NO MONEY to Sanctuary Cities/States/Counties

Eisenhower got the job done, both against Nazis in Europe, and against Mexican invader enemies in the US. Wish you were here now, Mr President.
Maybe if you pushed yourself away from the Internet, got a job, and started building a productive community, foreigners would not come here. If you were working the job rather than bitching about it, they would have no reason to come here.
Thousands of Americans "working the job" (many for as long as 25 years) have been fired, just to open up their (often STEM) jobs to lower wage foreigners. This has been going on for many years, and we've been talking about it here for years, as well.. You don't know ?

I know that most of you drunk ass, drug addicted, lazy asses that spend your whole day on the Internet do not apply for jobs and once you get them, you don't want to work and then your blame foreigners because the average American is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.
Yeah. I agree. So, if you want the federal government to be involved, cut off funding to states that don't kiss the federal government's ass. Then, when you do it, remember this: When gun owners don't comply with federal gun laws and the state / local government supports you, federal funding YOU benefit from is going to disappear.

The best place to look for a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.
Sanctuary Cities is one subject. Guns are ANOTHER. What the federal govt does about sanctuary cities doesn't mean squat about guns.

Your threatening talk connecting the two as if they were one, is going nowhere. It's stupid, and everybody here knows it.

You are an utter dumb ass. This issue isn't foreigners OR guns. It is the governing principle of law: SANCTUARY CITIES. If you cannot have sanctuary for foreigners, you can't have sanctuary for ANYBODY. It's that illegally ratified 14th Amendment you like defending its guarantee of equal protection of the laws. You should read some of the crap you support.
You can try to make jokes about your drug habit, but if your dumb ass were half sober you could see what an idiot you really are. Unlike you, I don't do drugs and never have. What I have done is to WORK in immigration law and know a little about it. So, while you're talking out your ass, I'm working to protect the Posterity of the framers of the Constitution. Bear it in mind.
Aha. So you are a VESTED INTEREST in connection with illegal immigration. Well, we no longer have to ask. I knew all the time. You can quit this thread right now, Rockwell.

So you should sue your brains for non-support. What does protecting the Posterity of the framers have to do with current foreigners? Do you even know HOW to read?
I oppose withholding health-related Federal funding to punish the citizens of any such jurisdiction.

I favor US Marshals arresting (and the DoJ prosecuting) leaders (past and present) responsible for any such Sanctuary status.

The charges?

a) Conspiracy to circumvent and undermine Federal immigration law
b) sheltering Federal lawbreakers
c) interfering with Federal law enforcement operations.

As well as littering, jaywalking, and whatever else can be made to stick.

It would be great to see US Marshals descending the steps of the San Francisco City Hall with the handcuffed Mayor in tow.

a.) There is no such law and any law like that would be unconstitutional.
b.) There are not being hidden in any government building.
c.) Not cooperating is not interfering.

3 strikes and you are out.

LMFAO Sanctuary cities are made possible by the right when they did not want state and federal law enforcement trying to enforce federal gun laws. Today you see Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities popping up every day and the same people working to create sanctuary for the Second Amendment working to destroy sanctuary status because, in this case, foreigners benefit. Two steps forward and three steps back.
Whatever it takes to toss the Illegal Beaners out of the country...

Therein lies the problem. People like you are short sighted. You would forfeit every unalienable Right our forefathers fought, bled and died over in order to secure your Liberty because you think government can solve all your problems. Even IF you could deport every foreigner (and you can't), it would not take people off drugs. It would not make the white people in this country more productive, educated, or ethical. It would not guarantee you a job. As long as you have massive taxes to support the legions dope sucking assholes in this country along with the numbers in prisons (more people in prison in the United States than any nation on the planet) and the perpetuation of the income tax (an unconstitutional tax that was lifted from a plank of the Communist Manifesto) you are going to live in a deteriorating shit hole.

I've watched you trained monkeys whine and cry about so - called "illegal aliens" for a few decades now. You will back gun control, abortion, communism, even a POLICE STATE, then pretend you're offended when the liberals and Democrats calls you racist. Who in the Hell do you think you're fooling?

