No More Shutdowns

DemRino caused many shutdowns over the years. Why suddenly it is such a bad thing? Easy fix, no back pay for MGT or Congress, staff.

Republicans hold the record for the 3 longest shutdowns on record.

Trump shutdown 35 days
Gingrich shutdown 21 days
Cruz shutdown 16 days
I'd rather we have more shutdowns and a part time Congress. SRSLY, most of what they do is nonsense, so it would be better to have a short legislative session fro part time representatives and senators, who then go back to their private lives most of the year.
Keep the government open from now on, just shut down the paychecks to politicians until the issue is resolved.
Wouldn't do a god damned thing. Most of them are millionaires
Keep the government open from now on, just shut down the paychecks to politicians until the issue is resolved.
Wouldn't do a god damned thing. Most of them are millionaires
Then we get politicians for cheap and the rest of America moves forward. I thought a twit like yourself would like that.
I never can figure you libs out, you never make any sense.
Then we get politicians for cheap and the rest of America moves forward. I thought a twit like yourself would like that.
I never can figure you libs out, you never make any sense.

You think THAT nonsense made anything approaching sense?
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this

Such legislation is very much needed.

Such legislation is very much needed.

Continuing resolutions concern monies ALREADY appropriated.

No one has challenged their use...we have been using them for decades

FAIL junior

What's wrong Lush, you afraid to quote my post so I'd know you responded. Every continuing resolution requires approval for both houses of congress and a presidential signature, just like any other law. They just continue funding at current levels while the resolution is in effect. Most are short term.

And would be a pointless gesture. These guys are millionaires
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this
I disagree, Lesh. Shutdowns make me angry, too, but if your idea were to be enacted, we would never have another budget. The threat of a deadline or the dire consequences of a shutdown is the only thing that makes Congress sit up and pay attention.
That's not true. We have already gone years without budgets.

Take this stupidity away from the GOP and we won't have political grandstanding that holds hard working Americans hostage to political fake crisis.

Let's not forget Ted Cruz shutting down the government to try to stop Obamacare...or all the idiotic debt ceiling shut downs (to provide funding ALREADY approved).

We simply can not afford this.

It is not only a fucked up way to "govern" and a hardship that should never be inflicted on hard working Americans...but as we have is actually a threat to our security

It is ver much a warped mindset to believe that while Trump owned the shutdown in 2018/19, that Obama did not own the shutdown in 2013. Remember Obama’s Interior Department locking out WW2 Veterans from their Memeorial yet opening up the Mall for a protest by illegal immigration advocates?

there's a bipartisan bill out there by Mark Warner, supported by Kevin McCarthy to not pay Congress during a shutdown. you want no more shutdowns? tell your Senator to support this bill!
It would be a pointless effort. These guys can well afford to go 2 months or more without pay to no effect
We need to pass legislation that stops this insanity.

If we can't come to an agreement on a budget or the debt ceiling...we need to have an AUTOMATIC "continuing resolution" at current funding levels to prevent this insanity.

We just had a PARTIAL shutdown and it was a disaster.

We simply can not continue doing this
I disagree, Lesh. Shutdowns make me angry, too, but if your idea were to be enacted, we would never have another budget. The threat of a deadline or the dire consequences of a shutdown is the only thing that makes Congress sit up and pay attention.
That's not true. We have already gone years without budgets.

Take this stupidity away from the GOP and we won't have political grandstanding that holds hard working Americans hostage to political fake crisis.

Let's not forget Ted Cruz shutting down the government to try to stop Obamacare...or all the idiotic debt ceiling shut downs (to provide funding ALREADY approved).

We simply can not afford this.

It is not only a fucked up way to "govern" and a hardship that should never be inflicted on hard working Americans...but as we have is actually a threat to our security

It is ver much a warped mindset to believe that while Trump owned the shutdown in 2018/19, that Obama did not own the shutdown in 2013. Remember Obama’s Interior Department locking out WW2 Veterans from their Memeorial yet opening up the Mall for a protest by illegal immigration advocates?
The hypocrisy on the left is as astounding as their memory loss.
2013 was no more Obama's shutdown than this one was on Dems

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