NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

There was never going to be a deal. NoKo was never going to denuclearize. This isn't on tRumPutin, this can has been kicked down the road since Truman and landed in his lap. I actually give him some kudos for trying but also some shame for not listening to his Intel services about what to really expect.
Who knows maybe a deal gets done in the future but it is not likely.

You're far more generous than I am. Obama prevented Kim from developing ICBM's by blowing up the test rockets on the launch pad. Trump cancelled that program and Kim now has ICBM capability.

This whole dog and pony show in Singapore was designed to deflect from the various investigations going on at the moment, and to cement Dumb Donald's Nobel Peace Prize nomination. This was all about appearances, not substance, and they couldn't even deliver on the appearances.

Michael Cohen handed Democrats a roadmap on prosecution yesterday. Republicans are in deep shit, and the Great Negotiator has fizzled on the border wall, and now on his great bid for world peace.

Anybody tired of winning yet?

What a stupid thing to say. Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea’s Missiles?

Again, this is an opinion piece, and not one based on any evidence, other than statistics and correlation. It's also quite possible that the new systems had weaknesses the hackers were exploiting, and the NK's were eventually able to shut it down. That speculation is just as valid as the author's.

As to his question is a .230% average good enough to keep you in the major leagues, that depends on what position you play, but yes it is good enough. A good defensive shortstop, or the catcher who has called multiple no-hit games, they don't need to put up gaudy numbers at the plate too, so yes, it is, if you have other skills.
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.

Trump should have had his cabinet and negotiators play that game behind the scenes instead of looking weak and stupid himself in front of a global audience.
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard this?

Pentagon and Seoul Surprised by Trump Pledge to Halt Military Exercises

What did we get in return for sacrificing readiness?
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

when only one side is willing to negotiate and compromise, there can never be a deal made. But Trump could have caved and given him millions like Clinton, or not even taken the effort like Bush. Sometimes that best thing to do is walk away.

I agree with Trump in not making a deal
But his diplomacy is inept. He was warned weeks ago that there was no deal to be made

But his hubris as the greatest Dealmaker ever made mom think he could throw cash on the table and Kim would give in

He never offered him cash. He offered a way for NK to enter the 21st century and prosper. But Kim knows that his survival is only guaranteed if his people are kept in the dark and under his repressive regime.

Its amazing how you continue to display such ignorance of how the world really works.
Again Trump thought he could buy a deal

NK does not want cash in return for his nukes
He wants security.
Withdraw our troops from the border and remove our nukes and he will do the same

Ain’t gunna happen


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

Cohen + jet lag + watching the hearings from Viet Nam all night long = Trump Train Wreck
I went to Japan many years ago and you HAVE to adjust to their time zone a.s.a.p. or you'll end up being a noodle brain after 24 hours.
Combine that with staying up all night watching TV = walking dead.

Combine that with not having a hand to play
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim


So, in your opinion, he should have dropped ALL sanctions to make a deal with Kim?

If he had dropped all sanctions, as Kim requested, would you be happy that he did?

It's a failure for Trump because he went and met directly and came back empty handed. What kind of dope sets himself up for failure like that?

I wouldn't agree to meet anyone unless a deal was already reached.
Of course, you wouldn't. He may have came back empty handed, but, I haven't heard that
a deal won't be made in the future.

Yes. I'm smart enough not to give any airtime to NK unless I'm winning.
Yeah, I'm certain you would make a good democrat president...not too bright, which would be typical of one.

I would actually deal from a position of leverage. Trump has none. He should try a multilateral approach instead of relying soley on his "charm".
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.

Trump should have had his cabinet and negotiators play that game behind the scenes instead of looking weak and stupid himself in front of a global audience.
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard this?

Pentagon and Seoul Surprised by Trump Pledge to Halt Military Exercises

What did we get in return for sacrificing readiness?
A show of good faith? A military exercise that ended early? That's your come back? :auiqs.jpg:
Now if you had said that he gave them 150 billion, you might have some didn't
What has Trump shown in his global diplomacy?

That human rights mean nothing to him

He ignored Putin using a nerve agent to kill Russian dissidents in the UK

He said he believed Prince Salman when he said he knew nothing about the slaughter of Khoshogi

He said he believed Kim Jong Un knew nothing about the death of American Otto Warmbier

would you prefer war with NK and SA? Seriously, why do you continue to post such ignorant bullshit? Is someone paying you? I cant believe anyone could do such stupid stuff without being compensated.
Trump is only concerned with $$$
That is his only value system

The treatment of human beings is secondary. That is obvious in how he treats families at the border

so much bullshit. geez dude, give it a rest with the lying dem/lib talking points.
Show me anywhere in Trumps history where he has placed humanity above making a profit

Everything with Trump has a cash value attached
Yep! If anyone has read The Art Of The Deal they know that is one of his tactics.

