NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

The Norks want their nukes for the exact same reasons we do.

They will never give them up for the exact same reasons we won't.

Someone needs to sit Trump down and explain this to him like he's a five year old.

Truthfully, I believe Trump is doing nothing but trying to get development deals inNK. That's why he's choosing to do it in person. He believes he can charm his chubby buddy just like Putin.
Oh shit...Schumer just FUCKED OUR ABNORMALS

The Washington Times ^ | February 28, 2019 | Stephen Dinan

President Trump’s decision to walk away from a bad nuclear deal with North Korea won exceptional praise from Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, who said Thursday the president deserves credit for being willing to forgo a weak agreement.

“President Trump did the right thing by walking away and not cutting a poor deal for the sake of a photo op,” Mr. Schumer said as the Senate convened.

He challenged the president to take the same approach to negotiations with China, saying he must “have the courage to do the same thing” and walk away if he doesn’t get a good deal on trade negotiations
He didnt fail.
Walking away when you cant negotiate is standing tall.
You just wanted him to fail so you are acting out.
Bet you were proud when Barry sucked off the iranian ayatollah. Werent ya faggot?
Trump administration says Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal

That has nothing to do with i said.
You dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.

It's a successful deal, dope.
So you don't even try to make peace in the world, huh?
Why is NK giving up nukes required for peace in the world? It's not as if they've used them. One would think those having used nukes should give them up as obviously being too unstable. Otherwise ignore possession of nukes in the pursuit of peace, if peace is actually one's goal. But it isn't, is it?
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WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim


So, in your opinion, he should have dropped ALL sanctions to make a deal with Kim?

If he had dropped all sanctions, as Kim requested, would you be happy that he did?

It's a failure for Trump because he went and met directly and came back empty handed. What kind of dope sets himself up for failure like that?

I wouldn't agree to meet anyone unless a deal was already reached.
The coward Surrender Monkey never even tried...leading from in an ass!
Smart enough not to fall in that trap you meant.
Oh shit...Schumer just FUCKED OUR ABNORMALS

The Washington Times ^ | February 28, 2019 | Stephen Dinan

President Trump’s decision to walk away from a bad nuclear deal with North Korea won exceptional praise from Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, who said Thursday the president deserves credit for being willing to forgo a weak agreement.

“President Trump did the right thing by walking away and not cutting a poor deal for the sake of a photo op,” Mr. Schumer said as the Senate convened.

He challenged the president to take the same approach to negotiations with China, saying he must “have the courage to do the same thing” and walk away if he doesn’t get a good deal on trade negotiations

Chuckie will now be persona non grata in the Democrat Party for uttering such blasphemy!
Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.

You are confused Moon Bat, as always.

It was the deployment of Pershing Missiles in Europe by Reagan, Kohl and Thatcher that forced the Soviets to capitulate. That was a good thing.

Trump threatening force was what got the NORKs to the negotiating table, not giving them money for nothing like that idiot Slick Willy did.

I know that History is not one of the strong suits for you stupid Moon Bats but the only time nuclear weapons have ever been used it was by a Democrat President so you can just go fuck yourself with your ignorant partisan bullshit.
I voted for Reagan you weasel eating fiend so take yer partisan bullshit and shove it up yer ass where your head is also stored. The bomb was better than millions of US soldiers getting killed but we can tell by your retort you wanted US soldiers dead instead of Japanese soldiers.
You sound sometimes like your mind has left the Reservation, so most people thing you're a Democrat.
Honest mistake
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim


So, in your opinion, he should have dropped ALL sanctions to make a deal with Kim?

If he had dropped all sanctions, as Kim requested, would you be happy that he did?

It's a failure for Trump because he went and met directly and came back empty handed. What kind of dope sets himself up for failure like that?

I wouldn't agree to meet anyone unless a deal was already reached.
Of course, you wouldn't. He may have came back empty handed, but, I haven't heard that
a deal won't be made in the future.

Yes. I'm smart enough not to give any airtime to NK unless I'm winning.
...You better wake up America, we need you to be strong,
It's easy to throw rocks from the cheap seats, on the sidelines.

