No longer the people's government

It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

I've got good news for the RW in America, although it's bad news for the world.

The human race will never rise to meet the challenge that is climate change for two very simple reasons.

First of all, there are too many powerful interests all over the world who have hundreds of billions (if not trillions) of dollars of a financial interest in everything from the production of relatively cheap energy to the manufacture of everything from badly needed products which make life easier to mountains of worthless junk which can be sold for profit to someone somewhere only to be discarded a short time later.

The second reason is because, by nature, human beings (otherwise known as people, in general) are basically grasping and selfish. Understandably, they want the kind of comfort that internal combustion and electricity can help provide. That includes everything from nice cars, to air conditioning, and central heating. They (We) also like our toys.

Unfortunately, to meet the challenge of climate change, the human race would have to embrace a life of less gratuitous conspicuous consumption which also would probably translate to considerably less personal comfort (which would almost certainly mean more inconvenience and hardship, as well). As for me, from what I can tell from pretty much everyone I meet, the American pioneering spirit of enduring hardship for a better tomorrow for themselves, future generations of their families, and any sense of well-being for their community as a whole, only exits today in old movies and history books. Today, most people only think about themselves and getting what they want. And then, once they get it (whatever it may happen to be), they move on to the very next thing on their wish list. That means that factories will continue to churn out cheap crap for us to use, then discard, only to rush to the store to buy more junk.
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press



No longer the people's government

Was it really ever?
It has really been going down hill since Woodrow Wilson, the last 7 years have been extraordinary Orwellian through....

Even going back to the founders it was never really the people's government. Granted it was closer to that concept than today, but the country was still run by the wealthy and the elite and equal rights did not exist. Even in the beginning they only wanted land owners to have the right to vote.
Another example of Fed abusing its authority from the very beginning is the Whisky Rebellion. Add a little women's suffrage for good measure...
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press
FYI - It hasn't been "the people's government" for many decades now. The government is, and has been, controlled by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential for many decades. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Legislation and policy are commodities, bought and sold on the floors of Congress, and in the oval office.

I agree. Our Govt. is only concerned with some of the people. Not all of the people and its been that way for decades. Of course the Govt. isn't here to take care of anyone. Its here to fight the wars, protect the country and run it.

Yes and professional politicians trade influence all the time while we pay the bill.
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

The naivety of this post is incredible.

When has the US govt been about the people?

Under Bush when he sent kids off to their deaths for cheaper oil and profits for his friends?


Under any of the last 44 presidents? No.

So..... you don't agree with Obama so all of a sudden you don't feel the govt reflects you, why didn't you see it before?

Why can't you see the big two parties don't give a flying fuck about you? They care about themselves. They want your vote to legitimize their bullcrap.

Maybe it's time to vote third party, hey?
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

Hasn't been the people's government in any of our lifetimes. Has nothing to do with any recent or current administration. That's the deflection and propaganda trying to make it appear to be one guy or admins' fault. It's not.
I'm curious on what basis did OP ascertain that most folks don't believe in climate change. Personally, I don't know how most folks feel. So while I question surveys, they're all I have to go on and even conservative sites write that 63% of respondents now cite climate change as a serious threat but wrap it in headline based on that number being down.

Poll: Fewer Americans see climate change as a serious threat
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

The naivety of this post is incredible.

When has the US govt been about the people?

Under Bush when he sent kids off to their deaths for cheaper oil and profits for his friends?


Under any of the last 44 presidents? No.

So..... you don't agree with Obama so all of a sudden you don't feel the govt reflects you, why didn't you see it before?

Why can't you see the big two parties don't give a flying fuck about you? They care about themselves. They want your vote to legitimize their bullcrap.

Maybe it's time to vote third party, hey?
Libertarian here...
I'm curious on what basis did OP ascertain that most folks don't believe in climate change. Personally, I don't know how most folks feel. So while I question surveys, they're all I have to go on and even conservative sites write that 63% of respondents now cite climate change as a serious threat but wrap it in headline based on that number being down.

