No More Kings: Are we back where we started?


Dec 15, 2012
This a non-political party statement.
It is a We the People statement.

Lack of actual representation in our so called "Representative Democracy" is becoming so much of a problem for most, it makes you wonder if we are not headed back to where we began?

Schoolhouse Rock: No More Kings
[ame=]Tea Party - Schoolhouse Rock - No more Kings - YouTube[/ame]

Schoolhouse Rock nailed it many years back:

Tyrannosaurus Debt Music Video
[ame=]Schoolhouse Rock: Money - Tyrannosaurus Debt Music Video - YouTube[/ame]

I'm Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock!)
This system no longer seems to work:
[ame=]I'm Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock!) - YouTube[/ame]

...Begin Discussion...
The redefinition of representation means that if votes were cast, then you are represented.

The real definition of representation is when the elected person, actually does what the Constituents want and can be fired for cause at a moments notice, or at least as quickly as a Judge can hear the legal complaint. Cause is failing to follow the majority of his or her district.

Far too often, elected people will follow their own greed and find ways to delay, obfuscate and deny the will of the people for their own wealth and power.

Some people are okay with that. Curiously enough, the people who are usually end up being the people who oppose that kind of thing.....only if its done in private enterprise.
The redefinition of representation means that if votes were cast, then you are represented.

The real definition of representation is when the elected person, actually does what the Constituents want and can be fired for cause at a moments notice, or at least as quickly as a Judge can hear the legal complaint. Cause is failing to follow the majority of his or her district.

Far too often, elected people will follow their own greed and find ways to delay, obfuscate and deny the will of the people for their own wealth and power.

Some people are okay with that. Curiously enough, the people who are usually end up being the people who oppose that kind of thing.....only if its done in private enterprise.

a perfect example, the people of CA voted down gay marriage twice, but it looks like the will of the people will be ignored by the tyranical government.
The redefinition of representation means that if votes were cast, then you are represented.

The real definition of representation is when the elected person, actually does what the Constituents want and can be fired for cause at a moments notice, or at least as quickly as a Judge can hear the legal complaint. Cause is failing to follow the majority of his or her district.

Far too often, elected people will follow their own greed and find ways to delay, obfuscate and deny the will of the people for their own wealth and power.

Some people are okay with that. Curiously enough, the people who are usually end up being the people who oppose that kind of thing.....only if its done in private enterprise.

a perfect example, the people of CA voted down gay marriage twice, but it looks like the will of the people will be ignored by the tyranical government.
Yet, votes were cast.

So to many, this means that everyone has representation.
We are supposed to be under the impression that we are represented.

But the popular vote in the presidential election is a joke.

Yet the average American still feels empowered when they cast that ballot...even though it ultimately means nothing.

Its like complaining about a co-worker to HR....most of the time nothing is even done about what you are complaining just feel better for being able to complain about it.

He who has the money has the power....welcome to the new world.
We are supposed to be under the impression that we are represented.

But the popular vote in the presidential election is a joke.

Yet the average American still feels empowered when they cast that ballot...even though it ultimately means nothing.

Its like complaining about a co-worker to HR....most of the time nothing is even done about what you are complaining just feel better for being able to complain about it.

He who has the money has the power....welcome to the new world.

there is nothing new about that. It has always been so and always will be.
All very valid posts. Thankfully, I have at least one Senator who actually does respond to constituents and not with some vague legalese that answers nothing. My responses don't come the next day - it's very clear that responses will be made though. This Senator has weekly sessions with his staff on all correspondence and the responses and those responses give direct answers. I was really surprised to get a next-day response on one issue in the form of a phone call from his Knoxville office! Also the Representative for my district has phone town halls to answer call-ins from his constituents.

I can't say I have ever had that kind of experience from those who represented me when I lived in VA.

You're all right: we do, but we don't, have representation. And I am also STRONGLY in favor of some kind of voter ID. Contrary to what some (ahem) people say ... it is NOT to prevent any race or ethnic group from voting ... it IS to prevent those who have no right (such as non-citizens and cartoon characters) to vote and/or prevent double, triple votes cast by the same person or in the name of people who are dead and gone.
We are supposed to be under the impression that we are represented.

But the popular vote in the presidential election is a joke.

Yet the average American still feels empowered when they cast that ballot...even though it ultimately means nothing.

Its like complaining about a co-worker to HR....most of the time nothing is even done about what you are complaining just feel better for being able to complain about it.

He who has the money has the power....welcome to the new world.

there is nothing new about that. It has always been so and always will be.

Is that not the problem??? That the voice of the every day American is dead? That we know that? That we KNOW that it will always be like that?
Meet the new boss....

same as the old boss...

no truer words were ever written about government.

credit: lyrics the Who
We are supposed to be under the impression that we are represented.

