NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

do you really believe that? you are a gullible tool of the radical left. you probably believe that the muslims you elected to congress have the best interests of the USA at heart too.
It didn't happen? Show us what "really" happened.


Actually, there is evidence to support both ISIL and al-Assad used Chemical Weapons. The former is suspected of using captured Syrian chems to con the US, already warning Assad we would enter the fight is chems were used again, into attacking Assad / entering the war. At various points, however, BOTH used chems.


Many people on this board claim to know what they are talking about. Having actual expertise in that area of the world I am actually one of the few who actually do. (Stating a fact, not bragging - believe it or not, I don't really care....)

In the midst of the on-going civil war, which included at one point as many as 6 separate entities / forces in Syria, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) fighters overran a Syrian base where chemical weapons were stored. Although they did not hold the base long, it appears they held it long enough.

Not long after that chemical weapons were sued against the Syrian people, and both sides pointed fingers. President Obama was fed what initial information we had at the time, that the chemical weapons that were used on the Syrians came from one of al-Assad's bases. Based on that information President Obama moved to react swiftly. He had the right intentions - to step in and make sure Al-Assad would not use chemical weapons on his own people again. The problem was some of our experts were still trying to identify what faction / group was in what part of the country at that time. We knew fighting had been going on at / near that base but did not have all the information needed to definitively declare 'X' did it, 100% guaranteed. (Attempting to investigate in the middle of a war involving 4 - 6 different factions gaining and ceding ground daily was, to say the least, 'difficult'.)

Against counsel / advice Obama went world-wide with his 'Red Line'. (In real-world situations like this you NEVER BLUFF. Having to back down if someone calls you on it on the world stage is a sign of our allies and our enemies.)

Obama did not just tell Syrian President al-Assad that if chemical weapons were used again we would hold him accountable, we told his enemies as well. They were listening. Yes, I am suggesting that ISIS 'played' Obama by using Assad's chemical weapons on the populace to frame Assad and to goad the might of the US military t0 enter the war against Assad, basically helping terrorists overthrow another nation's leaders for them to take over, like was done in Libya.

al-Assad is Putin's boy, though, and Russia scrambled to head that off by doing their own investigation. They turned all of their evidence over to the UN, who was also doing their own investigation. THE RESULTS?

It is unclear still if ISIL used the chems 1st, both times or if they and Assad's forces used them. The UN reported, however, that at some point in this conflict BOTH ISIL used WMD.

Government, ‘Islamic State’ Known to Have Used Gas in Syria, Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Head Tells Security Council | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) had been identified as responsible for the use of sulfur mustard at Umm Hawsh, and Syria as accountable for the use of sarin at Khan Shaykhun, Edmond Mulet, Head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)‑United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism, told the Security Council this afternoon.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) had been identified as responsible for the use of sulfur mustard at Umm Hawsh, and Syria as accountable for the use of sarin at Khan Shaykhun, Edmond Mulet, Head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)-United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism, told the Security Council this afternoon.

Presenting the Mechanism’s seventh report (document
S/2017/904), he said that despite the challenges of investigating complex cases in the midst of an armed conflict, it had taken great care to ensure that its methodology and findings were technically and scientifically sound.

Here's the link to the article where the Russians claimed to have found evidence of chem weapon usage by the terrorists:

Russia Says They Have Evidence Chemical Attack Was Staged, And They Predicted A "False Flag" Last Month

As you know, Assad forces used chems later, and we had definitive evidence. President Trump did not hesitate to take action this time, ordering a military strike in response to the use of chemical weapons again by al-Assad's forces.
What a trainwreck.
Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!
I don't see the repubs crying about it.

I'd be nice to see republicans get a little bit of credit for at least toning down the "bomb em all, let god sort em out" attitude of the 80s and 90s.
Why the republicans were the leaders of the bomb them all and it came from Reagan.
The only person to ever drop a nuke on innocent people was a Democrat and he dropped two.
Innocent people.......:71:
Yes, innocent people.
At least Trump will actually do something to earn a Nobel Prize, unlike his predecessor.
Trump is the only President I have seen actively campaigning for a Nobel Prize. He talks about it at rallies and made Abe nominate him

I have little doubt Trump looks at NK as a ticket to a Nobel

He's more deserving of it than the one Obama got for being black.
The Obama Nobel was richly deserved

First black president in a formerly racist America
More white people voted for the racist asshole than colored people. Thanks to his white grandparents that knew how to speak English instead of ebonics. It's not really an accomplishment that I'd be touting.
More CRC speak.
Yo, that it be like.
What a trainwreck.

YES, Obama's humiliating 'Red Line' disaster forced him to back down in front of the whole world, emboldening enemies and making the President's handling of Syrian foreign policy look like ... a train wreck.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.
Kim finally realized Trump isn't a pushover like Obungo. Trump walked away, not Kim. Kim needs a deal more than the USA does.
That's a good spin, but it isn't true.
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.

trump attempted what no previous president has had the balls to attempt, make a deal with the corrupt dictator of NK, But staying in power was more important to Kim than making a deal the would bring his country prosperity. He is scared shitless that an open NK would open the door for his people to revolt and kick his sorry ass out of power.

but obozo got the Nobel for being the first half black person elected as president. He did absolutely nothing for the USA in 8 years, but he did give 150 billion to his muslim friends in Iran.
Obama envy is a very powerful and long lasting thing.
Have it your way. Tell us what Obango did to earn the Nobel Prize.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesn't' that tie him with Biden?
No, Biden had a bill, not a. Company darlin
You mean the ones his dad gave him $300MM when he was a kid.?
Baled him out of one casino and the doc who did his Vietnam deferment deal.?
"My sacrifice was to avoid a std"
Terrific role model
Want to know what trump means inNYC to subcontractors?

