No men around, and you want a baby? Sleep with your dad!


There is nothing moral in the OT, incest, deception, sex slaves and slaves, adultery, murder, genocide, idolatry, RACISM, etc. I'm sure I forgot a few things, but you get my drift. Stealing another big one.

how do you know? you never read the book BTW ---even your little excerpt which you cited as being from the "CJB" translation is so badly translated that I googled 'cjb'----yup---
really bad translation----it is more like very loosely and inaccurately paraphrasing. Is that the translation islamo Nazi pig publications use? you are making a fool of yourself
parroting propaganda -----someday you might read a bit

I know what it says and I've read and studied all the versions, either way you look at it, its full of
disgusting stuff. I also made up many excuses for what's in it, as told by commentaries, oh God was using the Jews as an example, that is a bunch of BS. Reading it like a holy book is totally different than actually studying it in reference to who wrote it and when and the culture of the times. Most wrote in Babylon . Most of it is oral traditions handed down by Sumerians, Egyptians who use to be in Canaan and Persians. The 10 commandments never originated with Moses but were taken from previous civilizations , rules of the land so to speak. Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. There is nothing holy about the OT or the Talmud.
God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

Well he wrote the first commandments Moses then destroyed having a hissy fit. :)

God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

one can tell lots about penelope and her abiity to interpret fine literature from the shit she flings into cyberspace. No wonder she never read a book and pretends she "knows" by parroting idiot propaganda bits

What is the moral of the story of incest with drunken father and having children. Tell me ? Enlighten us to the morality of , getting your father so drunk to have sex with him and get PG. Please I will be waiting. Tell also why this is fine literature and not filth and porn, worst than porn , incest.

could you tell me what your mother-tongue is? Did you attend any schooling at all? In what country? Do you know how to use the word "worst" when speaking
or writing. When you learned English, did you ever
have to write essays? In your job is there any time that you
have to write a report or an entry in a chart? Do you know the term 'superlative' in grammar?. Do you believe that
all scenarios presented in fine literature are 'supposed' to
represent a moral lesson-----like the kind you learn in Sunday school when you are six years old------simple Aesop fables
type things? When I was a kid---some of the catholic kids
refused to read a "psalm" from the bible----they were not
permitted to read the bible----now I understand---lots of catholic kids are too simple minded. Did the nun tell you
that the 'Lot" story in the OT is a jewish story advising incest?....................well-----don't anwer that one---I have
spoken to enough ex-priests and ex-priest students. My
undergraduate school was very near a catholic university that
included a school for training priests. I am, by no means,
suggesting any of them were as stupid as are you-----but some of the stuff they learned was a bit screwy
Remember, Lot was the guy who was so righteous that God had to save him.
The LORD did that for Abraham's sake, not Lot's.

variable----when I was in school---both primary thru undergraduate------LITERATURE class (from first grade 'reading" ----thru college 'freshman and soph. required LIT' ---
was kinda ------'separated' in accordance with 'ability' One
of my fondest memories is ninth grade Literature class---quite
sophisticated thanks to the teacher and thanks to that policy of 'separation'------the idiots had their own classes. I somehow ----especially based on the postings here in this thread and the "ability" of the various posters to deal with
literature----find-that our very dear fellow posters----joe and penelope-----were---somehow---not in the "advanced" classes or what they later called "honors" english. -------
ever wonder what it must have been like to know you are in the IDIOT class----ALWAYS?
I can't quite say the same for myself. Went to some backwoods public school in Arkansas and nearly flunked out of high school. I only had enough credits to graduate by taking a class in the summer after the end of twelfth grade. Oh, and you will never guess what the class was. Of course you guessed it, English. Did a report on the effects of an ICBM hitting a city. I managed to get myself out of having to take any English classes for the last two years of college. I only took the basics in community college. And I know no foreign languages. Completely and totally unqualified to read the Bible at all. Then again maybe that is why I can relate.

I do dislike you referring to the Bible as literature. It is so much more that a comparison belittles it.