I need to learn how to negotiate better, sometimes I just walk off and give the "Have a nice day" when what should be said is: "Well, you have my offer and number, call me if you change your mind."

That's too damn diplomatic for me, or maybe I'm just being stupid. :oops:
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.

Trump should have had his cabinet and negotiators play that game behind the scenes instead of looking weak and stupid himself in front of a global audience.
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard this?

Pentagon and Seoul Surprised by Trump Pledge to Halt Military Exercises

What did we get in return for sacrificing readiness?
A show of good faith? A military exercise that ended early? That's your come back? :auiqs.jpg:
Now if you had said that he gave them 150 billion, you might have some didn't

Nothing in return for our weakened readiness.

From my link.....

"In Washington, officials at the Pentagon, State Department and White House were scrambling to figure out exactly the impact of Mr. Trump’s comments."

Great job!
Explain to me why I am not allowed to encourage pieces of diseased fetid shit like shit to kill themselves?

"No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life."


That said I view their existence as a threat to my life and that of millions of innocent people....

I mean if someone fucked with Stalin bad enough, he may have blown his brains out way before 1917...

Just sayin'....

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

when only one side is willing to negotiate and compromise, there can never be a deal made. But Trump could have caved and given him millions like Clinton, or not even taken the effort like Bush. Sometimes that best thing to do is walk away.

I agree with Trump in not making a deal
But his diplomacy is inept. He was warned weeks ago that there was no deal to be made

But his hubris as the greatest Dealmaker ever made mom think he could throw cash on the table and Kim would give in

He never offered him cash. He offered a way for NK to enter the 21st century and prosper. But Kim knows that his survival is only guaranteed if his people are kept in the dark and under his repressive regime.

Its amazing how you continue to display such ignorance of how the world really works.
Again Trump thought he could buy a deal

NK does not want cash in return for his nukes
He wants security.
Withdraw our troops from the border and remove our nukes and he will do the same

Ain’t gunna happen

Trump did not offer him cash, where to you get this crap? He offered him a place in the world market in exchange for denuclearizing. Kim wanted neither, because either would put him at the will of his people and its unlikely that he would survive. Trump gave it a try, more than any of his predecessors have done.

Trump said before going that it might not be successful, he said "we'll see what happens".

your trump-hate has killed your few remaining working brain cells.
There was never going to be a deal. NoKo was never going to denuclearize. This isn't on tRumPutin, this can has been kicked down the road since Truman and landed in his lap. I actually give him some kudos for trying but also some shame for not listening to his Intel services about what to really expect.
Who knows maybe a deal gets done in the future but it is not likely.

You're far more generous than I am. Obama prevented Kim from developing ICBM's by blowing up the test rockets on the launch pad. Trump cancelled that program and Kim now has ICBM capability.

This whole dog and pony show in Singapore was designed to deflect from the various investigations going on at the moment, and to cement Dumb Donald's Nobel Peace Prize nomination. This was all about appearances, not substance, and they couldn't even deliver on the appearances.

Michael Cohen handed Democrats a roadmap on prosecution yesterday. Republicans are in deep shit, and the Great Negotiator has fizzled on the border wall, and now on his great bid for world peace.

Anybody tired of winning yet?

What a stupid thing to say. Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea’s Missiles?

Again, this is an opinion piece, and not one based on any evidence, other than statistics and correlation. It's also quite possible that the new systems had weaknesses the hackers were exploiting, and the NK's were eventually able to shut it down. That speculation is just as valid as the author's.

As to his question is a .230% average good enough to keep you in the major leagues, that depends on what position you play, but yes it is good enough. A good defensive shortstop, or the catcher who has called multiple no-hit games, they don't need to put up gaudy numbers at the plate too, so yes, it is, if you have other skills.

Honestly, you are the most fake and stupid troll I have encountered on the internet. Everything with you is "Trump bad" and "Conservative bad/Liberal good". You are a cartoon that will tell any lie to prop up Obama's reputation ("Obama blew up test rockets on the launch pad") while making up crap ("Trump cancelled that program and now Kim now has ICBM capability"). Your act just doesn't have any nuance.
What has Trump shown in his global diplomacy?

That human rights mean nothing to him

He ignored Putin using a nerve agent to kill Russian dissidents in the UK

He said he believed Prince Salman when he said he knew nothing about the slaughter of Khoshogi

He said he believed Kim Jong Un knew nothing about the death of American Otto Warmbier

would you prefer war with NK and SA? Seriously, why do you continue to post such ignorant bullshit? Is someone paying you? I cant believe anyone could do such stupid stuff without being compensated.
Trump is only concerned with $$$
That is his only value system

The treatment of human beings is secondary. That is obvious in how he treats families at the border

so much bullshit. geez dude, give it a rest with the lying dem/lib talking points.
Show me anywhere in Trumps history where he has placed humanity above making a profit

Everything with Trump has a cash value attached

securing the border, reducing black unemployment to record low levels. He gained nothing financially from either and American citizens benefitted greatly.
There was never going to be a deal. NoKo was never going to denuclearize. This isn't on tRumPutin, this can has been kicked down the road since Truman and landed in his lap. I actually give him some kudos for trying but also some shame for not listening to his Intel services about what to really expect.
Who knows maybe a deal gets done in the future but it is not likely.

