NO MONEY to Sanctuary Cities/States/Counties

Most of your 21 points are bullshit and shows that you don't understand the economics of your own country. Sanctuary cannot be used selectively. Sanctuary came from a United States Supreme Court ruling (and I worked on the team that won the damn case so I'm well aware of what it is) and it was used to protect gun owners. It was successfully used as a precedent to protect sanctuary cities that protects undocumented foreigners.
1 The 21 points are all 100% valid, and you probably don't know your ass from your elbow about them.

2. You are disqualified from this thread, for conflict of interest. I couldn't less about your crazy, rambling rants. Except for you, this is a quality thread, but you are on IGNORE from me, from this point on. I'm not wasting any more time on your loon posts.

A guy who is so wrapped up in an issue that he has 35,000 + posts and no credible argument should disqualify himself - even if you started this thread.

The bottom line of all bottom lines is simply this: IF the Posterity of the framers of the Constitution stood together, accepted the idea of live and let live and proceeded to build a community within a community, their problems would disappear. If you only did business with people of like mind and rejected the "cheap way" every time, you would create jobs for those of like mind. But, that means you need to jump on the bandwagon to fight drug use (whether legal or illegal) and help build a culture that is healthy, productive and not afraid to have civil discourse.

If it were not profitable, foreigners would not be coming here. But we encourage them to come here; our American brethren vote for them for public office after these miscreants become citizens. Most of you buy from the businesses that hire foreigners, you sell to them, rent to them, and go into stores where you know damn well they work at. Then you demand that the government save you from yourself. Contrary to "protectionist" I have no vested interest in foreigners. These dumb mother fuckers that have made that allegation for the last 15 years have never asked me where I stand. He assumes. You know what they say about that.

IF he keeps his word, I will check back in from time to time and tell you why the communists call people like protectionist a useful idiot.
So the kids should suffer in isolation because their parents wanted a better life for them?
That's what American kids do. They are isolated from their imprisoned parents for YEARS. Some for LIFE. Some NEVER see their parent again, who gets the death penalty. Wanna comment on these AMERICAN kids ?

Did you think they were any better off than the foreigner kids ? Actually they're worse.

You've proven that even a broken clock has the potential to be right twice a day.

As someone who has worked as DFCS asset (Dept. of Family and Child Services), children are ripped from their parents arms every day - and many times for political crimes. The process is, the child is taken for a "physical" and then filled with all manner of drugs. American kids that get introduced to the system by virtue of their parents actions are scarred for life. The government turns them into drug addicts and makes sure they are traumatized to the point that they cannot ever function at a normal level.

Fix your own culture and your perceived problem will disappear.
Yeah what's up with him defending illegals who lower wages?

He must love to exploit Brown people for cheap veggies.
Sure, he's in the business, he said so himself. He has no objectivity in this discussion. He is 100% conflict of interest here.

I'm in the business??? Not only are you an idiot with a low IQ, but you are a pathological liar that has to rely on casual fallacies, ad hominems followed by shotgun argumentation fallacies and projection without being able to sustain whatever argument you're trying to make. If you think you pack the gear, pick ONE of your arguments and let's go at it... you and me. I'm not in the business of helping anyone outside of white people (and that's because some are locked out of the system with no organization to turn to.)

Translation~ illegal Mexican

There were NO Mexicans that signed the Constitution of the United States. The fact that you got "illegal Mexican" out of that demonstrates what a low IQ dumb ass you are.
Maybe if you pushed yourself away from the Internet, got a job, and started building a productive community, foreigners would not come here. If you were working the job rather than bitching about it, they would have no reason to come here.
Thousands of Americans "working the job" (many for as long as 25 years) have been fired, just to open up their (often STEM) jobs to lower wage foreigners. This has been going on for many years, and we've been talking about it here for years, as well.. You don't know ?

I know that most of you drunk ass, drug addicted, lazy asses that spend your whole day on the Internet do not apply for jobs and once you get them, you don't want to work and then your blame foreigners because the average American is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

haha...I gotta know, what part of that disgusting shithole Mehico are you from Gustavo and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
State and local officials cannot break those laws. They are citizens. What part of this do you not understand? There is no law for them to abide by.

Unless there is a criminal warrant out for an undocumented foreigner, there is not a damn thing the federal government can do to force a state to do anything. The United States Supreme Court has spoken: "It is not a crime for an unauthorized alien to remain in the United States." Pretend that you are talking directly to a state / local LEO. What, exactly do you want them to do?
Can't break this law ? LOL. Why not ? They're above the law ?

Nice attempt at deflection. We're not talking about criminal warrants. Nor are we talking about illegal aliens remaining in the United States. The statute (US Code 8, Section 1324) is easy to read and understand. THAT is what we're talking about >>> "knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection,"

And what I want them to do, is go to federal prison for violating US Code 8 Section 1324. It's waaay too late fro them to "do" anything now.