Your writing is excellent. I am a minor expert in really bad writing skills. As a college student I got put in the
"remedial room" as-----'instructor". I cannot understand
how you got pegged----uhm.....'needy' To me the bible IS
literature. I am very very fond of scriptural writings as literature. Just because it is literature does detract
from any magic you want to or do see in it. I consider scriptural writings that survived some of the BEST examples
of existing literature. (google the word---ie... 'literature')
The bible is so good that I am willing to believe that it is
INSPIRED (look up that word too.) What got you messed
up in English class? grammar or analysis of literature or,
simply, reluctance to produce an essay? Some people just
RESIST----I noticed the same problem with kids unable to
learn geometry

There is nothing moral in the OT, incest, deception, sex slaves and slaves, adultery, murder, genocide, idolatry, RACISM, etc. I'm sure I forgot a few things, but you get my drift. Stealing another big one.

how do you know? you never read the book BTW ---even your little excerpt which you cited as being from the "CJB" translation is so badly translated that I googled 'cjb'----yup---
really bad translation----it is more like very loosely and inaccurately paraphrasing. Is that the translation islamo Nazi pig publications use? you are making a fool of yourself
parroting propaganda -----someday you might read a bit

I know what it says and I've read and studied all the versions, either way you look at it, its full of
disgusting stuff. I also made up many excuses for what's in it, as told by commentaries, oh God was using the Jews as an example, that is a bunch of BS. Reading it like a holy book is totally different than actually studying it in reference to who wrote it and when and the culture of the times. Most wrote in Babylon . Most of it is oral traditions handed down by Sumerians, Egyptians who use to be in Canaan and Persians. The 10 commandments never originated with Moses but were taken from previous civilizations , rules of the land so to speak. Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. There is nothing holy about the OT or the Talmud.

your discussion of the bible as literature (which--of course, it is) is utterly idiotic. It is possible that you read some fair
commentary, but you, certainly, did not understand it. You seem to have picked up bits and pieces here and there and got it all jumbled into a silly mess in your own scrambled
brain. You do not even seem to understand that which you write. What does>>>

"Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. " mean????

what, in your scrambled head does "holy" mean?

Have you ever actually read a book ? You seem to favor
propaganda. Any writing can be picked apart in the
"Lets see how much we can shit on this" manner that you use (or the idiots whom you cite, use) That you claim to
have "studied" is kinda hilarious. You swallowed lots of
crap and spit it out again
God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

Well he wrote the first commandments Moses then destroyed having a hissy fit. :)

God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

one can tell lots about penelope and her abiity to interpret fine literature from the shit she flings into cyberspace. No wonder she never read a book and pretends she "knows" by parroting idiot propaganda bits

What is the moral of the story of incest with drunken father and having children. Tell me ? Enlighten us to the morality of , getting your father so drunk to have sex with him and get PG. Please I will be waiting. Tell also why this is fine literature and not filth and porn, worst than porn , incest.

could you tell me what your mother-tongue is? Did you attend any schooling at all? In what country? Do you know how to use the word "worst" when speaking
or writing. When you learned English, did you ever
have to write essays? In your job is there any time that you
have to write a report or an entry in a chart? Do you know the term 'superlative' in grammar?. Do you believe that
all scenarios presented in fine literature are 'supposed' to
represent a moral lesson-----like the kind you learn in Sunday school when you are six years old------simple Aesop fables
type things? When I was a kid---some of the catholic kids
refused to read a "psalm" from the bible----they were not
permitted to read the bible----now I understand---lots of catholic kids are too simple minded. Did the nun tell you
that the 'Lot" story in the OT is a jewish story advising incest?....................well-----don't anwer that one---I have
spoken to enough ex-priests and ex-priest students. My
undergraduate school was very near a catholic university that
included a school for training priests. I am, by no means,
suggesting any of them were as stupid as are you-----but some of the stuff they learned was a bit screwy


There is nothing moral in the OT, incest, deception, sex slaves and slaves, adultery, murder, genocide, idolatry, RACISM, etc. I'm sure I forgot a few things, but you get my drift. Stealing another big one.