Poll: Fewer Americans see climate change as a serious threat
If they are willing to do something about it, most Americans are not doing anything about it by changing their lifestyle.

Climate change is just another lobby on the long list of lobbies...
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

The naivety of this post is incredible.

When has the US govt been about the people?

Under Bush when he sent kids off to their deaths for cheaper oil and profits for his friends?


Under any of the last 44 presidents? No.

So..... you don't agree with Obama so all of a sudden you don't feel the govt reflects you, why didn't you see it before?

Why can't you see the big two parties don't give a flying fuck about you? They care about themselves. They want your vote to legitimize their bullcrap.

Maybe it's time to vote third party, hey?
Libertarian here...

Okay, Libertarian. Still doesn't change the fact that you stated the the govt is only now not representing the people. When has it ever represented the people?

In fact, Obama has represented the people more than most people. Obamacare is a step towards decent health care for all people. Rather than just good healthcare for those who can afford and it makes sure they fear losing their jobs too much for what is good for poorer workers.
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

The naivety of this post is incredible.

When has the US govt been about the people?

Under Bush when he sent kids off to their deaths for cheaper oil and profits for his friends?


Under any of the last 44 presidents? No.

So..... you don't agree with Obama so all of a sudden you don't feel the govt reflects you, why didn't you see it before?

Why can't you see the big two parties don't give a flying fuck about you? They care about themselves. They want your vote to legitimize their bullcrap.

Maybe it's time to vote third party, hey?
Libertarian here...

Okay, Libertarian. Still doesn't change the fact that you stated the the govt is only now not representing the people. When has it ever represented the people?

In fact, Obama has represented the people more than most people. Obamacare is a step towards decent health care for all people. Rather than just good healthcare for those who can afford and it makes sure they fear losing their jobs too much for what is good for poorer workers.
Funny stuff... Obamacare = legalized extortion
When was the last time Congress passed anything that benefited working Americans?
But, like the good little goose-stepper, why not make up some OP that fails the reality test.
Maybe the government will work for the people, when America dumps the GOP and the Democrats. More and more people are leaving both parties as those who call themselves independent is the fasting growing voting bloc . Soon, independent voters will outnumber Republicans and Democrats, combined. :beer:
Right now; Republicans are at 23%, Democrats at 32%, Independent 45%.
Poll: Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats Combined -
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

The naivety of this post is incredible.

When has the US govt been about the people?

Under Bush when he sent kids off to their deaths for cheaper oil and profits for his friends?


Under any of the last 44 presidents? No.

So..... you don't agree with Obama so all of a sudden you don't feel the govt reflects you, why didn't you see it before?

Why can't you see the big two parties don't give a flying fuck about you? They care about themselves. They want your vote to legitimize their bullcrap.

Maybe it's time to vote third party, hey?
Libertarian here...

Okay, Libertarian. Still doesn't change the fact that you stated the the govt is only now not representing the people. When has it ever represented the people?

In fact, Obama has represented the people more than most people. Obamacare is a step towards decent health care for all people. Rather than just good healthcare for those who can afford and it makes sure they fear losing their jobs too much for what is good for poorer workers.
Funny stuff... Obamacare = legalized extortion

I'm not saying Obamacare is good. The reality is to change the system, especially when there are so many people with their fingers in the pie, is going to be very difficult. So what usually happens is something that is so much a compromise that it doesn't work.

However moving towards what could work is the aim.
When was the last time Congress passed anything that benefited working Americans?
But, like the good little goose-stepper, why not make up some OP that fails the reality test.
Maybe the government will work for the people, when America dumps the GOP and the Democrats. More and more people are leaving both parties as those who call themselves independent is the fasting growing voting bloc . Soon, independent voters will outnumber Republicans and Democrats, combined. :beer:
Right now; Republicans are at 23%, Democrats at 32%, Independent 45%.
Poll: Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats Combined -

And the independents vote for..... yeah, they vote rep or dem.
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press

The naivety of this post is incredible.