But the popular vote in the presidential election is a joke.

Yet the average American still feels empowered when they cast that ballot...even though it ultimately means nothing.

Its like complaining about a co-worker to HR....most of the time nothing is even done about what you are complaining just feel better for being able to complain about it.

He who has the money has the power....welcome to the new world.

there is nothing new about that. It has always been so and always will be.

Is that not the problem??? That the voice of the every day American is dead? That we know that? That we KNOW that it will always be like that?

Normally it is the youth of any country who foment change.

But too many of America's young people of today enjoy dependency on parents, institutions and government. They embrace dependency.

Not all.

But far too many. Hell's bells we have a sector of youth who let their mothers come with them for job interviews.

No rebels there. :eusa_angel:

And look at the massive youth vote for Obama. He promised them "Hope and Change". And they were foolish enough to buy in that Government was going to heal all of society's boo boos.

How do you fix that? Damned if I know because the field whether left or right is just full of has beens who live and breathe "inside the beltway".

I don't see any leaders on the horizon except for Paul and Cruz on the conservative side of life.

And on the left all the liberals want to do is crown Hillary; the royal family member of progressives because it's "her turn".
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there is nothing new about that. It has always been so and always will be.

Is that not the problem??? That the voice of the every day American is dead? That we know that? That we KNOW that it will always be like that?

Normally it is the youth of any country who foment change.

But too many of America's young people of today enjoy dependency on parents, institutions and government. They embrace dependency.

Not all.

But far too many. Hell's bells we have a sector of youth who let their mothers come with them for job interviews.

No rebels there. :eusa_angel:

And look at the massive youth vote for Obama. He promised them "Hope and Change". And they were stupid enough to buy in that Government was going to heal all of society's boo boos.

How do you fix that? Damned if I know because the field whether left or right is just full of has beens who live and breathe "inside the beltway".

I don't see any leaders on the horizon except for Paul and Cruz on the conservative side of life.

And on the left all the liberals want to do is crown Hillary; the royal family member of progressives because it's "her turn".

It makes me sad that what you say is true.

I am one of the few youth that you speak of.
We're not going back to our origins...instead we have a huge 4th Branch of government which is more like the court of an ancient Chinese Emperor.
there is nothing new about that. It has always been so and always will be.

Is that not the problem??? That the voice of the every day American is dead? That we know that? That we KNOW that it will always be like that?

Normally it is the youth of any country who foment change.

But too many of America's young people of today enjoy dependency on parents, institutions and government. They embrace dependency.

Not all.

But far too many. Hell's bells we have a sector of youth who let their mothers come with them for job interviews.

No rebels there. :eusa_angel:

And look at the massive youth vote for Obama. He promised them "Hope and Change". And they were stupid enough to buy in that Government was going to heal all of society's boo boos.

How do you fix that? Damned if I know because the field whether left or right is just full of has beens who live and breathe "inside the beltway".

I don't see any leaders on the horizon except for Paul and Cruz on the conservative side of life.

And on the left all the liberals want to do is crown Hillary; the royal family member of progressives because it's "her turn".

P.S. My mom didnt attend the interview for my current internship. :razz:
Just because your elected representatives don't do exactly what YOU want done, the system is fatally broken?

All you Little Lord Fauntleroy's need to develop a little humility. The world really doesn't revolve around your every wish. Believe it or not, there are other people besides yourselves.
We are supposed to be under the impression that we are represented.

But the popular vote in the presidential election is a joke. .

The popular vote was never intended to carry the election.

jesus, it's gets dumber as I scroll down the posts here:eek:

The point is, Dante, that the popular vote should matter.

What the people say should matter.

It doesnt.
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Just because your elected representatives don't do exactly what YOU want done, the system is fatally broken?

All you Little Lord Fauntleroy's need to develop a little humility. The world really doesn't revolve around your every wish. Believe it or not, there are other people besides yourselves.

Representatives represent people. Most fools here would walk right into a Nazi Germany type of Plebiscite ... damn popular democracy fools. Madison and Hamilton warned us about most all the progressives and right wingers here:eusa_whistle:
Just because your elected representatives don't do exactly what YOU want done, the system is fatally broken?

All you Little Lord Fauntleroy's need to develop a little humility. The world really doesn't revolve around your every wish. Believe it or not, there are other people besides yourselves.

Representatives represent people. Most fools here would walk right into a Nazi Germany type of Plebiscite ... damn popular democracy fools. Madison and Hamilton warned us about most all the progressives and right wingers here:eusa_whistle:

That's right. Representatives represent people...ALL the people in their district, state or nation, not just the selfish twits who want everything done THEIR way.

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