NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim


So, in your opinion, he should have dropped ALL sanctions to make a deal with Kim?

If he had dropped all sanctions, as Kim requested, would you be happy that he did?

It's a failure for Trump because he went and met directly and came back empty handed. What kind of dope sets himself up for failure like that?

I wouldn't agree to meet anyone unless a deal was already reached.
The coward Surrender Monkey never even tried...leading from in an ass!
Neither shook Kim's hand and told him that he was "talented or a Great Guy."

That's because the concept of showing respect to others, especially when entering into negotiations with them, is completely foreign to Democrats / snowflakes. As Hillary called for, they are uncivil, disrespectful, and and violently intolerant. It's no wonder Trump accomplished more in 2 years thatn Barry did in 8.

No Nobel Peace Prize for you Donnie!
Barry got his for 'POTENTIAL', and even then in the end he F*ed that up by dragging the US into an Un-Constitutional war in Libya to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans to take over their own country....and by committing an International War Crime by illegally invading the sovereign nation of Syria without the request / permission of Syria's President / Govt.

Obama's Peace Prize Has Been A Disappointment: Ex-Nobel Director | HuffPost
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim


So, in your opinion, he should have dropped ALL sanctions to make a deal with Kim?

If he had dropped all sanctions, as Kim requested, would you be happy that he did?

It's a failure for Trump because he went and met directly and came back empty handed. What kind of dope sets himself up for failure like that?

I wouldn't agree to meet anyone unless a deal was already reached.
Of course, you wouldn't. He may have came back empty handed, but, I haven't heard that
a deal won't be made in the future.
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.
Red Herring fallacy.

The thread is about yet another Trump failure, not Obama.

What failure?
I guess he wanted Trump to gid rid of all sanctions.
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.

Obama would never call Kim "talented or great gut"

trump is clueless...
Lol, Obama gave Iran billions of dollars and set the track for them to go nuclear. Just so he could say he made a deal.
Lol, Obama gave Iran billions of dollars and set the track for them to go nuclear. Just so he could say he made a deal.

Trump administration says Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.
Red Herring fallacy.

The thread is about yet another Trump failure, not Obama.

What failure?
I guess he wanted Trump to gid rid of all sanctions.
Yes he did and Trump walked Reaganesk!
WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.

Obama would never call Kim "talented or great gut"

trump is clueless...
Lol, Obama gave Iran billions of dollars and set the track for them to go nuclear. Just so he could say he made a deal.
Lol, Obama gave Iran billions of dollars and set the track for them to go nuclear. Just so he could say he made a deal.

Trump administration says Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal
A year and a half OLD ARTICLE....That the best you got?...ROTFLMFAO
Many of us are still hoping for the best, even if we're not fans of Trump.

I don't see why it's necessary to celebrate a failure.

Well, actually, I do. That's just the way some folks are.
Save us the pearl clutching little snowflake.

Had Obama failed this "bigly" Republicans would have demanded impeachment
Many of us are still hoping for the best, even if we're not fans of Trump.

I don't see why it's necessary to celebrate a failure.

Well, actually, I do. That's just the way some folks are.
Save us the pearl clutching little snowflake.

Had Obama failed this "bigly" Republicans would have demanded impeachment
For what, moron?
Many of us are still hoping for the best, even if we're not fans of Trump. I don't see why it's necessary to celebrate a failure. Well, actually, I do. That's just the way some folks are.
Save us the pearl clutching little snowflake. Had Obama failed this "bigly" Republicans would have demanded impeachment
Yes. Isn't it amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be?

It must be horrible to be so similar to those you loathe, little snowflake.
Further, very public display of Trump's incompetence.
Setting up what many all over the world recognize as an historic series of meetings 'a display of incompetence'?


Cowering at the negotiation tables with your hat in your hand while the leaders of those you are negotiating with call you so desperate you will do anything they ask, while their military conduct training sessions practicing destroying your aircraft carriers, and while their leaders lead chants of 'Death To America' is a 'DISPLAY OF INCOMPETENCE'.

Admitting that 'you' cowardly refused to demand the release of US Hostages be part of the 'treaty' because you were AFRAID they would walk away from the table, having to pay a ransom later because you were a gutless coward who was desperate to get a deal at any cost is a 'DISPLAY OF INCOMPETENCE'.

Refusing to even engage in negotiations to TRY to get better trade deals for Americans, instead telling Americans manufacturing jobs are gone forever, never coming back, and this is the 'New Norm' is a 'DISPLAY OF INCOMPETENCE'.
Save us the both sides bullshit too. That’s gotten old
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.

Trump should have had his cabinet and negotiators play that game behind the scenes instead of looking weak and stupid himself in front of a global audience.
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard
Trump's trip to North Korea reminds me of his failed eagle stunt.


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