When has the US govt been about the people?

Under Bush when he sent kids off to their deaths for cheaper oil and profits for his friends?


Under any of the last 44 presidents? No.

So..... you don't agree with Obama so all of a sudden you don't feel the govt reflects you, why didn't you see it before?

Why can't you see the big two parties don't give a flying fuck about you? They care about themselves. They want your vote to legitimize their bullcrap.

Maybe it's time to vote third party, hey?
Libertarian here...

Okay, Libertarian. Still doesn't change the fact that you stated the the govt is only now not representing the people. When has it ever represented the people?

In fact, Obama has represented the people more than most people. Obamacare is a step towards decent health care for all people. Rather than just good healthcare for those who can afford and it makes sure they fear losing their jobs too much for what is good for poorer workers.
Funny stuff... Obamacare = legalized extortion

I'm not saying Obamacare is good. The reality is to change the system, especially when there are so many people with their fingers in the pie, is going to be very difficult. So what usually happens is something that is so much a compromise that it doesn't work.

However moving towards what could work is the aim.
If republicans have a plan that will provide health insurance and access to affordable healthcare to every American, let's hear it, let's vote on it, let's implement it.

(needless to say republicans have no such plan...)
It's Barry's and puppet masters now, most of the public do not Believe the climate change/global warming/global cooling bullshit.
...And he wants to bind us to this silliness

News from The Associated Press
FYI - It hasn't been "the people's government" for many decades now. The government is, and has been, controlled by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential for many decades. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Legislation and policy are commodities, bought and sold on the floors of Congress, and in the oval office.
Culminating in a celebrity billionaire running for President using rhetoric to whip the poor and uneducated into a frenzy.

Is that like asking republicans in 2007 how many homes you own to aggregate people who were already losing their home? That must have pissed off the poor. How about telling poor people that the rich is gobbling up your money. That definitely has to piss off the poor. The list can definitely go on about passing off the poor.

How about telling poor people to stop being poor and learn marketable skills.

How about telling the people not to vote for Comrade Bernard Sanders and similar candidates who will bring our industry to screeching halt due to globull warming.

How about telling the people not to vote for candidates who choke our industries with confiscatory taxation and massive regulations.

The naivety of this post is incredible.

When has the US govt been about the people?

Under Bush when he sent kids off to their deaths for cheaper oil and profits for his friends?


Under any of the last 44 presidents? No.

So..... you don't agree with Obama so all of a sudden you don't feel the govt reflects you, why didn't you see it before?

Why can't you see the big two parties don't give a flying fuck about you? They care about themselves. They want your vote to legitimize their bullcrap.

Maybe it's time to vote third party, hey?
Libertarian here...

Okay, Libertarian. Still doesn't change the fact that you stated the the govt is only now not representing the people. When has it ever represented the people?

In fact, Obama has represented the people more than most people. Obamacare is a step towards decent health care for all people. Rather than just good healthcare for those who can afford and it makes sure they fear losing their jobs too much for what is good for poorer workers.
Funny stuff... Obamacare = legalized extortion

I'm not saying Obamacare is good. The reality is to change the system, especially when there are so many people with their fingers in the pie, is going to be very difficult. So what usually happens is something that is so much a compromise that it doesn't work.

However moving towards what could work is the aim.
If republicans have a plan that will provide health insurance and access to affordable healthcare to every American, let's hear it, let's vote on it, let's implement it.

(needless to say republicans have no such plan...)
How about an opt in or opt out choice, you know, a choice??
No longer the people's government

Was it really ever?
It has really been going down hill since Woodrow Wilson, the last 7 years have been extraordinary Orwellian through....

Even going back to the founders it was never really the people's government. Granted it was closer to that concept than today, but the country was still run by the wealthy and the elite and equal rights did not exist. Even in the beginning they only wanted land owners to have the right to vote.
Democracy did not make the US government a "peoples' government." The privilege of participating in a franchise has no bearing on our rights. Those who could vote were endowed with the same rights and subject to the same laws as those who could not.

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