how do you know? you never read the book BTW ---even your little excerpt which you cited as being from the "CJB" translation is so badly translated that I googled 'cjb'----yup---
really bad translation----it is more like very loosely and inaccurately paraphrasing. Is that the translation islamo Nazi pig publications use? you are making a fool of yourself
parroting propaganda -----someday you might read a bit

I know what it says and I've read and studied all the versions, either way you look at it, its full of
disgusting stuff. I also made up many excuses for what's in it, as told by commentaries, oh God was using the Jews as an example, that is a bunch of BS. Reading it like a holy book is totally different than actually studying it in reference to who wrote it and when and the culture of the times. Most wrote in Babylon . Most of it is oral traditions handed down by Sumerians, Egyptians who use to be in Canaan and Persians. The 10 commandments never originated with Moses but were taken from previous civilizations , rules of the land so to speak. Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. There is nothing holy about the OT or the Talmud.

your discussion of the bible as literature (which--of course, it is) is utterly idiotic. It is possible that you read some fair
commentary, but you, certainly, did not understand it. You seem to have picked up bits and pieces here and there and got it all jumbled into a silly mess in your own scrambled
brain. You do not even seem to understand that which you write. What does>>>

"Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. " mean????

what, in your scrambled head does "holy" mean?

Have you ever actually read a book ? You seem to favor
propaganda. Any writing can be picked apart in the
"Lets see how much we can shit on this" manner that you use (or the idiots whom you cite, use) That you claim to
have "studied" is kinda hilarious. You swallowed lots of
crap and spit it out again

I think you are the clueless one. You have never read the OT or NT have you?
God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

Well he wrote the first commandments Moses then destroyed having a hissy fit. :)

God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

one can tell lots about penelope and her abiity to interpret fine literature from the shit she flings into cyberspace. No wonder she never read a book and pretends she "knows" by parroting idiot propaganda bits

What is the moral of the story of incest with drunken father and having children. Tell me ? Enlighten us to the morality of , getting your father so drunk to have sex with him and get PG. Please I will be waiting. Tell also why this is fine literature and not filth and porn, worst than porn , incest.

could you tell me what your mother-tongue is? Did you attend any schooling at all? In what country? Do you know how to use the word "worst" when speaking
or writing. When you learned English, did you ever
have to write essays? In your job is there any time that you
have to write a report or an entry in a chart? Do you know the term 'superlative' in grammar?. Do you believe that
all scenarios presented in fine literature are 'supposed' to
represent a moral lesson-----like the kind you learn in Sunday school when you are six years old------simple Aesop fables
type things? When I was a kid---some of the catholic kids
refused to read a "psalm" from the bible----they were not
permitted to read the bible----now I understand---lots of catholic kids are too simple minded. Did the nun tell you
that the 'Lot" story in the OT is a jewish story advising incest?....................well-----don't anwer that one---I have
spoken to enough ex-priests and ex-priest students. My
undergraduate school was very near a catholic university that
included a school for training priests. I am, by no means,
suggesting any of them were as stupid as are you-----but some of the stuff they learned was a bit screwy


There is nothing moral in the OT, incest, deception, sex slaves and slaves, adultery, murder, genocide, idolatry, RACISM, etc. I'm sure I forgot a few things, but you get my drift. Stealing another big one.

how do you know? you never read the book BTW ---even your little excerpt which you cited as being from the "CJB" translation is so badly translated that I googled 'cjb'----yup---
really bad translation----it is more like very loosely and inaccurately paraphrasing. Is that the translation islamo Nazi pig publications use? you are making a fool of yourself
parroting propaganda -----someday you might read a bit

I know what it says and I've read and studied all the versions, either way you look at it, its full of
disgusting stuff. I also made up many excuses for what's in it, as told by commentaries, oh God was using the Jews as an example, that is a bunch of BS. Reading it like a holy book is totally different than actually studying it in reference to who wrote it and when and the culture of the times. Most wrote in Babylon . Most of it is oral traditions handed down by Sumerians, Egyptians who use to be in Canaan and Persians. The 10 commandments never originated with Moses but were taken from previous civilizations , rules of the land so to speak. Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. There is nothing holy about the OT or the Talmud.

your discussion of the bible as literature (which--of course, it is) is utterly idiotic. It is possible that you read some fair
commentary, but you, certainly, did not understand it. You seem to have picked up bits and pieces here and there and got it all jumbled into a silly mess in your own scrambled
brain. You do not even seem to understand that which you write. What does>>>

"Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. " mean????

what, in your scrambled head does "holy" mean?

