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No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

What's Wrong with Wikipedia?

I found an article specifically addressing the problems in relying on Wikipedia as a source to prove the truth about anything.

According to the article, the problem with Wikipedia is identified in its own disclaimer, information on Wikipedia is contributed by anyone who wants to post material, and the expertise of the posters is not taken into consideration.

At any time, today or tomorrow, users may be reading information that is outdated or that has been posted by someone who is not an expert in the field or by someone who wishes to provide misinformation.

An example is provided in this article: 4 years ago, an Expos student who was writing a paper about the limitations of Wikipedia posted a fictional entry for himself, stating that he was the mayor of a small town in China. 4 years later, if you type in his name, or if you do a subject search on Wikipedia for mayors of towns in China, you will still find this fictional entry.

Some information on Wikipedia may well be accurate, but because no experts review the site's entries, there is a considerable risk in relying on this source.

Here is where Wikipedia is helpful:

As a basic reference material to familiarize yourself with a topic.

And it leads a person to credible sources.

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Amnesty investigated human rights abuses of Cast Lead and found Israel used Palestinian civilians as human shields, but found no evidence Hamas or other Palestinian groups used Palestinian civilians as human shields.

"Amnesty International, for its part, did not find evidence that Hamas or other Palestinian
groups violated the laws of war to the extent repeatedly alleged by Israel. In particular, it
found no evidence that Hamas or other fighters directed the movement of civilians to shield
military objectives from attacks. "

Here, they address Israel's use of Palestinian civilians as human shields.

"By contrast, Amnesty International did find that Israeli forces on several occasions during Operation “Cast Lead” forced Palestinian civilians to serve
as “human shields”. "

And they point out, the use of human shields by one side does not absolve the other side from their obligations owed to the civilian population, to not unlawfully target civilians and civilian objects.

"In any event, international humanitarian law makes clear that use of
“human shields” by one party does not release the attacking party from its legal obligations
with respect to civilians."

This discussion appears in Amnestys Report 22 Days Of Death And Destruction

Paragraph 4.2.2


Elliott Abrams, writing about the November 2012 Israeli military response in Gaza, says that Amnesty International (AI) treats "Hamas and other terrorist groups" "with an 'evenhandedness' that bespeaks deep biases," citing NGO Monitor's detailed research.[23]

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticised the May 2012 report on administrative detention saying it was "one sided,” and “not particularly serious,” and "that it seemed little more than a public relations gimmick.”

Gerald Steinberg, of NGO Monitor, said that the report was tied to the recent Palestinian hunger strikes and that AI “jumped on the bandwagon to help their Palestinian allies.”[24]

Steinberg also pointed out that one of the researchers, Deborah Hyams was not a neutral party, saying that “Hyams has volunteered as a ‘human shield’ in Beit Jala (near Bethlehem) to deter Israeli military responses to gunfire and mortars targeting Jewish civilians in Jerusalem,” and that “in 2008 she signed a letter claiming Israel is 'a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land.'[25] The Israeli embassy in London called AI “ridiculous”.

AI admitted that this report “is not intended to address violations of detainees’ rights by the Palestinian Authority, or the Hamas de facto administration. These violations have been and will continue to be addressed separately by the organisation”.[26]

In May 2012, NGO Monitor criticized AI's 2012 World Report in a few areas:

AI criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens." NGO Monitor continued and said that "UN Secretary General’s Palmer Committee declared in September 2011 that the blockade is legal under international law."

AI "failed to mention the thousands of tons of goods provided by Israel to Gaza each week."

NGO Monitor also pointed out that AI's report "mentions Israel 137 times, while making only 74 mentions of the Syrian regime," during a year in which thousands of people have been killed by the Syrian government.[27]

According to Israeli professor Gerald M. Steinberg of NGO Monitor “Amnesty International has promoted an intense anti-Israel ideology, resulting in statements like these."[33]

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Israel unlawfully targets civilians.

"Much of the destruction was wanton and resulted from direct attacks on civilian objects as
well as indiscriminate attacks that failed to distinguish between legitimate military targets
and civilian objects. Such attacks violated fundamental provisions of international
humanitarian law, notably the prohibition on direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects
(the principle of distinction), the prohibition on indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks,
and the prohibition on collective punishment."

Above are findings of Amnesty International proving Israel unlawfully targets civilians.

Introduction Amnesty Report 22 Days Of Death And Destruction

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Wikipedia remains an uncredible source, no matter how many times uneducated and ignorant Zionist posters, aka Israeli shills, choose to use it as a source.
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Amnesty discusses the killing of the 22 members of the al-Dayah family on January 6, 2009.

They first visited the site January 20, at a time when 9 of the 22 bodies were still under rubble, where the house had stood before attacked by the IDF with a bomb from an aircraft.

In a briefing issued by the Israeli army to journalists on April 22, the army states that the bombing of the al-Daya family home was “a result of an operational error” and they alleged the
intended target was the building next door, which the army claimed was a weapons storage facility.

