NO MONEY to Sanctuary Cities/States/Counties

Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

Not a slam dunk. EVERYTHING has a price and all that glitters is not gold.

In 1997 local sheriffs went to the United States Supreme Court, refusing to enforce the Brady Bill background check. The United States Supreme Court agreed. States cannot be compelled to enforce unconstitutional laws. When undocumented foreigners had to defend their position, the local governments went to court citing the same law that protected gun owners.

Today, there are hundreds of "Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities" popping up all over America. They know that Red Flag Laws are coming and Biden has already told the American people he's coming for their guns. The gun owners are counting on the law protecting sanctuary that was established in 1997 to keep state and local governments from coming into towns to take the guns from the people. You are advocating taking that leverage away. Once you do, your state and local governments must, by law, enforce federal laws, Executive Orders, etc. regardless of how tyrannical. Forewarned is forearmed.

haha...Is it your position that TRESPASSING laws should not be enforced?
Pieces of shit are arrested daily for trespassing...Do you think wetbacks should be exempt from such laws?
Maybe if you pushed yourself away from the Internet, got a job, and started building a productive community, foreigners would not come here. If you were working the job rather than bitching about it, they would have no reason to come here.
Thousands of Americans "working the job" (many for as long as 25 years) have been fired, just to open up their (often STEM) jobs to lower wage foreigners. This has been going on for many years, and we've been talking about it here for years, as well.. You don't know ?

Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

Trump has "threatened" this a number times, he has refused to take action on this or keep the issue in the spotlight.
Mexifornia has continued throwing taxpayer cash at healthcare etc etc and Trump has pushed no initiative or mandate to stop it...he has simply thrown the threat out there to keep the base cheering. FUCK THAT's time to fucking do something TRUMP!
Therein lies the problem. People like you are short sighted. You would forfeit every unalienable Right our forefathers fought, bled and died over in order to secure your Liberty because you think government can solve all your problems. Even IF you could deport every foreigner (and you can't), it would not take people off drugs. It would not make the white people in this country more productive, educated, or ethical. It would not guarantee you a job. As long as you have massive taxes to support the legions dope sucking assholes in this country along with the numbers in prisons (more people in prison in the United States than any nation on the planet) and the perpetuation of the income tax (an unconstitutional tax that was lifted from a plank of the Communist Manifesto) you are going to live in a deteriorating shit hole.

I've watched you trained monkeys whine and cry about so - called "illegal aliens" for a few decades now. You will back gun control, abortion, communism, even a POLICE STATE, then pretend you're offended when the liberals and Democrats calls you racist. Who in the Hell do you think you're fooling?
Is there a doctor in the house ? And I'm not referring to the coronavirus. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling round in head)

Fuck 'em if they want to be traitors! Yes they can be arrested and prosecuted.
Dammit, I've researched this. The most they can get is 1 year in the Federal pen. Sad.
You mean the aliens themselves, or the politicians giving them sanctuary ? The politician (sanctuary perpetrators) can get 5 years, and up to the death penalty, depending...
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

He's tried this before and it's illegal. He can't do it even if he tries.

Santuary policies are NOT illegal. They fight crime and they save lives for ALL of the community, not just illegals.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio refused to prosecute crimes against illegal aliens in Maricopa County. Even when children were involved and the assailant was known. This allowed child molesters and rapists to go free, to prey on other members of the community. It also increased the number of attacks on illegals as rapists, robbers and other criminals knew they could prey on illegals with no repercussions.

Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

Not a slam dunk. EVERYTHING has a price and all that glitters is not gold.

In 1997 local sheriffs went to the United States Supreme Court, refusing to enforce the Brady Bill background check. The United States Supreme Court agreed. States cannot be compelled to enforce unconstitutional laws. When undocumented foreigners had to defend their position, the local governments went to court citing the same law that protected gun owners.

Today, there are hundreds of "Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities" popping up all over America. They know that Red Flag Laws are coming and Biden has already told the American people he's coming for their guns. The gun owners are counting on the law protecting sanctuary that was established in 1997 to keep state and local governments from coming into towns to take the guns from the people. You are advocating taking that leverage away. Once you do, your state and local governments must, by law, enforce federal laws, Executive Orders, etc. regardless of how tyrannical. Forewarned is forearmed.

"We must allow wetbacks to take our country and fuck American's over otherwise we might lose our AR-15's."
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Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

so blue states pay more in taxes

while red states RECEIVE more from the government (blue state tax dollars)

and now trump is threatening to take blue state tax dollars, give it to states that support him (red TAKER states) and give none back to the states that gave the money in the first place......

is that socialism? or theft?
You got any facts to back up these claims. Source, link, anything ?

This sounds off base. Since blue states are the ones who give away zillions$$ in welfare, even to illegal aliens, how would they pay more in taxes (federal that is), and why would red states which are much stricter about welfare need to receive more from the federal govt ? Doesn't make sense.