Have you ever actually read a book ? You seem to favor
propaganda. Any writing can be picked apart in the
"Lets see how much we can shit on this" manner that you use (or the idiots whom you cite, use) That you claim to
have "studied" is kinda hilarious. You swallowed lots of
crap and spit it out again

I think you are the clueless one. You have never read the OT or NT have you?

I have been a very avid reader since early childhood. In fact-----I used to like those individual little chairs and desks
in grammer school that facilitated -----keeping a book on my lap UNDER THE DESK during class time. Way back then class rooms harbored book shelves. I read both NT before I read the OT------as a child of about 10. Copies of the NT in tiny pocket book form were handed out by kindly
Christians at Christmas time. For me---at age ten-----
it was the NT and the superman comics that my brothers
purchased and an old fragmenting volume of SHELLEY----
and the epic poem PROMETHEUS UNBOUND. It is what I had besides the islamo Nazi propaganda in old pamphlets.

There began my fascination with old scriptural writings. I am sorry for you that you never came to appreciate the stuff---- IT IS SUBLIME (for the record----my mom pressed her wedding orchid between the pages of that SHELLEY ----
don't tell her that I dropped the fragments all over the living room rug------gathered them up and dumped them-----she is now 95 years old and should not be-----"upset")
The story is all about faith. Lot's wife didn't have faith in the Lord and disregarded his instructions and got turned into a pillar of salt for her troubles. Lot's daughters didn't have faith that God didn't wipe out humanity (again, natch) and so he gave them flipper kids for seducing their dad.

So the takeaway here is trust in the Lord and let the bible be your guide when it comes to sexual behaviors, or at least the parts that involve virgins and monogamy. Ignore the multiple wives, boning your slaves, raping, incest, and the whole of Song of Solomon. Also, god hates gays more than he hates idolaters and thieves and murderers and people who break the Sabbath.
"Then we have to compare it to the night sky and the stars, As above so below. " <<<< idiot comment by penelope what does that idiot comment mean, penlope????

Another idiot Penelope ASSERTION >>>"There is nothing holy about the OT or the Talmud."

what, in your scrambled head does "holy" mean Penelope??
still can't answer simple questions about that which YOU post?
The story is all about faith. Lot's wife didn't have faith in the Lord and disregarded his instructions and got turned into a pillar of salt for her troubles. Lot's daughters didn't have faith that God didn't wipe out humanity (again, natch) and so he gave them flipper kids for seducing their dad.

So the takeaway here is trust in the Lord and let the bible be your guide when it comes to sexual behaviors, or at least the parts that involve virgins and monogamy. Ignore the multiple wives, boning your slaves, raping, incest, and the whole of Song of Solomon. Also, god hates gays more than he hates idolaters and thieves and murderers and people who break the Sabbath.

steve-----try to hold onto some perspective when you
analyze. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah takes place
at about the time of Abraham. Biblical proscriptions were
not yet codified. What does the Song of Solomon have
to do with anything? The concept of SABBATH --was not
yet established. Any understanding of that story would
include some knowledge of both the "cultures" of
CANAAN and of Babylon-----back then. Back then there
were societies in the area still engaging in Human sacrifice
(demonstrated by archaeologists) and religion was very tied
up with sexuality----of many flavors and styles
Remember, Lot was the guy who was so righteous that God had to save him.
The LORD did that for Abraham's sake, not Lot's.

The bible says otherwise.

And [God] delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) 2 Peter 2:7-8

Yes according to the Bible, offering your daughters up for GANG RAPE and then having drunken sex with them yourself qualifies you a "righteous' in the bible.

variable----when I was in school---both primary thru undergraduate------LITERATURE class (from first grade 'reading" ----thru college 'freshman and soph. required LIT' ---
was kinda ------'separated' in accordance with 'ability' One
of my fondest memories is ninth grade Literature class---quite
sophisticated thanks to the teacher and thanks to that policy of 'separation'------the idiots had their own classes. I somehow ----especially based on the postings here in this thread and the "ability" of the various posters to deal with
literature----find-that our very dear fellow posters----joe and penelope-----were---somehow---not in the "advanced" classes or what they later called "honors" english. -------
ever wonder what it must have been like to know you are in the IDIOT class----ALWAYS?

