No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then..................

You see this is a good thread..........I had forgotten the history of 1812.............Forgot we invaded them.......Forgot that they considered this a War of Independence.............because had we Won.......Canada would be the United States now. To them..........even in reenactments...........they beat us and are proud about it..............I showed the video of one of their songs on how they burnt down the WH...............

So's not such a straight forward issue as you claim.

Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.
Splitting hairs again...............They fought along side Britain as they were a British Territory...............and brag about beating us up..
Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.

But Trumpsters- well the facts are very 'malleable' for Trump and his clan.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then..................

You see this is a good thread..........I had forgotten the history of 1812.............Forgot we invaded them.......Forgot that they considered this a War of Independence.............because had we Won.......Canada would be the United States now. To them..........even in reenactments...........they beat us and are proud about it..............I showed the video of one of their songs on how they burnt down the WH...............

So's not such a straight forward issue as you claim.

Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.
Splitting hairs again...............They fought along side Britain as they were a British Territory...............and brag about beating us up..
Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.

But Trumpsters- well the facts are very 'malleable' for Trump and his clan.
Again.........splitting hairs.........they fought with the they were a colony of Britain.............and still brag about it today...............
I don’t know what is worse. Trump not knowing basic history or his supporters trying to spin it.
Or those making a mountain out of a Mole hill....................Please continue your non stop I HATE TRUMP FESTIVAL.................................

While I wouldn't have said it........I'm not Trump............and if it ends in them end trade abuses then good. The main issue being subsidies on Canadian exports to the U.S. Purposely to gain market advantage. Under NAFTA and the WTO they have been getting away with it.

Fair Trade..........not Free Trade.............but FREE TRADE is improperly labeled. There is NO SUCH THING AS FREE TRADE...........Countries still ban goods.........set quotas..........and tariff imports all over the world. Never been Free across the board in these deals.....................

You do know the United States does all of these things- right?
2 way me the ones that are subsidized.............stealing of intellectual property........over produced.......and etc...............

Show me the articles.

China is the guilty party of stealing intellectual property- that wasn't part of what you listed.

What industries does America subsidize?
Agricultural Subsidies
Countries that 'ban' goods? Well the United States bans many imports- including unpasteaurized cheese- want a more complete list?
Prohibited and Restricted Items | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
'over- produced'- do you mean dumped? Other countries file anti-dumping cases against the United States all the time- for example the EU has filed anti-dumping cases on American bioethanol.
Trade defence - Trade - European Commission
You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then..................

You see this is a good thread..........I had forgotten the history of 1812.............Forgot we invaded them.......Forgot that they considered this a War of Independence.............because had we Won.......Canada would be the United States now. To them..........even in reenactments...........they beat us and are proud about it..............I showed the video of one of their songs on how they burnt down the WH...............

So's not such a straight forward issue as you claim.

Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.
Splitting hairs again...............They fought along side Britain as they were a British Territory...............and brag about beating us up..
Did the Canadians burn down the White House?


To anyone but a Trumpster the actual facts- the ACTUAL FACTS- would make this very straight forward.

But Trumpsters- well the facts are very 'malleable' for Trump and his clan.
Again.........splitting hairs.........they fought with the they were a colony of Britain.............and still brag about it today...............

LOL- I love how the Trumpsters think that relying the truth and the facts are 'splitting hair'- that pointing out a false hood- is splitting hairs.

Remember when the Irish burned down the White House?

You mean the Ball-less wonder that doesn't have the nads to fire his people face to face?

Why do you think that it takes any kind of 'courage' to make a stupid statement that gets history wrong?

I mean how brave was Obama when he said there were 57 states?

As brave as Trump for saying that the Irish- I mean the Canadians- burnt down the White House.
LOL...true or false...Trump's statement '“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?” was erroneous?
That was a question, you stupid fuck.
How can a question be erroneous? IQ is 124-125 (as tested by schools and the government) and I skipped grades 1 and 6. Plus I have a BS in business. You want to call me stupid - go ahead. But you are staggeringly ignorant if you do (on this).
BTW, my guess is your IQ is on the wrong side of 100.

