No more Democrat Party in Florida.

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I feel had. I can't believe I spent my time looking at your links that you evidently didn't even read yourself.

In one link, Chicago is ranked 28. Doesn't seem like "Chicago has them all beat" to me.

Your other link doesn't even have Chicago in it's list.

So to answer your question if "you gonna deny it?"; Yes, unequivocally, I deny it.
I feel had. I can't believe I spent my time looking at your links that you evidently didn't even read yourself.

In one link, Chicago is ranked 28. Doesn't seem like "Chicago has them all beat" to me.

Your other link doesn't even have Chicago in it's list.

So to answer your question if "you gonna deny it?"; Yes, unequivocally, I deny it.

Here's a more updated number for Chicago
That link does not show that "Chicago has them all beat".
Is St Louis a blue city, is Baltimore a blue city?

If St Louis has slightly under 300 murders and Chicago has 695 than which is higher dumbass?
Is St Louis a blue city, is Baltimore a blue city?

If St Louis has slightly under 300 murders and Chicago has 695 than which is higher dumbass?
Not sure. What does that have to do with Chicago?
This is a Republican using leftist Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals against the left…..force the other side to suffer under their beliefs….

the democrats are canceling people left and right……this cancels their party using their own rules…….


The Neo-GOP is the biggest Cancel Culprit of them all. Jan 6th was just the first violent attempt to Cancel Free and Fair elections of the people. When they they lose in 24 look for Part Deux.
Is St Louis a blue city, is Baltimore a blue city?

If St Louis has slightly under 300 murders and Chicago has 695 than which is higher dumbass?
St. louis only has .3 million or so people whereas Chicago has 2.7 million or so........
You don't think there's anything racist in describing the vast majority of black voters, some 90+% of us, as uniformed about the history of racism in this country? 😂😂😂

When they vote over 90% for the historical party of slavery and racism? There is something going wrong in that community......
If they are racist, point it out to todays voters.

Removing an entire political party because of their involvement & support of something that was abolished by constitutional amendment over 150 years ago is just bullshit.

This is not about slavery, or even about racism. It is about removing competition for votes. And will not pass the constitutional smell test.

This is about a joke.......a very good joke, a joke that brings out the truth of the democrat party....
When they vote over 90% for the historical party of slavery and racism? There is something going wrong in that community......
So unless black people think like you there's something wrong with our communities. That doesn't sound racist at all! 😂😂😂
we should ban the bible because it promotes slavery.

we should tell all confederate states that they cant vote for presidential elections because they fought and killed to preserve slavery

we should ban conservatives because conservatives supported slavery, 3/5s and jim crow!

No, actually, it doesn't.

The people who supported slavery became the democrat party.......they supported 3/5s and jim crow....and are working to segregate society by race to this day...
When they vote over 90% for the historical party of slavery and racism? There is something going wrong in that community......
Actually they aren't. They vote for the current party and those affiliated with it in the here and now. Furthermore it was the Southern Democrats who were historically pro slavery and Jim Crow laws. It was the Northern Democrats along with Northern Republicans who pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Point being that your blue cities murder more than red areas
That wasn't your point. Your point was Chicago beat them all when it came to murder rates.

My point was blaming higher overall red state murder rates on blue cities was silly because blue states have blue cities too...for example Washington. Yet Washington doesn't have near the murder rates of nearly all red states.

You have shown me nothing that refutes my point. Saying cities are usually blue and have higher murder rates then urban areas, a fact most people know is not relevant to my point.
That wasn't your point. Your point was Chicago beat them all when it came to murder rates.

My point was blaming higher overall red state murder rates on blue cities was silly because blue states have blue cities too...for example Washington. Yet Washington doesn't have near the murder rates of nearly all red states.

You have shown me nothing that refutes my point. Saying cities are usually blue and have higher murder rates then urban areas, a fact most people know is not relevant to my point.
And you don't think 700 murders a year is a lot lol

Your claim was red states had more which I've proven false.

