No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

You stupid Trumpbots.

First - the troops who burnt down the White House were British.

Second - they apparently came from Bermuda, not Upper Canada.

'Canada' had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with burning down the White House.

Fuck are you Trumpbots incredibly fucking stupid. And you don't seem to know your history any better than your stupid messiah Trump does.

Retarded bunch of inbred hicks.
You're the one looking stupid. That's like saying there were no Americans in 1775. You probably do. Canadians claim the act. You're blinded by your insane TDS
That was a question, you stupid fuck.
How can a question be erroneous? IQ is 124-125 (as tested by schools and the government) and I skipped grades 1 and 6. Plus I have a BS in business. You want to call me stupid - go ahead. But you are staggeringly ignorant if you do (on this).
BTW, my guess is your IQ is on the wrong side of 100.

As for calling me a 'fuck'? Fine with me....I do have regular sexual intercourse. So I do 'fuck' thus it is accurate to call me a 'fuck'.
Though I assume you are trying to use that term as an your choice of words on this seems odd - to say the least.

No doubt - given your apparent lack of intelligence - most of this is over your head. But hey...I tried.

As for the dumbass Trumpbot...the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that?

Yes or no?
124-125 is about average intelligence.
Course being a dummy is what Democrat voters do.
They swallow the media's lies hook, line, and sinker for one reason.
Because they have some inherent prejudice that doesn't allow them to think logically when it comes to politics.
You just proved that you know NOTHING about IQ scores. Average IQ IS 100...DUH.
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

b) why do you keep fixating on Obama? I am not a Dem and I thought Obama did a lousy job as POTUS. Jeez...try and keep up.

Now in what way is a question erroneous?
The question was erroneous. And 'yes', questions can be wrong.

His questioned inferred that Canadians burned down the White House. The assumption of the question was erroneous.

Now answer my question - that you skipped once already:

As for the question, the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that? Yes or no?
A 125 is nothing to brag about.
Meaning it's average.
And his question was a God Damned joke.
He was fucking with the PM. He wasn't being serious.
Problem is your I.Q. is so average you weren't able to figure that out.

Wrong. Now that's the definition of irony. An IQ of 125 is just below the highest level of IQ in pretty much every scale.
So it's pretty fucking low....especially to a genius. IQ is 124-125 (as tested by schools and the government) and I skipped grades 1 and 6. Plus I have a BS in business. You want to call me stupid - go ahead. But you are staggeringly ignorant if you do (on this).
BTW, my guess is your IQ is on the wrong side of 100.

As for calling me a 'fuck'? Fine with me....I do have regular sexual intercourse. So I do 'fuck' thus it is accurate to call me a 'fuck'.
Though I assume you are trying to use that term as an your choice of words on this seems odd - to say the least.

No doubt - given your apparent lack of intelligence - most of this is over your head. But hey...I tried.

As for the dumbass Trumpbot...the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that?

Yes or no?
124-125 is about average intelligence.
Course being a dummy is what Democrat voters do.
They swallow the media's lies hook, line, and sinker for one reason.
Because they have some inherent prejudice that doesn't allow them to think logically when it comes to politics.
You just proved that you know NOTHING about IQ scores. Average IQ IS 100...DUH.
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

b) why do you keep fixating on Obama? I am not a Dem and I thought Obama did a lousy job as POTUS. Jeez...try and keep up.

Now in what way is a question erroneous?
The question was erroneous. And 'yes', questions can be wrong.

His questioned inferred that Canadians burned down the White House. The assumption of the question was erroneous.

Now answer my question - that you skipped once already:

As for the question, the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that? Yes or no?
A 125 is nothing to brag about.
Meaning it's average.
And his question was a God Damned joke.
He was fucking with the PM. He wasn't being serious.
Problem is your I.Q. is so average you weren't able to figure that out.

Wrong. Now that's the definition of irony. An IQ of 125 is just below the highest level of IQ in pretty much every scale.
So it's pretty fucking low....especially to a genius.

No? 130-132 is Superior intelligence or other most highest IQ ranges. Average intelligence is the 90-110 range.

We are talking about REAL IQs, not someone who lies about having a 216 IQ.
LOL...true or false...Trump's statement '“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?” was erroneous?
That was a question, you stupid fuck.
How can a question be erroneous? IQ is 124-125 (as tested by schools and the government) and I skipped grades 1 and 6. Plus I have a BS in business. You want to call me stupid - go ahead. But you are staggeringly ignorant if you do (on this).
BTW, my guess is your IQ is on the wrong side of 100.

As for calling me a 'fuck'? Fine with me....I do have regular sexual intercourse. So I do 'fuck' thus it is accurate to call me a 'fuck'.
Though I assume you are trying to use that term as an your choice of words on this seems odd - to say the least.

