NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

Trump is only concerned with $$$
That is his only value system

The treatment of human beings is secondary. That is obvious in how he treats families at the border

so much bullshit. geez dude, give it a rest with the lying dem/lib talking points.
Show me anywhere in Trumps history where he has placed humanity above making a profit

Everything with Trump has a cash value attached

securing the border, reducing black unemployment to record low levels. He gained nothing financially from either and American citizens benefitted greatly.

Building a wall gets critics off of Trumps back. He was perfectly willing to abandon his build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
It does nothing for struggling Americans

Trump has done nothing to reduce black unemployment. It dropped six percent under Obama and continued under Trump

black unemployment is at record lows under trump, you can credit obozo if it makes you feel good, but its Trump's economy that caused it.

building a wall and securing our borders will benefit all americans and save lives and money. Every country in the world has secure borders and punishes those who violate their immigration laws, without borders you have no country. its amazing that you don't understand that.
Trump did nothing to help blacks or minorities
He has also stopped low skilled wage increases and cut back on Medicaid

Countries secure their borders when they fear military invasion. We fear people coming over to mow our lawns and make our beds
Anyone who though NK would denuclearize is brain-dead.

Nukes keep them safe
You are not going to convince them otherwise

There is a massive army at their southern border and they are armed with nukes

N Korea will not surrender a deterrent
tRump finally realized that not only is Kim not gay, he's not a chubby 16 year old?
Kim finally realized Trump isn't a pushover like Obungo. Trump walked away, not Kim. Kim needs a deal more than the USA does.
That's a good spin, but it isn't true.
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.

trump attempted what no previous president has had the balls to attempt, make a deal with the corrupt dictator of NK, But staying in power was more important to Kim than making a deal the would bring his country prosperity. He is scared shitless that an open NK would open the door for his people to revolt and kick his sorry ass out of power.

but obozo got the Nobel for being the first half black person elected as president. He did absolutely nothing for the USA in 8 years, but he did give 150 billion to his muslim friends in Iran.
Obama envy is a very powerful and long lasting thing.
You are the one who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. You stupid comments show that. Trump was prepared to give away the store in his desperate bid to get a deal. Even the South Korean security advisor criticized the deal. I suspect it was leaked to stop it and hopefully it was stopped.

The hearing yesterday is something called oversight. The only thing that was despicable was Republicans like Jordan and Meadows. The hearing only confirmed what Americans think about Trump. He is dishonest and untrustworthy.

total bullshit. yesterday's hearing was nothing but political theatre. scheduled and orchestrated to overshadow the meeting in Viet Nam. But it backfired on the dems, Cohen confirmed that he is a lying POS and the dems confirmed that they are corrupt. The funny thing is the even lying Cohen would not confirm any wrong doing or collusion by Trump or his campaign.

Trump did the right thing in not caving to the little dictator.
Funny how Republicans never asked a single question about Cohens claims

Instead they spent seven hours screaming at him for being a liar

As a conservative, does it bother you that Cohen is convicted about lying about Trumps dealings with Russia and financial payments from Russia

The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time

Cohens a proven liar and I wonder why the Dems have him as their star witness.

I wouldn't believe anything he said. But then unlike you I won't take the word of a known liar.

Carry on dumbass.
He was proven to be lying about Trumps dealings with Russia

So, where is your outrage over Trump telling the same lies

Cohen said nothing about any illegal dealings with Russia, stop making up shit.
That's right....he didn't. But didn't the Republicans on the committee scream that he's nothing but a liar?
North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

The Hanoi Summit was the latest gambit in President Trump’s unprecedented diplomatic effort to negotiate away North Korea’s nuclear weapons. It concluded without a signing ceremony. That’s neither a loss nor a win for the president.

There were four possible outcomes for the huddle in Hanoi.

First, the incredibly remote “grand slam” possibility: an inked deal in which North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un made a real commitment to denuclearize, with verification.

Second, the “substantial progress” possibility. This would entail North Korea to put something new on the table -- like a list accounting for all their nuclear assets.

