No Nine-Year-Old Is Gay

"Unfortunately, his classmates were not as accepting as his mother; she says he experienced bullying, which led to his suicide."

Welcome to reality you dumbfuks. This is why kids don't need to be discussing this shit so early in life. Just let them be kids. There's plenty of time later in life to come out. Kids that age aren't mentally mature enough. Not even close. Parenting epic fail.

Edit - I agree with those saying being gay isn't a choice and most likely this 9 year old knew he was gay. But be realistic about it. Other kids that age range aren't mature enough to process it.

I agree, save that a 9 YO could not "know" that. Most 9 YO boys "like" boys and avoid girls.

Cooties, ya know. It doesn't mean they're gay.

"Cooties" are things little girls talk about. Why did your parents name you Billy?

You are confused. Cooties are what little boys don't want to catch from little girls. Perhaps you were raised in an odd sort of social setting.
No one that young has the wherewithal to make that kind of decision. The parents should be thrown in jail.

9-year-old commits suicide after coming out as gay to his classmates

you don't know what you're talking about.

children identify their sexuality much much younger. my friend's son told her at 3 he was going to marry a man. he never deviated from that and his crush was draco Malfoy.

so there ya go.

maybe you should learn something, snooks.

Maybe you should learn the difference between child parroting and cognizant behavior. If your story is true (doubtful) the boy was influenced by his parents.
You are confused. Cooties are what little boys don't want to catch from little girls. Perhaps you were raised in an odd sort of social setting.

Oh I had friends who thought as much.
Me - I wanted to kiss the cute ones from first grade on up.
Confused? No. Heterosexual male who identified early on? YES
In my opinion, as I stated before, the death of this child should be a giant wake up call to our increasingly fucked up society that:
a) Sexualizes children well before they should be.
b) Presents children as early as 4 years old, with adult subjects they absolutely have no capacity to understand.
c) All of the above places pressures on kids that even as teenagers aren't ready to cope with - let alone 9 fucking years old.

There is much more to this story than we see. It is difficult to believe that only 4 days of teasing and bullying would make a kid kill himself. I doubt that very much.
I am willing to bet if this story progresses - we will find out he was exposed to things that influenced him in a very negative way.
God likes gays. He made a lot of them.
That's the devils doing.

That's Dopey

There is much more to this story than we see. It is difficult to believe that only 4 days of teasing and bullying would make a kid kill himself. I doubt that very much.
I am willing to bet if this story progresses - we will find out he was exposed to things that influenced him in a very negative way.
Being molested might make him kill himself...
I knew i liked girls when i was 9. I dont see why it would be any different for gays. I feel bad for that kid. Super sad story.

I think parents should be accepting of their childrens sexual preferences, but they also need to be realistic. It might not be fair, but gay kids need to be told to keep it on the down low until they are out of school. Kids at school say whatever they know will hurt your feelings, whether its about your weight, clothes, attractiveness, sexual preference, etc. There is no reason to give them any ammo, especially when doing so has great potential to lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.
The age of 9 in child psychology falls into the "latent phase" where children experience feelings towards both genders and later sort out the normal behavior of sex and reproduction. They're testing the waters so to speak. None of them are born one way or another. It is a key age for influence and imprinting. The animals we handle on the ranch have the same phase and we take special care not to let them imprint incorrectly.

If this boy was certain he was gay, he was almost certainly molested. That is not something to get behind in false interpretation. It's something to be investigated by law enforcement. And for CERTAIN it's not to be exploited for expediency in an election year to garner that kneejerk "gay teen suicide" crap of sympathy as you just demonstrated falling prey to...
That was never my experience. I have never been attracted to boys. Kissing a boy has always been a revolting thought to me. The thought of sex with a man is so horrifying to me, that i would rather have parts of my body cut off than engage in it. This is how i know im a hetrosexual. I have to imagine that 100% gay kids have feelings this strong too.
As usual, the left is morally bankrupt on this issue and don't know when to keep their disgusting mouths shut. Remember when the legalization of gay marriage was still up for debate and one argument against it was it would lead to a "slippery slope" of indoctrinating kids into the homosexual lifestyle? "Spare us your tin foil hat conspiracy theories!" they said.

Somehow, they'll find a way to blame this kid's death on us, the evil right wingers who warned them against going down this road. It's because we're not tolerant enough, because we shelter kids from expressions of gay sexuality, that we should create more opportunities for "education".

Day of the rope, the night of long knives.

I can't wait.
I don`t think you know the definition of the word " indoctrinating".
I knew i liked girls when i was 9. I dont see why it would be any different for gays. I feel bad for that kid. Super sad story.

I think parents should be accepting of their childrens sexual preferences, but they also need to be realistic. It might not be fair, but gay kids need to be told to keep it on the down low until they are out of school. Kids at school say whatever they know will hurt your feelings, whether its about your weight, clothes, attractiveness, sexual preference, etc. There is no reason to give them any ammo, especially when doing so has great potential to lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.
The age of 9 in child psychology falls into the "latent phase" where children experience feelings towards both genders and later sort out the normal behavior of sex and reproduction. They're testing the waters so to speak. None of them are born one way or another. It is a key age for influence and imprinting. The animals we handle on the ranch have the same phase and we take special care not to let them imprint incorrectly.

If this boy was certain he was gay, he was almost certainly molested. That is not something to get behind in false interpretation. It's something to be investigated by law enforcement. And for CERTAIN it's not to be exploited for expediency in an election year to garner that kneejerk "gay teen suicide" crap of sympathy as you just demonstrated falling prey to...

Where the hell did you hear that bullshit? I can tell you heterosexual males are not testing the waters with both sexes. There is no doubt they like girls even at a very early age. There is no confusion whatsoever.

Let's just assume you are correct for a moment about 9 being a "key age for influence and imprinting". Then it's all the more reason for gay marriage to be banned and the gay lifestyle to be hidden from the public. Why would we as the human race want to influence our young children to be gay?
You are dangerous and stupid. One would hope that someone is keeping an eye on your social media.

It's hilarious how you talk yourself into panic-attacks over my posts. But be forewarned, we ain't kidding about you shitbags trying to hound Trump from office....we won't allow it.

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