No More Foreign Wars

Being the worlds police and instigating, participating in, and funding wars over the globe is awesome right? The world loves and respects us. We havent ruined entire countries because we are nosey assholes.
Nope all is peachy.
"failed" LMFAO
More bullshit and delusions.
Did you ever pass grammar school ?
I doubt you will look here, and even more I doubt you will understand the information. Yet, will be interesting to see how many of these you distort into be result of USA being "nosey assholes".
Being the worlds police and instigating, participating in, and funding wars over the globe is awesome right? The world loves and respects us. We havent ruined entire countries because we are nosey assholes.
Nope all is peachy.
"failed" LMFAO
Another source and insight to your distortions;

Being the worlds police and instigating, participating in, and funding wars over the globe is awesome right? The world loves and respects us. We havent ruined entire countries because we are nosey assholes.
Nope all is peachy.
"failed" LMFAO
More links for facts and data, to counter your delusional bias and disinformation, Komrade.

Mapped: Where are the World's Ongoing Conflicts Today?

Number of armed conflicts - Our World in Data

Countries Currently at War / Countries at War 2024

BTW, what are the "ruined entire countries" the USA has done ?
Yeah, it is really unbelievable how Germany and India and Egypt and Mexico and a ton of other countries get their coffee without that huge fleet and meddling into other countries.

Oh, and just to hit on this once again. Are you aware that we typically have about a half dozen ships operating off the Horn of Africa? And have been doing so for over two decades.

I suppose you never heard of that. have you?

More ignorant bullshit. Komrade!
Check the ownership of the world's largest banks and you'll see that the USA is a minor player in such.

Clearest example, which history ignoramuses like your self fail to understand or grasp, is the case of World War Two where the USA was a minor military power during the 1930's, especially in size of our Army. We started our build-up during the process of helping nations resisting German, Italian, and Japanese (Axis) aggression and conquest via providing weapons, food, and other equipment to them; United Kingdom, France, China (Allies) primarily.

Combined with increased tariffs and embargoes towards the Axis' only resulted in them defying and taken more aggressive stance against the USA. Eventually it grew to point of the USA being attacked by the Axis and dragged into another 'European' war.

This kicked in the "Arsenal of Democracy"; a production growth that lifted the USA out of the Depression, and eventual victory in that war.
When the war was over, there was surplus of USA merchant ships available to the world at reduced cost, tens of thousands trucks and jeeps left overseas (build up local motor transport) and through our international air transport efforts, hundreds of airfield/paved runways around the world, along with increased navigation routes with radio direction and radar guidance systems, and thousands of transport aircraft also surplussed at reduced costs that helped start many international airlines.

After a war of destruction, the USA then paid to rebuild, the Marshall Plan, plus took on defending the decimated nations from Soviet aggression and expansion.

We called a lot of this "Lend-Lease"; but never got much of it back or paid for.
Even though a huge amount of money and material went out, one way, the USA was still able to rise to a global power and protector of the recovering nations of the world.
Dude, the US became the world economic, military and political power not despite of the war, but thanks to it. Virtually without any destruction and the populace mainly not affected by it. All the main economic rivals being destroyed and being dependent on American financial and military help. The US was and still is the main beneficiary of this war. Who the heck are you trying to fool?
And how well could they do that if say Venezuela decided to start interfering with that trade?
They should do nothing about that. Venezuela is virtually excluded from international trade because of American economic sanctions. These stupid sanctions should be lifted as soon as possible, and Venezuela, alongside with Cuba, should become part of international community.
Oh, and just to hit on this once again. Are you aware that we typically have about a half dozen ships operating off the Horn of Africa? And have been doing so for over two decades.

I suppose you never heard of that. have you?

Yeah, I have. Not too far from the place where the Houthis almost interrupted the world trade routes. Tell me more about uselessness.
Yeah, I have. Not too far from the place where the Houthis almost interrupted the world trade routes. Tell me more about uselessness.

OK, so what, we and every other nation should stop all attempts to end it?

Come on now, if you are a grown--up then you should obviously be able to actually propose a workable solution.
OK, so what, we and every other nation should stop all attempts to end it?

Come on now, if you are a grown--up then you should obviously be able to actually propose a workable solution.
Well, stop treating them as a bunch of savages and stop trying to bomb the shit out of them for non-existent military gains and stop turning Yemen into another pariah state. And maybe all that is a workable solution.
It is time to reign in the Pentagon and warmongers like John Bolton and Liz Cheney.
Bolton is clinically insane, he once threatened the family of the OPCW head because he wouldn't go along with the US narrative on Iraqi WMD before the invasion of Iraq, we know where your kids live was what Bolton told the man like some Mafia Godfather.
Most seem to forget that traditionally we have had a strong Navy for the exact same reason the British did. From our very start, we were a mercantile nation and were highly dependent on trade.

And we are still one today, so maintain our strong navy in order to guarantee our trade routes.

This is something most of the "Isolationists" do not seem to realize. I would love to go through their homes, and remove everything from them that came from another country we do not share a land border with. We can always trade with Mexico and Canada by land, so that is allowable. But for anywhere else (especially from nations south of Panama), that trade has to come via sea or air.

In other words, I wish them a hell of a lot of luck getting their coffee if we can't guarantee the sea routes to and from our nation are safe. Because that is the only way their coffee is getting here, via ships. It sure as hell is not coming via trucks or trains.
The British same as the Americans now have used their naval power to project their power anywhere on the planet so it's not all about trade routes.
And how well could they do that if say Venezuela decided to start interfering with that trade?
Lol. How would Venezuela do that without the ability to do it? It doesn’t have much of a military to do anything.

Warmongers and imperialists aren’t very smart.
More bullshit and delusions.
Did you ever pass grammar school ?
I doubt you will look here, and even more I doubt you will understand the information. Yet, will be interesting to see how many of these you distort into be result of USA being "nosey assholes".
Do you seriously think US wars, coups, and sanctions have resulted in a better world?
Stryder, you showed me nothing. Just irrelevant shit that shows your desperation.

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