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No One Has a Right to Health Care

Apparently Frankofuckwad thinks all one million four hundred seventy thousand patients that lost coverage were from Texas.

He ain't too bright
All the ones in the article are in obstructionist red states. So are all the old scam policies where people whine about the price rises...HELLO?

The Affordable Care Act requires every state to offer an exchange to its residents. States have a few options:

  • A state can choose to create and run its own exchange.
  • If a state decides not to run its own exchange, residents of that state can shop on an exchange that will be run by the federal government.
  • Or a state can partner with the federal government. In a partnership model, the state and federal government share responsibility for operating that state’s exchange.
No matter what each state decides to do, an exchange is available to residents in every state.
Nice. But nothing to do with anything...

So, have you figured out yet that the price rises are in red states, because they allowed cheap scam policies? When you do, you can figure out that the problems in your link are in red states too. Shocking.
Apparently Frankofuckwad thinks all one million four hundred seventy thousand patients that lost coverage were from Texas.

He ain't too bright
All the ones in the article are in obstructionist red states. So are all the old scam policies where people whine about the price rises...HELLO?

The Affordable Care Act requires every state to offer an exchange to its residents. States have a few options:

  • A state can choose to create and run its own exchange.
  • If a state decides not to run its own exchange, residents of that state can shop on an exchange that will be run by the federal government.
  • Or a state can partner with the federal government. In a partnership model, the state and federal government share responsibility for operating that state’s exchange.
No matter what each state decides to do, an exchange is available to residents in every state.
Nice. But nothing to do with anything...

So, have you figured out yet that the price rises are in red states, because they allowed cheap scam policies? When you do, you can figure out that the problems in your link are in red states too. Shocking.
Here you go important information for you dupes thinking you won't get rate hikes in blue states :)

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This should be of particular interest

"according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Tax credits are determined based on household income (on a sliding scale) and the premium for the benchmark plan. The numbers for 2016 rate increases are calculated before tax credits are considered. “Tax credits are good, but I don’t know how long we can sustain them,” said Snyder. “It’s a lot of money.” - See more at: http://www.elizabethton.com/2015/


Btw. Tax credits = subsidies
Less than they did BEFORE O-Care. It takes time for transparent competition and new regulation COMING to bring down the old GOP scam costs. Especially with mindless GOP obstruction and fear mongering.
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Constitution says NOTHING about government mandated health care.

The Constitution ALSO says NOTHING that limits a sitting president from filling a Supreme Court vacancy.

Since when do Republicans give a fuck about the Constitution?
No One Has a Right to Health Care
by Jacob G. Hornberger February 3, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that everyone has a right to health care. Unfortunately, none of his presidential opponents, Democrat or Republican, is going to challenge him on the point. They’re too scared that they’d lose votes by challenging a standard socialist shibboleth in America.

Sanders’ assertion only goes to show how American socialists (i.e., progressives) have warped and perverted the concept of rights within the minds of the American people. The fact is that no one has a right to health care any more than he has a right to a home, a car, food, spouse, or anything else.

The correct concept of rights was enunciated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, the document that Americans ironically celebrate every Fourth of July. Jefferson observed that people have been endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Constitution says NOTHING about government mandated health care.

The Constitution ALSO says NOTHING that limits a sitting president from filling a Supreme Court vacancy.

Since when do Republicans give a fuck about the Constitution?

That's right...and via the 10th amendment you should know what that means.
Less than they did BEFORE O-Care. It takes time for transparent competition and new regulation COMING to bring down the old GOP scam costs. Especially with mindless GOP obstruction and fear mongering.
See 10% increases in Medicaid/Medicare across all states for 2016.

2015-06-01 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
That's Medicare Advantage, which is for the richer among us, and which Obama and Dems wanted to end. 10% is less than the average rise under W.
Less than they did BEFORE O-Care. It takes time for transparent competition and new regulation COMING to bring down the old GOP scam costs. Especially with mindless GOP obstruction and fear mongering.
See 10% increases in Medicaid/Medicare across all states for 2016.

2015-06-01 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
That's Medicare Advantage, which is for the richer among us, and which Obama and Dems wanted to end. 10% is less than the average rise under W.
Clearly increases do happen across the board yearly.

You consider the advantage plans for the rich? Really?

You are a dumbass.

Apparently in libland poor cancer patients are to go with out drugs because they are for the rich.
Less than they did BEFORE O-Care. It takes time for transparent competition and new regulation COMING to bring down the old GOP scam costs. Especially with mindless GOP obstruction and fear mongering.
See 10% increases in Medicaid/Medicare across all states for 2016.

2015-06-01 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
That's Medicare Advantage, which is for the richer among us, and which Obama and Dems wanted to end. 10% is less than the average rise under W.
Clearly increases do happen across the board yearly.

You consider the advantage plans for the rich? Really?

You are a dumbass.
The richer among us I said, dingbat. lol. To say it was Medicaid and Medicare as you did, if I were you, I would call you a LIAR. But I'll just call you mistaken and misinformed, AGAIN.
Less than they did BEFORE O-Care. It takes time for transparent competition and new regulation COMING to bring down the old GOP scam costs. Especially with mindless GOP obstruction and fear mongering.
See 10% increases in Medicaid/Medicare across all states for 2016.

