No One Has a Right to Health Care

Let's see. A sick person just may not quite have the energy or resources that a healthy one may, ya think?

Things must be going pretty good for ya, cause you are coming across as seeming to think you are pretty strong. So strong and full of yourself that you believe you are far above ever needing a helping hand. Okay, God bless you! Go spend your money on killing losers.

Proverbs Chapter 8 Verse 12: I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Ya think , medical advances may be knowledge of witty inventions? Ya think, God wants that shared with some elite? Or did he state that he is no respecter of persons? His bounty is for all to receive if they only believe. His creation and His blessings is not to be controlled by some self imposed greater than others. So just who is the gatekeeper to the blessings? Are you God?

God helps those who help themselves.

I'm all for charity. I give when I can and many times when I really shouldn't. But there is a difference between one giving of themselves and one being forced to give. Forced charity is not charity at all, forced charity is theft.

Government is too corrupt to handle medical care. There always has to be ulterior motives. Commie Care was not about making sure everybody had insurance, Commie Care was designed to make as many government dependents as possible. Congrats, it worked. According to the White House, we created 14 million more government dependents thanks to Commie Care, and the government will be canceling income tax refund checks (or greatly reducing) to millions of Americans who desperately need their own money back.

Dear Ray: Imagine if Christians decided that Christian policies saved lives.
No sex outside of marriage, etc.
And started "mandating through govt" that if you choose to have sex outside of marriage you pay fines.
To pay for the children born out of wedlock.

What a mess, everyone would yell that's imposing beliefs through govt!
Yet when the Left imposes their beliefs, it's considered 'secular and fair game'? What?

So this 'right to health care' can be declared "the law of the land" by Democrats pushing it through govt.
But when the "right to life" is defended, no, that's violating separation of church and state.

Why isn't this being called out for what it is:

When "Right to Life" is struck down, it is argued that freedom of choice is more important, even if lives are lost or risks of damage come with that free choice.

But when "Right to health care" is maintained as a compelling interest of govt,
suddenly "freedom of choice" is not so important, and can be sacrificed for something
as HARMLESS as choosing other means of paying for health care besides insurance.

Free choice of abortion is not to be penalized or regulated by federal govt, or it's overreaching into privacy.
But free choice whether to buy insurance or pay and provide for health care by other means,
that choice is penalized? And regulated where it HAS TO BE INSURANCE or other govt regulated choices.

How is that being penalized and regulated, while the choice of abortion is not?

Because we've made the mistake of allowing liberals to define what terms and words mean.

For example, what does a fair share mean? A fair share to a liberal is what they think is fair. What you or I think fair is doesn't count. What you and I think fair means is everybody paying the same thing. Fair means equal.

A right. What is a right? Well a right is your ability to have or participate in something without the government stopping you; well........that's our definition: A right to free speech, a right to work at a job, a right to not have your personal property searched by the government without a warrant. Now, liberals added a new definition to the word "right." A right now is something you want even if somebody else has to pay for it. And if you don't want somebody else being forced to pay for something, you are denying a liberal their right.

Going to the abortion issue, why is it allowed? It's allowed because liberals have determined that life doesn't start until a baby takes it's first breath. Prior to that, it's just a mass of gunk that has no protection because it's not a living being. Liberals are even allowed to define what a life is.
Its interesting that when it comes to abortion the fetus is not a living being worthy of life until its outside of its mother, yet the liberals insist on pre-natal care being part of the coverage.
Why should we pay money to cover a blob of cells that has no rights.

That's the way a liberal mind works. When we talk about religion, liberals are scared to death about an entity they don't believe exists. Try to figure that one out. :ack-1::ack-1:
Government is too corrupt to handle medical care. There always has to be ulterior motives. Commie Care was not about making sure everybody had insurance, Commie Care was designed to make as many government dependents as possible. Congrats, it worked. According to the White House, we created 14 million more government dependents thanks to Commie Care, and the government will be canceling income tax refund checks (or greatly reducing) to millions of Americans who desperately need their own money back.

