NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

when only one side is willing to negotiate and compromise, there can never be a deal made. But Trump could have caved and given him millions like Clinton, or not even taken the effort like Bush. Sometimes that best thing to do is walk away.

I agree with Trump in not making a deal
But his diplomacy is inept. He was warned weeks ago that there was no deal to be made

But his hubris as the greatest Dealmaker ever made mom think he could throw cash on the table and Kim would give in

He never offered him cash. He offered a way for NK to enter the 21st century and prosper. But Kim knows that his survival is only guaranteed if his people are kept in the dark and under his repressive regime.

Its amazing how you continue to display such ignorance of how the world really works.
What has Trump shown in his global diplomacy?

That human rights mean nothing to him

He ignored Putin using a nerve agent to kill Russian dissidents in the UK

He said he believed Prince Salman when he said he knew nothing about the slaughter of Khoshogi

He said he believed Kim Jong Un knew nothing about the death of American Otto Warmbier

would you prefer war with NK and SA? Seriously, why do you continue to post such ignorant bullshit? Is someone paying you? I cant believe anyone could do such stupid stuff without being compensated.
Trump is only concerned with $$$
That is his only value system

The treatment of human beings is secondary. That is obvious in how he treats families at the border

so much bullshit. geez dude, give it a rest with the lying dem/lib talking points.
Trump was not distracted by the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome clown show yesterday. He was focused on looking after America's interest.

Democrats are always assholes but yesterday's hatefest was one of the most despicable political acts I have ever seen in American policies. Shame on the Democrat shitheads.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing a Democrat controlled House. What the hell were you morons thinking? How did that work out for you in 2007 when the Democrats took over Congress and the economy tanked?

You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

Are you really this dense you stupid Moon Bat?

Trump went to the meeting because the he had received signals that the NORKs were ready to sign a deal or at least make substantial progress.

In the meantime the NORKs got their Useful Idiot Democrat cohorts to run that clown show yesterday in the hopes of making Trump desperate to get a win.

However, Trump ain't no weak minded shithead like Clinton or Obama. He walked away from a bad deal. That took courage.

You idiot Moon Bats think that despicable Trump Derangement Syndrome shitshows like we saw yesterday will hurt Trump but the reality is it is showing America what assholes you dickheads really are.

The NORKS lost yesterday because the economic sanctions are still in place. They had a chance to change it.

The filthy TDS afflicted Democrats lost yesterday because once again America got to see what deranged mentally ill assholes they really are.

Trump won yesterday. He showed America that unlike cowards like Clinton and Obama he had the courage to walk away from a bad deal.
Crash and burn for Trump

Highlighting his amateurish diplomacy

are you really as stupid as your posts indicate? All good negotiators know when to walk away from the table.

You have to remember that the stupid Moon Bat supported Obama, who always gave away the store and never had the courage to walk away from a bad deal. That is one of the many reasons that Obama was such a shitty and weak President.
You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

when only one side is willing to negotiate and compromise, there can never be a deal made. But Trump could have caved and given him millions like Clinton, or not even taken the effort like Bush. Sometimes that best thing to do is walk away.

I agree with Trump in not making a deal
But his diplomacy is inept. He was warned weeks ago that there was no deal to be made

But his hubris as the greatest Dealmaker ever made mom think he could throw cash on the table and Kim would give in

You don't know anything till you get there, sit down and talk.

Oh and he is a good deal maker. A man who knows when to walk away.

You sure don't look outside the box and you sure as hell aren't a long range thinker.
Trump had to leave Vietnam early as his bone spur was acting up.


That stupid post reminds me of this fable:

According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The Lie says to the Truth: "It's a marvelous day today"! The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was really beautiful. They spend a lot of time together, ultimately arriving beside a well. The Lie tells the Truth: "The water is very nice, let's take a bath together!" The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed is very nice. They undress and start bathing. Suddenly, the Lie comes out of the water, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs away. The furious Truth comes out of the well and runs everywhere to find the Lie and to get her clothes back. The World, seeing the Truth naked, turns its gaze away, with contempt and rage.

The poor Truth returns to the well and disappears forever, hiding therein, its shame. Since then, the Lie travels around the world, dressed as the Truth, satisfying the needs of society, because, the World, in any case, harbors no wish at all to meet the naked Truth
What has Trump shown in his global diplomacy?

That human rights mean nothing to him

He ignored Putin using a nerve agent to kill Russian dissidents in the UK

He said he believed Prince Salman when he said he knew nothing about the slaughter of Khoshogi

He said he believed Kim Jong Un knew nothing about the death of American Otto Warmbier

would you prefer war with NK and SA? Seriously, why do you continue to post such ignorant bullshit? Is someone paying you? I cant believe anyone could do such stupid stuff without being compensated.
Trump is only concerned with $$$
That is his only value system

The treatment of human beings is secondary. That is obvious in how he treats families at the border
---------------------------------------------- feck those fureign invader familia's RWinger .
And when negotiating with leaders of foreign countries being a petulant child doesn't work well.

