No More Shutdowns


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this
DemRino caused many shutdowns over the years. Why suddenly it is such a bad thing? Easy fix, no back pay for MGT or Congress, staff.
To hell with that.
We have had no budget for a decade with both parties spending us further into debt.
Continuing resolutions are a perfect example of failed government. The Congresscritters should receive no pay until an actual budget is passed and signed by POTUS.
Legislative members would feel more of a need to get work done if they were made to feel the pain that the rest of federal workers have. In fact, they show daily how unessential they really are to the average citizen.
The OP is advocating for the fed gov to not do its job.
You heard it strait from the horses ass.
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this
I disagree, Lesh. Shutdowns make me angry, too, but if your idea were to be enacted, we would never have another budget. The threat of a deadline or the dire consequences of a shutdown is the only thing that makes Congress sit up and pay attention.
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this

Bullshit! There has to be a line in the sand. You thought was a disaster? Why? How many died or lost their life savings. You either a complete wimp or waaaaay to dramatic. Grow a pair.
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this

Translation :" It's ok when we do it but not when they do it." You probably believe that Chuck and Nancy are REALL negtiste about that wall don't you?
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this
I disagree, Lesh. Shutdowns make me angry, too, but if your idea were to be enacted, we would never have another budget. The threat of a deadline or the dire consequences of a shutdown is the only thing that makes Congress sit up and pay attention.
That's not true. We have already gone years without budgets.

Take this stupidity away from the GOP and we won't have political grandstanding that holds hard working Americans hostage to political fake crisis.

Let's not forget Ted Cruz shutting down the government to try to stop Obamacare...or all the idiotic debt ceiling shut downs (to provide funding ALREADY approved).

We simply can not afford this.

It is not only a fucked up way to "govern" and a hardship that should never be inflicted on hard working Americans...but as we have is actually a threat to our security
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this

3 weeks stupid fuck.

IF or rather WHEN you dishonorable Stalinists break your vow, it will be YOUR SHUTDOWN.
It'll be Trump's SECOND insane shut down...and this shit has to stop
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this

Sure, you commies are trying to make the Constitution more irrelevant. Automatic appropriations are no more constitutional than the line item veto. Here's a thought, how about we just make the MFs do their damn jobs.

Tell that to Pelosi and Schumer. Cause if there's another shutdown in three weeks. It's on the democrats for not caring about our border security.
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this

3 weeks stupid fuck.

IF or rather WHEN you dishonorable Stalinists break your vow, it will be YOUR SHUTDOWN.
Do they have treatment for tourettes in Russia?
No, just add a line where Congress has to stay in the Capitol and they don't get paid for the days they don't do their jobs. Simple!

Not-so-simple is getting the corrupt fuckers to do that.
Sure, you commies are trying to make the Constitution more irrelevant. Automatic appropriations are no more constitutional than the line item veto

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that would prevent this. You just don't want to give up the ability to hold American hostage
Sure, you commies are trying to make the Constitution more irrelevant. Automatic appropriations are no more constitutional than the line item veto

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that would prevent this. You just don't want to give up the ability to hold American hostage

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

Continuing resolutions concern monies ALREADY appropriated.

No one has challenged their use...we have been using them for decades

FAIL junior
Will we be doing this again in three weeks?

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