NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your MSM talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
I am guilty of putting up one. I didn't search which is something I always do. I notified mods to take it down and am sorry for the mistake. Will not do that in the future.
You always believe what your masters want you to believe.
Iran has not lived up to anything, Lesh.
They're honing their delivery system as you type.
In what agreement was that? Not in the JCPOA that I'm aware. Of which Iran has upheld the conditions.
Iran has not held to any conditions because they’re a bunch Muslim terrorists so shut the fuck up
trump is clueless.....There was no plan. He is not a good negotiator.

Tax payers paid millions to place on murdering dictator on the world stage....and we got conned again....
Him taking questions from the Journalists was the funniest thing ever.....The guy is not stable mentally, I sometimes think this is all a joke. Have you guys seen how answers? completly off subject, keeps repeating the same shit, praises himself about everything. WTF happened to the US? How can a guy like him make it? Wow just wow.

That's called deflection and all politicians do it.
I agree but in his case it is a mental disability.
do you really believe that? you are a gullible tool of the radical left. you probably believe that the muslims you elected to congress have the best interests of the USA at heart too.
It didn't happen? Show us what "really" happened.


Actually, there is evidence to support both ISIL and al-Assad used Chemical Weapons. The former is suspected of using captured Syrian chems to con the US, already warning Assad we would enter the fight is chems were used again, into attacking Assad / entering the war. At various points, however, BOTH used chems.


Many people on this board claim to know what they are talking about. Having actual expertise in that area of the world I am actually one of the few who actually do. (Stating a fact, not bragging - believe it or not, I don't really care....)

In the midst of the on-going civil war, which included at one point as many as 6 separate entities / forces in Syria, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) fighters overran a Syrian base where chemical weapons were stored. Although they did not hold the base long, it appears they held it long enough.

Not long after that chemical weapons were sued against the Syrian people, and both sides pointed fingers. President Obama was fed what initial information we had at the time, that the chemical weapons that were used on the Syrians came from one of al-Assad's bases. Based on that information President Obama moved to react swiftly. He had the right intentions - to step in and make sure Al-Assad would not use chemical weapons on his own people again. The problem was some of our experts were still trying to identify what faction / group was in what part of the country at that time. We knew fighting had been going on at / near that base but did not have all the information needed to definitively declare 'X' did it, 100% guaranteed. (Attempting to investigate in the middle of a war involving 4 - 6 different factions gaining and ceding ground daily was, to say the least, 'difficult'.)

Against counsel / advice Obama went world-wide with his 'Red Line'. (In real-world situations like this you NEVER BLUFF. Having to back down if someone calls you on it on the world stage is a sign of our allies and our enemies.)

Obama did not just tell Syrian President al-Assad that if chemical weapons were used again we would hold him accountable, we told his enemies as well. They were listening. Yes, I am suggesting that ISIS 'played' Obama by using Assad's chemical weapons on the populace to frame Assad and to goad the might of the US military t0 enter the war against Assad, basically helping terrorists overthrow another nation's leaders for them to take over, like was done in Libya.

al-Assad is Putin's boy, though, and Russia scrambled to head that off by doing their own investigation. They turned all of their evidence over to the UN, who was also doing their own investigation. THE RESULTS?

It is unclear still if ISIL used the chems 1st, both times or if they and Assad's forces used them. The UN reported, however, that at some point in this conflict BOTH ISIL used WMD.

Government, ‘Islamic State’ Known to Have Used Gas in Syria, Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Head Tells Security Council | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) had been identified as responsible for the use of sulfur mustard at Umm Hawsh, and Syria as accountable for the use of sarin at Khan Shaykhun, Edmond Mulet, Head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)‑United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism, told the Security Council this afternoon.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) had been identified as responsible for the use of sulfur mustard at Umm Hawsh, and Syria as accountable for the use of sarin at Khan Shaykhun, Edmond Mulet, Head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)-United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism, told the Security Council this afternoon.

Presenting the Mechanism’s seventh report (document
S/2017/904), he said that despite the challenges of investigating complex cases in the midst of an armed conflict, it had taken great care to ensure that its methodology and findings were technically and scientifically sound.

Here's the link to the article where the Russians claimed to have found evidence of chem weapon usage by the terrorists:

Russia Says They Have Evidence Chemical Attack Was Staged, And They Predicted A "False Flag" Last Month

As you know, Assad forces used chems later, and we had definitive evidence. President Trump did not hesitate to take action this time, ordering a military strike in response to the use of chemical weapons again by al-Assad's forces.
North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

The Hanoi Summit was the latest gambit in President Trump’s unprecedented diplomatic effort to negotiate away North Korea’s nuclear weapons. It concluded without a signing ceremony. That’s neither a loss nor a win for the president.

There were four possible outcomes for the huddle in Hanoi.

First, the incredibly remote “grand slam” possibility: an inked deal in which North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un made a real commitment to denuclearize, with verification.

