No longer the people's government

Libertarian here...

Okay, Libertarian. Still doesn't change the fact that you stated the the govt is only now not representing the people. When has it ever represented the people?

In fact, Obama has represented the people more than most people. Obamacare is a step towards decent health care for all people. Rather than just good healthcare for those who can afford and it makes sure they fear losing their jobs too much for what is good for poorer workers.
Funny stuff... Obamacare = legalized extortion

I'm not saying Obamacare is good. The reality is to change the system, especially when there are so many people with their fingers in the pie, is going to be very difficult. So what usually happens is something that is so much a compromise that it doesn't work.

However moving towards what could work is the aim.
If republicans have a plan that will provide health insurance and access to affordable healthcare to every American, let's hear it, let's vote on it, let's implement it.

(needless to say republicans have no such plan...)
How about an opt in or opt out choice, you know, a choice??

How about realizing that health is important for everyone.

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