Amnesty comments make clear they are skeptical about the truth of this claim, because the fact is the alleged weapons storage facility is not known to have been attacked, even after the army had alleged the attack on 6 January had mistakenly destroyed the wrong property.

Further, Amnesty points out the residents of the house were not given warnings to leave, carrying out an attack near a civilian house raises questions about the extent to which the Israeli
army was taking necessary precautions, as it had not warned houses neighboring the alleged weapons storage facility about the allegedly planned attack even though it could most certainly have been expected to cause secondary conflagrations which would have endangered the residents.

Many civilians were killed or injured in houses next to buildings directly targeted by Israeli forces without warning, Amnesty points out.

Whether it was a deliberate targeting of a civilian object or a mistaken attack, either constitutes a war crime, because Israel did not honor her obligations owed to the civilian community in this neighborhood when she carried out the strike that killed 22 members of the Al-Dayah family. Israel obviously planned an attack in that neighborhood and took no precautions to protect the civilians there.

Pg 14

Some more of those findings of Amnesty in their struggle to bring Truth into the Light about Cast Lead:

Israeli forces:

"failed to take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, or at least to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects"

"carried out disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks"

"carried out direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects, including medical personnel and vehicles"

"failed to allow timely access to and passage of medical and relief personnel and vehicles."


Pgs 7-8
Wikipedia is not a credible source, children as young as 10 in schools in the US are not allowed to cite it because of its lack of credibility.

There are no provisions in The Geneva Convention that make combatants failure to wear uniforms war crimes.

Further, the rules of Occupation clearly provide the key to distinquishing between persons with a protected status as civilians is whether the person was a participant in the hostilities when attacked.

Hamas civilian police officers were unlawfully targeted hy Israel, hundreds were unlawfully killed In attacks targeting municipal police stations and attacks targeting graduating police officers.

Excusing islamist terrorists as a way of promoting your Joooooo hatreds is a huge fail. Acts of war perpetrated by islamist terrorists will be met as such.

Sherri does not "excuse" isa/allah murder and mutilation of jews ---she
LAUDS it----and even sings songs to her depraved dog "god"----------

she even claims this sort of filth for her batpist church----well--none of
the baptist churches I know. In the baptist churches I know----they
clap their hands and sing songs that include hebrew words----very cheerful
and rousing stuff------anyone interested ----if there is one in your neighborhood---
just hang around the front door-----mostly on sundays
Wikipedia is not a credible source, children as young as 10 in schools in the US are not allowed to cite it because of its lack of credibility.

There are no provisions in The Geneva Convention that make combatants failure to wear uniforms war crimes.

Further, the rules of Occupation clearly provide the key to distinquishing between persons with a protected status as civilians is whether the person was a participant in the hostilities when attacked.

Hamas civilian police officers were unlawfully targeted hy Israel, hundreds were unlawfully killed In attacks targeting municipal police stations and attacks targeting graduating police officers.

Excusing islamist terrorists as a way of promoting your Joooooo hatreds is a huge fail. Acts of war perpetrated by islamist terrorists will be met as such.

Sherri does not "excuse" isa/allah murder and mutilation of jews ---she
LAUDS it----and even sings songs to her depraved dog "god"----------

she even claims this sort of filth for her batpist church----well--none of
the baptist churches I know. In the baptist churches I know----they
clap their hands and sing songs that include hebrew words----very cheerful
and rousing stuff------anyone interested ----if there is one in your neighborhood---
just hang around the front door-----mostly on sundays

Most Baptist fellas I know stand with Israel and would just as soon shoot 'Air-Rabs' than be fool-enough to trust 'em.

It's an unfair stereotype but it seems to hold largely true within the narrow universe of my own personal experience in such matters.
Some more of those findings of Amnesty in their struggle to bring Truth into the Light about Cast Lead:

Israeli forces:

"failed to take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, or at least to minimizing, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects"

"carried out disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks"

"carried out direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects, including medical personnel and vehicles"

"failed to allow timely access to and passage of medical and relief personnel and vehicles."


Pgs 7-8
Maybe Hamas will think twice about launching rocket-barrages at Israeli civilian population centers, next time.

Slaughter the Bad Guys at a 100-to-1 Kill Ratio and they're bound to take notice.

Seems to be the only thing that gets through the thick skulls of those Hamas militants.

Other than Israeli munitions, that is.
Amnesty discusses the killing of the 22 members of the al-Dayah family on January 6, 2009...
And HOW many times have you dredged-up this same POS now?


We heard you the first time...
The Facts are there are a dozen or more human rights groups all addressing Israels war crimes in Cast Lead, they conduct their very own investigations, they all conclude targeting of these houses and civilians in Gaza in Cast Lead are war crimes!
The Facts are there are a dozen or more human rights groups all addressing Israels war crimes in Cast Lead, they conduct their very own investigations, they all conclude targeting of these houses and civilians in Gaza in Cast Lead are war crimes!

