No more Democrat Party in Florida.

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Wow talk about your retroactive punishment. How about we collectively punish everyone who lives in a State that formally declared that all Negroes should be enslaved in perpetuity, and force them to pay reparations. How could anyone live in a state that did that?

What other stupid shit will these Vulture Culture Warrior asshole types squirt out?
A leftard ragging on culture warriors? That's rich.
Wow talk about your retroactive punishment. How about we collectively punish everyone who lives in a State that formally declared that all Negroes should be enslaved in perpetuity, and force them to pay reparations. How could anyone live in a state that did that?

What other stupid shit will these Vulture Culture Warrior asshole types squirt out?

This is a Republican using leftist Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals against the left…..force the other side to suffer under their beliefs….

the democrats are canceling people left and right……this cancels their party using their own rules…….

Thanks for admitting Republicans are playing politics and not really leading this country. They're already campaigning for 2024. Woke is their trigger button.

I knew what this was.

And another reason this bill is a joke is because today's Democrats were the Lincoln Republican who freed the slaves. Fast forward to the 60's civil rights. Today it's us liberals and Democrats who want to protect civil rights and it's Republicans trying to dismantle the civil rights act. And its us who want to celebrate MLK day and Black History Month.

This is why you guys don't want CRT taught. They teach us about the southern strategy and how whites left the Democratic party when blacks joined. That way you can keep pretending it was you Republicans who freed the slaves. And then the next day argue why a Robert E Lee statue should remain. Such hypocrites.

That is a lie…..todays democrats are the same racists they were when the party was created by two slave owners…they just changed tactics and incorporated racists of all skin colors…since the goal is power and racism is the tool.
Thanks for admitting Republicans are playing politics and not really leading this country. They're already campaigning for 2024. Woke is their trigger button.

I knew what this was.

And another reason this bill is a joke is because today's Democrats were the Lincoln Republican who freed the slaves. Fast forward to the 60's civil rights. Today it's us liberals and Democrats who want to protect civil rights and it's Republicans trying to dismantle the civil rights act. And its us who want to celebrate MLK day and Black History Month.

This is why you guys don't want CRT taught. They teach us about the southern strategy and how whites left the Democratic party when blacks joined. That way you can keep pretending it was you Republicans who freed the slaves. And then the next day argue why a Robert E Lee statue should remain. Such hypocrites.

The Southern Strategy is a lie democrats tell to keep uninformed black Americans voting for the democrat party…the party of slavery and racism.
The Southern Strategy is a lie democrats tell to keep uninformed black Americans voting for the democrat party…the party of slavery and racism.
You don't think there's anything racist in describing the vast majority of black voters, some 90+% of us, as uniformed about the history of racism in this country? 😂😂😂
That is a lie…..todays democrats are the same racists they were when the party was created by two slave owners…they just changed tactics and incorporated racists of all skin colors…since the goal is power and racism is the tool.

If they are racist, point it out to todays voters.

Removing an entire political party because of their involvement & support of something that was abolished by constitutional amendment over 150 years ago is just bullshit.

This is not about slavery, or even about racism. It is about removing competition for votes. And will not pass the constitutional smell test.
If they are racist, point it out to todays voters.

Removing an entire political party because of their involvement & support of something that was abolished by constitutional amendment over 150 years ago is just bullshit.

This is not about slavery, or even about racism. It is about removing competition for votes. And will not pass the constitutional smell test.
How do you feel about blaming all white people for shit that happened 150 years ago?
Looks like there is a bill for a party that previously advocated slavery to be banned from filing.

How could any Democrat that is always bitching about slavery vote against a bill like that?

Live by wokeness, die by wokeness.

Florida Republican pitches bill to eliminate the Florida Democratic Party

"The Ultimate Cancel Act" would "cancel" the filings of any party that "previously advocated for" slavery, which the Democratic Party did more than 150 years ago.

we should ban the bible because it promotes slavery.

we should tell all confederate states that they cant vote for presidential elections because they fought and killed to preserve slavery

we should ban conservatives because conservatives supported slavery, 3/5s and jim crow!
we should ban the bible because it promotes slavery.

we should tell all confederate states that they cant vote for presidential elections because they fought and killed to preserve slavery

we should ban conservatives because conservatives supported slavery, 3/5s and jim crow!
Or the left should stop digging up the past and removing statues of Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln. They also should stop blaming all white people for things that happened when none of us were alive. Since I'm sure you supported all that then now you're getting a taste and suddenly find its flavor bitter?
It's probably too late now. DiSantis just lost his temper and seems to have flubbed the "vaccine" probe that he announced. Trump 2024.
we should ban the bible because it promotes slavery.

we should tell all confederate states that they cant vote for presidential elections because they fought and killed to preserve slavery

we should ban conservatives because conservatives supported slavery, 3/5s and jim crow!
So you agree that the Democrat Party should be banned.
As already correctly noted: outlawing opposition political parties is a classic tactic of the fascist right.

This thread is further proof that conservatives in fact embrace fascism.

Squeals the fascist propagandist who supported every mandate, and censorship move the DEMOCRATS engaged in.

You are one stupid troll.
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