NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?

Him taking questions from the Journalists was the funniest thing ever.....The guy is not stable mentally, I sometimes think this is all a joke. Have you guys seen how answers? completly off subject, keeps repeating the same shit, praises himself about everything. WTF happened to the US? How can a guy like him make it? Wow just wow.
I don't think Obama ever answered a question....but give us one exchange that you are talking about?


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
No, they didn't agree. Trump has stated if he doesn't like a deal, he'll walk...and he did. We'll try again later
Lol so it was a complete waste of time and Trump was too stupid to know that going in?
You know, considering that Trump lowered expectations of this visit just a week ago before he left, I'm not really surprised that he came away with nothing again.

I wonder what Trump is gonna do if Un starts firing missiles again?
So you don't even try to make peace in the world, huh?
Why is NK giving up nukes required for peace in the world? It's not as if they've used them. One would think those having used nukes should give them up as obviously being too unstable. Otherwise ignore possession of nukes in the pursuit of peace, if peace is actually one's goal. But it isn't, is it?
The Chinese have demanded that they stop underground testing, because they're too inept and/or stupid to keep the radiation contained.

They shouldn't have nukes because they're dunces.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
No, they didn't agree. Trump has stated if he doesn't like a deal, he'll walk...and he did. We'll try again later
Lol so it was a complete waste of time and Trump was too stupid to know that going in?

Yep. But, wasting time and looking stupid is what happens when you ignore your intelligence agencies, as well as fail to let your staff prepare you for a meeting like this. Trump has the mistaken idea that he can throw out a little flattery, offer some shiny baubles (his real estate deal offerings), and things will just happen to go his way. Sorry, but personality isn't everything, you have to do some homework as well.
Yes. I'm smart enough not to give any airtime to NK unless I'm winning.
Whish is why Obama was so silent about NK while they were acquiring missile technology giving them the ability to his US assets with their nukes on HIS watch.... :p
The same reason you didn't hear a peep out of them when Bubba CLintoon gave them missile technology for campaign loot: party > country


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?

You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.

How does that answer the question?

Did he have 10 companies, meaning 50% ended up in bankruptcy?

Did he have 100 companies, meaning 5% of them ended up in bankruptcy?
I'm capable of dividing 5 by 500.
Hard to answer when you can't go through the companies one by one.
Would be interesting to research decent size companies v's bankruptcy.
5 out of 10?
Have you really researched how his bankruptcies screwed average people?
You can't compare shells with say the casino, a real decent scale bankruptcy.
Ever wondered why American banks wouldn't lend him money?
You mean our 5 bankruptcy, 5 deferment boy didn't outwit him?

5 bankruptcy

what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

5 deferment boy

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.

How does that answer the question?

Did he have 10 companies, meaning 50% ended up in bankruptcy?

Did he have 100 companies, meaning 5% of them ended up in bankruptcy?

Obviously a company with no assets will never file bankruptcy. No?

So your idea of a percentage is meaningless.

You forgot the LLC Cohen started to pay Stormy. :laugh:

and you're still deflecting.

find a corner, and put on your hat.

I'm not deflecting anything. Show us all 500 of those corps have assets and could file backruptcy. You can't. So your assumption and associated arithmetic is moot.
Yes. I'm smart enough not to give any airtime to NK unless I'm winning.
Whish is why Obama was so silent about NK while they were acquiring missile technology giving them the ability to his US assets with their nukes on HIS watch.... :p
The same reason you didn't hear a peep out of them when Bubba CLintoon gave them missile technology for campaign loot: party > country
I forgot it's all Vince fosters fault.
Uranium next!!
Clintoon ? Pathetic Insult.
Dead giveaway for white boy zero college
You withdrew from the Iran agreement so don't complain if Iran nukes up. But as to NK, absolutely. What the fuck is it to you? When you give up your nukes you can talk. As I said, peace is not the US goal here.

I'm trying to find a date when Iran was allowed to continue making nuclear weapons.

Got one?

According to the Europeans and their nuclear watchdogs, Iran has lived up to their end of the deal. But trump's hate of Obama would not allow him to stay in the deal.

trump is a Giant Loser....

and their end was to stop making weapon grade uranium, correct?

we got that accomplished.

they don't have 'nukes'.

that makes them different from NK, right?
What it shows is America is incapable of keeping their agreements

Why should N Korea trust Trump? He will just return sanctions as soon as the nukes are gone

He will just return sanctions as soon as the nukes are gone

Then, why didn't he give kim what he wanted, and make the deal?
Kim was smart
He demanded the lifting of sanctions before he did anything

Trump has shown his true colors to the world. A man who does not keep agreements


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
No, they didn't agree. Trump has stated if he doesn't like a deal, he'll walk...and he did. We'll try again later
Lol so it was a complete waste of time and Trump was too stupid to know that going in?

