No more Democrat Party in Florida.

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I'm not Scottish so I don't know but I have no problem with the removal of statues to slavers. In fact I support their removal. Why would I want the equivalent of Nazis venerated with monuments in my country?
You think the Bruce was a slaver?

You think Jefferson, Washington and Roosevelt are equal to Nazis? What a silly statement especially for someone who supports communism

You think maybe judging people who lived nearly 300 years ago, by today's standards, is maybe regressive and if that's the fault finding mission you're on, to make everything good and right today, I suggest looking at yourself instead and fixing that.
You think the Bruce was a slaver?
Can you not read you illiterate fucktard? 😄

I said I'm not Scottish and have no idea why they tore his statue down. What the fuck has that incident have to do with me? I've never even been to Scottland.
You think Jefferson, Washington and Roosevelt are equal to Nazis? What a silly statement especially for someone who supports communism
I think they were worse than Nazis. Nazis only murdered Jews for a few short years, Washington kept men, women and children enslaved his entire life and Jefferson raped his teenage slave and had multiple children with her from the time she was 15 years old.
You think maybe judging people who lived nearly 300 years ago, by today's standards, is maybe regressive and if that's the fault finding mission you're on, to make everything good and right today, I suggest looking at yourself instead and fixing that.
Standards don't exist with respect to time you dipshit, there isn't one physicist who would argue that. Morality isn't a property of time it is a property of people and so standards exist in respect to people. Learn how to logic you fucking moron. 😄
This is about a joke.......a very good joke, a joke that brings out the truth of the democrat party....

I agree that the democrat party is a joke. I also say that the republican party is a pretty big joke too. Especially in recent years.

But trying to pass a law that removes one political party in a two party system is not a joke. It is a travesty.
The Southern Democrats who supported slavery were pieces of shits like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest,

It wasn't just the Southern Democrats who supported slavery or racism. It was an institution of the times, and to pass judgement on the morals of those in past times by looking through the lense of current morals, distorts the view.
It wasn't just the Southern Democrats who supported slavery or racism. It was an institution of the times, and to pass judgement on the morals of those in past times by looking through the lense of current morals, distorts the view.
What a stupid argument. I judge them based on my morals you fucking clown.
Can you not read you illiterate fucktard? 😄

I said I'm not Scottish and have no idea why they tore his statue down. What the fuck has that incident have to do with me? I've never even been to Scottland.

I think they were worse than Nazis. Nazis only murdered Jews for a few short years, Washington kept men, women and children enslaved his entire life and Jefferson raped his teenage slave and had multiple children with her from the time she was 15 years old.

Standards don't exist with respect to time you dipshit, there isn't one physicist who would argue that. Morality isn't a property of time it is a property of people and so standards exist in respect to people. Learn how to logic you fucking moron. 😄
Here's logic for you moron.

Have you invented a time machine yet? Then how do you expect to change the past? You can't

So instead you all wanna make everyone's present miserable because "wahhhhh history"

Just another whiny leftist communist faggot
What a stupid argument. I judge them based on my morals you fucking clown.
Yes you do.

Here's logic for you moron.

Have you invented a time machine yet? Then how do you expect to change the past? You can't
Dipshit, this is called a red herring. It's what's known as a logical fallacy and by its very nature it is an irrational argument. What do time machines or changing the past have to do with whether or not morality exists with respect to people or with respect to time?

The answer. Nothing.
So instead you all wanna make everyone's present miserable because "wahhhhh history"

Just another whiny leftist communist faggot
Yet you're the one throwing a baby tantrum because you can't make an adult argument. 😂
Dipshit, this is called a red herring. It's what's known as a logical fallacy and by its very nature it is an irrational argument. What do time machines or changing the past have to do with whether or not morality exists with respect to people or work respect to time?

The answer. Nothing.

Yet you're the one throwing a baby tantrum because you can't make an adult argument. 😂
Nah fuckstick a logical fallacy is thinking you all can change and rewrite history how you see fit. The founding fathers are Nazis LOL what a fucking joke and communists are all little angels another joke.

Temper Tantrums is you destroying statues cause of your black fragility
Nah fuckstick a logical fallacy is thinking you all can change and rewrite history how you see fit. The founding fathers are Nazis LOL what a fucking joke and communists are all little angels another joke.
Where did I argue we could change history? You have to fantasize about these things because you're too weak to take on my actual argument. 😄

I said the Founders were worse than Nazi's. They enslaved, raped and murdered black men, women and children generation after generation for hundreds of years. People who do that aren't good people. Only in the mind of fragile whites who can't accept facts does anyone believe that they are. That's why you make up these silly little arguments about Time having standards as if time was a sentient being who gave a fuck. 😄
Temper Tantrums is you destroying statues cause of your black fragility
No, I support legally removing statues so we can teach your children that celebrating these monsters is shameful and deplorable.
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They enslaved, raped and murdered black men, women and children generation after generation for hundreds of years. People who do that aren't good people.
So I'm guessing you're not fond of the Conquistadors either?

Where did I argue we could change history? You have to fantasize about these things because you're too weak to take on my actual argument. 😄

I said the Founders were worse than Nazi's. They enslaved, raped and murdered black men, women and children generation after generation for hundreds of years. People who do that aren't good people. Only in the mind of fragile whites who can't accept facts does anyone believe that they are. That's why you make up these silly little arguments about Time having standards as if time was a sentient being who gave a fuck. 😄

No, I support legally removing statues so we can teach your children that celebrating these monsters is shameful and deplorable.
You've been watching the woman king too much. You're own people sold, raped and enslaved people long before we showed up and guess what? They're still doing it today!

He who controls the past controls the future, he who controls the present controls the past. Isn't that what you communist like to say?
You've been watching the woman king too much. You're own people sold, raped and enslaved people long before we showed up and guess what? They're still doing it today!
I've never even seen the Woman King.... 😄

You have so many cosplay arguments. Stop playing dress up little boy. 😄
He who controls the past controls the future, he who controls the present controls the past. Isn't that what you communist like to say?
I'm also not a communist. I am in fact a small business owner. You clowns really do think your fantasies and strawman arguments impress people don't you? 😄
I've never even seen the Woman King.... 😄

You have so many cosplay arguments. Stop playing dress up little boy. 😄

I'm also not a communist. I am in fact a small business owner. You clowns really do think your fantasies and strawman arguments impress people don't you? 😄
Sure buddy your black power fist isn't communist inspired at all. Where's your shop so we can direct riots your way next time you BLM monkeys chimp out

I actually wish one of you would go back in time and stop slavery so you all can stay in Wakanda. It would go like this

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