Cry more
Actually they aren't. They vote for the current party and those affiliated with it in the here and now. Furthermore it was the Southern Democrats who were historically pro slavery and Jim Crow laws. It was the Northern Democrats along with Northern Republicans who pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Southern democrats were democrats.......and didn't have to deal with northern voters, so they could be democrat to their hearts content...............
And you don't think 700 murders a year is a lot lol

Your claim was red states had more which I've proven false.

Cry more
Of course it's a lot. Are you just lying or can you point out where I said otherwise?

Yes, my claim was red states have higher murder rates (as well as lower education and higher obesity rates).

Here is the proof.

That wasn't your point. Your point was Chicago beat them all when it came to murder rates.

My point was blaming higher overall red state murder rates on blue cities was silly because blue states have blue cities too...for example Washington. Yet Washington doesn't have near the murder rates of nearly all red states.

You have shown me nothing that refutes my point. Saying cities are usually blue and have higher murder rates then urban areas, a fact most people know is not relevant to my point. cities cause the murder rates, and lying about Red states is a lame attempt to hide the truth...

The No. 1 state on Third Way’s list is Mississippi. Sure enough, the statewide vote in the 2020 election was for Trump. But within the state, Hinds County residents voted for Joe Biden, 3 to 1. Mississippi’s biggest city, Jackson, is in Hinds County. You know where this is going.

Reporting on Jackson last year, CNN declared it “one of the deadliest U.S. cities.”

The mayor of Jackson is Chokwe Antar Lumumba, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jody Owens, a Democrat.

No. 2 on the list is Louisiana. Trump won that state, too. But on the more local level, he lost Orleans, the parish that contains New Orleans, the state’s most populous city. Residents there went for Biden almost 8 to 1.

“New Orleans had the highest homicide rate of any major city so far this year, with about 41 homicides per 100,000 residents.”— The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 16, 2022

The mayor of New Orleans is LaToya Cantrell, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jason Williams, also a Democrat.

No. 3 on the list is Kentucky, another red state that voted to elect Trump. But Kentucky’s biggest city Louisville is in Jefferson County and 60 percent of those voters supported Biden.

This is from Kentucky-based think tank Pegasus Institute in August: “In the last decade, the city of Louisville has seen unprecedented increases in shootings and homicides. 2020 became Louisville’s deadliest year on record, and 2021 have proven to continue that trend.” The organization reported last year that Louisville’s homicide rate was competing with the likes of Chicago and Philadelphia.

The mayor of Louisville is Greg Fischer, a Democrat.

The district attorney is Thomas B. Wine. He is also a Democrat.

Next is Alabama at No. 4, another 2020 red state. But Biden won the most votes in the most populous county, also called Jefferson. He won 56 percent to Trump’s 43. Within Jefferson is the city of Birmingham, which has the third-highest murder ratein all of the U.S.

The mayor of Birmingham is Randall Woodfin. He’s a Democrat, just like the district attorney, Danny Carr.

In slot No. 5 is Missouri. Again, a Trump state. And again, with the county containing its biggest city, St. Louis, going for Biden, 61 percent to Trump’s 37. St. Louis has the fourth-highest murder rate in the country.
Mayor: Tishaura Jones, Democrat.

County prosecuting attorney: Wesley Bell, same.

No. 6 is South Carolina. Trump won that state, but Charleston County, with the city of North Charleston, went for Biden with 56 percent of the vote. North Charleston has the highest murder rate in the state.

Finally, here we have a city with a mayor, Keith Summey, from the Republican Party. The county solicitor — Charleston does not have a district attorney — is Scarlett Wilson, also a Republican.

Not that we’re keeping score, but that brings the number on this list of Republicans who might feasibly be held accountable for raging crime in their cities to a grand total of two. For Democrats, it’s so far 10.

The next two states on Third Way’s report, New Mexico and Georgia, went blue in 2020, so we’ll skip those.
No. 9 is Arkansas, which was red. But again, Pulaski County, with the state’s biggest city of Little Rock, went blue with 60 percent of voters choosing Biden. That city reportedly has one of the highest violent crime rates in the state. The mayor of Little Rock is Frank Scott, a Democrat. The county prosecutor, Larry Jegley, is a Democrat as well.