The most fucked up posts I read in awhile..

Lay off the meth pipe will ya?

You can try to make jokes about your drug habit, but if your dumb ass were half sober you could see what an idiot you really are. Unlike you, I don't do drugs and never have. What I have done is to WORK in immigration law and know a little about it. So, while you're talking out your ass, I'm working to protect the Posterity of the framers of the Constitution. Bear it in mind.

God God you are posting more retarded by the minute.

Just because you are a total ignoramus does not mean you have license to project here. Sue your brains (presupposing you have one) for non-support.
local sheriffs ... Brady Bill background
There's a lady and your oh-so-friendly local sheriff is charging it as a sex offense – then you've got to register as a sex offender, just like you registered to vote and registered your legally purchased legal firearms. In all three cases, it's a machine and the clerk of the court is accepting cash and ringing up the sales.

Don't comply with unconstitutional laws. Don't get your point.
Eisenhower got the job done, both against Nazis in Europe, and against Mexican invader enemies in the US. Wish you were here now, Mr President.

Back in 1953 they started this thing called "Operation Wetback" and in 1954 they began rounding up all the Hispanics they could. In less than five years, the unemployment rate DOUBLED!!! You and your ilk didn't learn a damn thing about history.

Competition is good for business
Making citizens out of every race, color, creed, religion, political persuasion, etc. is BAD for business and bad for the country

Live and let live; citizenship is a privilege, NOT a Right. Clean up your culture and your problem goes away on its own.
You are an utter dumb ass. This issue isn't foreigners OR guns. It is the governing principle of law: SANCTUARY CITIES. If you cannot have sanctuary for foreigners, you can't have sanctuary for ANYBODY. It's that illegally ratified 14th Amendment you like defending its guarantee of equal protection of the laws. You should read some of the crap you support.
What is wrong with your brain ? I guess, as you already conceded, it's that you have a VESTED INTEREST in protecting illegal aliens. What the matter ? Getting rid of illegal aliens gonna chop down your money tree ?

Of course this is about Sanctuary. I'm the author of the OP, with the word "Sanctuary" right in it. You can have sanctuary for anyone who should have it. That doesn't include benefit$$ grabbing illegal alien leeches, robbing Americans of jobs + bringing a long list * of other harms to Americans.

As for the 14th Amendment, it would be OK if liberal pukes didn't allow stinkin wetback thieves to obtain citizenship, that they were not intended to have, and shouldn't get.
Harms of immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.
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Maybe if you pushed yourself away from the Internet, got a job, and started building a productive community, foreigners would not come here. If you were working the job rather than bitching about it, they would have no reason to come here.
Thousands of Americans "working the job" (many for as long as 25 years) have been fired, just to open up their (often STEM) jobs to lower wage foreigners. This has been going on for many years, and we've been talking about it here for years, as well.. You don't know ?

I know that most of you drunk ass, drug addicted, lazy asses that spend your whole day on the Internet do not apply for jobs and once you get them, you don't want to work and then your blame foreigners because the average American is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

What kind of Peter puffer are you defending illegal rapist killer Mexicans?
You are an utter dumb ass. This issue isn't foreigners OR guns. It is the governing principle of law: SANCTUARY CITIES. If you cannot have sanctuary for foreigners, you can't have sanctuary for ANYBODY. It's that illegally ratified 14th Amendment you like defending its guarantee of equal protection of the laws. You should read some of the crap you support.
What is wrong with your brain ? I guess, as you already conceded, it's that you have a VESTED INTEREST in protecting illegal aliens. What the matter ? Getting rid of illegl aliens gonna chop down your money tree ?

Of course this is about Sanctuary. I'm the author of the OP, with the word "Sanctuary" right in it. You can have sanctuary for anyone who should have it. That doesn't include benefit$$ grabbing illegal alien leeches, robbing Americans of jobs + bringing a long list * of other harms to Americans.

As for the 14th Amendment, it would be OK if liberal pukes didn't allow stinkin wetback thieves to obtain citizenship, that they were not intended to have, and shouldn't get.
Harms of immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

Yeah what's up with him defending illegals who lower wages?