Tell ya what... why don't YOU be strong for once, and we'll sit back and let YOU do it.

What do you want Canada to do? We don't even have civil liberties or honest covert operatives working in our own country, we are hardly a nation to give speeches to N Korea.

Furthermore, if N Korea nukes someone, Canada won't even be in the top 10. It will be S Korea, Japan, USA.

Finally, America is respected for this purpose, among others. You support and fight for peace in the world. If you want to let N Korea expand their influence of nuclear power, that's a very risky move. I believe the UN and world nations should be working to solve this issue, it never happens, since so many nations stab the U.S in the back behind closed doors.

I'd like to see Canada do more on this issue. I'd also like to see Canada become a Republic with individual liberty and transparent/accountability government rather than a Constitutional Monarchy. It is what it is. Until such time as Canada becomes free, we need a strong America.
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim


So, in your opinion, he should have dropped ALL sanctions to make a deal with Kim?

If he had dropped all sanctions, as Kim requested, would you be happy that he did?

It's a failure for Trump because he went and met directly and came back empty handed. What kind of dope sets himself up for failure like that?

I wouldn't agree to meet anyone unless a deal was already reached.
Of course, you wouldn't. He may have came back empty handed, but, I haven't heard that
a deal won't be made in the future.

Yes. I'm smart enough not to give any airtime to NK unless I'm winning.
Yeah, I'm certain you would make a good democrat president...not too bright, which would be typical of one.
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.

Obama would never call Kim "talented or great gut"

trump is clueless...
Lol, Obama gave Iran billions of dollars and set the track for them to go nuclear. Just so he could say he made a deal.
Lol, Obama gave Iran billions of dollars and set the track for them to go nuclear. Just so he could say he made a deal.

Trump administration says Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal
A year and a half OLD ARTICLE....That the best you got?...ROTFLMFAO

Has anything changed? Still compliant?
So you don't even try to make peace in the world, huh?
Why is NK giving up nukes required for peace in the world? It's not as if they've used them. One would think those having used nukes should give them up as obviously being too unstable. Otherwise ignore possession of nukes in the pursuit of peace, if peace is actually one's goal.

we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
So he did fail then. Thanks.
Actually he did not. Trying and not succeeding is not the same thing as 'failing'.

'Failing', as mentioned, is not even trying, negotiating from positions of extreme weakness, being such a desperate coward that you refuse to even ASK for the release of US hostages - choosing to pay a ransom for them know, what Barry did.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

Cohen + jet lag + watching the hearings from Viet Nam all night long = Trump Train Wreck
I went to Japan many years ago and you HAVE to adjust to their time zone a.s.a.p. or you'll end up being a noodle brain after 24 hours.
Combine that with staying up all night watching TV = walking dead.

Yes. I'm smart enough not to give any airtime to NK unless I'm winning.
Whish is why Obama was so silent about NK while they were acquiring missile technology giving them the ability to his US assets with their nukes on HIS watch.... :p
Further, very public display of Trump's incompetence.
Setting up what many all over the world recognize as an historic series of meetings 'a display of incompetence'?


Cowering at the negotiation tables with your hat in your hand while the leaders of those you are negotiating with call you so desperate you will do anything they ask, while their military conduct training sessions practicing destroying your aircraft carriers, and while their leaders lead chants of 'Death To America' is a 'DISPLAY OF INCOMPETENCE'.

Admitting that 'you' cowardly refused to demand the release of US Hostages be part of the 'treaty' because you were AFRAID they would walk away from the table, having to pay a ransom later because you were a gutless coward who was desperate to get a deal at any cost is a 'DISPLAY OF INCOMPETENCE'.

Refusing to even engage in negotiations to TRY to get better trade deals for Americans, instead telling Americans manufacturing jobs are gone forever, never coming back, and this is the 'New Norm' is a 'DISPLAY OF INCOMPETENCE'.

Historic only insofar as no other American president ever set themselves up for failure so spectacularly. :laugh2:

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