You're far more generous than I am. Obama prevented Kim from developing ICBM's by blowing up the test rockets on the launch pad. Trump cancelled that program and Kim now has ICBM capability.

This whole dog and pony show in Singapore was designed to deflect from the various investigations going on at the moment, and to cement Dumb Donald's Nobel Peace Prize nomination. This was all about appearances, not substance, and they couldn't even deliver on the appearances.

Michael Cohen handed Democrats a roadmap on prosecution yesterday. Republicans are in deep shit, and the Great Negotiator has fizzled on the border wall, and now on his great bid for world peace.

Anybody tired of winning yet?

What a stupid thing to say. Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea’s Missiles?

Again, this is an opinion piece, and not one based on any evidence, other than statistics and correlation. It's also quite possible that the new systems had weaknesses the hackers were exploiting, and the NK's were eventually able to shut it down. That speculation is just as valid as the author's.

As to his question is a .230% average good enough to keep you in the major leagues, that depends on what position you play, but yes it is good enough. A good defensive shortstop, or the catcher who has called multiple no-hit games, they don't need to put up gaudy numbers at the plate too, so yes, it is, if you have other skills.

Honestly, you are the most fake and stupid troll I have encountered on the internet. Everything with you is "Trump bad" and "Conservative bad/Liberal good". You are a cartoon that will tell any lie to prop up Obama's reputation ("Obama blew up test rockets on the launch pad") while making up crap ("Trump cancelled that program and now Kim now has ICBM capability"). Your act just doesn't have any nuance.

thanks for calling out one of our USMB left wing morons. She is typical of them all. Hate filled and stupid.
There was never going to be a deal. NoKo was never going to denuclearize. This isn't on tRumPutin, this can has been kicked down the road since Truman and landed in his lap. I actually give him some kudos for trying but also some shame for not listening to his Intel services about what to really expect.
Who knows maybe a deal gets done in the future but it is not likely.

You're far more generous than I am. Obama prevented Kim from developing ICBM's by blowing up the test rockets on the launch pad. Trump cancelled that program and Kim now has ICBM capability.

This whole dog and pony show in Singapore was designed to deflect from the various investigations going on at the moment, and to cement Dumb Donald's Nobel Peace Prize nomination. This was all about appearances, not substance, and they couldn't even deliver on the appearances.

Michael Cohen handed Democrats a roadmap on prosecution yesterday. Republicans are in deep shit, and the Great Negotiator has fizzled on the border wall, and now on his great bid for world peace.

Anybody tired of winning yet?

What a stupid thing to say. Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea’s Missiles?

Again, this is an opinion piece, and not one based on any evidence, other than statistics and correlation. It's also quite possible that the new systems had weaknesses the hackers were exploiting, and the NK's were eventually able to shut it down. That speculation is just as valid as the author's.

As to his question is a .230% average good enough to keep you in the major leagues, that depends on what position you play, but yes it is good enough. A good defensive shortstop, or the catcher who has called multiple no-hit games, they don't need to put up gaudy numbers at the plate too, so yes, it is, if you have other skills.

Honestly, you are the most fake and stupid troll I have encountered on the internet. Everything with you is "Trump bad" and "Conservative bad/Liberal good". You are a cartoon that will tell any lie to prop up Obama's reputation ("Obama blew up test rockets on the launch pad") while making up crap ("Trump cancelled that program and now Kim now has ICBM capability"). Your act just doesn't have any nuance.

She's another who can't think outside the box and has non existent long range thinking.

Just another loyal obedient little sheeple.
Explain to me why I am not allowed to encourage pieces of diseased fetid shit like shit to kill themselves?

"No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life."
Telling someone to kill themselves isnt a threat. Saying "IM going to kill you" is a threat. Gigantic difference.

Besides that, I was talking about a piece of shit, not a person.
we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.
Historic only insofar as no other American president ever set themselves up for failure so spectacularly.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I was laughing so hard at your joke I fell out of my chair! Of course, we both know that may be the biggest lie you have ever told....


Of course after Al-Assad called him on his ill-advised 'Red Line' bluff, forcing Barry to cowardly back down, Barry tried to claim that it was NOT HIS 'Red Line' but the WORLD'S 'Red Line'....

Obama seeks global backing on Syria: 'I didn't set a red line. The world did'

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