?

We live in the information era and yet, people still believe shit they get from fox/beck/limbaugh. People still can't think for themselves.

/Ah Luddly said:
I posted facts and you replied with name calling and fiction.

That means you're not worth my time.

If you should decide to post facts, I'll be very interested to read them. Until then, piss off.
Boehner saying he and prez had agreement is on this video, just a short way in.

Don't whine about it being on Jon Stewart - that fact does not change what Boehner said.

Boehner acts at the whim of the tee potty jerks like Cruz. The GOBP/Republican party is dead.
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.

Even if we default, the ACA remains the law. And it damned obvious whose political ideology is pushing us into that situation.

All you people have proven is how little you care about your fellow citizens, and how truly stupid you all are.

I'm sorry. You seem to think I give a f*ck about you and if you get healthcare or a welfare check. I don't really give a sh*t. If you would do the minimum of at least taking care of yourself and paying your own way I may consider helping but you seem to think I need to cover those minimum standards of survival. I'm better off if you die. I don't give a sh*t if you die from starvation or lack of healthcare when your entire existence is reliant upon me working to pay for you.

I'm better off without you. What do you have to offer here other than taking from me to survive? You're a parasite, we're all best when we can rid of ourselves of those.

Well, you wonder why the gop is dead as a national party, and up jumps a nimrod. LOL
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.
Boehner is refusing to put the clean CR to a vote thereby prolonging the government shutdown and you are happy about it. Then you will scream like an ignorant baby about Obama being the cause of all the trouble. You and people like you are the reason 70% of the American people are blaming the shut down on republicans.
Cheer Boehner on all you wish. Never mind that he is cutting the throat of the republican party.

Arguably, the gop (or dems) should never play poltics over the debt limit, but a CR is another story because it doesn't involve full faith and credit.

The TPM gives boehner no choice but to demand in exchange for a cr an end to obamacare, which he knows Obama will never give him. And then compains about no negotiations. Negotiation requires each party identify what they have to have. There is no compromise availabe to the TPM, and power wise they have no juice to force the issue, because Obamacare is the law, and it's non-discretionary spending. There simply is Jack Shite nothing they can do about it.

However, there would not be anything wrong with negotiating spending compromises for a cr.

Perhaps we're lucky the debt is involved, because it rachets up pressure on the tea party to sober the ef up.
We seem to be on a collision course with a Financial Catastrophe of Epic Proportions.

Perhaps this is what needs to happen, to get control of runaway government spending on the part of both parties.

Markets will crash, currency will de-value, investment and retirement portfolios will evaporate in the blink of an eye, it will rain fire and brimstone, yadda, yadda, yadda, and there will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth, with the threat of anarchy looming on the horizon.

I don't think it'll come to that. But there would be great suffering, nonetheless.

Still, the sun comes up the morning after, the world continues to turn on its axis, and the seasons continue to change, and there will be an end, and the end will be known.

If the worst happens, and there is a mega-financial-meltdown, as the doom-and-gloom types are warning us about, then, we will simply re-emerge from the ashes and build something different (other and more sane types of spending and debt-accumulation patterns and controls and authorizations).

I suppose that it's bound to happen sooner or later.

And, if true, then... if not now... when?

It's seems merely a question of how many post-WWII-generations of Americans can keep juggling all of these balls in the air before the whole mess comes crashing down.

We'll probably succeed in kicking the ball down the road for the next generation to deal with it, and even they might be successful in doing the same, but... our grandkids, or great-grandkids, or double-greats or whatever, are eventually gonna have to deal with this house of (financial and debt) cards that we've inherited and propagated.

And, of course, the longer we delay the Mega-Crash, the worse it will be when it does eventually come.

Scary stuff, for those who don't understand all the subtleties and nuances and possibilities; and, of course, most folks don't, beyond a certain superficial level.

In the long-run, it's the Common Man and his Confidence in the Full Faith and Credit of The Nation that keeps the whole house of cards from tumbling down.

Methinks that Confidence is slipping... substantially, if not decisively.

The pessimistic (doom-and-gloom) side of me - in a flight of depressing fancy - wonders... are we closer to the Mega-Crash than we think? Are we just about out of time?
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Define the problem. Analyze the problem. Negotiate a solution. Analyze the result. Adjust the solution.


Wouldn't it be a nice tidy little world if that were possible.

Only a very naive and ignorant child would believe it is.

Grow up. Live in the real world.

Or not.

Your choice.
this coming from a "guy" who says the.... "rw's" .....are responsible for Pro Athletes making more money than Teachers.....
Boehner is currently doing what I and many other Conservatives want him to do.

Get rid of the Obama-care TAX on the American People.

Even if we default, the ACA remains the law. And it damned obvious whose political ideology is pushing us into that situation.

All you people have proven is how little you care about your fellow citizens, and how truly stupid you all are.

I'm sorry. You seem to think I give a f*ck about you and if you get healthcare or a welfare check. I don't really give a sh*t. If you would do the minimum of at least taking care of yourself and paying your own way I may consider helping but you seem to think I need to cover those minimum standards of survival. I'm better off if you die. I don't give a sh*t if you die from starvation or lack of healthcare when your entire existence is reliant upon me working to pay for you.

I'm better off without you. What do you have to offer here other than taking from me to survive? You're a parasite, we're all best when we can rid of ourselves of those.

Rocks has been here as long as i have been here.....and ..

he is a vet
is still working in his late 60's making a good buck
does pay his own way
has his own Ins
you dont pay him anything
so how is he a parasite if he doesnt take from anyone?....just askin.....
I'm not so doom and gloom, but I worry about how "big" a "win" Obama wants to extract. There are valid bi-partisan reasons to be pissed at the TPM over shutting down the govt over a potus's legislative achievement, in that it's a dangerous precedent.

But coming off the election there was bipartisan support for immigration reform, and even some limited gun control, like background checks. The RW shut down both. Is this about getting even for the dems?

There's probably a deal out there now for the gop to give the dems means testing for medicare and soc sec (I admit I'm not a fan) for cost of living cuts and upping the retirement age. The gop might agree to some loophole closings for a couple of percentage points in spending cuts over two years.

There's no grand bargain out there, but the econ is improving, so there's more tax money coming in. Do some entitlement reform, get some revenue that doesn't hurt growth, and cut a little spending .... that's not terrible.

But politically, does Obama want to give the gop a way out to be seen as compromising? He may overreach and paint himself as obstructionist.

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