Refusing to cooperate with immigration officials is not harboring anyone. No one is going to jail for anything.
Let the state's finance themselves through this current economic disaster if they want to keep their sanctuary status.
Dimm's are true reprobates!

You racists are the true reprobates. We need to ensure you have no power after November.
That is going nowhere. They are not committing any crimes. State and local governments are not required to cooperate with ICE. They are not breaking any laws. We should slam dunk your head.
Post # 9 cited the law (US Code 8, Section 1324), and in detail. You just slam dunked your own stupid head.

They are not required to cooperate with immigration officials. Your head is empty and you don't have a leg to stand on.
Maybe if you pushed yourself away from the Internet, got a job, and started building a productive community, foreigners would not come here. If you were working the job rather than bitching about it, they would have no reason to come here.
Thousands of Americans "working the job" (many for as long as 25 years) have been fired, just to open up their (often STEM) jobs to lower wage foreigners. This has been going on for many years, and we've been talking about it here for years, as well.. You don't know ?

I know that most of you drunk ass, drug addicted, lazy asses that spend your whole day on the Internet do not apply for jobs and once you get them, you don't want to work and then your blame foreigners because the average American is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

haha...I gotta know, what part of that disgusting shithole Mehico are you from Gustavo and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?

Well, broke loser... your name fits. As civilian militia that manned the border - from the sound of it when your ass was still in diapers, I was working to defend this damn country. That is why when the challenge was made and someone called me out, you saw me take the challenge. Waiting on my adversary to PM me.
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

I would hold red states and cities accountable for aiding and providing protection to the virus.
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

I would hold red states and cities accountable for aiding and providing protection to the virus.

How come you think the people in India aren't affected by Covid 19 to the degree that wealthier and more economically advanced countries are?
a.) There is no such law and any law like that would be unconstitutional.
b.) There are not being hidden in any government building.
c.) Not cooperating is not interfering.

3 strikes and you are out.
So this is some of the laughable jibberish they're feeding you at CNN, PBS, etc, No limit to the lunacy and absurdity that these liberal clowns will accept, and then pollute the forum, by dumping it in here.

EARTH TO BB: US Code 8, Section 1324 IS THE LAW, you imbecile. It's the law that your liberal OMISSION media won't tell you, which is why you'e the most information-deprived people in America.

But now you can read it and LEARN IT right here in Post # 9. Or go on pretending it doesn't exist, like liberals go around pretending other things don't exist.
Hell of a way to go through life.

View attachment 337659

State and local officials are not required to cooperate with federal immigration officials. That is the law whether you like it or not. Federal immigration officials can enter into agreements to enforce federal immigration with local police but only with the local police's permission. You are the lunatic. You have no idea what you are talking about.
State and local officials cannot break those laws. They are citizens. What part of this do you not understand? There is no law for them to abide by.

Unless there is a criminal warrant out for an undocumented foreigner, there is not a damn thing the federal government can do to force a state to do anything. The United States Supreme Court has spoken: "It is not a crime for an unauthorized alien to remain in the United States." Pretend that you are talking directly to a state / local LEO. What, exactly do you want them to do?
Can't break this law ? LOL. Why not ? They're above the law ?

Nice attempt at deflection. We're not talking about criminal warrants. Nor are we talking about illegal aliens remaining in the United States. The statute (US Code 8, Section 1324) is easy to read and understand. THAT is what we're talking about >>> "knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection,"

And what I want them to do, is go to federal prison for violating US Code 8 Section 1324. It's waaay too late fro them to "do" anything now.

Refusing to cooperate with immigration officials is not harboring anyone. No one is going to jail for anything.

I rarely agree with liberals (since this was their war before they conned the racists within the right wing to adopt it), but you are right. Without probable cause to arrest someone, the legal community don't know who is wanted for a crime and who is not. AND the United States Supreme Court ruled that a foreigner being here without papers is not a crime.

You have to be awfully full of B.S. or stupid not to understand that the state and local officials cannot just round people up. When they do have probable cause and pick someone up, they generally turn them over to the proper authorities for prosecution if that individual has an outstanding warrant. Maybe it's than Constitution. We could abolish it so the half wits here would be pacified. They don't seem to appreciate any Liberty they have. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT HOLDINGS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER STATUTES. It's that simple.
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

I would hold red states and cities accountable for aiding and providing protection to the virus.

How come you think the people in India aren't affected by Covid 19 to the degree that wealthier and more economically advanced countries are?

Like Sweden?
He's tried this before and it's illegal. He can't do it even if he tries.

Santuary policies are NOT illegal. They fight crime and they save lives for ALL of the community, not just illegals.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio refused to prosecute crimes against illegal aliens in Maricopa County. Even when children were involved and the assailant was known. This allowed child molesters and rapists to go free, to prey on other members of the community. It also increased the number of attacks on illegals as rapists, robbers and other criminals knew they could prey on illegals with no repercussions.

FALSE! Sanctuary policies are 100% illegal. You came here late. See Post # 9 for a detailed description of the federal law banning Sanctuary city, and any other activity that harbors, conceals or shields illegal aliens from immigration authorities.

