No One Has a Right to Health Care

No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

People have the right to not die starving on the streets... thus Healthcare.

Boy, I trumped your article and thread almost effortlessly.

Yes, health care is a right, and should be provided and protected.
or, maybe they lost their homes, then their jobs when the taxes on their earned income became too high for them to pay and meet their financial obligations at the same time. And since the government steals from your check instead of letting you send in what they want, there is no way to get around it.

That's the spirit, the crisis was caused by evil government taxes, greed of the holy free market had nothing to do with it.

But seriously, don't you know that Jezus provided free healthcare to the poor? I though all you compassionate conservatives claimed to be big fans of him.

or, maybe they lost their homes, then their jobs when the taxes on their earned income became too high for them to pay and meet their financial obligations at the same time. And since the government steals from your check instead of letting you send in what they want, there is no way to get around it.

That's the spirit, the crisis was caused by evil government taxes, greed of the holy free market had nothing to do with it.

But seriously, don't you know that Jezus provided free healthcare to the poor? I though all you compassionate conservatives claimed to be big fans of him.

Dont you know you should believe before you preach?
I wonder what the Bible says about being a total leach on society.. look that one up
or, maybe they lost their homes, then their jobs when the taxes on their earned income became too high for them to pay and meet their financial obligations at the same time. And since the government steals from your check instead of letting you send in what they want, there is no way to get around it.

That's the spirit, the crisis was caused by evil government taxes, greed of the holy free market had nothing to do with it.

But seriously, don't you know that Jezus provided free healthcare to the poor? I though all you compassionate conservatives claimed to be big fans of him.


Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

People have the right to not die starving on the streets... thus Healthcare.

Boy, I trumped your article and thread almost effortlessly.

Yes, health care is a right, and should be provided and protected.

It's a right? Then where is this right written, and who wrote it?
Working for minimum wage is an option for most people. Plenty of work out there that we can't get Americans to do. In my industry alone, we are going to need over 60,000 new drivers that companies can't find. They are hiring foreigners to take the jobs because Americans are sitting home in front of their big-screen talking on their Obama phone.

Eh, they are hiring foreigners because they refuse to pay americans a decent wage and illegals aren't in a position to make "unreasonable" demands of their corporate overlords.


Nope, wrong again. In fact, some companies will not only train you to work, but pay you while being trained. Truck driving has low paying jobs and great paying jobs. It all depends on how much you are willing to do. At first the pay will be on the lower side, but as you gain experience, you can make some pretty good money.
Working for minimum wage is an option for most people. Plenty of work out there that we can't get Americans to do. In my industry alone, we are going to need over 60,000 new drivers that companies can't find. They are hiring foreigners to take the jobs because Americans are sitting home in front of their big-screen talking on their Obama phone.

Eh, they are hiring foreigners because they refuse to pay americans a decent wage and illegals aren't in a position to make "unreasonable" demands of their corporate overlords.


Nope, wrong again. In fact, some companies will not only train you to work, but pay you while being trained. Truck driving has low paying jobs and great paying jobs. It all depends on how much you are willing to do. At first the pay will be on the lower side, but as you gain experience, you can make some pretty good money.
At least they agreed that the demands for high pay to start was unreasonable
Do you think that the callous and selfish attitude by some on here could be linked to your appalling murder rates ?

Life seems to be cheap.

So what do you want us to do about our murder rates genius? Our murder rates have been decreasing since the mid 90's.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.

Jesus also said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's

Bible quotes are funny, you can always find something to support your case, even letting poor people die of a lack of healthcare.

But I'm not a religious guy, just pointing out that his followers are hypocrites for wanting to let poor people die so the holy job creators can get their well deserved bonu$$es

Sure. They both require what the people want, don't they?

You're the one that said if you accept being an American, you must accept all the decisions We The People want. Or are you trying to avoid telling me that it only works for what YOU want and not all the people?

People want to live?

And you equate that to people want to swim?

Again you avoid the comparisons; I can't blame you.

What is modern healthcare? Modern healthcare is a way to cheat God out of days he didn't want to give you on this planet. It's not a necessity, it's an option. What did people do before we had modern medical technology? They died. That's it.

But because we have modern health technology now doesn't mean that somebody else should go to work and pay for it so you can live longer than you naturally should have.

And like I posted, if we think everybody should have free healthcare, then everybody should pay for free healthcare. It should be done so we all pay regardless of income.
I'm sorry, but I have to say it

That is one of the most callous ridiculous posts I have read in months

What is modern healthcare? Modern healthcare is a way to cheat God out of days he didn't want to give you on this planet. It's not a necessity, it's an option. What did people do before we had modern medical technology? They died. That's it.

You actually want to tell someone suffering from cancer or heart disease ....too bad for you, 20 years ago you would have been dead....suck it up because I sure don't want to help you

It's not an issue of not wanting to help, it's an issue about being forced to help.

