‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years

Like it or not, he's right.
It obviously is a huge political football, but going forward this country will be forced to make adjustments to the age for full benefits.
Right now, I would change it from 67 to 69, and every three years going forward, I would increase it by one year until the age of 75. Then, reevaluate every two years and make adjustments if necessary.

‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years — and those who expect that are ‘crazy’​

If you want to retire at 65, that is your business and your right. The promise of Social Security and retiring has been there long before Ben Shapiro's father was a little wiggly sperm swimming around looking for a home. :)
If you've paid into it your whole life (let's say 40 working years), then it is your right to be able to pull that money back out for the remainder of your existence on this planet.

1) Remove the wage base limit.
2) Reinstate the tax on earners above $400K (has that been done yet?)

You'd solve 75% of your financing problems right there.
You had to enter the last sentence. Too bad. You could possibly and probably get people to listen to you if you could stop coming across as a loon. Oh wait!

never mind=
Your own ignorance doesn't preclude my experiences.

History has shown the consequences of those who turn their head, cover their eyes and plug their ears in the face of evil.
SS was not designed to provide for people who have not paid into it. There are far too many who have made little to no contributions that are drawing from the fund. Two members of my family paid into that fund. One for 30 years and the other for 35 years before their early deaths. Neither collected a dime.
Shapiro never complains about Israel getting too much welfare from the US, but the goyim are collecting too much money.
Like it or not, he's right.
It obviously is a huge political football, but going forward this country will be forced to make adjustments to the age for full benefits.
Right now, I would change it from 67 to 69, and every three years going forward, I would increase it by one year until the age of 75. Then, reevaluate every two years and make adjustments if necessary.

‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years — and those who expect that are ‘crazy’​

Like it or not - he is dead wrong.
And if Ben Shapiro was 64 years old and actually worked for a living, he would never say this.
Pretty easy to say for a 40 year old multi-millionaire who makes a living talking.
I began collecting at age 63.
But your award was reduced to take into account the early retirement--to the tune of 1/2 of a percent per month that you retired early. So if you retired on your 63rd birthday, you received 12% less in benefits.
He is a fucking idiot and it is not his place to tell me when I should be retired.

If you want to work till you drop over dead, knock yourself out.
Most people retire because they are forced to, or just don't really like their jobs, or are just tired of working period. Many love their jobs and prolong retirement, and some never retire. Most all however are decided by whether they can afford to retire.
Like it or not - he is dead wrong.
And if Ben Shapiro was 64 years old and actually worked for a living, he would never say this.
Pretty easy to say for a 40 year old multi-millionaire who makes a living talking.

Some people work to live, others live to work

Most actually look forward to weekends, hate working late and look forward to retirement.

People who have lives outside of work
But your award was reduced to take into account the early retirement--to the tune of 1/2 of a percent per month that you retired early. So if you retired on your 63rd birthday, you received 12% less in benefits.
Yes, but if he invested wisely (and doesn’t live beyond the average), it could have been a smart move.
They bumped Canadas retirement rate way up to 71.

I accept this as our life expectancy is far higher today than when this was first determined.

In the end though, unless Canada has a free economy and accountability for our Police State, none of this matters.
In the USA for a man, the average life expectancy is 76 years old.... I don't know where Shapiro is getting 85, 20 years past 65, as the years the average person on SS lives to???

The average life expectancy for a black male is 67 is what I just read? Wow, they get shorted on SS benefits!!!
But your award was reduced to take into account the early retirement--to the tune of 1/2 of a percent per month that you retired early. So if you retired on your 63rd birthday, you received 12% less in benefits.

If what he took was invested, or kept him from touching other investment it is easy to still come out ahead. Especially when you add in inflation,
Some people work to live, others live to work

Most actually look forward to weekends, hate working late and look forward to retirement.

People who have lives outside of work
I have only been unemployed for one month since I was 12 years old. (I had a paper route)
Working now for 47 years. I have 5 more to go, meaning I will have worked 52 years.
That is long enough.
If the Bedenistas get their way and open social security and disability benefits to illegal aliens
Paye'd into SS starting as a teen. At age 60 forced to retire I can no longer work due to health problems caused by working.
I want my money so I can live a decent life along with my pension from an employer I can do that. Leave my SS alone!

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