No, Not Political at All

Listening to local radio, I heard the little skulls full of mush chanting....

"Hey, hey NRA,
How many children have you killed today."

Are they "NON-POLITICAL" in your area?

Yeah I don't think shooting children or not-shooting children can be characterized as "political". No more than hot pepper sauce.

That said, I think the chant should use the word kids instead of children. It works out better for the poetic meter.
Lol blaming an org for some person killing people is at least funny!
Listening to local radio, I heard the little skulls full of mush chanting....

"Hey, hey NRA,
How many children have you killed today."

Are they "NON-POLITICAL" in your area?
No I normally listen to Satan worshipping, parent hating rock music...
Listening to local radio, I heard the little skulls full of mush chanting....

"Hey, hey NRA,
How many children have you killed today."

Are they "NON-POLITICAL" in your area?

There's no way it won't be political, it's sponsored by the Democrats.

I get the feeling this stunt will blow up in their faces. Not sure how. :dunno:
I knew this stuff would be especially painful for our resident Trombies and nutbags. These teenagers have more ability
to look at a set of facts and examine evidence than you fools do. That burns your britches.

Trombies an nutbags are fond of calling these young people sheep or pawns. But the simple fact is that they have better
bullshit detectors than you do. They see right through you.
I knew this stuff would be especially painful for our resident Trombies and nutbags. These teenagers have more ability
to look at a set of facts and examine evidence than you fools do. That burns your britches.

Trombies an nutbags are fond of calling these young people sheep or pawns. But the simple fact is that they have better
bullshit detectors than you do. They see right through you.

I'm not worried about me, it's that they don't see through the manipulators who are using them. Sad.

I bet a lot of them will be quite angry once they catch on.
Nope. It's your ass-sertion, ergo YOUR burden.

So once again....

---- link?
A LINK proves the NRA aren't out gunning down children? Usless slug.

Ah good. The Troll Dance. Haven't seen this one in --- must be several minutes now. That's because I got up to eat.

In this one the Troll dances around his own claim that "those who vote Hillary and Obama" --- are killing children. Like my mother. And yet somehow there seems to be no evidence that "Those who vote Hillary and Obama" are or were doing any such thing. So the Troll runs away and hides behind the NRA verse he himself posted................................ which also has no link. Now the Troll demands somebody else disprove some shit he just posted himself with no evidence for its own existence.

Can't make this place up.
I knew this stuff would be especially painful for our resident Trombies and nutbags. These teenagers have more ability
to look at a set of facts and examine evidence than you fools do. That burns your britches.

Trombies an nutbags are fond of calling these young people sheep or pawns. But the simple fact is that they have better
bullshit detectors than you do. They see right through you.

I'm not worried about me, it's that they don't see through the manipulators who are using them. Sad.

I bet a lot of them will be quite angry once they catch on.

You wouldn't have to make those wild guesses if you took the time to talk to some of them. They
would easily dispatch your arguments with facts and evidence.

I find it funny that a guy like you....who has been manipulated by RW media for pointing
fingers at these kids who have created this movement on their own.
Nope. It's your ass-sertion, ergo YOUR burden.

So once again....

---- link?
A LINK proves the NRA aren't out gunning down children? Usless slug.

Ah good. The Troll Dance. Haven't seen this one in --- must be several minutes now. That's because I got up to eat.

In this one the Troll dances around his own claim that "those who vote Hillary and Obama" --- are killing children. Like my mother. And yet somehow there seems to be no evidence that "Those who vote Hillary and Obama" are or were doing any such thing. So the Troll runs away and hides behind the NRA verse he himself posted................................ which also has no link. Now the Troll demands somebody else disprove some shit he just posted himself with no evidence for its own existence.

Can't make this place up.

Now that we've let the air out of the OP's metaphorical tires --- or more correctly simply pointed out that they never had air in them --- let's get real ambitious and examine how the English language works.

The chant in the OP is half a century old. The original form went:

Hey Hey LBJ
How many kids did you kill today?​

The reference is to Vietnam, a small southeast Asian country where America was exporting its gun fetishism in those daze. And "LBJ" refers to the President of the time who couldn't find the cojones to stand up to the NRA of the time, the MIC. Now those who chanted this verse were not suggesting that LBJ personally got in his Jeep, drove to Khe San, picked up an M16 and started strafing people. It meant that he was irresponsible enough to allow it to go on, because he couldn't stand up to the MIC (and in fact his predecessor got a personal visit from that same national gun fetishism for even hinting he would stand up to it).