Lastly, at No. 10, is Tennessee. Another red state with a major blue county that went for Biden. That county here would be Shelby, with 64 percent of the vote going to the president. In Shelby is the city of Memphis, which, according to The New York Times, “is often ranked among the nation’s most violent cities.”

The mayor of Memphis is Jim Strickland, a Democrat. Steve Mulroy, a Democrat, is the recently-elected district attorney.
To recap, of the eight red states listed in Third Way’s report as being among the top 10 with the highest murder rate, the cities where all that murder is happening are run almost exclusively by Democrats. All but one had a Democrat mayor. And all but one had a Democrat responsible for pursuing criminal prosecutions.

The Left's Funny New Lie: It's The 'Red States' With More Crime!

In February 2022, CBS News published a report about cities with the highest homicide rate, "Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities." Of the top 10 deadliest cities in the country, all of them are cities with Democratic mayors. Moreover, of the 65 cities on this list with the highest murder rates, the overwhelming majority had Democratic mayors. And, to quote Clinton, "that's just a fact."
On Nov. 4, the Heritage Foundation released a study showing that "high-crime counties are governed largely by Democrats." It revealed that of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the country, 27 have Democratic mayors. Furthermore, of those 27 cities, nearly half (14) have radical left-wing prosecutors funded or inspired by affluent billionaire and leftist political activist George Soros and the Open Society Foundation.
"The high murder rate is almost exclusively cabined in cities run by Democrats and with Democrat district attorneys, many of whom are Soros bought-and-paid-for rogue prosecutors or inspired by Soros, groups like the egregiously misnamed Fair and Just Prosecution and other battering rams of the movement," the authors of the study stated.

Don't believe Democrats' lies — blue cities, not red states, have the violent crime problem

From poster, Toobfreak.

I chose 58 cities as that was the largest number I could fit on a page. I then went through each city one by one to look up the major of every city. Aside from the fact that you can forget finding any pattern of cities in "red" states being the most with the highest crime as the idiot Marc tries to claim, but I went down the list marking all the mayors of the highest crimes cities in America in BRIGHT RED who were DEMOCRATS.

Look at what I found:

Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 7.02.25 PM.png

Every city above in red is RUN BY A DEMOCRAT!

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities

Of course it's a lot. Are you just lying or can you point out where I said otherwise?

Yes, my claim was red states have higher murder rates (as well as lower education and higher obesity rates).

Here is the proof.

Red states aren't the party controlled cities...are the problem...

The No. 1 state on Third Way’s list is Mississippi. Sure enough, the statewide vote in the 2020 election was for Trump. But within the state, Hinds County residents voted for Joe Biden, 3 to 1. Mississippi’s biggest city, Jackson, is in Hinds County. You know where this is going.
Reporting on Jackson last year, CNN declared it “one of the deadliest U.S. cities.”

