No Labels + more primary challenges are needed for better elections

"No labels" = the same milquetoast soft authoritrian drips who stand for nothing, who made a Trump possible.
No labels is a republican run spoiler operation, not a third party.

We must never be permitted to have more than two choices in a democratic form of government.
So are you saying that those of us who want a strong, secure, free, prosperous American with choices, options, opportunity, liberty for all are narrow minded, short sighted, blind partisans?
I believe this is what you imagine I'm saying, but there are zero details as to how your flowery proclamations of prosperity, opportunity and liberty become reality. The devil is always in the details. I don't need more campaign speeches and talking points.

Are you saying that those of us who want our children educated instead of indoctrinated, who don't want our country overrun and our resources drained via an open border, who don't want endless wars and value world peace, who believe a strong prosperous America is the best opportunity the world has for a better world, who value the concept of our Constitution that limits the scope and authority of federal government are narrow minded, short sighted, blind partisans?

Education vs. indoctrination seems a non objective approach. Standards should be set across the board. Teach within those standards, not politicize them by trying to constantly change them. If someone decides to teach outside of the said standards, then they can be relinquished of their position. Indoctrination goes both ways. I don't want to see education standards changed to promote any specific religion or ideology. I have no use for it, and I won't vote for it. However, partisans want do want this, and will readily vote for it.

Your idea of our southern border seems supremely naive and crafted from the Trumpian playbook. Concentrating on the monumental waste of money and resources the physical border wall has turned out to be when 3/5ths of illegal immigration in this country comes from visa overstays is, in a word stupid. :rolleyes:

Neither political tribe wants to tackle doing the true work of real reform of our immigration system, so they continue to throw money and other band aid solutions at it. They have been doing this my entire life. Your ideas are nothing new. They support the same right wing status quo talking points that do fuck all to stem the problem. Proof is in the pudding, and neither tribe has proven to have a lock on it.

If you find such value in our constitutional liberties, then you believe social media companies need never be regulated by the government, no? You find free speech, even by a corporate conglomerate, important, no? Then how do you explain magaturds constantly crying like little girls with skinned knees about '1st amendment censorship' on Twatter? How about the Disney situation?

There will always be those who chose to be governed instead of governing themselves.
Yes. I am one of the latter.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, you mean like the inclusive party not being inclusive at all? Since when are they open to different visions for America? They have one vision and one vision only, their vision.
Yes, the two tribes are very similar to each other. :rolleyes: I've been stating this my whole life.
Now? I've known about the swamp since 1990.

That's not being the better man. That's enabling the swamp.

I can't find video of him saying that he would, so I'll retract the claim.

I'm not a Democrat and have never been a Democrat. Short of having an accident where I become brain damaged I'll never be a Democrat. I may vote Democrat after I'm dead.

I remember Republicans controlling both chambers of Congress while Trump was President and he did nothing about building the wall. He only started talking about it after Democrats controlled the House and there was no chance of getting funding.

Yeah, Trump lowered my taxes by like $10 per week. Government spending went way up though.

Who exactly is the swamp?

Yes, many democrats have voted even after they were dead.

Republicans never had a supermajority in the Senate, so they didn't really have full control.
I believe this is what you imagine I'm saying, but there are zero details as to how your flowery proclamations of prosperity, opportunity and liberty become reality. The devil is always in the details. I don't need more campaign speeches and talking points.

Education vs. indoctrination seems a non objective approach. Standards should be set across the board. Teach within those standards, not politicize them by trying to constantly change them. If someone decides to teach outside of the said standards, then they can be relinquished of their position. Indoctrination goes both ways. I don't want to see education standards changed to promote any specific religion or ideology. I have no use for it, and I won't vote for it. However, partisans want do want this, and will readily vote for it.

Your idea of our southern border seems supremely naive and crafted from the Trumpian playbook. Concentrating on the monumental waste of money and resources the physical border wall has turned out to be when 3/5ths of illegal immigration in this country comes from visa overstays is, in a word stupid. :rolleyes:

Neither political tribe wants to tackle doing the true work of real reform of our immigration system, so they continue to throw money and other band aid solutions at it. They have been doing this my entire life. Your ideas are nothing new. They support the same right wing status quo talking points that do fuck all to stem the problem. Proof is in the pudding, and neither tribe has proven to have a lock on it.

