Imagine Losing Everything in a Disaster and Going to FEMA's Website to See Equity is Their Goal

Bunch of liberal lesbians too, as well as other women who hate men, including their husbands and ex. They're fucking rabid, all kinds of fucked up.
In truth once they hit GS13 they pretty much disappeared when they worked remote.

The wife (when working remote) did everyone's time in her department including the managers above her. She had access to their online signed-in time and it tabulated automatically.

They would disappear for days at a time (never signed in) and when they checked their time and saw that they were short they would raise hell with the wife. She would just refer them to their supervisor.

After a couple months of that the managers started keeping their own time and had the IT people make it so nobody could see when (or if) they ever signed in.

I always felt sorry for the wife, she would stress just going to the bathroom least the system signed her out. The old school work ethic is dead.
That's interesting, but has nothing to do with that idiot in the OP whining about everyone being treated equally.

Are we talking about resources for hurricane victims or your conspiracy theories about Harris?
Harris is on record as saying that aid should be distributed "equitably" and doubled down when she clarified that she meant POC and women. Please keep up or STFU. The FEMA funds are being distributed to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in NYC.
Ohh. So it wasn't Trump, it was a couple of democrat offices.

See if you weren't a democrat you would already,know this

Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 7.38.14 PM.png

NOT started by Trump.
NOT organized by Trump.

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