The mayor of Jackson is Chokwe Antar Lumumba, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jody Owens, a Democrat.
No. 2 on the list is Louisiana. Trump won that state, too. But on the more local level, he lost Orleans, the parish that contains New Orleans, the state’s most populous city. Residents there went for Biden almost 8 to 1.
“New Orleans had the highest homicide rate of any major city so far this year, with about 41 homicides per 100,000 residents.”— The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 16, 2022
The mayor of New Orleans is LaToya Cantrell, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jason Williams, also a Democrat.
No. 3 on the list is Kentucky, another red state that voted to elect Trump. But Kentucky’s biggest city Louisville is in Jefferson County and 60 percent of those voters supported Biden.
This is from Kentucky-based think tank Pegasus Institute in August: “In the last decade, the city of Louisville has seen unprecedented increases in shootings and homicides. 2020 became Louisville’s deadliest year on record, and 2021 have proven to continue that trend.” The organization reported last year that Louisville’s homicide rate was competing with the likes of Chicago and Philadelphia.
The mayor of Louisville is Greg Fischer, a Democrat. The district attorney is Thomas B. Wine. He is also a Democrat.
Next is Alabama at No. 4, another 2020 red state. But Biden won the most votes in the most populous county, also called Jefferson. He won 56 percent to Trump’s 43. Within Jefferson is the city of Birmingham, which has the third-highest murder ratein all of the U.S.
The mayor of Birmingham is Randall Woodfin. He’s a Democrat, just like the district attorney, Danny Carr.
In slot No. 5 is Missouri. Again, a Trump state. And again, with the county containing its biggest city, St. Louis, going for Biden, 61 percent to Trump’s 37. St. Louis has the fourth-highest murder rate in the country.
Mayor: Tishaura Jones, Democrat.
County prosecuting attorney: Wesley Bell, same.
No. 6 is South Carolina. Trump won that state, but Charleston County, with the city of North Charleston, went for Biden with 56 percent of the vote. North Charleston has the highest murder rate in the state.
Finally, here we have a city with a mayor, Keith Summey, from the Republican Party. The county solicitor — Charleston does not have a district attorney — is Scarlett Wilson, also a Republican.
Not that we’re keeping score, but that brings the number on this list of Republicans who might feasibly be held accountable for raging crime in their cities to a grand total of two. For Democrats, it’s so far 10.
The next two states on Third Way’s report, New Mexico and Georgia, went blue in 2020, so we’ll skip those.
No. 9 is Arkansas, which was red. But again, Pulaski County, with the state’s biggest city of Little Rock, went blue with 60 percent of voters choosing Biden. That city reportedly has one of the highest violent crime rates in the state. The mayor of Little Rock is Frank Scott, a Democrat. The county prosecutor, Larry Jegley, is a Democrat as well.
Lastly, at No. 10, is Tennessee. Another red state with a major blue county that went for Biden. That county here would be Shelby, with 64 percent of the vote going to the president. In Shelby is the city of Memphis, which, according to The New York Times, “is often ranked among the nation’s most violent cities.”
The mayor of Memphis is Jim Strickland, a Democrat. Steve Mulroy, a Democrat, is the recently-elected district attorney.
To recap, of the eight red states listed in Third Way’s report as being among the top 10 with the highest murder rate, the cities where all that murder is happening are run almost exclusively by Democrats. All but one had a Democrat mayor. And all but one had a Democrat responsible for pursuing criminal prosecutions.

The Left's Funny New Lie: It's The 'Red States' With More Crime! cities cause the murder rates, and lying about Red states is a lame attempt to hide the truth...

The No. 1 state on Third Way’s list is Mississippi. Sure enough, the statewide vote in the 2020 election was for Trump. But within the state, Hinds County residents voted for Joe Biden, 3 to 1. Mississippi’s biggest city, Jackson, is in Hinds County. You know where this is going.

Reporting on Jackson last year, CNN declared it “one of the deadliest U.S. cities.”

The mayor of Jackson is Chokwe Antar Lumumba, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jody Owens, a Democrat.

No. 2 on the list is Louisiana. Trump won that state, too. But on the more local level, he lost Orleans, the parish that contains New Orleans, the state’s most populous city. Residents there went for Biden almost 8 to 1.

“New Orleans had the highest homicide rate of any major city so far this year, with about 41 homicides per 100,000 residents.”— The Wall Street Journal, Sep. 16, 2022

The mayor of New Orleans is LaToya Cantrell, a Democrat. The district attorney is Jason Williams, also a Democrat.

No. 3 on the list is Kentucky, another red state that voted to elect Trump. But Kentucky’s biggest city Louisville is in Jefferson County and 60 percent of those voters supported Biden.

This is from Kentucky-based think tank Pegasus Institute in August: “In the last decade, the city of Louisville has seen unprecedented increases in shootings and homicides. 2020 became Louisville’s deadliest year on record, and 2021 have proven to continue that trend.” The organization reported last year that Louisville’s homicide rate was competing with the likes of Chicago and Philadelphia.

