NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

Listen to yourselves lefties. You are actually happy that the talks failed and N.K. continues to be a dangerous nuclear power because you hate the President (and your own Country).
Historic only insofar as no other American president ever set themselves up for failure so spectacularly.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I was laughing so hard at your joke I fell out of my chair! Of course, we both know that may be the biggest lie you have ever told....

View attachment 248150

Of course after Al-Assad called him on his ill-advised 'Red Line' bluff, forcing Barry to cowardly back down, Barry tried to claim that it was NOT HIS 'Red Line' but the WORLD'S 'Red Line'....

Obama seeks global backing on Syria: 'I didn't set a red line. The world did'
Barry 'Drew A Red Line'....

Al-Assad crossed his little 'Red Line'

Barry backed down, in front of allies and enemies

Barry claimed it was not HIS 'Red Line' was the 'World's' Red Line

'The World' laughed at Barry and said, 'No the hell it is NOT'

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner finally took action - he committed an International War Crime by invading Syria...and left the troops there as he walked out the door

Trump walked into the WH

Syria / Al-Assad mistook Trump for Barry

Trump bombed his ass


Barry hid behind 'Red Line' Bluffs and gave Al-Assad multiple chances.....

Trump? Not so much!

Historic only insofar as no other American president ever set themselves up for failure so spectacularly.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I was laughing so hard at your joke I fell out of my chair! Of course, we both know that may be the biggest lie you have ever told....

View attachment 248150

Of course after Al-Assad called him on his ill-advised 'Red Line' bluff, forcing Barry to cowardly back down, Barry tried to claim that it was NOT HIS 'Red Line' but the WORLD'S 'Red Line'....

Obama seeks global backing on Syria: 'I didn't set a red line. The world did'

Obama didn't meet with Assad personally on global television, fool.
Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.
The only person to ever drop a nuke on innocent people was a Democrat and he dropped two.
Innocent people.......:71:
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

when only one side is willing to negotiate and compromise, there can never be a deal made. But Trump could have caved and given him millions like Clinton, or not even taken the effort like Bush. Sometimes that best thing to do is walk away.

I agree with Trump in not making a deal
But his diplomacy is inept. He was warned weeks ago that there was no deal to be made

But his hubris as the greatest Dealmaker ever made mom think he could throw cash on the table and Kim would give in

He never offered him cash. He offered a way for NK to enter the 21st century and prosper. But Kim knows that his survival is only guaranteed if his people are kept in the dark and under his repressive regime.

Its amazing how you continue to display such ignorance of how the world really works.
Again Trump thought he could buy a deal

NK does not want cash in return for his nukes
He wants security.
Withdraw our troops from the border and remove our nukes and he will do the same

Ain’t gunna happen

Trump did not offer him cash, where to you get this crap? He offered him a place in the world market in exchange for denuclearizing. Kim wanted neither, because either would put him at the will of his people and its unlikely that he would survive. Trump gave it a try, more than any of his predecessors have done.

Trump said before going that it might not be successful, he said "we'll see what happens".

your trump-hate has killed your few remaining working brain cells.
You are so freaking dense
No, Trump did not bring a truck full of money

Trump offered lifting sanctions and offered economic investment= $$$

He did not offer to reduce our threat.
(Nor should he)

Trumps predecessors have offered the same economic inducements and failed
Aside from the F*ed up seditious / treasonous Democrats and snowflakes attempting to undermine the President and cheering for him to fail, Pelosi's freak show circus, starring a convicted Felon Perjurer, did nothing to derail the talks.

If there is any intelligent members of this board who are at all familiar with NK's history then they will immediately recognize what 'lil Kim is doing. This is a tactic he and his father have perfected and carried out for decades. They rattle sabers, threaten war, the international community gets woke, and they appease NK by giving them enough petrol to survive the winter / run the country for a while and give them food for their starving people. Now that he has nukes they get attention faster.

God bless Trump for trying diplomacy...and getting farther than anyone / any President before him, but 'lil Kim seems to be playing the same tune. I think he has made this much of an effort so far because he realizes Trump is no Obama or Bush and will not put up with his BS and go all-in to appease him. Trump will not allow things to go back to the way they were, playing that BS game anymore.

Even Democrats opined from the beginning that nothing would come of the Peace they can not say now that Trump failed when they did not even think 'lil Kim would be serious about getting rid of his nukes.
That is not what Trump thought..
Historic only insofar as no other American president ever set themselves up for failure so spectacularly.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I was laughing so hard at your joke I fell out of my chair! Of course, we both know that may be the biggest lie you have ever told....

View attachment 248150

Of course after Al-Assad called him on his ill-advised 'Red Line' bluff, forcing Barry to cowardly back down, Barry tried to claim that it was NOT HIS 'Red Line' but the WORLD'S 'Red Line'....

Obama seeks global backing on Syria: 'I didn't set a red line. The world did'
Barry 'Drew A Red Line'....

Al-Assad crossed his little 'Red Line'

Barry backed down, in front of allies and enemies

Barry claimed it was not HIS 'Red Line' was the 'World's' Red Line

'The World' laughed at Barry and said, 'No the hell it is NOT'

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner finally took action - he committed an International War Crime by invading Syria...and left the troops there as he walked out the door

Trump walked into the WH

Syria / Al-Assad mistook Trump for Barry

Trump bombed his ass

View attachment 248155

Barry hid behind 'Red Line' Bluffs and gave Al-Assad multiple chances.....