Right, healthcare should be provided by the holy free market, that's always the best solution

Except if you're poor of course, then you should just die



Of get a job.
Everyone has a right to earn their healthcare, meaning like with everything else there is no free lunch.

So why did Wall Street get a free lunch with zero interest rates?
Oh by the way, that is why they are now throwing up all over themselves. Jeeez, they have to now pay .25 %
So if someone does not earn the $100,000 it costs for ten days in a hospital, they deserve to die?
write your check and save them.
So it appears that Patriots support allowing poor people to die

Some Patriot
I support their right to buy health insurance and leave me my money to take care of my own family.
By doing this, I or my family does not become a burden on the rest of society.
Screw you....I got mine

Conservative mantra
its only wrong if I do something to prevent someone from working.
but your theory is to steal what I work for and give to a lazy POS that provides no service to society
No, merely pointing out that just because the people want something doesn't mean that government is obliged to give us that something.

Maybe down the road, most people will want the government to give them an in-ground swimming pool. Is that the role of government because we the people want it? Maybe we will get so sick of supporting prisoners because they were selling illegal recreational narcotics, so we the people decide such activity should be penalized by death. Or maybe our death penalty is too easy and not enough satisfaction for the family of the victim, so we put people to death by tying them up and beating them with a bat.
You keep digging deeper and deeper

Now it is wanting a swimming pool is the equivalent of wanting to live

Sure. They both require what the people want, don't they?

You're the one that said if you accept being an American, you must accept all the decisions We The People want. Or are you trying to avoid telling me that it only works for what YOU want and not all the people?

People want to live?

And you equate that to people want to swim?

Again you avoid the comparisons; I can't blame you.

What is modern healthcare? Modern healthcare is a way to cheat God out of days he didn't want to give you on this planet. It's not a necessity, it's an option. What did people do before we had modern medical technology? They died. That's it.

But because we have modern health technology now doesn't mean that somebody else should go to work and pay for it so you can live longer than you naturally should have.

And like I posted, if we think everybody should have free healthcare, then everybody should pay for free healthcare. It should be done so we all pay regardless of income.
I'm sorry, but I have to say it

That is one of the most callous ridiculous posts I have read in months

What is modern healthcare? Modern healthcare is a way to cheat God out of days he didn't want to give you on this planet. It's not a necessity, it's an option. What did people do before we had modern medical technology? They died. That's it.

You actually want to tell someone suffering from cancer or heart disease ....too bad for you, 20 years ago you would have been dead....suck it up because I sure don't want to help you

It's not an issue of not wanting to help, it's an issue about being forced to help.

If you see an old lady struggling to empty her shopping cart into the trunk of her car, helping her would be the civil and compassionate thing to do, but you shouldn't be arrested if you don't.

If you see a man in a wheelchair who can't lift his wheels over the curb, a compassionate thing to do would be to help him onto the sidewalk, but there should be no law stating it's your obligation.

I'm a sick man myself. I could actually get disability if I ever lost my integrity. But I pay for my own medication which is over $200.00 a month. Thanks to Obama, I lost my company healthcare plan as well. But that still doesn't mean I should expect my neighbor to pay for my disadvantages in life. If it ever gets to the point I can no longer afford medication, then I die. That's it. We don't always like God's plans.
Let's see. A sick person just may not quite have the energy or resources that a healthy one may, ya think?

Things must be going pretty good for ya, cause you are coming across as seeming to think you are pretty strong. So strong and full of yourself that you believe you are far above ever needing a helping hand. Okay, God bless you! Go spend your money on killing losers.

Proverbs Chapter 8 Verse 12: I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Ya think , medical advances may be knowledge of witty inventions? Ya think, God wants that shared with some elite? Or did he state that he is no respecter of persons? His bounty is for all to receive if they only believe. His creation and His blessings is not to be controlled by some self imposed greater than others. So just who is the gatekeeper to the blessings? Are you God?

God helps those who help themselves.