Third, the “nothing-burger” possibility, in which the two leaders just agree to keep talking.

Fourth, the “backtracking” possibility, with the U.S. agreeing to ease sanctions or make other concessions solely to keep Kim at the negotiating table.

Of these options, only number four was bad. The ongoing pressure campaign is what actually protects us and our allies from the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapons. To relax the pressure before Kim gives up his nukes would put Americans at risk.

North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

It will be interesting to see what comes next. Kim is missing out on a great deal.
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.

Trump should have had his cabinet and negotiators play that game behind the scenes instead of looking weak and stupid himself in front of a global audience.
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard
Well you just nailed Trump and mad Obama look great.

Obama got Iran to give up 98% of their fissile material, allow inspections, end their enrichment program

Trump gave Sum Fat Kim the international recognition he has been seeking for decades (he or his father), legitimized NK as a nuclear state, halted our joint exercises with South K...and got what exactly?

we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.

I'm trying to find a date when Iran was allowed to continue making nuclear weapons.

Got one?

According to the Europeans and their nuclear watchdogs, Iran has lived up to their end of the deal. But trump's hate of Obama would not allow him to stay in the deal.

trump is a Giant Loser....
Also according to our own intel spite of the fact that WE pulled out of the deal.
total bullshit. yesterday's hearing was nothing but political theatre. scheduled and orchestrated to overshadow the meeting in Viet Nam. But it backfired on the dems, Cohen confirmed that he is a lying POS and the dems confirmed that they are corrupt. The funny thing is the even lying Cohen would not confirm any wrong doing or collusion by Trump or his campaign.

Trump did the right thing in not caving to the little dictator.
Funny how Republicans never asked a single question about Cohens claims

Instead they spent seven hours screaming at him for being a liar

As a conservative, does it bother you that Cohen is convicted about lying about Trumps dealings with Russia and financial payments from Russia

The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time

Cohens a proven liar and I wonder why the Dems have him as their star witness.

I wouldn't believe anything he said. But then unlike you I won't take the word of a known liar.

Carry on dumbass.
He was proven to be lying about Trumps dealings with Russia

So, where is your outrage over Trump telling the same lies

Cohen said nothing about any illegal dealings with Russia, stop making up shit.
That's right....he didn't. But didn't the Republicans on the committee scream that he's nothing but a liar?
Cohen lied about the timing of the Trump Tower Moscow deal and business transactions

Same lies Trump was telling at the time.
Trump played hardball with the little dictator. Refused to remove sanctions with nothing in return, He did the right thing and the libs are celebrating the fact that we remain under a nuclear threat.

Kim knows that we could wipe his country from the face of the earth in 30 minutes, but his desire to remain in power is the only thing that matters to him. Bringing NK into the 21st century might threaten his hold on the reigns of power, so no deal.
We elected Trump in part because his business experience made him a master Dealmaker. He had skills and tactics that Politicians and world leaders had never seen before

After two years, it seems Trump has a limited number of tools in his toolbox

Offer money and then storm out of the meeting if they don’t take your offer

Democrats and now Kim just laugh at him

You sure are funny.

Trump is a businessman. He knows the art of the deal and when to walk away.

Oh he and the troll will be back and you can bet your stupid ass Trump will walk away until he gets what he wants.

He's a much better deal maker than you will ever be.

Can you imagine if it was Obama making the deal? He would give Kim a public blow job and barrels of money and all kinds of aid and get nothing in return. Kind of like the deal he made with his Iranian Mullah buddies.

If it was Crooked Hillary the Clinton Money Laundering Foundation would be getting a nice fat check of several million dollars and there would be no sanctions or anything. Just the Clintons getting richer. Kind of like with that Russian uranium deal.

If John "Traitor" Kerry was making the deal he would be blabbering incoherently like an idiot and it would take us months to figure out how America got screwed in the deal.
Fantasizing is fun, isn't it? Nothing to prove, no requirements to back up your fantasy with facts.....
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.

Trump should have had his cabinet and negotiators play that game behind the scenes instead of looking weak and stupid himself in front of a global audience.
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard
Well you just nailed Trump and mad Obama look great.