Trump? Not so much!

View attachment 248154

Syria's chemical weapons were destroyed, dope.

Syria hands over remaining chemical weapons for destruction | Reuters
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.

You are confused Moon Bat, as always.

It was the deployment of Pershing Missiles in Europe by Reagan, Kohl and Thatcher that forced the Soviets to capitulate. That was a good thing.

Trump threatening force was what got the NORKs to the negotiating table, not giving them money for nothing like that idiot Slick Willy did.

I know that History is not one of the strong suits for you stupid Moon Bats but the only time nuclear weapons have ever been used it was by a Democrat President so you can just go fuck yourself with your ignorant partisan bullshit.
I voted for Reagan you weasel eating fiend so take yer partisan bullshit and shove it up yer ass where your head is also stored. The bomb was better than millions of US soldiers getting killed but we can tell by your retort you wanted US soldiers dead instead of Japanese soldiers.

If you voted for Reagan then you should understand that you don't topple tyranny with weakness. You do it with strength.

Trump is being strong against the NORKs. You stupid Moon Bats can't stand it, can you?
Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.

You are confused Moon Bat, as always.

It was the deployment of Pershing Missiles in Europe by Reagan, Kohl and Thatcher that forced the Soviets to capitulate. That was a good thing.

Trump threatening force was what got the NORKs to the negotiating table, not giving them money for nothing like that idiot Slick Willy did.

I know that History is not one of the strong suits for you stupid Moon Bats but the only time nuclear weapons have ever been used it was by a Democrat President so you can just go fuck yourself with your ignorant partisan bullshit.
Yeah that is why communism ended after those two left office.
Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.
The only person to ever drop a nuke on innocent people was a Democrat and he dropped two.
Innocent people.......:71:

Yep those evil japanese rice farmers and their children were asking for it
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.
The only person to ever drop a nuke on innocent people was a Democrat and he dropped two.
Innocent people.......:71:

Yep those evil japanese rice farmers and their children were asking for it
Just as much as those living in the US had the tide gone in favor of Japan and Germany.
I say, Good for the President in walking away

I was afraid he would give away too much in seeking a Nobel Prize.

Only thing, he needs to know what is on the table before he travels half way around the world. That is the job of his State Department
At least Trump will actually do something to earn a Nobel Prize, unlike his predecessor.
Trump is the only President I have seen actively campaigning for a Nobel Prize. He talks about it at rallies and made Abe nominate him

I have little doubt Trump looks at NK as a ticket to a Nobel

He's more deserving of it than the one Obama got for being black.
The Obama Nobel was richly deserved

First black president in a formerly racist America
More white people voted for the racist asshole than colored people. Thanks to his white grandparents that knew how to speak English instead of ebonics. It's not really an accomplishment that I'd be touting.
More CRC speak.
Historic only insofar as no other American president ever set themselves up for failure so spectacularly.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I was laughing so hard at your joke I fell out of my chair! Of course, we both know that may be the biggest lie you have ever told....

View attachment 248150

Of course after Al-Assad called him on his ill-advised 'Red Line' bluff, forcing Barry to cowardly back down, Barry tried to claim that it was NOT HIS 'Red Line' but the WORLD'S 'Red Line'....

Obama seeks global backing on Syria: 'I didn't set a red line. The world did'
Barry 'Drew A Red Line'....

Al-Assad crossed his little 'Red Line'

Barry backed down, in front of allies and enemies

Barry claimed it was not HIS 'Red Line' was the 'World's' Red Line

'The World' laughed at Barry and said, 'No the hell it is NOT'

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner finally took action - he committed an International War Crime by invading Syria...and left the troops there as he walked out the door

Trump walked into the WH

Syria / Al-Assad mistook Trump for Barry

Trump bombed his ass

View attachment 248155

Barry hid behind 'Red Line' Bluffs and gave Al-Assad multiple chances.....

Trump? Not so much!

View attachment 248154

Syria's chemical weapons were destroyed, dope.

Syria hands over remaining chemical weapons for destruction | Reuters
do you really believe that? you are a gullible tool of the radical left. you probably believe that the muslims you elected to congress have the best interests of the USA at heart too.

So, in your opinion, he should have dropped ALL sanctions to make a deal with Kim?

If he had dropped all sanctions, as Kim requested, would you be happy that he did?

It's a failure for Trump because he went and met directly and came back empty handed. What kind of dope sets himself up for failure like that?

I wouldn't agree to meet anyone unless a deal was already reached.
Of course, you wouldn't. He may have came back empty handed, but, I haven't heard that
a deal won't be made in the future.

Yes. I'm smart enough not to give any airtime to NK unless I'm winning.
Yeah, I'm certain you would make a good democrat president...not too bright, which would be typical of one.

I would actually deal from a position of leverage. Trump has none. He should try a multilateral approach instead of relying soley on his "charm".

Actually...he should leave the negotiations to those trained and with experience in negotiations. No previous administration gave a NK leader the honor or being in the world stage.

Let's face it....trump is NOT a deal maker. His strengths is in lying, intimidation, bolstering, and exagerating his intelligence and wealth.

As Cohen alluded to....trump is a Con Man.

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