Noone cares about your human rights groups. Israel had to cope with a devious and cruel enemy who do not do its best for its own citizens, so you think we care what you are your nasty organisations say?
It is only natural to expect people of conscience to keep desiring Zionists be brought to trial for their many war crimes, those carried out in Cast Lead and others. Justice demands it.

"Authentic world orthodox Jewry decries unequivocally the cold blooded slaughter carried out by the blood thirsty Hitlerist and Nazi-like occupation forces against innocent peaceand freedom-loving civilians, on ships in international waters bearing humanitarian aid for our brethren the Palestinian residents of Gaza."

And they call upon all world leaders and all enlightened countries, guarantors and advocates of justice and integrity, to use all available means to abolish the Zionist state and to exclude them from international law, and to annul their membership in the UN.

And they demand the Zionists NDF (Nazi Defense Forces) be brought to judicial court in The Hague for war crimies.

Document is Signed by Rabbi Meir Hirsh, Neturei Karta, Palestine

Urgent call to bring to justice: The NaZionist Murderers and War Criminals |
The Facts are there are a dozen or more human rights groups all addressing Israels war crimes in Cast Lead, they conduct their very own investigations, they all conclude targeting of these houses and civilians in Gaza in Cast Lead are war crimes!

SO? war is a crime------you know a war which did not include "crime"?
So when is that big time WAR CRIME TRIAL gonna start? You will
have the opportunity to explain why shooting baby brain smashing nail bombs
randomly into civilian areas is LEGAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH
THE HOLY LAWS OF ISA/ALLAHUAKBARR--------and why the same
"god" advocates slitting throats of infants and the fact that you
worship those holy infant throat slitters. The last people who will
survive your "WAR CRIME" trial will be your fellow murdering isa-
respecters------assuming any survive the BLOOD ORGY going on ---
amongst themselves right now in memory of SAINT MAGDA OF THE
CYANIDE. You so remind me of a neighbor of my childhood who
railed INCESSANTLY against the RAF that bombed Berlin ---1945---
and Saint Magda who worried about ADOLF ABU ALI's mood ----in
the bunker. She was so happy that her six little kids had entertained
him before she shoved cyanide down their throats
Excusing islamist terrorists as a way of promoting your Joooooo hatreds is a huge fail. Acts of war perpetrated by islamist terrorists will be met as such.

Sherri does not "excuse" isa/allah murder and mutilation of jews ---she
LAUDS it----and even sings songs to her depraved dog "god"----------

she even claims this sort of filth for her batpist church----well--none of
the baptist churches I know. In the baptist churches I know----they
clap their hands and sing songs that include hebrew words----very cheerful
and rousing stuff------anyone interested ----if there is one in your neighborhood---
just hang around the front door-----mostly on sundays

Most Baptist fellas I know stand with Israel and would just as soon shoot 'Air-Rabs' than be fool-enough to trust 'em.

It's an unfair stereotype but it seems to hold largely true within the narrow universe of my own personal experience in such matters.

Baptists call themselves Christians, they do not call themselves Zionists. And they do not defend Israels massacres of children in Palestine like Christian Zionist cultists do.
Sherri does not "excuse" isa/allah murder and mutilation of jews ---she
LAUDS it----and even sings songs to her depraved dog "god"----------

she even claims this sort of filth for her batpist church----well--none of
the baptist churches I know. In the baptist churches I know----they
clap their hands and sing songs that include hebrew words----very cheerful
and rousing stuff------anyone interested ----if there is one in your neighborhood---
just hang around the front door-----mostly on sundays

Most Baptist fellas I know stand with Israel and would just as soon shoot 'Air-Rabs' than be fool-enough to trust 'em.

It's an unfair stereotype but it seems to hold largely true within the narrow universe of my own personal experience in such matters.

Baptists call themselves Christians, they do not call themselves Zionists. And they do not defend Israels massacres of children in Palestine like Christian Zionist cultists do.

LOL sherri is quite a mess. In the town in which I grew up-----a town
which actually PRE DATES the revolutionary war-----there was a very old
little white church-------I do not know how old-----but it was


Baptist singing includes all kinds of allusions to zionism ---but it is
possible that Sherri does not understand the allusions----bibilical
poetry is a mystery to her

Speaking of defending murders of babies------try again sherri----you
CELEBRATE THEM and worship the murderers
War crimes are such an ugly thing. We see them continue, in what at times seems to be such a cold and uncaring world. But I look at the people living under Occupation and siege in Gaza and think, there but for the grace of God go I. And I feel compassion and love for the people suffering there. I cry and I pray for them and sometimes see myself as so helpless, to really do anything. But it is those times, I wipe away those tears and I turn my face to my Jesus and I smile and I know my Prayers and the Prayers of all of us who care about the people suffering under Occupation in Palestine matter deeply and make a difference. Just as I overcome by turning to God, so can every man and womam and child in Gaza. And they can do it despite their circumstances, perhaps their circumstances are even their Blessings from God. Because in their weaknness, they see their need for God in a very special way, a way so many of us living in such priviliged conditions in the West never shall.

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