The mayor of Louisville is Greg Fischer, a Democrat.

The district attorney is Thomas B. Wine. He is also a Democrat.

Next is Alabama at No. 4, another 2020 red state. But Biden won the most votes in the most populous county, also called Jefferson. He won 56 percent to Trump’s 43. Within Jefferson is the city of Birmingham, which has the third-highest murder ratein all of the U.S.

The mayor of Birmingham is Randall Woodfin. He’s a Democrat, just like the district attorney, Danny Carr.

In slot No. 5 is Missouri. Again, a Trump state. And again, with the county containing its biggest city, St. Louis, going for Biden, 61 percent to Trump’s 37. St. Louis has the fourth-highest murder rate in the country.
Mayor: Tishaura Jones, Democrat.

County prosecuting attorney: Wesley Bell, same.

No. 6 is South Carolina. Trump won that state, but Charleston County, with the city of North Charleston, went for Biden with 56 percent of the vote. North Charleston has the highest murder rate in the state.

Finally, here we have a city with a mayor, Keith Summey, from the Republican Party. The county solicitor — Charleston does not have a district attorney — is Scarlett Wilson, also a Republican.

Not that we’re keeping score, but that brings the number on this list of Republicans who might feasibly be held accountable for raging crime in their cities to a grand total of two. For Democrats, it’s so far 10.

The next two states on Third Way’s report, New Mexico and Georgia, went blue in 2020, so we’ll skip those.
No. 9 is Arkansas, which was red. But again, Pulaski County, with the state’s biggest city of Little Rock, went blue with 60 percent of voters choosing Biden. That city reportedly has one of the highest violent crime rates in the state. The mayor of Little Rock is Frank Scott, a Democrat. The county prosecutor, Larry Jegley, is a Democrat as well.

Lastly, at No. 10, is Tennessee. Another red state with a major blue county that went for Biden. That county here would be Shelby, with 64 percent of the vote going to the president. In Shelby is the city of Memphis, which, according to The New York Times, “is often ranked among the nation’s most violent cities.”

The mayor of Memphis is Jim Strickland, a Democrat. Steve Mulroy, a Democrat, is the recently-elected district attorney.
To recap, of the eight red states listed in Third Way’s report as being among the top 10 with the highest murder rate, the cities where all that murder is happening are run almost exclusively by Democrats. All but one had a Democrat mayor. And all but one had a Democrat responsible for pursuing criminal prosecutions.

The Left's Funny New Lie: It's The 'Red States' With More Crime!

In February 2022, CBS News published a report about cities with the highest homicide rate, "Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities." Of the top 10 deadliest cities in the country, all of them are cities with Democratic mayors. Moreover, of the 65 cities on this list with the highest murder rates, the overwhelming majority had Democratic mayors. And, to quote Clinton, "that's just a fact."
On Nov. 4, the Heritage Foundation released a study showing that "high-crime counties are governed largely by Democrats." It revealed that of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the country, 27 have Democratic mayors. Furthermore, of those 27 cities, nearly half (14) have radical left-wing prosecutors funded or inspired by affluent billionaire and leftist political activist George Soros and the Open Society Foundation.
"The high murder rate is almost exclusively cabined in cities run by Democrats and with Democrat district attorneys, many of whom are Soros bought-and-paid-for rogue prosecutors or inspired by Soros, groups like the egregiously misnamed Fair and Just Prosecution and other battering rams of the movement," the authors of the study stated.

Don't believe Democrats' lies — blue cities, not red states, have the violent crime problem

From poster, Toobfreak.

I chose 58 cities as that was the largest number I could fit on a page. I then went through each city one by one to look up the major of every city. Aside from the fact that you can forget finding any pattern of cities in "red" states being the most with the highest crime as the idiot Marc tries to claim, but I went down the list marking all the mayors of the highest crimes cities in America in BRIGHT RED who were DEMOCRATS.

Look at what I found:

Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 7.02.25 PM.png

Every city above in red is RUN BY A DEMOCRAT!

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities

So why is Washington's murder rate so much lower?
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