To be screwed
North Korea got nuclear reactors out of President Clinton.

North Korea acquired advanced missile technology giving them the capability to strike US assets with their nukes on Obama's watch.

They have gotten nothing from President Trump but several meetings...but that olive branch diplomacy may have just ended, as President Trump was again able to do what Barry could / did not do (with Iran) - get up from the table and walk away from a bad deal being pushed by bad actors.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.

How does that answer the question?

Did he have 10 companies, meaning 50% ended up in bankruptcy?

Did he have 100 companies, meaning 5% of them ended up in bankruptcy?
That's a good spin, but it isn't true.
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.

trump attempted what no previous president has had the balls to attempt, make a deal with the corrupt dictator of NK, But staying in power was more important to Kim than making a deal the would bring his country prosperity. He is scared shitless that an open NK would open the door for his people to revolt and kick his sorry ass out of power.

but obozo got the Nobel for being the first half black person elected as president. He did absolutely nothing for the USA in 8 years, but he did give 150 billion to his muslim friends in Iran.
Obama envy is a very powerful and long lasting thing.
Have it your way. Tell us what Obango did to earn the Nobel Prize.
Why don't you have just a few balls and call him what you really think?
Obama deserves a Nobel prize for existing in a bunch of white boy racists like you


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesn't' that tie him with Biden?
No, Biden had a bill, not a. Company darlin
You mean the ones his dad gave him $300MM when he was a kid.?
Baled him out of one casino and the doc who did his Vietnam deferment deal.?
"My sacrifice was to avoid a std"
Terrific role model
Want to know what trump means inNYC to subcontractors?

To be screwed

No, Biden had a bill,

misread the question?

How many deferments did Biden have?
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.

trump attempted what no previous president has had the balls to attempt, make a deal with the corrupt dictator of NK, But staying in power was more important to Kim than making a deal the would bring his country prosperity. He is scared shitless that an open NK would open the door for his people to revolt and kick his sorry ass out of power.

but obozo got the Nobel for being the first half black person elected as president. He did absolutely nothing for the USA in 8 years, but he did give 150 billion to his muslim friends in Iran.
Obama envy is a very powerful and long lasting thing.
Have it your way. Tell us what Obango did to earn the Nobel Prize.
Why don't you have just a few balls and call him what you really think?
Obama deserves a Nobel prize for existing in a bunch of white boy racists like you

Obama deserves a Nobel prize for existing in a bunch of white boy racists like you

They don't give Nobels for that.

they gave Obama a Nobel for what he said he was going to do.

and he didn't do it.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.

How does that answer the question?

Did he have 10 companies, meaning 50% ended up in bankruptcy?

Did he have 100 companies, meaning 5% of them ended up in bankruptcy?

Obviously a company with no assets will never file bankruptcy. No?

So your idea of a percentage is meaningless.

You forgot the LLC Cohen started to pay Stormy. :laugh:
Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.

trump attempted what no previous president has had the balls to attempt, make a deal with the corrupt dictator of NK, But staying in power was more important to Kim than making a deal the would bring his country prosperity. He is scared shitless that an open NK would open the door for his people to revolt and kick his sorry ass out of power.

but obozo got the Nobel for being the first half black person elected as president. He did absolutely nothing for the USA in 8 years, but he did give 150 billion to his muslim friends in Iran.
Obama envy is a very powerful and long lasting thing.
Have it your way. Tell us what Obango did to earn the Nobel Prize.
Why don't you have just a few balls and call him what you really think?
Obama deserves a Nobel prize for existing in a bunch of white boy racists like you
Tell me how your mind processed Obango to "uppity N word", you racist honky. What makes you think I'm white, you racist asshole.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.

How does that answer the question?

Did he have 10 companies, meaning 50% ended up in bankruptcy?

Did he have 100 companies, meaning 5% of them ended up in bankruptcy?

Obviously a company with no assets will never file bankruptcy. No?

So your idea of a percentage is meaningless.

You forgot the LLC Cohen started to pay Stormy. :laugh:

and you're still deflecting.

find a corner, and put on your hat.

Ok, tell us why it isn't true.
Kim got what he wanted, legitimacy, a photo op, still no joint war games, and so on.

What did tRump get?

Nada, that's what tRump got. Just like last time.

As far as who needs the deal worse? tRump does. Not the US, tRump. For NK it's just business as usual, maintaining the status quo. For tRump that was a failure. No Nobel for him.

trump attempted what no previous president has had the balls to attempt, make a deal with the corrupt dictator of NK, But staying in power was more important to Kim than making a deal the would bring his country prosperity. He is scared shitless that an open NK would open the door for his people to revolt and kick his sorry ass out of power.

but obozo got the Nobel for being the first half black person elected as president. He did absolutely nothing for the USA in 8 years, but he did give 150 billion to his muslim friends in Iran.
Obama envy is a very powerful and long lasting thing.
Have it your way. Tell us what Obango did to earn the Nobel Prize.
Why don't you have just a few balls and call him what you really think?
Obama deserves a Nobel prize for existing in a bunch of white boy racists like you
This post is really rich, just full of leftist ignorance and racism.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
No, they didn't agree. Trump has stated if he doesn't like a deal, he'll walk...and he did. We'll try again later

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