If you see an old lady struggling to empty her shopping cart into the trunk of her car, helping her would be the civil and compassionate thing to do, but you shouldn't be arrested if you don't.

If you see a man in a wheelchair who can't lift his wheels over the curb, a compassionate thing to do would be to help him onto the sidewalk, but there should be no law stating it's your obligation.

I'm a sick man myself. I could actually get disability if I ever lost my integrity. But I pay for my own medication which is over $200.00 a month. Thanks to Obama, I lost my company healthcare plan as well. But that still doesn't mean I should expect my neighbor to pay for my disadvantages in life. If it ever gets to the point I can no longer afford medication, then I die. That's it. We don't always like God's plans.
I grow tired of your whimpering.....I am "forced" to help others pay for their healthcare

We are Americans......we take care of our less fortunate

Complaining about having to pay to take care of the sick is not what we do

Sure it is, because we are a country of free speech and capitalism. If you believe something is wrong, you have the right to express that feeling and vote to make changes. I believe that taking from one because he is thought to have too much by another opinion is wrong. Next election I will vote to make changes.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.

Jesus also said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's

Bible quotes are funny, you can always find something to support your case, even letting poor people die of a lack of healthcare.

But I'm not a religious guy, just pointing out that his followers are hypocrites for wanting to let poor people die so the holy job creators can get their well deserved bonu$$es

the holy job creators? nope, dont care about them. Im concerned with feeding my family and paying my bills. something that gets harder to do if I have to keep paying the bills for others too.
Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.

Jesus also said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's

Bible quotes are funny, you can always find something to support your case, even letting poor people die of a lack of healthcare.

But I'm not a religious guy, just pointing out that his followers are hypocrites for wanting to let poor people die so the holy job creators can get their well deserved bonu$$es


First you must understand what Jesus meant by that. Then you will realize it has nothing to do with what you are discussing.

Just because you think that it's not right to force others to pay for medical care is not being hypocritical nor wanting people to die. People who are physically and mentally capable of working should be taking care of themselves. It's people that don't have that ability we need to worry about and we do. We have countless programs for people in those situations.

What does this have to do with whether health care is a right?
Do you think that the callous and selfish attitude by some on here could be linked to your appalling murder rates ?

Life seems to be cheap.

So what do you want us to do about our murder rates genius? Our murder rates have been decreasing since the mid 90's.
I think you need more guns so that everyone is safe.

I'm glad we agree on that. After all, our decrease in murder, gun violence and violence in general is proportional with more states adopting CCW laws and laws that protect the innocent when they do need an firearm for protection.
Do you think that the callous and selfish attitude by some on here could be linked to your appalling murder rates ?

Life seems to be cheap.

So what do you want us to do about our murder rates genius? Our murder rates have been decreasing since the mid 90's.
I think you need more guns so that everyone is safe.
If you are really from the United Kingdom, I think you should mind your own business and spend your time trying to fix that soon to be 3rd world hell hole you live in.
No offense intended mind you
or, maybe they lost their homes, then their jobs when the taxes on their earned income became too high for them to pay and meet their financial obligations at the same time. And since the government steals from your check instead of letting you send in what they want, there is no way to get around it.

That's the spirit, the crisis was caused by evil government taxes, greed of the holy free market had nothing to do with it.

But seriously, don't you know that Jezus provided free healthcare to the poor? I though all you compassionate conservatives claimed to be big fans of him.


Jesus taught that people should give of themselves, not have government forcibly take from people in order to give.
Jesus took care of the sick

He would be appalled at what passes for Christians
Neither Health care or education are covered under the constitution and neither is education

Health care isn't a right. Its a commodity that's paid for by those using it.

Paid for by those using it is the key phrase. If you want health care then pay for your own.

If you can't pay for it consult a charity for help. or a bleeding heart with the money to help you. Not the taxpayers of America.
. Saying no one has a right to healthcare is the same as saying no one has a right to live unless they can afford healthcare, and if they can't, and they are deemed by society as somehow worthless without knowing their whole story in life, then will they be shuffled around until they die sitting in the emergency room when their condition finally becomes so critical it's to late for them ? This happens more than people realize, but as long as it is not seen or known by your family or others who are living in a created class bubble, then it is whole heartedly excepted right ? If could get a government in charge that could be trusted, then it should take over the entire medical insurance industry in this nation... It would turn that industry into a fraud detection service where current employee's/workers would work in each state to manage and maintain the citizens account in each state. No one would be treated as less than another by the government run industry as pertaining to their health. The hospitals, doctors and health providers would still operate as free marketers who offer their services to the citizens in a competitive and in an efficient way. The government would just monitor the citizens account for over billing or fraud detection, otherwise if a free marketer tries to crook the patient or the government.

Everyone would have a deduction that would be taken out of their income that would be listed as HCS (Healthcare Citizen Services). The amount in such an astronomical pool would drive the rate down to say $8.00 dollars a week to be taken out of each citizens income weekly. A federal healthcare card would be issued to all American Citizens.
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