Cities in California and New York City are notorious for taking in immigrants from anywhere, legal or illegal, with or without skills, and then handing over millions of taxpayers dollars to these leeches. Nothing new about this. In the mid 70s, despite going through a severe recession, New York City about went bankrupt from handing over welfare $$$$ to new arrivals (mostly Puerto Ricans and poor blacks from the South). Unlike other places (red states), where welfare $$ were contingent on being disabled or having dependent children, NYC gave away big bucks to anybody from anywhere.

When the shit hit the fan, and the city went broke, then mayor Abe Beame went (physically) to Washington DC looking for a bailout. After waiting for over 2 hours to see then President Gerald Ford, he stormed out of the office in huff, with Ford completely ignoring him. Ford's later response was > If you make a mess, you clean it up yourself.
Yeah. I agree. So, if you want the federal government to be involved, cut off funding to states that don't kiss the federal government's ass. Then, when you do it, remember this: When gun owners don't comply with federal gun laws and the state / local government supports you, federal funding YOU benefit from is going to disappear.

The best place to look for a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.
Sanctuary Cities is one subject. Guns are ANOTHER. What the federal govt does about sanctuary cities doesn't mean squat about guns.

Your threatening talk connecting the two as if they were one, is going nowhere. It's stupid, and everybody here knows it.
You can try to make jokes about your drug habit, but if your dumb ass were half sober you could see what an idiot you really are. Unlike you, I don't do drugs and never have. What I have done is to WORK in immigration law and know a little about it. So, while you're talking out your ass, I'm working to protect the Posterity of the framers of the Constitution. Bear it in mind.
Aha. So you are a VESTED INTEREST in connection with illegal immigration. Well, we no longer have to ask. I knew all the time. You can quit this thread right now, Rockwell.
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

He's tried this before and it's illegal. He can't do it even if he tries.

Santuary policies are NOT illegal. They fight crime and they save lives for ALL of the community, not just illegals.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio refused to prosecute crimes against illegal aliens in Maricopa County. Even when children were involved and the assailant was known. This allowed child molesters and rapists to go free, to prey on other members of the community. It also increased the number of attacks on illegals as rapists, robbers and other criminals knew they could prey on illegals with no repercussions.

YES...we must protect filthy wetbacks...we must continue to allow them to fuck us over and run a muck across our nation...they rob our taxpayers, rape, maim and murder our people at a rate comparable to blacks but we must protect them. They destroy communities and rental properties, they are involved in auto accidents leaving our people with no recourse but we must protect their filthy, savage asses...they flood our emergency rooms, ruin our education system, our healthcare system but we must protect them.
You Canadians are the dumbestmotherfuckers on the planet...PERIOD!
I oppose withholding health-related Federal funding to punish the citizens of any such jurisdiction.

I favor US Marshals arresting (and the DoJ prosecuting) leaders (past and present) responsible for any such Sanctuary status.

The charges?

a) Conspiracy to circumvent and undermine Federal immigration law
b) sheltering Federal lawbreakers
c) interfering with Federal law enforcement operations.

As well as littering, jaywalking, and whatever else can be made to stick.

It would be great to see US Marshals descending the steps of the San Francisco City Hall with the handcuffed Mayor in tow.

a.) There is no such law and any law like that would be unconstitutional.
b.) There are not being hidden in any government building.
c.) Not cooperating is not interfering.

3 strikes and you are out.

LMFAO Sanctuary cities are made possible by the right when they did not want state and federal law enforcement trying to enforce federal gun laws. Today you see Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities popping up every day and the same people working to create sanctuary for the Second Amendment working to destroy sanctuary status because, in this case, foreigners benefit. Two steps forward and three steps back.
Whatever it takes to toss the Illegal Beaners out of the country...

Therein lies the problem. People like you are short sighted. You would forfeit every unalienable Right our forefathers fought, bled and died over in order to secure your Liberty because you think government can solve all your problems. Even IF you could deport every foreigner (and you can't), it would not take people off drugs. It would not make the white people in this country more productive, educated, or ethical. It would not guarantee you a job. As long as you have massive taxes to support the legions dope sucking assholes in this country along with the numbers in prisons (more people in prison in the United States than any nation on the planet) and the perpetuation of the income tax (an unconstitutional tax that was lifted from a plank of the Communist Manifesto) you are going to live in a deteriorating shit hole.

I've watched you trained monkeys whine and cry about so - called "illegal aliens" for a few decades now. You will back gun control, abortion, communism, even a POLICE STATE, then pretend you're offended when the liberals and Democrats calls you racist. Who in the Hell do you think you're fooling?

The most fucked up posts I read in awhile..

Lay off the meth pipe will ya?

You can try to make jokes about your drug habit, but if your dumb ass were half sober you could see what an idiot you really are. Unlike you, I don't do drugs and never have. What I have done is to WORK in immigration law and know a little about it. So, while you're talking out your ass, I'm working to protect the Posterity of the framers of the Constitution. Bear it in mind.

God God you are posting more retarded by the minute.
You aren't even a half educated idiot. In Chy Lung v. Freeman, the United States Supreme Court lacked the AUTHORITY to grant Congress any powers. If that authority exists, cite it. It's damn well not in the Constitution AND it is the reason the United States Supreme Court is now the chief legislative branch of government. Thanks comrade.