Sanctuary policies do not fight crime. They ARE crime, and their crimes have allowed huge numbers of criminal illegal aliens to go free, to commit crimes against American victims (ex. Kate Steinle)

View attachment 337804

Sanctuary cities are not illegal. Every city and state has the right to refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials. They are not required to inquire about immigration status.
Fuck 'em if they want to be traitors! Yes they can be arrested and prosecuted.
Dammit, I've researched this. The most they can get is 1 year in the Federal pen. Sad.

They canno0t be arrested and prosecuted. Name the cases that support your position. You are nothing but a hateful moron.

The dim wits ignore the bottom line:

" As a general rule, it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain in the United States. "
Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387 (2012)

TO DATE NOT EVEN JESUS CHRIST HAS OVER-RULED THE HOLDINGS OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. What does protectionist think any local or state government can do about the facts of life? If I admit that Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House right now, will it make me a Democrat?

The juvenile idiocy on this thread belongs on SNL.
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

He's tried this before and it's illegal. He can't do it even if he tries.

Santuary policies are NOT illegal. They fight crime and they save lives for ALL of the community, not just illegals.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio refused to prosecute crimes against illegal aliens in Maricopa County. Even when children were involved and the assailant was known. This allowed child molesters and rapists to go free, to prey on other members of the community. It also increased the number of attacks on illegals as rapists, robbers and other criminals knew they could prey on illegals with no repercussions.

YES...we must protect filthy wetbacks...we must continue to allow them to fuck us over and run a muck across our nation...they rob our taxpayers, rape, maim and murder our people at a rate comparable to blacks but we must protect them. They destroy communities and rental properties, they are involved in auto accidents leaving our people with no recourse but we must protect their filthy, savage asses...they flood our emergency rooms, ruin our education system, our healthcare system but we must protect them.
You Canadians are the dumbestmotherfuckers on the planet...PERIOD!

Trump supporters are the filth of this country. You are the ones fucking this country over. The rich and powerful are getting richer and powerful. You Trump supporters are the garbage of the planet and we need to throw your asses out.
State and local officials cannot break those laws. They are citizens. What part of this do you not understand? There is no law for them to abide by.

Unless there is a criminal warrant out for an undocumented foreigner, there is not a damn thing the federal government can do to force a state to do anything. The United States Supreme Court has spoken: "It is not a crime for an unauthorized alien to remain in the United States." Pretend that you are talking directly to a state / local LEO. What, exactly do you want them to do?
Can't break this law ? LOL. Why not ? They're above the law ?

Nice attempt at deflection. We're not talking about criminal warrants. Nor are we talking about illegal aliens remaining in the United States. The statute (US Code 8, Section 1324) is easy to read and understand. THAT is what we're talking about >>> "knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection,"

And what I want them to do, is go to federal prison for violating US Code 8 Section 1324. It's waaay too late fro them to "do" anything now.

Refusing to cooperate with immigration officials is not harboring anyone. No one is going to jail for anything.

I rarely agree with liberals (since this was their war before they conned the racists within the right wing to adopt it), but you are right. Without probable cause to arrest someone, the legal community don't know who is wanted for a crime and who is not. AND the United States Supreme Court ruled that a foreigner being here without papers is not a crime.

You have to be awfully full of B.S. or stupid not to understand that the state and local officials cannot just round people up. When they do have probable cause and pick someone up, they generally turn them over to the proper authorities for prosecution if that individual has an outstanding warrant. Maybe it's than Constitution. We could abolish it so the half wits here would be pacified. They don't seem to appreciate any Liberty they have. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT HOLDINGS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER STATUTES. It's that simple.

The trouble is that I am not a liberal. I am a commonsense conservative who has not lost his marbles. Ronald Reagan opposed a wall and talked about workers moving across the borders . He was hardly a liberal. Some Trump supporters call themselves conservatives but they are not. They want big government enforcing their priorities. State and local officials do not have any obligation to inquire about someone's citizenship status even if they are arrested. No crimes are being committed.
Everyone in America, who has a Republican Congressman or Senator should be writing to them, and insisting (nicely) that they, in turn, write to President Trump, and ask him to >>

1. Arrest leaders of Sanctuary cities, counties, states on the charge of violation of US Code 8 Section 1324 (see post # 9).

2. Enact Operation Wetback 2 in the largest mass deportation program of illegal aliens, since Operation Wetback 1, in 1954. Pay no attention to Mexico's protests, as Eisenhower paid no attention to them.

1. They haven't because they know they don't have a case. They are smarter than you are.

2. Try it and the Republican Party will be out of power forever.
Don't comply with unconstitutional laws. Don't get your point.
Well you've still got to go to jail, whether it's Constitutional or not, whether there's a court process or not. It's a gun control vice district straight out of Hades. Sanctuary for Democrat immigrants. The civics exam for immigration and naturalization doesn't include the Bill of Rights or the right to keep and bear arms.

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