Barry's negotiation from positions of weakness resulted in poor trade deals with other nations, having to pay ransoms for the return of US hostages, and releasing the top 5 Taliban enemy leaders in the middle of a war, and Barry telling Americans that manufacturing jobs being gone forever was the 'New Norm'. .

President Trump brought home Americans being held abroad without having to pay ransoms.
President Trump has not released our enemies top generals / leaders (... in an attempt to fulfill a campaign promise)
President Trump rejected manufacturing jobs being gone as the 'New Norm' & brought them back to the US.
President Trump has successfully negotiated from positions of Strength

...which is why he accomplished more in 2 years, making 'best seen in decades' a regular description for the things he was accomplishing, than Barry did in 8 years!
What has Trump shown in his global diplomacy?

That human rights mean nothing to him

He ignored Putin using a nerve agent to kill Russian dissidents in the UK

He said he believed Prince Salman when he said he knew nothing about the slaughter of Khoshogi

He said he believed Kim Jong Un knew nothing about the death of American Otto Warmbier

would you prefer war with NK and SA? Seriously, why do you continue to post such ignorant bullshit? Is someone paying you? I cant believe anyone could do such stupid stuff without being compensated.
Trump is only concerned with $$$
That is his only value system

The treatment of human beings is secondary. That is obvious in how he treats families at the border

Jesus. You really are stupid enough to swallow that shit.

You are one shallow little sheeple who believe all those talking points.

You aren't worth the time.
He is a businessman. And his limited diplomatic skills have been highlighted in his last two meetings with Kim

Oh you mean where he actually got the troll to the negotiating table??

You think you don't have to be a diplomate to make a business deal?? Shows how little you know.

All deal makers are diplomates. You sure aren't very smart.
He didn’t get the Troll to the bargaining table.
He showered praise on Kim, said what a great leader he is, sold out the family of Otto Warmbier

Got nothing for it

when only one side is willing to negotiate and compromise, there can never be a deal made. But Trump could have caved and given him millions like Clinton, or not even taken the effort like Bush. Sometimes that best thing to do is walk away.

I agree with Trump in not making a deal
But his diplomacy is inept. He was warned weeks ago that there was no deal to be made

But his hubris as the greatest Dealmaker ever made mom think he could throw cash on the table and Kim would give in

He never offered him cash. He offered a way for NK to enter the 21st century and prosper. But Kim knows that his survival is only guaranteed if his people are kept in the dark and under his repressive regime.

Its amazing how you continue to display such ignorance of how the world really works.

I agree. Winger just can't think outside the box and his long range thinking is non existent.

He's a loyal good little sheeple.
When trump thinks he does something good and when he tells the world that he knows better than anyone about technology, ISIS, intelligence and everything else...he blows his horn and brags endlessly...

So when he fails, we are entitled to do the same. He is NOT a deal maker. He is NOT smart. He is a charlatan and a Con Man....
Obama would never call Kim "talented or great gut"

trump is clueless...
Obama sucked Kim’s cock

Obama would NEVER call Kim talented or a Great Guy....your asshole did....

Gee, and Obama NEVER met with Kim Jong Un, actually when Kim tried, Obama refused...dumbass.

Obama doesn't admire mass murderers like Putin's president...


What has Trump shown in his global diplomacy?

That human rights mean nothing to him

He ignored Putin using a nerve agent to kill Russian dissidents in the UK

He said he believed Prince Salman when he said he knew nothing about the slaughter of Khoshogi

He said he believed Kim Jong Un knew nothing about the death of American Otto Warmbier

would you prefer war with NK and SA? Seriously, why do you continue to post such ignorant bullshit? Is someone paying you? I cant believe anyone could do such stupid stuff without being compensated.
Trump is only concerned with $$$
That is his only value system

The treatment of human beings is secondary. That is obvious in how he treats families at the border
---------------------------------------------- feck those fureign invader familia's RWinger .

I couldn't agree more. I couldn't care less for those fake asylum seekers or their kids.

Don't like the treatment then stay the hell in your own country.
When trump thinks he does something good and when he tells the world that he knows better than anyone about technology, ISIS, intelligence and everything else...he blows his horn and brags endlessly...

So when he fails, we are entitled to do the same. He is NOT a deal maker. He is NOT smart. He is a charlatan and a Con Man....

So when he fails, we are entitled to do the same.

I agree, you are entitled to fail.

and you prove it with nearly ever thread you start.
Trump is actually stupid enough to think Kim would give up his nukes.

We have never had a President this stupid.

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