As for calling me a 'fuck'? Fine with me....I do have regular sexual intercourse. So I do 'fuck' thus it is accurate to call me a 'fuck'.
Though I assume you are trying to use that term as an your choice of words on this seems odd - to say the least.

No doubt - given your apparent lack of intelligence - most of this is over your head. But hey...I tried.

As for the dumbass Trumpbot...the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that?

Yes or no?
124-125 is about average intelligence.
Course being a dummy is what Democrat voters do.
They swallow the media's lies hook, line, and sinker for one reason.
Because they have some inherent prejudice that doesn't allow them to think logically when it comes to politics.
You just proved that you know NOTHING about IQ scores. Average IQ IS 100...DUH.
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

b) why do you keep fixating on Obama? I am not a Dem and I thought Obama did a lousy job as POTUS. Jeez...try and keep up.

Now in what way is a question erroneous?
The question was erroneous. And 'yes', questions can be wrong.

His questioned inferred that Canadians burned down the White House. The assumption of the question was erroneous.

Now answer my question - that you skipped once already:

As for the question, the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that? Yes or no?
A 125 is nothing to brag about.
Meaning it's average.
And his question was a God Damned joke.
He was fucking with the PM. He wasn't being serious.

Yet the Trumpsters in this thread keep insisting that Trump was right- that the Canadians really did burn down the White House.

I guess that 'joke' went right over their heads.
You stupid Trumpbots.

First - the troops who burnt down the White House were British.

Second - they apparently came from Bermuda, not Upper Canada.

'Canada' had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with burning down the White House.

Fuck are you Trumpbots incredibly fucking stupid. And you don't seem to know your history any better than your stupid messiah Trump does.

Retarded bunch of inbred hicks.
You're the one looking stupid. That's like saying there were no Americans in 1775. You probably do. Canadians claim the act. You're blinded by your insane TDS


The Canadians don't 'claim' the burning down the White House.

You are just slurping up Trump's lies.
a) They weren't Canadians
b) They didn't come from present day Canada and
c) They were British troops who had fought Napolean and had been redeployed to fight the United States.

Except for that.
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then........

What does how the Canadians did in the War of 1812 with the fact that the British burned down the White House?
And so..........enough to get your panties in a wad..............they still came from canada........burned down the WH...........and so what.

It is like you are embracing the Trump doctrine of 'alternative facts'

They didn't come from Canada- they were British soldiers that were shipped to the New World from England.

They were no more Canadian than they were Jamaican.
So.............why are you so excited about splitting hairs...........

You mean why am I actually pointing out the facts?

Why do Trumpsters get so annoyed by the truth? Has your Dear Leader got you so indoctrinated that you have come to despise actual facts- and just rely upon whatever is spoonfed to you by his press secretary?
Why do the Canadians get a kick out of saying they kicked our asses back then........

What does how the Canadians did in the War of 1812 with the fact that the British burned down the White House?
They were part of Britain.........fought with the British........some forced into service..........but in this case they were happy to.............Because we invaded them..........

Which part of the information that they Brag about it today................Even name the Hockey Games after the Battle of Ontario............Songs Mocking us.............................

Seems they just got MOCKED BACK.................poor things............

Take your FAKE ASS NEW REGULATIONS to fuck our Dairy Products off Canada.............and stop subsidizing your fucking Lumber Canada...........or WE WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU.............

Our Paper and Lumber mills got SCREWED BY NAFTA...................I worked some of those shut downs in the Booms of the 90's ................Hell you could pick the state you wanted work in...............good money............Until the GLOBALIST FUCKED US.............................

We don't need CANADIAN LUMBER................We just need our Politicians to STAND THE FUCK UP.
The left desperately trying to deny what Trump really meant.

So desperate to believe Trump is that stupid.

It should make them wonder just how a stupid orange cheeto out campaigned their kuuunt in a pants suit.

In a landslide.

'We are now going to explain the War of 1812 to you. Why not?

We didn’t think we’d find ourselves here, either. But on Wednesday, CNN reported that the 206-year-old war figured prominently in a discussion between President Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada on May 25. According to CNN’s unnamed sources, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

The New York Times then confirmed the CNN report, as did The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.'

No, Mr. Trump, Canada Did Not Burn the White House Down in the War of 1812

This Trump is so frigging stupid.