Yep. But, wasting time and looking stupid is what happens when you ignore your intelligence agencies, as well as fail to let your staff prepare you for a meeting like this. Trump has the mistaken idea that he can throw out a little flattery, offer some shiny baubles (his real estate deal offerings), and things will just happen to go his way. Sorry, but personality isn't everything, you have to do some homework as well.

Ok, how do you know any of that? What is it with you lefties and always needing a and the real world don't work like that. Sure a deal would have been good, I would have trumpeted it to the moon (I'm honest, what can I say), but atleast he's trying and he's not doing something stupid like the Iran Deal... It's not going to be easy and there will be failure, you learn and try again.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
No, they didn't agree. Trump has stated if he doesn't like a deal, he'll walk...and he did. We'll try again later

Trump is a one trick pony

Walking only works when selectively used. Trump uses it like a petulant child

He is in over his head
Obama made Assad give up his weapons simply by asking congress for an AUMF in Syria, dope. Obama Seeks Approval by Congress for Strike in Syria



The HARD part about saving Democrats from their own ignorance and gullibility is the fact that they have to WANT to be saved from it....and the majority do NOT!

YES, I am laughing at you, HS! I am laughing because you were just as DUPED by Putin as Barry was!

In the wake of the use of chemical weapons Obama declared the US was going to go in and get them / was trying to talk the UN into agreeing to military action to go in and get Assad's WMD. PUTIN, however, rushed in and swore up and down that he and Russia would remove all of those weapons out of Syria....and Obama agreed to the deal. Not long after that Russia declared that it had removed all of Syria's chemical weapons.

Obama forgot the old adage: 'Trust but VERIFY'!

Yup, it looked like what you FALSELY claimed above had actually happened....

Syria again used its chemical weapons, still in their possession...and Trump ordered the military strike against the Syrian base from where the attack originated...without any 'Red Lines'. :p Obama and the Democrats trusted Putin again...and it bit them in the ass again.

OBAMA didn't do SHIT to remove chemical weapons out of Syria!

Chemical Weapons Are Back, Thanks to Russia

Assad Is Still Using Chemical Weapons in Syria - The Atlantic
Last edited:


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
No, they didn't agree. Trump has stated if he doesn't like a deal, he'll walk...and he did. We'll try again later
Lol so it was a complete waste of time and Trump was too stupid to know that going in?

Yep. But, wasting time and looking stupid is what happens when you ignore your intelligence agencies, as well as fail to let your staff prepare you for a meeting like this. Trump has the mistaken idea that he can throw out a little flattery, offer some shiny baubles (his real estate deal offerings), and things will just happen to go his way. Sorry, but personality isn't everything, you have to do some homework as well.

Ok, how do you know any of that? What is it with you lefties and always needing a and the real world don't work like that. Sure a deal would have been good, I would have trumpeted it to the moon (I'm honest, what can I say), but atleast he's trying and he's not doing something stupid like the Iran Deal... It's not going to be easy and there will be failure, you learn and try again.

How do I know Trump has been ignoring his intelligence agencies and not preparing for meetings? Because it's been all over the news about how unprepared he is.

And yeah.................before going to a meeting like that, you have your cabinet and staff prepare a framework of what to talk about and what negotiations to expect. Un did his homework, but Trump sure as hell didn't. It appears that Trump was hoping that his flattery and cult of personality would work again, but it's apparent that it didn't.

But then again, we also saw it didn't work the first time as well.
How do I know Trump has been ignoring his intelligence agencies and not preparing for meetings? Because it's been all over the news about how unprepared he is.







A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
No, they didn't agree. Trump has stated if he doesn't like a deal, he'll walk...and he did. We'll try again later
Lol so it was a complete waste of time and Trump was too stupid to know that going in?

Yep. But, wasting time and looking stupid is what happens when you ignore your intelligence agencies, as well as fail to let your staff prepare you for a meeting like this. Trump has the mistaken idea that he can throw out a little flattery, offer some shiny baubles (his real estate deal offerings), and things will just happen to go his way. Sorry, but personality isn't everything, you have to do some homework as well.