I wouldn't know, I was in Honors English for most of HS. Oh, yeah, and I get paid for my writing.

But here's the point you kind of don't get. My first year in HS, we had a literature class where we took bible stories and compared them to other literature, including a discussion of Genesis 19. They ended the discussion BEFORE Lot had the drunken incest with his daughters, but they did discuss the part where he offered his daughters up for the gang rape and the men of Sodom would rather have the sweet, sweet Angel Butthole. (Do angels have buttholes?)

Now what made that fucking hilarious was the Christian Brother teaching the class wasn't just gay, he was FUCKING FLAMING!!! One of these guys who got "transferred" at the end of the school year, if you know what I mean. and here he was teaching us about how God was burning women and children because the men were gay.
A catholic lecturing on morals is kind of an oxymoron, wouldn't you think? To say absolutely nothing of a muslim lecturing on morals.

Why would you say that? You all worship the same fucked up magic sky Pixie.

In the Koran, Lot (or as Muslims call him, Lut) is considered a prophet and they deny the story about the drunken sex with his daughters or offering them up for gang rape. While this is "Disneyfying" the original story, at least they are trying to make it morally consistent.
The story is all about faith. Lot's wife didn't have faith in the Lord and disregarded his instructions and got turned into a pillar of salt for her troubles. Lot's daughters didn't have faith that God didn't wipe out humanity (again, natch) and so he gave them flipper kids for seducing their dad.

So the takeaway here is trust in the Lord and let the bible be your guide when it comes to sexual behaviors, or at least the parts that involve virgins and monogamy. Ignore the multiple wives, boning your slaves, raping, incest, and the whole of Song of Solomon. Also, god hates gays more than he hates idolaters and thieves and murderers and people who break the Sabbath.

Frankly, do you really think Yahweh really comes off as benevolent in this story.

He doesn't like some gay dudes in Sodom, so he kills all the women, children and infants in not only Sodom but Gomorrah at well. Man, that is all sorts of fucked up.

And poor Mrs. Lot just looked back when everything she had known and loved was being destroyed, and God turned her into a condiment?

Now, a better way to understand the bible is as myth. In the Bronze Age, "God" was the go-to explanation for every bit of science a bunch of piss-ignorant goat herders didn't understand. something bad happens, must have done something to anger "God".

Today we have computers and space shuttles and science. We don't need "God" to explain things.
Remember, Lot was the guy who was so righteous that God had to save him.
The LORD did that for Abraham's sake, not Lot's.

The bible says otherwise.

And [God] delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) 2 Peter 2:7-8

Yes according to the Bible, offering your daughters up for GANG RAPE and then having drunken sex with them yourself qualifies you a "righteous' in the bible.

variable----when I was in school---both primary thru undergraduate------LITERATURE class (from first grade 'reading" ----thru college 'freshman and soph. required LIT' ---
was kinda ------'separated' in accordance with 'ability' One
of my fondest memories is ninth grade Literature class---quite
sophisticated thanks to the teacher and thanks to that policy of 'separation'------the idiots had their own classes. I somehow ----especially based on the postings here in this thread and the "ability" of the various posters to deal with
literature----find-that our very dear fellow posters----joe and penelope-----were---somehow---not in the "advanced" classes or what they later called "honors" english. -------
ever wonder what it must have been like to know you are in the IDIOT class----ALWAYS?

I wouldn't know, I was in Honors English for most of HS. Oh, yeah, and I get paid for my writing.

But here's the point you kind of don't get. My first year in HS, we had a literature class where we took bible stories and compared them to other literature, including a discussion of Genesis 19. They ended the discussion BEFORE Lot had the drunken incest with his daughters, but they did discuss the part where he offered his daughters up for the gang rape and the men of Sodom would rather have the sweet, sweet Angel Butthole. (Do angels have buttholes?)

