‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years

I retired at 62 but didn't start taking Social Security until I became fully eligible at 66. Back when I was working those paychecks where no Social Security was taken out reminded me of how regressive the tax is. I thought they should do away with the upper limit on how much of an annual wage is taxed. That's the first step I thought they should make.
Benefits payout is based on what you put in. Your highest 35 yrs earnings Is averaged.

the scam draining the funds may be in the SSD pay to all the phony bad back city thugs, dopers and illegals getting SSD who never worked a day in the US. Nearly $3K per month at high end.
When Ben gets a job he can then have an opinion on how long others work.
I retired at 62 but didn't start taking Social Security until I became fully eligible at 66. Back when I was working those paychecks where no Social Security was taken out reminded me of how regressive the tax is. I thought they should do away with the upper limit on how much of an annual wage is taxed. That's the first step I thought they should make.
Its 6% you, 6% employer. High earners are capped at payback time. If they put in more you want to oay them more? You want to give ?1K/mo to a CEO if you kept taking out SS up to millions per year?
Like it or not, he's right.
It obviously is a huge political football, but going forward this country will be forced to make adjustments to the age for full benefits.
Right now, I would change it from 67 to 69, and every three years going forward, I would increase it by one year until the age of 75. Then, reevaluate every two years and make adjustments if necessary.

‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years — and those who expect that are ‘crazy’​

like it or not, the fact that lawyers are living longer is of little benefit to a coal miner..

any congresscritter voting to raise the age should be required to take a manual job when they reach 65.

shapiro is a spoiled child who probably never worked a day in his life.
It's a Ponzi Scheme.
It is nothing like a Ponzi scheme.
At all.
That is what the uneducated, simple minded say.
Ponzi Schemes pay CURRENT investors from funds received from newer investors. Right away.
And the longer you are an "older" investor, the more you make.
In every Ponzi scheme, a very few at the top receive the overwhelming amount of total invested.
Thus, why it is also referred to as a pyramid scheme.

That is not what happens in SS. At all. Not even close.
Originally I thought I would punch out at 62. But with the egregiously high cost of healthcare insurance, that is not possible. If it wasn't for that, we could retire at 62 with no problem.
With Health insurance for 2 people costing around $1,700/mo... it would eat into our savings rapidly.
That is what keeps most people working until they're 65, and this is likely by design.
like it or not, the fact that lawyers are living longer is of little benefit to a coal miner..

any congresscritter voting to raise the age should be required to take a manual job when they reach 65.

shapiro is a spoiled child who probably never worked a day in his life.
There are many ways to work without having a job. I ran my own business for almost 20 years, and in the early years especially when I could not afford to hire help, worked from 8 am to 11 pm.
Like it or not, he's right.
It obviously is a huge political football, but going forward this country will be forced to make adjustments to the age for full benefits.
Right now, I would change it from 67 to 69, and every three years going forward, I would increase it by one year until the age of 75. Then, reevaluate every two years and make adjustments if necessary.

‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years — and those who expect that are ‘crazy’​

No he isn't right.

Why did people used to retire at 65? Because they were getting old. They couldn't see as well, couldn't hear as well, started having health issues, had decreased stamina and everything else that goes along with getting old.

Ok, so yes we are living longer, but our youth isn't being extended, our old age is being extended. It isn't like now a 65 year old is equal to a 50 year old from 60 years ago. We're having prolonged periods of being elderly.

It's easy for Shapiro and you and others to say this because you're still young. It's easy when the horizon is so far off but when the day comes and you're old and you'll change your tune. Me? I'm only 48, but I still live in reality and am able to look ahead and know I need to consider things beyond my own narrow scope.

The answer is easy. If social security isn't setup to work then it needs to be retooled. And the answer isn't just "work longer old man".
Like it or not, he's right.
It obviously is a huge political football, but going forward this country will be forced to make adjustments to the age for full benefits.
Right now, I would change it from 67 to 69, and every three years going forward, I would increase it by one year until the age of 75. Then, reevaluate every two years and make adjustments if necessary.

‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years — and those who expect that are ‘crazy’​

He’s a liar and a con artist.

The life expectancy isn’t any higher today than it was a hundred years ago. Average life span was heavy skewed by infant mortality rates back then. If babies made it last that, they lived to the same age if not longer than old people make it today. If anything our elderly today are way more sick and unhealthy in their old age because of the lifetime of GMO poisoning Americans get now.
Conspiracy theory alert!

You must've been one to back Perot and the Family Paul. :abgg2q.jpg:
Rodd Perot was not against Social Security.
He was the only one who told the truth back in 1992.
Bush Sr. said there was a surplus (there was) that would carry SS well into the future.
Perot said that is true, but the government is not keeping the surplus, or investing it. They are spending it like it is candy. And that is exactly what happened. And, almost exactly like he stated in 1992 - SS will be insolvent by 2036. That is what he projected 32 years ago, and he was precisely right.
Like it or not - he is dead wrong.
And if Ben Shapiro was 64 years old and actually worked for a living, he would never say this.
Pretty easy to say for a 40 year old multi-millionaire who makes a living talking.
Government loves to break its promises. If the government is losing money on this promise it is because THEY mismanaged the fund, not me and you
1K/mo to a CEO if you kept taking out SS up to millions per year?
The CEO doesn't get that money as all collections are turn over to the government. Plus, if they do change things, they can always keep the cap on what the company contributes.

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