Second, the “substantial progress” possibility. This would entail North Korea to put something new on the table -- like a list accounting for all their nuclear assets.

Third, the “nothing-burger” possibility, in which the two leaders just agree to keep talking.

Fourth, the “backtracking” possibility, with the U.S. agreeing to ease sanctions or make other concessions solely to keep Kim at the negotiating table.

Of these options, only number four was bad. The ongoing pressure campaign is what actually protects us and our allies from the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapons. To relax the pressure before Kim gives up his nukes would put Americans at risk.

North Korea summit ends with no deal but Trump's move sent a message that matters – What will Kim do now?

It will be interesting to see what comes next. Kim is missing out on a great deal.
Kim doesn’t want financial incentives he wants physical security

Something we won’t give
Actually, I was thinking what incentive he would open to. He doesn't like his people, doesn't want them to do better....I wonder if someone could convince him he was going to be a victim of a coup. Probably not.
He lives in daily fear of a coup. So did his father and grandfather

You just imprison or kill anyone you see as a threat
we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.

I'm trying to find a date when Iran was allowed to continue making nuclear weapons.

Got one?

According to the Europeans and their nuclear watchdogs, Iran has lived up to their end of the deal. But trump's hate of Obama would not allow him to stay in the deal.

trump is a Giant Loser....

and their end was to stop making weapon grade uranium, correct?

we got that accomplished.

they don't have 'nukes'.

that makes them different from NK, right?


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

trump is clueless.....There was no plan. He is not a good negotiator.

Tax payers paid millions to place on murdering dictator on the world stage....and we got conned again....
Trump was warned three weeks ago there was no deal to be had

In his mind, his great deal making ability would carry the day. This is his ticket to a Nobel Prize. He can just feel it


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?
So it seems to some here if you can’t get the deal you want right away you should just take the bad one. Makes sense if your only goal is just to check make deal with North Korea off your to do list otherwise pretty dumb.
we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.

I'm trying to find a date when Iran was allowed to continue making nuclear weapons.

Got one?

According to the Europeans and their nuclear watchdogs, Iran has lived up to their end of the deal. But trump's hate of Obama would not allow him to stay in the deal.

trump is a Giant Loser....

and their end was to stop making weapon grade uranium, correct?

we got that accomplished.

they don't have 'nukes'.

that makes them different from NK, right?
What it shows is America is incapable of keeping their agreements

Why should N Korea trust Trump? He will just return sanctions as soon as the nukes are gone


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?
we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.

I'm trying to find a date when Iran was allowed to continue making nuclear weapons.

Got one?

According to the Europeans and their nuclear watchdogs, Iran has lived up to their end of the deal. But trump's hate of Obama would not allow him to stay in the deal.

trump is a Giant Loser....

and their end was to stop making weapon grade uranium, correct?

we got that accomplished.

they don't have 'nukes'.

that makes them different from NK, right?
What it shows is America is incapable of keeping their agreements

Why should N Korea trust Trump? He will just return sanctions as soon as the nukes are gone

They remember how we bombed the shit out of N Korea, killed 1000000 civilians?
we should let them continue their nuclear program, like we did Iran?
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.

I'm trying to find a date when Iran was allowed to continue making nuclear weapons.

Got one?

According to the Europeans and their nuclear watchdogs, Iran has lived up to their end of the deal. But trump's hate of Obama would not allow him to stay in the deal.

trump is a Giant Loser....

and their end was to stop making weapon grade uranium, correct?

we got that accomplished.

they don't have 'nukes'.

that makes them different from NK, right?
What it shows is America is incapable of keeping their agreements

Why should N Korea trust Trump? He will just return sanctions as soon as the nukes are gone

He will just return sanctions as soon as the nukes are gone

Then, why didn't he give kim what he wanted, and make the deal?


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

Trump & Kim un do not look near as happy the second time 'round as they looked at their first meeting.

I wonder what happened? They both look so uninspired.

I guess it is true; the first time is always the best.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

Trump & Kim un do not look near as happy the second time 'round as they looked at their first meeting.

I wonder what happened? They both look so uninspired.

I guess it is true; the first time is always the best.

Neither got what they wanted, obviously
It was worth a shot, but like always, Best Korea is only interested in playing games.

Trump should have had his cabinet and negotiators play that game behind the scenes instead of looking weak and stupid himself in front of a global audience.
Looking weak is a president who signs a treaty and gets nothing in return.
Looking strong is a president who walks away from a bad treaty.

It's not that hard
Well you just nailed Trump and mad Obama look great.

Obama got Iran to give up 98% of their fissile material, allow inspections, end their enrichment program

Trump gave Sum Fat Kim the international recognition he has been seeking for decades (he or his father), legitimized NK as a nuclear state, halted our joint exercises with South K...and got what exactly?

You always believe what your masters want you to believe.
Iran has not lived up to anything, Lesh.
They're honing their delivery system as you type.
Prove it.

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