No more boosters for me

The culture war was started by him by saying we don't care about human life. I guess you missed that part.
I mean, doesn’t seem like a lot of y’all seem too bothered by the large numbers of people dying from COVID. Especially considering how many are preventable with vaccination. At the same time, doesn’t seem like a lot of y’all are too bothered by massive amounts of disinformation about vaccines either.
I’d say it’s pretty well proven. Otherwise how do you explain this:
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Fair evidence — so far. But you ignored my caveat. I said “yet.”

With breakthrough cases and the risks (near certainty) of further mutations, we cannot yet be sure that the vaccines and boosters will prove successful over the long haul.
Do you care about all human life or just liberal human life? Do you care about infants? Cuomo didn't seem to care much for the elderly and he is a hardcore Democrat.
What about #deathsantis in Florida?
Fair evidence — so far. But you ignored my caveat. I said “yet.”

With breakthrough cases and the risks (near certainty) of further mutations, we cannot yet be sure that the vaccines and boosters will prove successful over the long haul.
Seems like you’re not really wanting to see what’s happening.
I don’t know that this is proved. Since we know people get “breakthrough” cases despite having been vaxxed and boosted, I’m not sure we can (yet) know if the regimen will yield — long term — the benefits you ascribe to it.
Collin Powell
Actions speak louder than words. 800,000+ Americans are dead due to COVID-19.
nope, a stat you can't prove. No one has the death certificates to make that statement. probable is not died from. It's why they put the word 'probable' in front of it
nope, a stat you can't prove. No one has the death certificates to make that statement. probable is not died from. It's why they put the word 'probable' in front of it
The number doesn’t matter. Every life is precious. That is what pro-life Americans are about. The best way to protect fellow Americans is through vaccination.
Seems like you’re not really wanting to see what’s happening.
I understand that it “seems” that way to YOU, because I’ve introduced some variables that don’t fit with what you are claiming.

But, since you aren’t being open-minded, I will hopefully calm you down a bit. I did note, after all, that you had presented “fair evidence.” You had. Also, if those stats, as graphed, hold true over the long haul, they are encouraging.

Is there a problem with you admitting that breakthrough cases have been happening? I’m sure you already see that mutations are occurring. Are you sensible enough to contemplate that these two variables (especially combined) could pose significant problems?
nope, a stat you can't prove. No one has the death certificates to make that statement. probable is not died from. It's why they put the word 'probable' in front of it
Your opinion on this matter is false.
The alternative to vaccination is to simply “let it rip.” We tried that approach under Trump and a lot of people died or have long-term ailments from COVID-19. That is just inhumane.
We will see the rates drop and eventually this will be like the Spanish flu, still around but not as deadly.
The lockdowns were fine, the mental stress on most Americans gets to be the issue, we saw often everyone staying home and those asking us to stay home went out.
I wasn’t near any state that said let it rip.
Your opinion on this matter is false.
That’s absurd. An opinion cannot be true or false. A claimed “fact” can be true or false.

If some guy or gal holds the opinion that angels exist, you may not share that opinion. Objectively, she or he might be wrong. But the opinion isn’t “false.”
what data are you talking about?
Incidence of myocarditis from vaccination is 2 in 100,000. Mostly mild and basically all resolves.

Yet the right wing is screaming about heart problems from the vaccine.
Incidence of myocarditis from vaccination is 2 in 100,000. Mostly mild and basically all resolves.

Yet the right wing is screaming about heart problems from the vaccine.
so it does happen. the vaccine can cause myocarditis. I don't want that, I'm already being treated for high blood pressure.

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