If you find such value in our constitutional liberties, then you believe social media companies need never be regulated by the government, no? You find free speech, even by a corporate conglomerate, important, no? Then how do you explain magaturds constantly crying like little girls with skinned knees about '1st amendment censorship' on Twatter? How about the Disney situation?

Yes. I am one of the latter.
Your last line says it all and is the antithesis of what America and its Constitution intended us to be. People with that attitude would be happier living in China or Russia or North Korea or one of the Arab monarchies where your rights are assigned rather than recognized and protected.

So I won't bother posting yet again the data on Trump accomplishments. People who prefer to be governed instead of enjoying and defending individual liberty would just say it's fake news or propaganda anyway.

It is true that those living in authoritarian/totalitarian countries don't have a lot of personal responsibility. They are told what they are allowed to think, believe, speak, how they are expected to live, work, play. Independent thought or critical thinking is suppressed. Everything is focused on the state and maintaining its power. The people have no say over what their children will be taught, how they will be directed. Many have little power to choose where or how they will work, live, what prosperity they will be allowed to enjoy.

A Trump supporter is one who appreciates that America was intended to be the opposite of that.
You can’t get more challengers and reduce the influence of parties without solving the money hurdle problem.
This is a distraction. The sitting parties will never write campaign finance reform laws that don't, first and foremost, benefit them and squelch their rivals.

Nothing will change until we summon the courage to just say no. To stop voting for them.

We whine about this stuff every election, and then dutifully trudge into the voting booth and do the same stupid thing. We tell ourselves we're not voting for the candidate we select (because we can't defend them with a clean conscience) but rather against the "other candidate", who is the devil incarnate. Things won't get better until we stop falling for this scam.
You said (emphasis mine)

I said (emphasis mine):

?? Are you being obtuse on purpose? :dunno:
Well if you say you didn't mean that last line as I interpreted it I believe you and apologize. But everything else in your post supports my interpretation.

I find never Trumpers--those who try to make an argument instead of just insult anyway--to more often than not speak in some sort of suggestive code. We are expected to understand via innuendo instead of them saying clearly and specifically what they mean. And frankly I find that kind of argument on both sides to be tedious and annoying.

But that's just me.
Well if you say you didn't mean that last line as I interpreted it I believe you and apologize. But everything else in your post supports my interpretation.

I find never Trumpers--those who try to make an argument instead of just insult anyway--to more often than not speak in some sort of suggestive code. We are expected to understand via innuendo instead of them saying clearly and specifically what they mean. And frankly I find that kind of argument on both sides to be tedious and annoying.

But that's just me.
Yeah. It's you, as I speak very clearly. Perhaps you're just not intelligent enough to understand English beyond political talking points. That is not my problem. :dunno:
Had nothing to do with that. He would have easily won re-election but for the pandemic. Interesting though that Democrats ran against Trump's handling of the pandemic in 2020 and yet just the other day Gavin Newsome admitted that if we had known then what we know now, we would have handled the pandemic differently. Kind of interesting, isn't it? Sounds like they weren't happy with the their own handling of the pandemic, which they did opposite of what Trump was doing. Food for thought.

Oh, by the way, even many Democrats are now attacking Biden's handling of the border.
The pandemic and ‘repeal and replace’ should have provided a great synergy for him. Missed opportunity.
We must never be permitted to have more than two choices in a democratic form of government.
That the gist of it, yeah. If there's one thing Ds and Rs can agree on it's that any attempt to break us out of their two party circle jerk is evil.
As I said, if you don't have a supermajority in the Senate, you don't have control of it. But, you knew that.
Excuses! He promised and said it would be easy. Did the Dems have a supermajority when the ACA was passed? I don’t think so. The problem is that the MAGA crowd thinks compromise is a four letter word.

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