He must love to exploit Brown people for cheap veggies.
So you should sue your brains for non-support. What does protecting the Posterity of the framers have to do with current foreigners? Do you even know HOW to read?
You lost your standing in this thread when you admitted to being employed in the BUSINESS of helping illegal aliens. Find another thread, Mr VESTED INTEREST. You're done here.
Back in 1953 they started this thing called "Operation Wetback" and in 1954 they began rounding up all the Hispanics they could. In less than five years, the unemployment rate DOUBLED!!! You and your ilk didn't learn a damn thing about history.

Competition is good for business
Making citizens out of every race, color, creed, religion, political persuasion, etc. is BAD for business and bad for the country

Live and let live; citizenship is a privilege, NOT a Right. Clean up your culture and your problem goes away on its own.
Yeah ? I don't see any source/link to back up your VESTED INTEREST claims. So you want us to take ON FAITH, what a guy who profits from protecting illegal aliens says ? Ha ha ha. That's all I can say Ha ha ha.

And competition with unscrupulous criminal employers violating IRCA, and undercutting your wages, isn't good for your business. It's horrible.

Your babbling here is now total irrelevant, invalid trite.
Yeah what's up with him defending illegals who lower wages?

He must love to exploit Brown people for cheap veggies.
Sure, he's in the business, he said so himself. He has no objectivity in this discussion. He is 100% conflict of interest here.
I know that most of you drunk ass, drug addicted, lazy asses that spend your whole day on the Internet do not apply for jobs and once you get them, you don't want to work and then your blame foreigners because the average American is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.
Well you've race bashed whites, and now you're bashing Americans. You are a piece of work. They don't need to get a job. YOU need to get a shrink.
You are an utter dumb ass. This issue isn't foreigners OR guns. It is the governing principle of law: SANCTUARY CITIES. If you cannot have sanctuary for foreigners, you can't have sanctuary for ANYBODY. It's that illegally ratified 14th Amendment you like defending its guarantee of equal protection of the laws. You should read some of the crap you support.
What is wrong with your brain ? I guess, as you already conceded, it's that you have a VESTED INTEREST in protecting illegal aliens. What the matter ? Getting rid of illegal aliens gonna chop down your money tree ?

Of course this is about Sanctuary. I'm the author of the OP, with the word "Sanctuary" right in it. You can have sanctuary for anyone who should have it. That doesn't include benefit$$ grabbing illegal alien leeches, robbing Americans of jobs + bringing a long list * of other harms to Americans.

As for the 14th Amendment, it would be OK if liberal pukes didn't allow stinkin wetback thieves to obtain citizenship, that they were not intended to have, and shouldn't get.
Harms of immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

Most of your 21 points are bullshit and shows that you don't understand the economics of your own country. Sanctuary cannot be used selectively. Sanctuary came from a United States Supreme Court ruling (and I worked on the team that won the damn case so I'm well aware of what it is) and it was used to protect gun owners. It was successfully used as a precedent to protect sanctuary cities that protects undocumented foreigners.
Maybe if you pushed yourself away from the Internet, got a job, and started building a productive community, foreigners would not come here. If you were working the job rather than bitching about it, they would have no reason to come here.
Thousands of Americans "working the job" (many for as long as 25 years) have been fired, just to open up their (often STEM) jobs to lower wage foreigners. This has been going on for many years, and we've been talking about it here for years, as well.. You don't know ?

I know that most of you drunk ass, drug addicted, lazy asses that spend your whole day on the Internet do not apply for jobs and once you get them, you don't want to work and then your blame foreigners because the average American is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

What kind of Peter puffer are you defending illegal rapist killer Mexicans?

If you're calling me a peter puffer, you are having to do so anonymously so that your friends won't realize that you are a chickenshit fairy that would never say that to anyone's face. I don't owe "illegal rapist killer Mexicans" a damn thing and NOTHING stops federal officials from serving warrants and arresting people. So how many people have YOU raped this week?
You are an utter dumb ass. This issue isn't foreigners OR guns. It is the governing principle of law: SANCTUARY CITIES. If you cannot have sanctuary for foreigners, you can't have sanctuary for ANYBODY. It's that illegally ratified 14th Amendment you like defending its guarantee of equal protection of the laws. You should read some of the crap you support.
What is wrong with your brain ? I guess, as you already conceded, it's that you have a VESTED INTEREST in protecting illegal aliens. What the matter ? Getting rid of illegl aliens gonna chop down your money tree ?