Hey Trump - you ignorant doofus - Canada did not even exist in 1812.

What a pathetic putz.
Wow, your knowledge of history is pitiful. Apparently Trump is A LOT smarter than you. :laugh:
Well, he's got you trumpanzees totally conned to believe that. Of course, that wasn't too hard to fool morons.
^ Makes constant references to Trump being an ape, but completely loses her mind if Rosanne does it to someone else.
History states Briton burned down the White House, Canada is a part of Briton therefore Canada was part of the Country that burned down the White House...

With war raging in Europe, British forces in North America took part of military actions against the fledgling USA forces. Canada was part of the British Empire and forces from there where involved in the assault on Washington, D.C., and the burning of the White House.

Anyone with the most basic shards of American history know that President Trump was absolutely correct!

Except there were no forces from Canada that were involved in the assault on Washington.

Anyone with the most basic shards of American history knows that President Trump was absolutely wrong.

However, after the defeat and exile of Napoleon Bonaparte in April 1814, Britain was able to use its now available troops and ships to prosecute its war with the United States. In addition to reinforcements sent to Canada, the Earl of Bathurst, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, dispatched an army brigade and additional naval vessels to Bermuda, from where a blockade of the US coast and even the occupation of some coastal islands had been overseen throughout the war. It was decided to use these forces in raids along the Atlantic seaboard to draw American forces away from Canada.[4]

General Ross commanded a 4,500-man army, composed of the 4th (King's Own) Light,
21st Royal North British Fusiliers,
44th (East Essex) Regiment of Foot, and
85th Regiment of Foot. (Buckinghamshire)

All British troops.

Saying that the Canadians burned down the White House is less accurate than saying the Bermudians burnt down the White House.

Well done...check and mate.

Not only was Trump wrong in accusing Canadians of burning down the White House. But the lame excuse Trumpbots desperately use to defend their loser-in-chief - that the troops came from Upper Canada (which was not a country but a British Colony) - is dead wrong as well (which you just proved).

Hear hear.

So you and the other guy believe that because the Canadas were British colonies, they didn't exist? So, you would also then say (just to be consistent) that because most of the slaves in the Americas were brought by British colonists, Americans are not responsible for slavery in North America? I can't agree with you at all.

I said nothing of the kind.

I said that there were no Canadians in 1814 as Canada was not a country. There were natives and British colonists and that is it. No Canadians.

Besides, the point is mute as the British troops who ACTUALLY burned down the White House in 1814 did not even come from Upper Canada territory...they apparently came directly from Bermuda.

So, no matter how you want to try and spin it, Canadians did NOT burn down the White House in 1814.

You're an idiot and unworthy of response.
Brush up on history and get back to us kido.
If we're doing that we should get the rest of the story. The burning of Washington was in at least partially in retaliation for the burning of York, Ont. the capital of the colonial province of Upper Canada.

Battle of York - Wikipedia

It was also in retaliation for the burning of private properties during the raid on Port Dover, Ont.

Raid on Port Dover - Wikipedia
Oh so Canadian territory was on the side of England, and did the army that burned the White House march from Canadian territory?

Is that a yes? are as ignorant as Trump is on this.

The answer is obviously 'no'...DUH.

How can British troops march from Canadian territory when Canada did not even exist for 55 more years? Again...DUH!

HELLO!!!! There was NO Canadian territory in 1812.

Oh...and the White House was NOT burned down in 1812. It was burned down in 1814.

Burning of Washington - Wikipedia

Jeez...are all you Trumpbots this ignorant?

So you never heard of Upper CANADA and Lower CANADA? They were the two British colonies north of the Great Lakes and New England.

The Trump-Trudeau argument about steel tariffs and the War of 1812, explained

My mother was Canadian. I spend much time in Canadian schools. Of course I heard of them. But they were British colonies...not separate countries...sheesh.

There were NO Canadians in 1814....only natives and British colonists. They lived in a colony of Upper Canada . But they were NOT Canadians...they were British subjects or natives.

Canadians did not exist before Canada became a country in 1867.