2015-06-01 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
That's Medicare Advantage, which is for the richer among us, and which Obama and Dems wanted to end. 10% is less than the average rise under W.
Clearly increases do happen across the board yearly.

You consider the advantage plans for the rich? Really?

You are a dumbass.
The richer among us I said, dingbat. lol. To say it was Medicaid and Medicare as you did, if I were you, I would call you a LIAR. But I'll just call you mistaken and misinformed, AGAIN.

The" richer " that can qualify for subsidies via the exchange based on low income status?

So... The supplemental plans for Medicaid and Medicare aren't really Medicaid and Medicare related? Even though they are dictated by Medicare and Medicaid rules ?
We aren't talking about the good old days moron. We are talking about we taxpayers footing the bills for those who can't or won't take care of themselves.

We are talking about one group of people, i.e. the taxpayers, being forced to bankroll another group of people i.e. the Freeloaders.
. Ok you used the word CAN'T take care of themselves also, so if a poor child or person can't take care of themselves by no fault of their own, then what maybe they should DIE in your mind ? Everybody is not freeloaders in life, but to hear some speak here, seems to suggest that anyone who needs help of any kind, and the government has the blessing of the people to help them, then they are villans if they do?

Let me make it very clear.

I could give a shit.

These people are not my responsibility and yet people like you want to MAKE them every ones responsibility. Its not my duty to pay for anything for anybody.

If you and those like you want to pay for these people then pay away. Believe me. They will take every damned dime from you that they can and look for more. Its just to damned bad the rest of us are forced to provide for these freeloaders.
. Is everyone free loaders in your thinking ?

Anyone who uses tax dollars to pay their bills, get healthcare, buy food and pay the rent is a freeloader in my book.

They need to get off their dead asses and get two or three jobs. I've done that and never taken a dime of tax payer money. Ever. If I can do it every swinging dick and pair of boobs in America can do it.

The only people I don't put in that category are those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped and have no family.

If they have family then they are the responsibility of that family. Not the taxpayers of America.
. Two or three jobs eh ? In some poverty stricken ares people might be lucky to find a job, and when they do it doesn't pay enough to have them live totally independent from some form of government assistance. Now how about billion dollar companies that were found to be paying their workers such low wages, that they were actually helping the workers understand how to sign up for government assistance or subsidies to off set their lack of an independent promoting living wage, even if the person or persons had been there working beyond the minimum wage trial periods.

Well then you move your ass to where the jobs are dumbass. That's what I did.

You and people like you amaze me. You are always ready to volunteer people to take care of those that can't or won't take care of themselves. We voluteers are supposed to be happy to oblige.

I worked for everything I have and have never taken a dime of taxpayer money. If I can do it then every swinging dick and pair of boobs out there can do it. All they need is the willingness to do so.

Grow a braimn.
Near as I can tell....it's still not a right.
Not for the poor in red states, but for people with pre-existing, and everyone else, YUP. It's not ACA's fault that it will take time for competition and regulation to bring down costs of the old, corrupt GOP "system".

Oh, Commie Care is the Republicans fault again, huh?

Well......at least you didn't say it was Reagan's fault which is what you usually say.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."
Ray from Cleveland
Moral of story: Don't cancel your policy, and don't listen to a-hole GOPers...from your link:

"When people get that bill for a full-price plan, they panic and they cancel the insurance," said Elizabeth Colvin of Foundation Communities, an Austin nonprofit that serves low-income people. Some worry the problem could undermine the law's insurance markets, now in their third year.

"These problems can grow, and they can contribute to undermining consumer faith in the system, and that could lead to attrition," said Rachel Klein of Families USA, an advocacy group that supports the health law.

Pressured by a Republican-led Congress hostile to Obama's overhaul, the administration is highly sensitive to criticism that some people may be getting benefits they're not legally entitled to. But Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell recently acknowledged the paperwork tangle is more likely to trap the innocent than fraudsters.

Would help if the GOP would allow an immigration bill instead of using it as a wedge issue...great job!!
why do we need another immigration bill? Its already in the constitution and there are already laws. How about they get followed first, then once this current invasion is reversed, then, and only then should something be looked at to make our borders stronger.
Because we have 11 million illegals, they work, pay taxes, and own homes, and a fence is stupid and won't work. Only a good SS/ID card will, dupes. Pubs love cheap, easily bullied labor, and distract the dupes with wall bs and laws that only harass illegals. Ay caramba.

And Democrats are selling out America for votes while at the same time, allowing our wages to remain stagnant because of these illegals. Then when Americans fall on hard times, they blame the Republicans and the rich people instead of themselves.
BS, dupe. Dems have been trying to get a good SS/ID card forever. And to get higher wages...Blaming them for this mess is amazing big lie stuff...

Higher wages only happens when unions threaten companies to overpay workers, government increases the minimum wage which is a tax on everybody, or supply and demand. The latter the most natural way for wages to increase.

Too much supply and not enough demand, prices lower. Too little supply and high demand, prices increase.

As long as Democrats keep bringing in these foreigners, there will never be a situation of too little supply, because we have an endless supply right on that southern border.

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