Of course this is about Sanctuary. I'm the author of the OP, with the word "Sanctuary" right in it. You can have sanctuary for anyone who should have it. That doesn't include benefit$$ grabbing illegal alien leeches, robbing Americans of jobs + bringing a long list * of other harms to Americans.

As for the 14th Amendment, it would be OK if liberal pukes didn't allow stinkin wetback thieves to obtain citizenship, that they were not intended to have, and shouldn't get.
Harms of immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

Yeah what's up with him defending illegals who lower wages?

He must love to exploit Brown people for cheap veggies.

You lying son of a bitch. Show me a single sentence where I defended a single brown person that you call "illegal" and I will leave this thread and let you say anything you want. If you can't show the sentence, you will FOREVER be a proven liar.
Back in 1953 they started this thing called "Operation Wetback" and in 1954 they began rounding up all the Hispanics they could. In less than five years, the unemployment rate DOUBLED!!! You and your ilk didn't learn a damn thing about history.

Competition is good for business
Making citizens out of every race, color, creed, religion, political persuasion, etc. is BAD for business and bad for the country

Live and let live; citizenship is a privilege, NOT a Right. Clean up your culture and your problem goes away on its own.
Yeah ? I don't see any source/link to back up your VESTED INTEREST claims. So you want us to take ON FAITH, what a guy who profits from protecting illegal aliens says ? Ha ha ha. That's all I can say Ha ha ha.

And competition with unscrupulous criminal employers violating IRCA, and undercutting your wages, isn't good for your business. It's horrible.

Your babbling here is now total irrelevant, invalid trite.

Quite frankly, I don't have a clue as to what you're babbling about. Once you lose your ass, get back to me.
Yeah what's up with him defending illegals who lower wages?

He must love to exploit Brown people for cheap veggies.
Sure, he's in the business, he said so himself. He has no objectivity in this discussion. He is 100% conflict of interest here.

I'm in the business??? Not only are you an idiot with a low IQ, but you are a pathological liar that has to rely on casual fallacies, ad hominems followed by shotgun argumentation fallacies and projection without being able to sustain whatever argument you're trying to make. If you think you pack the gear, pick ONE of your arguments and let's go at it... you and me. I'm not in the business of helping anyone outside of white people (and that's because some are locked out of the system with no organization to turn to.)
I know that most of you drunk ass, drug addicted, lazy asses that spend your whole day on the Internet do not apply for jobs and once you get them, you don't want to work and then your blame foreigners because the average American is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.
Well you've race bashed whites, and now you're bashing Americans. You are a piece of work. They don't need to get a job. YOU need to get a shrink.

I haven't bashed ANYONE. I can tell you the truth, of which you and really stupid people that live on the Internet and scapegoat others for their own shortcomings try to make each other believe. That is why you cannot have a civil discussion without false allegations and straw man arguments you pull out of your ass because the truth would make you sweat bullets.

You are here, every day to the tune of 35,000 + posts. It's time you could have donated to help people who think like you and believe in what you believe in, but could use a helping hand. The time it's taken you to argue over immigration and attempt to justify unconstitutional laws is time you can never get back. I'm going to get one thing through that hate-mongering thick skull of yours. I'm forced to protect the Rights of undocumented foreigners in order to protect my own Rights as the 14th Amendment gives EVERYBODY the "equal protection of the laws."

BEFORE that B.S. amendment, being a citizen meant something and we regulated ourselves and our economy without the POLICE STATE and the surveillance society that dumb fucks like you want to promote. So, you can try to have your little fun with calling me names, making shit up, saying things anonymously that you don't have the balls to say to my face and the ONLY thing you'll end up proving is that my assessment of you and the people who think like you fit my earlier description. You are only arguing against facts that YOU are helping to establish as being true.
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