And, because New York is not a nation, there are no New Yorkers. You are an idiot and unworthy of further response.
That was a question, you stupid fuck.
How can a question be erroneous? IQ is 124-125 (as tested by schools and the government) and I skipped grades 1 and 6. Plus I have a BS in business. You want to call me stupid - go ahead. But you are staggeringly ignorant if you do (on this).
BTW, my guess is your IQ is on the wrong side of 100.

As for calling me a 'fuck'? Fine with me....I do have regular sexual intercourse. So I do 'fuck' thus it is accurate to call me a 'fuck'.
Though I assume you are trying to use that term as an your choice of words on this seems odd - to say the least.

No doubt - given your apparent lack of intelligence - most of this is over your head. But hey...I tried.

As for the dumbass Trumpbot...the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that?

Yes or no?
124-125 is about average intelligence.
Course being a dummy is what Democrat voters do.
They swallow the media's lies hook, line, and sinker for one reason.
Because they have some inherent prejudice that doesn't allow them to think logically when it comes to politics.
You just proved that you know NOTHING about IQ scores. Average IQ IS 100...DUH.
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

b) why do you keep fixating on Obama? I am not a Dem and I thought Obama did a lousy job as POTUS. Jeez...try and keep up.

Now in what way is a question erroneous?
The question was erroneous. And 'yes', questions can be wrong.

His questioned inferred that Canadians burned down the White House. The assumption of the question was erroneous.

Now answer my question - that you skipped once already:

As for the question, the inference was clear. That Canadians burned down the White House.

Did you not get that? Yes or no?
A 125 is nothing to brag about.
Meaning it's average.
And his question was a God Damned joke.
He was fucking with the PM. He wasn't being serious.

Yet the Trumpsters in this thread keep insisting that Trump was right- that the Canadians really did burn down the White House.

I guess that 'joke' went right over their heads. just seem to think everything Trump says is serious.
Your problem is you are so desperate to criticize him that reality doesn't even enter into the conversation.
We fought the War of 1812 against the British, not the Canadians. Regardless of what hockey fans cheer about now, the war wasn't fought against Canada any more than the American Revolution was. 'Canadian' wasn't even a solid identity yet; most people living there considered themselves First Nations, or French or British living abroad, and many were (or were the children of) Loyalists that had moved there from the United States.

Plus, context: It was the head of our government speaking to the head of their government, talking about government stuff. The conversation was about the government, not about how the foot soldiers self-identified. It was the British.

All of that said: He was joking. President Trump often tells bad jokes at bad times, but like everything else he uses zingers as a way to back-door humiliate his "opponents," giving him an upper hand in whatever real or perceived negotiation might be going on at the time. He knew reporters were in the room with microphones extended, and went for it. It makes him a jerk, and I'm sure other world leaders like Kim Jong-un are taking note of his habits, but it's not exactly an Executive Order. He took a jab. Fine, move on.

Next time, of course, Trudeau can come back with "Didn't *you* guys invade *us* in 1775?" but it's a little late for that.
The left desperately trying to deny what Trump really meant.

So desperate to believe Trump is that stupid.

It should make them wonder just how a stupid orange cheeto out campaigned their kuuunt in a pants suit.

In a landslide.


Lol...a 'landslide' where he lost by almost 3 million votes.

And no, I don't recognize the Electoral College (the same would go if that bitch Clinton had won the EC but lost the popular vote).
The ONLY vote that I count is the popular vote.

BTW - notice how you Trumpbots have given up trying to prove your Messiah's INCREDIBLY stupid statement was correct and are now resorting to going back to the election roughly 18 months ago.


You people simply don't have the honor or maturity to just admit your Messiah make a stupid statement.

We fought the War of 1812 against the British, not the Canadians. Regardless of what hockey fans cheer about now, the war wasn't fought against Canada any more than the American Revolution was. 'Canadian' wasn't even a solid identity yet; most people living there considered themselves First Nations, or French or British living abroad, and many were (or were the children of) Loyalists that had moved there from the United States.

Plus, context: It was the head of our government speaking to the head of their government, talking about government stuff. The conversation was about the government, not about how the foot soldiers self-identified. It was the British.