If you find the truth to be racist, then you have more problems than even Dr. Phil can fix.

Finally, if any of you want to know what happened to your unalienable Rights, they were abolished with the illegal ratification of the 14th Amendment. The pretext was to make blacks equal to whites. The REALITY is that the courts used that amendment to REPEAL THE BILL OF RIGHTS. You don't have any Rights as long as that gross miscarriage of justice stands and you want to use that in order to deny foreigners their Right to Liberty rather than use your Freedom of Association to deal with the issue. You are a fucking communist rat bastard cloaked in the American flag, trying to sell people on socialism and communism. You are the worst form of life on this earth and if we had a legitimate government operating in this country, they would arrest your ass and try you on sedition and treason.
Amid all this mindless babbling, is your words >> " the United States Supreme Court lacked the AUTHORITY to grant Congress any powers. If that authority exists, cite it."

Ha ha, Well, all of us here in this thread already know about that existing authority (including you), because I already cited it here, in detail, in Post # 9 (US Code 8, Section 1324) Ho hum.

PS- there are thousands of laws in America that are "not in the Constitution". Were you under the impression that they all were ? :laugh:

Back to the 8th grade for you.
Trump has "threatened" this a number times, he has refused to take action on this or keep the issue in the spotlight.
Mexifornia has continued throwing taxpayer cash at healthcare etc etc and Trump has pushed no initiative or mandate to stop it...he has simply thrown the threat out there to keep the base cheering. FUCK THAT's time to fucking do something TRUMP!
Absolutely right. The time is here now, and the time was here 66 years ago, when then President Eisenhower enacted Operation Wetback, which deported 1-2 million illegal aliens. Trump needs to enact Operation Wetback 2, in addition to locking up scores of mayors, governors, and city councilmembers, for violation of US Code 8, Section 1324.
and he needs to do it NOW, before millions of illegal aliens hit the polls and vote against him in November.
He's tried this before and it's illegal. He can't do it even if he tries.

Santuary policies are NOT illegal. They fight crime and they save lives for ALL of the community, not just illegals.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio refused to prosecute crimes against illegal aliens in Maricopa County. Even when children were involved and the assailant was known. This allowed child molesters and rapists to go free, to prey on other members of the community. It also increased the number of attacks on illegals as rapists, robbers and other criminals knew they could prey on illegals with no repercussions.

FALSE! Sanctuary policies are 100% illegal. You came here late. See Post # 9 for a detailed description of the federal law banning Sanctuary city, and any other activity that harbors, conceals or shields illegal aliens from immigration authorities.

Sanctuary policies do not fight crime. They ARE crime, and their crimes have allowed huge numbers of criminal illegal aliens to go free, to commit crimes against American victims (ex. Kate Steinle)

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Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.
Accountability is important.
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

He's tried this before and it's illegal. He can't do it even if he tries.

Santuary policies are NOT illegal. They fight crime and they save lives for ALL of the community, not just illegals.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio refused to prosecute crimes against illegal aliens in Maricopa County. Even when children were involved and the assailant was known. This allowed child molesters and rapists to go free, to prey on other members of the community. It also increased the number of attacks on illegals as rapists, robbers and other criminals knew they could prey on illegals with no repercussions.

How would you know? You don't live in America.
local sheriffs ... Brady Bill background
There's a lady and your oh-so-friendly local sheriff is charging it as a sex offense – then you've got to register as a sex offender, just like you registered to vote and registered your legally purchased legal firearms. In all three cases, it's a machine and the clerk of the court is accepting cash and ringing up the sales.
Trump has threatened to withhold aid money to governments that have sanctuary policies for illegal aliens. Good.

And together with that, the leaders of these traitorous governments should be arrested. Convicting them should be easy, since they signed their names to these illegal sanctuary policies, by actually passing laws to shield illegal aliens from detection, and conceal them.

Slam dunk.

Not a slam dunk. EVERYTHING has a price and all that glitters is not gold.

In 1997 local sheriffs went to the United States Supreme Court, refusing to enforce the Brady Bill background check. The United States Supreme Court agreed. States cannot be compelled to enforce unconstitutional laws. When undocumented foreigners had to defend their position, the local governments went to court citing the same law that protected gun owners.

Today, there are hundreds of "Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities" popping up all over America. They know that Red Flag Laws are coming and Biden has already told the American people he's coming for their guns. The gun owners are counting on the law protecting sanctuary that was established in 1997 to keep state and local governments from coming into towns to take the guns from the people. You are advocating taking that leverage away. Once you do, your state and local governments must, by law, enforce federal laws, Executive Orders, etc. regardless of how tyrannical. Forewarned is forearmed.

haha...Is it your position that TRESPASSING laws should not be enforced?
Pieces of shit are arrested daily for trespassing...Do you think wetbacks should be exempt from such laws?

What absolute fucking idiocy! This whole shitstorm started after a judge jailed people for stopping trespassers. Revisionist history by a rank amateur! You are uneducated as well.

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