Ok, how do you know any of that? What is it with you lefties and always needing a and the real world don't work like that. Sure a deal would have been good, I would have trumpeted it to the moon (I'm honest, what can I say), but atleast he's trying and he's not doing something stupid like the Iran Deal... It's not going to be easy and there will be failure, you learn and try again.

How do I know Trump has been ignoring his intelligence agencies and not preparing for meetings? Because it's been all over the news about how unprepared he is.

And yeah.................before going to a meeting like that, you have your cabinet and staff prepare a framework of what to talk about and what negotiations to expect. Un did his homework, but Trump sure as hell didn't. It appears that Trump was hoping that his flattery and cult of personality would work again, but it's apparent that it didn't.

But then again, we also saw it didn't work the first time as well.
Our President is in over his head

He doesn’t need experts who have dealt wit N Korea for decades. He knows how to make deals and money will solve everything

N Korea doesn’t trust the US. Especially Trump. There can be no deal unless China is involved. China can assure their security, even if they have to do so with a nuclear threat.

It will take more than Trump flattery if Kim and promises of economic aid
Obama made Assad give up his weapons simply by asking congress for an AUMF in Syria, dope. Obama Seeks Approval by Congress for Strike in Syria



The HARD part about saving Democrats from their own ignorance and gullibility is the fact that they have to WANT to be saved from it....and the majority do NOT!

YES, I am laughing at you, HS! I am laughing because you were just as DUPED by Putin as Barry was!

In the wake of the use of chemical weapons Obama declared the US was going to go in and get them / was trying to talk the UN into agreeing to military action to go in and get Assad's WMD. PUTIN, however, rushed in and swore up and down that he and Russia would remove all of those weapons out of Syria....and Obama agreed to the deal. Not long after that Russia declared that it had removed all of Syria's chemical weapons.

Obama forgot the old adage: 'Trust but VERIFY'!

Yup, it looked like what you FALSELY claimed above had actually happened....

Syria again used its chemical weapons, still in their possession...and Trump ordered the military strike against the Syrian base from where the attack originated...without any 'Red Lines'. :p Obama and the Democrats trusted Putin again...and it bit them in the ass again.

OBAMA didn't do SHIT to remove chemical weapons out of Syria!

Chemical Weapons Are Back, Thanks to Russia

Assad Is Still Using Chemical Weapons in Syria - The Atlantic
Read no more from a cartoon character who is too stupid to know the def of snowflake
what percentage is that of the companies he has/had?

Doesnt' that tie him with Biden?

The bulk of Trump "companies" are shells. Pass throughs. Not actual enterprises.

How does that answer the question?

Did he have 10 companies, meaning 50% ended up in bankruptcy?

Did he have 100 companies, meaning 5% of them ended up in bankruptcy?

Obviously a company with no assets will never file bankruptcy. No?

So your idea of a percentage is meaningless.

You forgot the LLC Cohen started to pay Stormy. :laugh:

and you're still deflecting.

find a corner, and put on your hat.

I'm not deflecting anything. Show us all 500 of those corps have assets and could file backruptcy. You can't. So your assumption and associated arithmetic is moot.

and more deflection.

how many companies did Trump have?



What percentage bankruptcies?

Somehow, with 5 bankruptcies, he's the "Bankruptcy King".

Which is nothing more than a partisan talking point.

Instead of talking points, and deflections, give us a percentage.

or, can't you find one down there in the cesspool?
Read no more from a cartoon character who is too stupid to know the def of snowflake

What's the matter, snowflake? One of your ignorant brethren just posted one of the biggest and easiest LIES to debunk - if you have a good memory or have access to the internet...and since his posting on this board...... about how OBAMA was responsible for Syria being disarmed of its chemical weapons....COMPLETELY WRONG ON JUST ABOUT EVERY DETAIL...and he gets corrected with actual FACT and substantiating / supporting links, and you start begging people NOT to pay attention to the truth?



Barry, again, didn't do shit. He was just the gullible liberal dupe to whom Putin lied to and who was not smart enough to follow-up to ensure Putin kept his word.

Putin SAID he would remove al-Assad's chemical weapons.

Putin SAID he had done so.

Syria then USED those non-existent chemical weapons which time TRUMP spanked their ass by practically leveling the Syrian base the chemical weapons came from.

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