No doubt - given your apparent lack of intelligence - most of this is over your head. But hey...I tried.

As for the dumbass Trumpbot...the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that?

Yes or no?
124-125 is about average intelligence.
Course being a dummy is what Democrat voters do.
They swallow the media's lies hook, line, and sinker for one reason.
Because they have some inherent prejudice that doesn't allow them to think logically when it comes to politics.
You just proved that you know NOTHING about IQ scores. Average IQ IS 100...DUH.
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

b) why do you keep fixating on Obama? I am not a Dem and I thought Obama did a lousy job as POTUS. Jeez...try and keep up.

Now in what way is a question erroneous?
The question was erroneous. And 'yes', questions can be wrong.

His questioned inferred that Canadians burned down the White House. The assumption of the question was erroneous.

Now answer my question - that you skipped once already:

As for the question, the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that? Yes or no?
A 125 is nothing to brag about.
Meaning it's average.
And his question was a God Damned joke. now, your messiah was joking.
First he was not wrong.
And now that he has been proven dead are spinning it as he was joking.
Pathetic Trumpbot...has not even got the guts to admit it when his messiah makes even a small mistake.

You Trumpbots are so much fun to 'debate' with...because most of you are SOOOO sad.

As for IQ scale? Here it is:

'Over 140 - Genius or almost genius
120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
90 - 109 - Average or normal intelligence
80 - 89 - Dullness
70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency in intelligence
Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness'

IQ scale

Holy wonder you are so ignorant. Facts are proven to you...and you refuse to believe them. Christ are you pathetic.

Okay moron...where is your unbiased link to proof that 100 is not in the range of an average IQ?
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That was a question, you stupid fuck.
How can a question be erroneous? IQ is 124-125 (as tested by schools and the government) and I skipped grades 1 and 6. Plus I have a BS in business. You want to call me stupid - go ahead. But you are staggeringly ignorant if you do (on this).
BTW, my guess is your IQ is on the wrong side of 100.

As for calling me a 'fuck'? Fine with me....I do have regular sexual intercourse. So I do 'fuck' thus it is accurate to call me a 'fuck'.
Though I assume you are trying to use that term as an your choice of words on this seems odd - to say the least.

No doubt - given your apparent lack of intelligence - most of this is over your head. But hey...I tried.

As for the dumbass Trumpbot...the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that?

Yes or no?
124-125 is about average intelligence.
Course being a dummy is what Democrat voters do.
They swallow the media's lies hook, line, and sinker for one reason.
Because they have some inherent prejudice that doesn't allow them to think logically when it comes to politics.
You just proved that you know NOTHING about IQ scores. Average IQ IS 100...DUH.
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

b) why do you keep fixating on Obama? I am not a Dem and I thought Obama did a lousy job as POTUS. Jeez...try and keep up.

Now in what way is a question erroneous?
The question was erroneous. And 'yes', questions can be wrong.

His questioned inferred that Canadians burned down the White House. The assumption of the question was erroneous.

Now answer my question - that you skipped once already:

As for the question, the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that? Yes or no?
A 125 is nothing to brag about.
Meaning it's average.
And his question was a God Damned joke. now, your messiah was joking.
First he was not wrong.
And now that he has been proven dead are spinning it as he was joking.
Pathetic Trumpbot...has not even got the guts to admit it when his messiah makes even a small mistake.

You Trumpbots are so much fun to 'debate' with...because most of you are SOOOO sad.

As for IQ scale? Here it is:

'Over 140 - Genius or almost genius
120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
90 - 109 - Average or normal intelligence
80 - 89 - Dullness
70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency in intelligence
Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness'

IQ scale

Holy wonder you are so ignorant. Facts are proven to you...and you refuse to believe them. Christ are you pathetic.

Okay moron...where is your unbiased link to proof that 100 is not in the range of an average IQ?

Listen fucker you want to flame take it to the bad lands and I will play ...
So you admit that Trump obviously had no idea that Canada was not a country in 1812 and that he was dead wrong about his statement on the subject.


So the President of the United States is so incredibly ignorant about American history...that he actually thought the White House was burned down in 1812 by Canadians?!?! Even though Canada did not even exist for 55 more years.

So....he does not know American history, he does not even know the words to the national anthem or God Save America AND he did not even know what the nuclear triad was (perhaps the single most important responsibility of the POTUS) when asked during the election.

In case you do not remember that pathetic moment:

Trump appears stumped by question on nuclear triad - CNN Video
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
I don’t know what is worse. Trump not knowing basic history or his supporters trying to spin it.

Well I have heard Trumpsters both complain that 'we' can't take a joke- and Trumpsters jumping to agree with Trump- that yep- those darn Canadians burnt down the White House!