Now what made that fucking hilarious was the Christian Brother teaching the class wasn't just gay, he was FUCKING FLAMING!!! One of these guys who got "transferred" at the end of the school year, if you know what I mean. and here he was teaching us about how God was burning women and children because the men were gay.
I am strictly Old Testament. That characterisation of Lot is completely inaccurate.
A catholic lecturing on morals is kind of an oxymoron, wouldn't you think? To say absolutely nothing of a muslim lecturing on morals.

Why would you say that? You all worship the same fucked up magic sky Pixie.

In the Koran, Lot (or as Muslims call him, Lut) is considered a prophet and they deny the story about the drunken sex with his daughters or offering them up for gang rape. While this is "Disneyfying" the original story, at least they are trying to make it morally consistent.
Do you happen to know what the koran says about Jezebel?
These are the values we should be living by? Incest?

Incest is the essence of the Jesus and Mary storyline. Joseph, the alleged father of Jesus was 99 when he allegedly wed Mary who was 16. All the bridegroom stuff makes no sense unless in the context of the Oedipus complex. Jesus was 33 and Mary was 40? Houston we have a problem.
God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

So, you are not a Christian, then?

God didn't write the OT, one can tell a lot more about the people who did than about God, or their God.

So, you are not a Christian, then?

I was raised RC and still identify as one, but I guess I'm agnostic, I just don't know, but while on this earth we need to just get along and quit being radicals.
These are the values we should be living by? Incest?

Incest is the essence of the Jesus and Mary storyline. Joseph, the alleged father of Jesus was 99 when he allegedly wed Mary who was 16. All the bridegroom stuff makes no sense unless in the context of the Oedipus complex. Jesus was 33 and Mary was 40? Houston we have a problem.

Where is the incest, all we really know is Mary is an unwed pregnant girl. Nothing about incest.
Remember, Lot was the guy who was so righteous that God had to save him.
The LORD did that for Abraham's sake, not Lot's.

The bible says otherwise.

And [God] delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) 2 Peter 2:7-8

Yes according to the Bible, offering your daughters up for GANG RAPE and then having drunken sex with them yourself qualifies you a "righteous' in the bible.

variable----when I was in school---both primary thru undergraduate------LITERATURE class (from first grade 'reading" ----thru college 'freshman and soph. required LIT' ---
was kinda ------'separated' in accordance with 'ability' One
of my fondest memories is ninth grade Literature class---quite
sophisticated thanks to the teacher and thanks to that policy of 'separation'------the idiots had their own classes. I somehow ----especially based on the postings here in this thread and the "ability" of the various posters to deal with
literature----find-that our very dear fellow posters----joe and penelope-----were---somehow---not in the "advanced" classes or what they later called "honors" english. -------
ever wonder what it must have been like to know you are in the IDIOT class----ALWAYS?

I wouldn't know, I was in Honors English for most of HS. Oh, yeah, and I get paid for my writing.

But here's the point you kind of don't get. My first year in HS, we had a literature class where we took bible stories and compared them to other literature, including a discussion of Genesis 19. They ended the discussion BEFORE Lot had the drunken incest with his daughters, but they did discuss the part where he offered his daughters up for the gang rape and the men of Sodom would rather have the sweet, sweet Angel Butthole. (Do angels have buttholes?)

Now what made that fucking hilarious was the Christian Brother teaching the class wasn't just gay, he was FUCKING FLAMING!!! One of these guys who got "transferred" at the end of the school year, if you know what I mean. and here he was teaching us about how God was burning women and children because the men were gay.

Joe-----you wrote about your time in English Lit class in
High School and revealed that your class was of the advanced variety so you did analyze the bible as the literature it is---------and you had a homosexual teacher. and then asserted HERE IS THE POINT YOU DON'T GET --------so just what is that "POINT"???? Interesting story but I fail to see the BIG GIANT "POINT"
[QUOTE="irosie91, post: 11581815, member: 38243
she is now 95 years old and should not be-----"upset")

Gee aren't you the lucky one, I lost my Mom many years ago.

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