I'm all for charity. I give when I can and many times when I really shouldn't. But there is a difference between one giving of themselves and one being forced to give. Forced charity is not charity at all, forced charity is theft.

Government is too corrupt to handle medical care. There always has to be ulterior motives. Commie Care was not about making sure everybody had insurance, Commie Care was designed to make as many government dependents as possible. Congrats, it worked. According to the White House, we created 14 million more government dependents thanks to Commie Care, and the government will be canceling income tax refund checks (or greatly reducing) to millions of Americans who desperately need their own money back.

Dear Ray: Imagine if Christians decided that Christian policies saved lives.
No sex outside of marriage, etc.
And started "mandating through govt" that if you choose to have sex outside of marriage you pay fines.
To pay for the children born out of wedlock.

What a mess, everyone would yell that's imposing beliefs through govt!
Yet when the Left imposes their beliefs, it's considered 'secular and fair game'? What?

So this 'right to health care' can be declared "the law of the land" by Democrats pushing it through govt.
But when the "right to life" is defended, no, that's violating separation of church and state.

Why isn't this being called out for what it is:

When "Right to Life" is struck down, it is argued that freedom of choice is more important, even if lives are lost or risks of damage come with that free choice.

But when "Right to health care" is maintained as a compelling interest of govt,
suddenly "freedom of choice" is not so important, and can be sacrificed for something
as HARMLESS as choosing other means of paying for health care besides insurance.

Free choice of abortion is not to be penalized or regulated by federal govt, or it's overreaching into privacy.
But free choice whether to buy insurance or pay and provide for health care by other means,
that choice is penalized? And regulated where it HAS TO BE INSURANCE or other govt regulated choices.

How is that being penalized and regulated, while the choice of abortion is not?

Because we've made the mistake of allowing liberals to define what terms and words mean.

For example, what does a fair share mean? A fair share to a liberal is what they think is fair. What you or I think fair is doesn't count. What you and I think fair means is everybody paying the same thing. Fair means equal.

A right. What is a right? Well a right is your ability to have or participate in something without the government stopping you; well........that's our definition: A right to free speech, a right to work at a job, a right to not have your personal property searched by the government without a warrant. Now, liberals added a new definition to the word "right." A right now is something you want even if somebody else has to pay for it. And if you don't want somebody else being forced to pay for something, you are denying a liberal their right.

Going to the abortion issue, why is it allowed? It's allowed because liberals have determined that life doesn't start until a baby takes it's first breath. Prior to that, it's just a mass of gunk that has no protection because it's not a living being. Liberals are even allowed to define what a life is.
Its interesting that when it comes to abortion the fetus is not a living being worthy of life until its outside of its mother, yet the liberals insist on pre-natal care being part of the coverage.
Why should we pay money to cover a blob of cells that has no rights.

Good point, Maryland Patriot!
We must consider the source.
This is coming from the same mindset that proclaims freedom of choice
yet hands all the provisions for health care to Federal Govt to vote on through Congress in DC
and mandate to the entire taxpaying public who has to buy what under which terms or facing fines.
Or get a job.

Right, the peasants should be working for a minimum wage 60 hours a week and be thankful that the free market is providing $7,500 pills if they get sick. That's the way Ayn Rand would have wanted it.


Working for minimum wage is an option for most people. Plenty of work out there that we can't get Americans to do. In my industry alone, we are going to need over 60,000 new drivers that companies can't find. They are hiring foreigners to take the jobs because Americans are sitting home in front of their big-screen talking on their Obama phone.

What inspired me to better myself when I was younger? Minimum wage jobs. The desire to want more out of life is the key to stability; the key to success in some cases. I didn't mind working 60 hours a week so much, I minded only having enough to survive after all that work.
Government is too corrupt to handle medical care. There always has to be ulterior motives. Commie Care was not about making sure everybody had insurance, Commie Care was designed to make as many government dependents as possible. Congrats, it worked. According to the White House, we created 14 million more government dependents thanks to Commie Care, and the government will be canceling income tax refund checks (or greatly reducing) to millions of Americans who desperately need their own money back.