Obama got Iran to give up 98% of their fissile material, allow inspections, end their enrichment program

Trump gave Sum Fat Kim the international recognition he has been seeking for decades (he or his father), legitimized NK as a nuclear state, halted our joint exercises with South K...and got what exactly?

You always believe what your masters want you to believe.
Iran has not lived up to anything, Lesh.
They're honing their delivery system as you type.
North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

The Hanoi Summit was the latest gambit in President Trump’s unprecedented diplomatic effort to negotiate away North Korea’s nuclear weapons. It concluded without a signing ceremony. That’s neither a loss nor a win for the president.

There were four possible outcomes for the huddle in Hanoi.

First, the incredibly remote “grand slam” possibility: an inked deal in which North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un made a real commitment to denuclearize, with verification.

Second, the “substantial progress” possibility. This would entail North Korea to put something new on the table -- like a list accounting for all their nuclear assets.

Third, the “nothing-burger” possibility, in which the two leaders just agree to keep talking.

Fourth, the “backtracking” possibility, with the U.S. agreeing to ease sanctions or make other concessions solely to keep Kim at the negotiating table.

Of these options, only number four was bad. The ongoing pressure campaign is what actually protects us and our allies from the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapons. To relax the pressure before Kim gives up his nukes would put Americans at risk.

North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

It will be interesting to see what comes next. Kim is missing out on a great deal.
Kim doesn’t want financial incentives he wants physical security

Something we won’t give
we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.

I'm trying to find a date when Iran was allowed to continue making nuclear weapons.

Got one?
You're telling the story, how come you don't have one?
North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

The Hanoi Summit was the latest gambit in President Trump’s unprecedented diplomatic effort to negotiate away North Korea’s nuclear weapons. It concluded without a signing ceremony. That’s neither a loss nor a win for the president.

There were four possible outcomes for the huddle in Hanoi.

First, the incredibly remote “grand slam” possibility: an inked deal in which North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un made a real commitment to denuclearize, with verification.

Second, the “substantial progress” possibility. This would entail North Korea to put something new on the table -- like a list accounting for all their nuclear assets.

Third, the “nothing-burger” possibility, in which the two leaders just agree to keep talking.

Fourth, the “backtracking” possibility, with the U.S. agreeing to ease sanctions or make other concessions solely to keep Kim at the negotiating table.

Of these options, only number four was bad. The ongoing pressure campaign is what actually protects us and our allies from the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapons. To relax the pressure before Kim gives up his nukes would put Americans at risk.

North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

It will be interesting to see what comes next. Kim is missing out on a great deal.
Kim doesn’t want financial incentives he wants physical security

Something we won’t give
Actually, I was thinking what incentive he would open to. He doesn't like his people, doesn't want them to do better....I wonder if someone could convince him he was going to be a victim of a coup. Probably not.
You always believe what your masters want you to believe.
Iran has not lived up to anything, Lesh.
They're honing their delivery system as you type.
In what agreement was that? Not in the JCPOA that I'm aware. Of which Iran has upheld the conditions.
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WATCH: Highlights from Trump's press conference after North Korea talks collapse

Quit wasting tax payers money playing game with "quite a guy" murderer Kim
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.

Obama would never call Kim "talented or great gut"

trump is clueless...
Obama sucked Kim’s cock

Obama would NEVER call Kim talented or a Great Guy....your asshole did....
Lol, Obama would've kissed his ass, if he would've met with him and you would brag about it.
More nice safe fantasizing.
trump is clueless.....There was no plan. He is not a good negotiator.

Tax payers paid millions to place on murdering dictator on the world stage....and we got conned again....
Lol, you would be bragging if Obama did the exact samething. So shut up.

Obama would never call Kim "talented or great gut"

trump is clueless...
Obama sucked Kim’s cock

Obama would NEVER call Kim talented or a Great Guy....your asshole did....
Lol, Obama would've kissed his ass, if he would've met with him and you would brag about it.
More nice safe fantasizing.
In retrospect, he closer than you are.

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