Just waiting to see one of them do both.
It's ok. Maybe Canada is actually an American state? I mean according to Obama we have 57 of those fuckers out there somewhere. Maybe Canada is one of them.

Yep- I look forward to pointing out 8 years from now how Trump told everyone about those darn Canadians burning down the White House........
You make a giant deal out of nothing.........derp.............The WH was burned by British troops who came from Present day Canada.................Splitting hairs for I GOT YOU MOMENT..........

a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then..................

You see this is a good thread..........I had forgotten the history of 1812.............Forgot we invaded them.......Forgot that they considered this a War of Independence.............because had we Won.......Canada would be the United States now. To them..........even in reenactments...........they beat us and are proud about it..............I showed the video of one of their songs on how they burnt down the WH...............

So's not such a straight forward issue as you claim.
57 States :cul2:

Yep- I imagine this will blow over just like Obama's comment about 57 states.

Certainly no one will be mentioning it 8 years

Correct....but how many times in the past 20 months does the President say something and the progressives get all giddy and euphoric like, "Gotcha now!! :113:. The President pulls their chains almost daily! Watching the misery makes this forum a hoot!

What I find amusing is watching you Trumpsters stand in a line to agree with Trump no matter what he says- doesn't matter how big a lie or how ridiculous. Watching you idiots makes this forum a hoot.
a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then..................

You see this is a good thread..........I had forgotten the history of 1812.............Forgot we invaded them.......Forgot that they considered this a War of Independence.............because had we Won.......Canada would be the United States now. To them..........even in reenactments...........they beat us and are proud about it..............I showed the video of one of their songs on how they burnt down the WH...............

So's not such a straight forward issue as you claim.

Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.
I don’t know what is worse. Trump not knowing basic history or his supporters trying to spin it.
Or those making a mountain out of a Mole hill....................Please continue your non stop I HATE TRUMP FESTIVAL.................................

While I wouldn't have said it........I'm not Trump............and if it ends in them end trade abuses then good. The main issue being subsidies on Canadian exports to the U.S. Purposely to gain market advantage. Under NAFTA and the WTO they have been getting away with it.

Fair Trade..........not Free Trade.............but FREE TRADE is improperly labeled. There is NO SUCH THING AS FREE TRADE...........Countries still ban goods.........set quotas..........and tariff imports all over the world. Never been Free across the board in these deals.....................

You do know the United States does all of these things- right?
Brush up on history and get back to us kido.
If we're doing that we should get the rest of the story. The burning of Washington was in at least partially in retaliation for the burning of York, Ont. the capital of the colonial province of Upper Canada.

Battle of York - Wikipedia

It was also in retaliation for the burning of private properties during the raid on Port Dover, Ont.

Raid on Port Dover - Wikipedia
Oh so Canadian territory was on the side of England, and did the army that burned the White House march from Canadian territory?

Is that a yes?
Nope, Canada didn't exist. It was nothing but empty ocean in 1812.

Remember when the Irish burned down the White House?
Were they American Irish, or the Irish Army?

Clearly they were the Irish Army- just like the Canadian Army that burnt down the White House.

Remember when the Jamaicans burnt down the White House?
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then..................

You see this is a good thread..........I had forgotten the history of 1812.............Forgot we invaded them.......Forgot that they considered this a War of Independence.............because had we Won.......Canada would be the United States now. To them..........even in reenactments...........they beat us and are proud about it..............I showed the video of one of their songs on how they burnt down the WH...............

So's not such a straight forward issue as you claim.

Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.
Splitting hairs again...............They fought along side Britain as they were a British Territory...............and brag about beating us up.

Did you miss that information I posted or did you skip it..........Smithonian at that..............they fought with the British as they were a Colony of the British at the time.

The WH was burnt down because we burned their gov't down in Ontario before losing ground all the way to the WH from Invasion..........................Had we Won in the North..........Canada would be made up of American States.
I don’t know what is worse. Trump not knowing basic history or his supporters trying to spin it.
Or those making a mountain out of a Mole hill....................Please continue your non stop I HATE TRUMP FESTIVAL.................................

While I wouldn't have said it........I'm not Trump............and if it ends in them end trade abuses then good. The main issue being subsidies on Canadian exports to the U.S. Purposely to gain market advantage. Under NAFTA and the WTO they have been getting away with it.

Fair Trade..........not Free Trade.............but FREE TRADE is improperly labeled. There is NO SUCH THING AS FREE TRADE...........Countries still ban goods.........set quotas..........and tariff imports all over the world. Never been Free across the board in these deals.....................

You do know the United States does all of these things- right?
2 way me the ones that are subsidized.............stealing of intellectual property........over produced.......and etc...............

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