Right, healthcare should be provided by the holy free market, that's always the best solution

Except if you're poor of course, then you should just die



Of get a job.
So if someone does not earn the $100,000 it costs for ten days in a hospital, they deserve to die?
write your check and save them.
So it appears that Patriots support allowing poor people to die

Some Patriot
I support their right to buy health insurance and leave me my money to take care of my own family.
By doing this, I or my family does not become a burden on the rest of society.
Screw you....I got mine

Conservative mantra
its only wrong if I do something to prevent someone from working.
but your theory is to steal what I work for and give to a lazy POS that provides no service to society
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society....Oliver Wendell Holmes

Civilized societies take care of their sick
Government is too corrupt to handle medical care. There always has to be ulterior motives. Commie Care was not about making sure everybody had insurance, Commie Care was designed to make as many government dependents as possible. Congrats, it worked. According to the White House, we created 14 million more government dependents thanks to Commie Care, and the government will be canceling income tax refund checks (or greatly reducing) to millions of Americans who desperately need their own money back.

Right, healthcare should be provided by the holy free market, that's always the best solution

Except if you're poor of course, then you should just die



Of get a job.
write your check and save them.
So it appears that Patriots support allowing poor people to die

Some Patriot
I support their right to buy health insurance and leave me my money to take care of my own family.
By doing this, I or my family does not become a burden on the rest of society.
Screw you....I got mine

Conservative mantra
its only wrong if I do something to prevent someone from working.
but your theory is to steal what I work for and give to a lazy POS that provides no service to society
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society....Oliver Wendell Holmes

Civilized societies take care of their sick
all people contribute in a Civilized society, so I see no problem in letting a few week links die off in order to make the whole stronger.
maybe the peasants should have considered this outcome when they were skipping school to smoke and sell weed.

Maybe the peasants lost their jobs and houses when the beloved too big to fails banks screwed up the economy. But who cares, they're just collateral damage in the holy free market anyway. Nothing should stand in the way of profits.

You keep digging deeper and deeper

Now it is wanting a swimming pool is the equivalent of wanting to live

Sure. They both require what the people want, don't they?

You're the one that said if you accept being an American, you must accept all the decisions We The People want. Or are you trying to avoid telling me that it only works for what YOU want and not all the people?

People want to live?

And you equate that to people want to swim?

Again you avoid the comparisons; I can't blame you.

What is modern healthcare? Modern healthcare is a way to cheat God out of days he didn't want to give you on this planet. It's not a necessity, it's an option. What did people do before we had modern medical technology? They died. That's it.

But because we have modern health technology now doesn't mean that somebody else should go to work and pay for it so you can live longer than you naturally should have.

And like I posted, if we think everybody should have free healthcare, then everybody should pay for free healthcare. It should be done so we all pay regardless of income.
I'm sorry, but I have to say it

That is one of the most callous ridiculous posts I have read in months

What is modern healthcare? Modern healthcare is a way to cheat God out of days he didn't want to give you on this planet. It's not a necessity, it's an option. What did people do before we had modern medical technology? They died. That's it.

You actually want to tell someone suffering from cancer or heart disease ....too bad for you, 20 years ago you would have been dead....suck it up because I sure don't want to help you

It's not an issue of not wanting to help, it's an issue about being forced to help.

If you see an old lady struggling to empty her shopping cart into the trunk of her car, helping her would be the civil and compassionate thing to do, but you shouldn't be arrested if you don't.

If you see a man in a wheelchair who can't lift his wheels over the curb, a compassionate thing to do would be to help him onto the sidewalk, but there should be no law stating it's your obligation.

