No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then........

What does how the Canadians did in the War of 1812 with the fact that the British burned down the White House?

Take your FAKE ASS NEW REGULATIONS to fuck our Dairy Products off Canada.............and stop subsidizing your fucking Lumber Canada...........or WE WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU.............

Our Paper and Lumber mills got SCREWED BY NAFTA...................I worked some of those shut downs in the Booms of the 90's ................Hell you could pick the state you wanted work in...............good money............Until the GLOBALIST FUCKED US.............................

We don't need CANADIAN LUMBER................We just need our Politicians to STAND THE FUCK UP.
Do you need a rag to clean up the spittle off your keyboard after you went off there?

The United States has filed anti-dumping actions on Canadian softwood lumber- that is how these things are done- just as other countries have filed anti-dumping cases against the United States.

The Commerce Department determined that exporters from Canada have sold softwood lumber the United States at 3.20 percent to 8.89 percent less than fair value. Commerce also determined that Canada is providing unfair subsidies to its producers of softwood lumber at rates from 3.34 percent to 18.19 percent.
And the WTO has not fixed the problems in many of the disputes....especially China..............and we don't need a Foreign court to decide our Trade Policy. Many of the concerns with China went through the courts and didn't force China's compliance.

Again, under the Constitution we can negotiate Trade country to country and not have a international court decide.
What pathetic is a twat that can't admit he lost fair and square.
Trump could not have won without help and collusion with Russia. Putin gave trump his victory.
One look back at the Hillary campaign and you cannot say that with a straight face.
Hillary's primary message was that she had a vagina.

That only worked on people that were just asking to get fucked.

This from a guy who not once, but twice, insisted a 125 IQ is 'average'.

And who defended Trump's pathetically stupid 1814 statement by calling it 'joking'.
LOL....hello? Even if it was a joke - which few who are not Trumpbots are buying for a second - it was a MONUMENTALLY STUPID one.

Quit while you are behind, pal.
125 I.Q. is average at best.
The only reason the average isn't higher is because Democrats keep flooding this country with non-English speaking folks with 3rd grade educations.

Not speaking English doesn't mean a low IQ.
If the I.Q. test is in English it is.
Trump could not have won without help and collusion with Russia. Putin gave trump his victory.
One look back at the Hillary campaign and you cannot say that with a straight face.
Hillary's primary message was that she had a vagina.

That only worked on people that were just asking to get fucked.

This from a guy who not once, but twice, insisted a 125 IQ is 'average'.

And who defended Trump's pathetically stupid 1814 statement by calling it 'joking'.
LOL....hello? Even if it was a joke - which few who are not Trumpbots are buying for a second - it was a MONUMENTALLY STUPID one.

Quit while you are behind, pal.
125 I.Q. is average at best.
The only reason the average isn't higher is because Democrats keep flooding this country with non-English speaking folks with 3rd grade educations.

Not speaking English doesn't mean a low IQ.
If the I.Q. test is in English it is.

Giving an IQ test in English to a non-English speaker would be indicative of a very low IQ on the part of the one applying the test.
Lol...a 'landslide' where he lost by almost 3 million votes.

And no, I don't recognize the Electoral College (the same would go if that bitch Clinton had won the EC but lost the popular vote).
The ONLY vote that I count is the popular vote.

BTW - notice how you Trumpbots have given up trying to prove your Messiah's INCREDIBLY stupid statement was correct and are now resorting to going back to the election roughly 18 months ago.


You people simply don't have the honor or maturity to just admit your Messiah make a stupid statement.

What pathetic is a twat that can't admit he lost fair and square.
Trump could not have won without help and collusion with Russia. Putin gave trump his victory.
One look back at the Hillary campaign and you cannot say that with a straight face.
Hillary's primary message was that she had a vagina.

That only worked on people that were just asking to get fucked.

This from a guy who not once, but twice, insisted a 125 IQ is 'average'.

And who defended Trump's pathetically stupid 1814 statement by calling it 'joking'.
LOL....hello? Even if it was a joke - which few who are not Trumpbots are buying for a second - it was a MONUMENTALLY STUPID one.

Quit while you are behind, pal.
125 I.Q. is average at best.
The only reason the average isn't higher is because Democrats keep flooding this country with non-English speaking folks with 3rd grade educations.
A 125 I.Q. is above average. 119 is considered the upper level of high average. Average is 90 to 109. Look it up.
'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
History states Briton burned down the White House, Canada is a part of Briton therefore Canada was part of the Country that burned down the White House...
And the Brits staged their invasion from Canadian territory.
You dumbass - Trump said: '“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”'

He referred to the people...not the territory they came from. By you guys - in talking to the Canadian PM - he meant Canadians. So he was dead wrong you monumentally ignorant person (on history, anyway). There were no Canadians in the entire world until 1867 (when Canada was created). Until then, they were simply British colonists (or natives).

Shit...are you Trumpbots dumb
We were America long before 1776
What pathetic is a twat that can't admit he lost fair and square.
Trump could not have won without help and collusion with Russia. Putin gave trump his victory.
One look back at the Hillary campaign and you cannot say that with a straight face.
Hillary's primary message was that she had a vagina.

That only worked on people that were just asking to get fucked.

This from a guy who not once, but twice, insisted a 125 IQ is 'average'.

And who defended Trump's pathetically stupid 1814 statement by calling it 'joking'.
LOL....hello? Even if it was a joke - which few who are not Trumpbots are buying for a second - it was a MONUMENTALLY STUPID one.

Quit while you are behind, pal.
125 I.Q. is average at best.
The only reason the average isn't higher is because Democrats keep flooding this country with non-English speaking folks with 3rd grade educations.
A 125 I.Q. is above average. 119 is considered the upper level of high average. Average is 90 to 109. Look it up.
Wow. You guys are so smart.
I didn't know that. *sarcasm*
The left desperately trying to deny what Trump really meant.

So desperate to believe Trump is that stupid.

It should make them wonder just how a stupid orange cheeto out campaigned their kuuunt in a pants suit.

In a landslide.


Lol...a 'landslide' where he lost by almost 3 million votes.

And no, I don't recognize the Electoral College (the same would go if that bitch Clinton had won the EC but lost the popular vote).
The ONLY vote that I count is the popular vote.

BTW - notice how you Trumpbots have given up trying to prove your Messiah's INCREDIBLY stupid statement was correct and are now resorting to going back to the election roughly 18 months ago.


You people simply don't have the honor or maturity to just admit your Messiah make a stupid statement.

What pathetic is a twat that can't admit he lost fair and square.
Trump could not have won without help and collusion with Russia. Putin gave trump his victory.
One look back at the Hillary campaign and you cannot say that with a straight face.
Hillary's primary message was that she had a vagina.


Those with ovaries are owed an Oval Office!!!!
You dumbass - Trump said: '“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”'

He referred to the people...not the territory they came from. By you guys - in talking to the Canadian PM - he meant Canadians. So he was dead wrong you monumentally ignorant person (on history, anyway). There were no Canadians in the entire world until 1867 (when Canada was created). Until then, they were simply British colonists (or natives).

Shit...are you Trumpbots dumb
We were America long before 1776
Providence's Promised Land

In God's mind, we were America from the Creation.
Dan Stubbs said:
History states Briton burned down the White House, Canada is a part of Briton therefore Canada was part of the Country that burned down the White House...
Then The Offending Forces
Were Smacked By A Hurricane
And Took A Direct Whooping From A Tornado !!

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