Fast forward 50 years to today and the line "LBJ" is replaced with "NRA", both of which rhyme with "today". Simple enough. Again, it doesn't mean the subject is personally committing the act, but is enabling it. Doing everything it can think of to perpetuate a sick fetish that is now domestically centered instead of farmed out to the other side of the world. And again a President can't find the cojones to stand up to the perpetuating force. History kind of repeats itself here.

They might add a second verse on the same framework:

Hey Hey DJT
How many bullets are coming at me?​
I knew this stuff would be especially painful for our resident Trombies and nutbags. These teenagers have more ability
to look at a set of facts and examine evidence than you fools do. That burns your britches.

Trombies an nutbags are fond of calling these young people sheep or pawns. But the simple fact is that they have better
bullshit detectors than you do. They see right through you.

I'm not worried about me, it's that they don't see through the manipulators who are using them. Sad.

I bet a lot of them will be quite angry once they catch on.

You wouldn't have to make those wild guesses if you took the time to talk to some of them. They
would easily dispatch your arguments with facts and evidence.

I find it funny that a guy like you....who has been manipulated by RW media for pointing
fingers at these kids who have created this movement on their own.

On their own?

On their own?!

TA-DA! This whole thing is sponsored by the Communist Democrat Party:


The priority policies we oppose are:

  • Conceal Carry Reciprocity HR 38 / S 446

  • Any legislation that would aim to fortify our schools with more guns."
Wait wut? Apparently Parkdale didn't have enough armed security. So you want to continue with schools being soft targets and a magnet for shooters? :eusa_naughty:
#ENOUGH: Toolkit
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I knew this stuff would be especially painful for our resident Trombies and nutbags. These teenagers have more ability
to look at a set of facts and examine evidence than you fools do. That burns your britches.

Trombies an nutbags are fond of calling these young people sheep or pawns. But the simple fact is that they have better
bullshit detectors than you do. They see right through you.

I'm not worried about me, it's that they don't see through the manipulators who are using them. Sad.

I bet a lot of them will be quite angry once they catch on.

You wouldn't have to make those wild guesses if you took the time to talk to some of them. They
would easily dispatch your arguments with facts and evidence.

I find it funny that a guy like you....who has been manipulated by RW media for pointing
fingers at these kids who have created this movement on their own.

On their own?

On their own?!

TA-DA! This whole thing is sponsored by the Communist Democrat Party:


#ENOUGH: Toolkit

Nope. You fail. Grassroots.....which picked up organized support after it grew large enough.
NRA members don't kill children. Those who vote Hillary and Obama do though.

Don't you love how the prove their own stupidity just by the pathetic bs that falls out of their mouths. Sheriff Mack says these people haven't a clue what the 2nd amendment is. They don't. None of these stupid asses know because if they did they wouldn't be stupid enough to protest and say the things dip shits on here say. Gawd dam these degenerates are so fakn stupid.
Sherif Mack by the way is an Az. Sheriff.
I knew this stuff would be especially painful for our resident Trombies and nutbags. These teenagers have more ability
to look at a set of facts and examine evidence than you fools do. That burns your britches.

Trombies an nutbags are fond of calling these young people sheep or pawns. But the simple fact is that they have better
bullshit detectors than you do. They see right through you.

I'm not worried about me, it's that they don't see through the manipulators who are using them. Sad.

I bet a lot of them will be quite angry once they catch on.

You wouldn't have to make those wild guesses if you took the time to talk to some of them. They
would easily dispatch your arguments with facts and evidence.

I find it funny that a guy like you....who has been manipulated by RW media for pointing
fingers at these kids who have created this movement on their own.

On their own?

On their own?!

TA-DA! This whole thing is sponsored by the Communist Democrat Party:


#ENOUGH: Toolkit

Nope. You fail. Grassroots.....which picked up organized support after it grew large enough.

Riiight. Engineered through social media, most likely.

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