I'm a sick man myself. I could actually get disability if I ever lost my integrity. But I pay for my own medication which is over $200.00 a month. Thanks to Obama, I lost my company healthcare plan as well. But that still doesn't mean I should expect my neighbor to pay for my disadvantages in life. If it ever gets to the point I can no longer afford medication, then I die. That's it. We don't always like God's plans.
I grow tired of your whimpering.....I am "forced" to help others pay for their healthcare

We are Americans......we take care of our less fortunate

Complaining about having to pay to take care of the sick is not what we do
Government is too corrupt to handle medical care. There always has to be ulterior motives. Commie Care was not about making sure everybody had insurance, Commie Care was designed to make as many government dependents as possible. Congrats, it worked. According to the White House, we created 14 million more government dependents thanks to Commie Care, and the government will be canceling income tax refund checks (or greatly reducing) to millions of Americans who desperately need their own money back.

Right, healthcare should be provided by the holy free market, that's always the best solution

Except if you're poor of course, then you should just die



Of get a job.
So it appears that Patriots support allowing poor people to die

Some Patriot
I support their right to buy health insurance and leave me my money to take care of my own family.
By doing this, I or my family does not become a burden on the rest of society.
Screw you....I got mine

Conservative mantra
its only wrong if I do something to prevent someone from working.
but your theory is to steal what I work for and give to a lazy POS that provides no service to society
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society....Oliver Wendell Holmes

Civilized societies take care of their sick
all people contribute in a Civilized society, so I see no problem in letting a few week links die off in order to make the whole stronger.
Troll posts are not even worth responding to
maybe the peasants should have considered this outcome when they were skipping school to smoke and sell weed.

Maybe the peasants lost their jobs and houses when the beloved too big to fails banks screwed up the economy. But who cares, they're just collateral damage in the holy free market anyway. Nothing should stand in the way of profits.

or, maybe they lost their homes, then their jobs when the taxes on their earned income became too high for them to pay and meet their financial obligations at the same time. And since the government steals from your check instead of letting you send in what they want, there is no way to get around it.
Do you think that the callous and selfish attitude by some on here could be linked to your appalling murder rates ?

Life seems to be cheap.
Working for minimum wage is an option for most people. Plenty of work out there that we can't get Americans to do. In my industry alone, we are going to need over 60,000 new drivers that companies can't find. They are hiring foreigners to take the jobs because Americans are sitting home in front of their big-screen talking on their Obama phone.

Eh, they are hiring foreigners because they refuse to pay americans a decent wage and illegals aren't in a position to make "unreasonable" demands of their corporate overlords.

Do you think that the callous and selfish attitude by some on here could be linked to your appalling murder rates ?

Life seems to be cheap.
the majority of the murders in this country are done in the inner cities by the same worthless scum that we are being asked to give care to.
Which brings to point, why should I pay for some POS to get patched up after he gets shot in a drive by because he pissed someone off with a bad drug deal
Working for minimum wage is an option for most people. Plenty of work out there that we can't get Americans to do. In my industry alone, we are going to need over 60,000 new drivers that companies can't find. They are hiring foreigners to take the jobs because Americans are sitting home in front of their big-screen talking on their Obama phone.

Eh, they are hiring foreigners because they refuse to pay americans a decent wage and illegals aren't in a position to make "unreasonable" demands of their corporate overlords.

dont worry, once Donald gets rid of the filthy little illegals, the corporations are going to have to start paying fair wage in order to attract the best of the Citizens out there.
Do you think that the callous and selfish attitude by some on here could be linked to your appalling murder rates ?

Life seems to be cheap.
the majority of the murders in this country are done in the inner cities by the same worthless scum that we are being asked to give care to.
Which brings to point, why should I pay for some POS to get patched up after he gets shot in a drive by because he pissed someone off with a bad drug deal
Priceless. Your humanity shines through like a beacon in the darkness.
Do you think that the callous and selfish attitude by some on here could be linked to your appalling murder rates ?

Life seems to be cheap.
the majority of the murders in this country are done in the inner cities by the same worthless scum that we are being asked to give care to.
Which brings to point, why should I pay for some POS to get patched up after he gets shot in a drive by because he pissed someone off with a bad drug deal
Priceless. Your humanity shines through like a beacon in the darkness.
Thank you.
not many would recognize the service provided to the community by letting these people die instead of patching them up and sending them back out to kill someone else.

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