All of that said: He was joking. President Trump often tells bad jokes at bad times, but like everything else he uses zingers as a way to back-door humiliate his "opponents," giving him an upper hand in whatever real or perceived negotiation might be going on at the time. He knew reporters were in the room with microphones extended, and went for it. It makes him a jerk, and I'm sure other world leaders like Kim Jong-un are taking note of his habits, but it's not exactly an Executive Order. He took a jab. Fine, move on.

Next time, of course, Trudeau can come back with "Didn't *you* guys invade *us* in 1775?" but it's a little late for that.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know if he was joking or not. IMPOSSIBLE.

If you want to say you believe he was joking...fine. But to say you 'know' it. You cannot...not accurately.
You can hope it, believe it, even prey that it is true. But it is simply impossible for you to factually know it.

And btw, Trump has said hundreds of stupid statements and flat out lies in the past. It is completely plausible that he meant this one as well.
Plus, he is VERY touchy about his image. I do not think for one second he would make a statement like he did and just leave it hanging once he realized people took him seriously and were losing respect for him over it.

Trump's skin is incredibly thin...that is common knowledge.

I do not believe it was a joke...I believe it was a jab that he honestly thought was true. We know he knows little about history.
Besides, lots of his desciples on here thought it was true also. So clearly, many Americans are amazingly ignorant about the War of 1812....including Trump (who did not even know what the nuclear triad was during the primaries - how pathetic for a POTUS candidate).
The left desperately trying to deny what Trump really meant.

So desperate to believe Trump is that stupid.

It should make them wonder just how a stupid orange cheeto out campaigned their kuuunt in a pants suit.

In a landslide.


Lol...a 'landslide' where he lost by almost 3 million votes.

And no, I don't recognize the Electoral College (the same would go if that bitch Clinton had won the EC but lost the popular vote).
The ONLY vote that I count is the popular vote.

BTW - notice how you Trumpbots have given up trying to prove your Messiah's INCREDIBLY stupid statement was correct and are now resorting to going back to the election roughly 18 months ago.


You people simply don't have the honor or maturity to just admit your Messiah make a stupid statement.

What's pathetic is a twat that can't admit he lost fair and square.
Last edited:
We fought the War of 1812 against the British, not the Canadians. Regardless of what hockey fans cheer about now, the war wasn't fought against Canada any more than the American Revolution was. 'Canadian' wasn't even a solid identity yet; most people living there considered themselves First Nations, or French or British living abroad, and many were (or were the children of) Loyalists that had moved there from the United States.

Plus, context: It was the head of our government speaking to the head of their government, talking about government stuff. The conversation was about the government, not about how the foot soldiers self-identified. It was the British.

All of that said: He was joking. President Trump often tells bad jokes at bad times, but like everything else he uses zingers as a way to back-door humiliate his "opponents," giving him an upper hand in whatever real or perceived negotiation might be going on at the time. He knew reporters were in the room with microphones extended, and went for it. It makes him a jerk, and I'm sure other world leaders like Kim Jong-un are taking note of his habits, but it's not exactly an Executive Order. He took a jab. Fine, move on.

Next time, of course, Trudeau can come back with "Didn't *you* guys invade *us* in 1775?" but it's a little late for that.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know if he was joking or not. IMPOSSIBLE.

If you want to say you believe he was joking...fine. But to say you 'know' it. You cannot...not accurately.
You can hope it, believe it, even prey that it is true. But it is simply impossible for you to factually know it.

And btw, Trump has said hundreds of stupid statements and flat out lies in the past. It is completely plausible that he meant this one as well.
Plus, he is VERY touchy about his image. I do not think for one second he would make a statement like he did and just leave it hanging once he realized people took him seriously and were losing respect for him over it.

Trump's skin is incredibly thin...that is common knowledge.

I do not believe it was a joke...I believe it was a jab that he honestly thought was true. We know he knows little about history.
Besides, lots of his desciples on here thought it was true also. So clearly, many Americans are amazingly ignorant about the War of 1812....including Trump (who did not even know what the nuclear triad was during the primaries - how pathetic for a POTUS candidate).
Best way to know Trump was joking was watch him for the last 30 years like I have.

The thing about Trump is he isn't afraid of saying something others might call stupid, mainly because he doesn't care what they think. Most of the time he knows something they don't know he knows. He knows Trudeau is a lying, two-faced backstabber and a fake. He proved it after Trump left for Singapore.

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